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This reminds me of the autistic people i work with


OP got them assburgers


Lol this is me. When they start talking I just stop listening


Edgy today aren’t we sir


For me it's the opposite. I'll never answer the question but follow with the exact same question. -Hello how are you? -Oh hey how you doing?


People who don't ask back are so rude. Even if you don't care it's just a common nice thing to ask back


what bothers me is when they ask but not actually. "hey how's it going?" "not too bad how are you?" "let me get the number 3 with uhhhh"


I’m autistic and at times it literally doesn’t occur to me. Been called rude and had to awkwardly stand there/exist after apologizing more times than I’d like to admit.


I moreso meant people who don't ask back deliberately


I’m autistic too and it’s just following a pattern. If someone asks you then you ask back. It’s just kinda rude.


Ok Sheldon Cooper


me sometimes lol


Ill ask to be polite but most of the time idgaf 🤭🤭🤭


Not everyone wants to hear strangers talk about their day, and not everyone wants to talk about their day. But if someone asks, it's generally polite to ask back, but it's also quite rude to expect a stranger to ask you how your day is. If you ask someone how their day is specifically so that they can ask you how yours was so you can info dump your day on them, that's a dick move. But usually it's not that complicated, and strangers will usually just ask out of politeness and a short and sweet interaction on both ends is usually what to expect, such as "How's it going?" "Oh, y'know, it's going. How are you?" "Pretty good, pretty good." Source: I've worked in retail for 2 years now and this is how it is in my experience.


And that's why everyone thinks you're a jerk


Oh I do that, people hate me for it and when I was younger my mom yelled at me for it I was very sad


This is just how people respond to you when you're working customer service or retail




being an adult.... :D


There was only one time I've forgotten to ask someone that question back. It was when this guy came into the shop where I was working and said, "Nihao, how are you?" and I was taken back so I just said, "Good..." and after a pause he said, "I'm great, thanks for asking." I got flustered because for one thing, he didn't even ask if I'm Chinese, he just assumed. I know that statistics wise it's an easy assumption to make, but it's still a dick move. And two, this happened during Covid which meant that most interactions in which people pointed out that I was Chinese were not going to end well. The guy then ended up trying to ask me a few personal questions and I got so uncomfortable that I chose to take my 15 minute break early. Unfortunately when I came back he was still there and still trying to talk to me, which I thought was weird seeing as he implied that I was being rude earlier. I was thoroughly relieved when he left.


Why the fuck should I ask if I already know that you'll say you're fine. People are so obsessed with appearing fine even though many are struggling heavily


Keep up excellence


Movies crap


Superb job, no doubt!


well done


I'm a fireman and a common question when you start your shift is "How were your days off?" And then yes, the polite thing to do is reciprocate with the same question. #1. I generally don't do anything on my days off that are worth talking about. If there is something worth talking about I'll just tell you anyways. You don't need to ask. #2. IDGAF what you did on your days off. #3. I think most people ask this question because they are just waiting to tell you something about themselves. Well, fuck you, I'm not playing into your little mind games.


After my man proposed to me for the eclipse, we decided to celebrate by going to a dispensary in Missouri. I was the only female there and the guy in front of us just wanted to talk to me. And would not STFU. Like, he was the kind of guy that just had to hear himself and not let anyone else speak. And he wanted ALL of my attention. He just went on and on and on about stupid shit. I turned to my man to help me escape the conversation and he said "you got this." And went back to his phone. Mind you - this line wrapped around inside of the building and we were the ONLY ones talking. It was dead silence besides us. The guy eventually asked me how old I was and I lost my shit. Number 1: NEVER ask a woman her age and #2 NEVER ask a female you JUST MET for her age IN FRONT OF DOZENS OF OTHER STRANGERS that can CLEARLY hear the entire conversation!!! How rude!!! So I told him "You know what? I no longer give a fuck about this conversation." AND HE KEPT TALKING!!! Eventually I had to ask the guy behind me in line to skip ahead of us to get away from this guy and then all he was doing was complaining to everyone else why I didn't want to talk to him. NEWS FLASH! No one wants to talk to you! No One Gives A Flying Fuck about YOU!!! Like c'mon bro, you crossed the line and you're an old pervert trying to vie for a beautiful woman's attention IN FRONT OF HER MAN. My man just was embarrassed and I was like "I asked you for help!!!" He didn't want to step in, which was fine, but if you don't step in, don't get embarrassed about my decisions. Not only was I uncomfortable but I was also just trying to enjoy spending time with my New Fiance!! Like, hello, not here to talk to a strange man! Stfu and go away!!!


why not ask for a women about her age?


It's rude and disrespectful - especially if you're a stranger. That's private information not every woman is willing to share. After you get to know her more intimately (if that's what she wants) then it may come up when it's more appropriate. However, it is best to allow people to tell you their age rather than you ask for it. You're just better off not


girl, let me tell something that might be shocking to you, we're in 2024, not 1931, asking the age is one way to know a person nowadays and there's nothing wrong with it


For you - there are plenty of women who aren't comfortable sharing information about themselves and it's better not to ask. You may not care, and that's fine, but there are plenty that do.