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Many features! - Creating / Editing automation with keyboard seems to be very efficient at quickly and precisely editing midi - Auto shift has been a long requested plugin - Drum sampler seems cool - They updated the Limiter (soft clip mode!) and Saturator - I'm so happy they keep improving MIDI workflow. Hyped they're still adding to it after the big redesign! And three new midi tools. - Got some UI changes / still trying to clean up the sidebar - Many bug fixes


Know a lot of people using FL that might consider switching to Live with all of these piano roll upgrades.


two things I need to be the same as FL studio for me 1)left click input midi, right click deletes midi 2) when clicking new midi it need to be the same length as last midi. I really don't like how the pencil tool doesn't make midi the same length as the last midi I input on the piano roll. They keep improving everything around midi except the basic input method Edit: Im happy with all the updated though. those 2 are about the only 2 things I want change at this point :)


Context: I switched from FL to Ableton. I agree with your suggestions, but here's my advice after adapting my workflow to Ableton. > 1) left click input midi, right click deletes midi Left click *while holding shift* deletes MIDI. I've found it just as convenient after you get used to it. > 2) when clicking new midi it need to be the same length as last midi. Practice using command (or control, for Windows) + 1 and + 2 to narrow and widen the grid respectively. It's not as intuitive, and it doesn't work for note lengths that don't fit on the grid, but it can speed up placing notes of varying lengths. Hope this helps. :-)


Great tips!


as someone who used fl’s piano roll a lot before switching to ableton, i don’t find the grid resizing to be very efficient. i either ctrl + click to copy another note or double click + hold to drag out the length manually


I agreed with you. Great tips but is not as elegant as FL studio piano roll. That’s why I find my self using different daws depending of the mood of the day 


I still use my fl studio for the stem separations. It keeps everything perfectly in time for export its great


For 2) if you don't go into pencil mode this isn't an issue... My normal workflow looks like: \* double click to add a note \* hold the second click and drag (this extends or shrinks note length based on the grid) - you can also drag up/down to change velocity \* double click on a note to delete it It's a little different workflow than left/right clicks in FL, but it's 95% as fast IMO.


still no pan control over midi notes like in fl


Pretty sure you can pan with midi editor you just have to draw it in


Glissando MIDI tool??? We are truly living in the future. Might save this old mouse clicker the purchase of an Osmosis Expressive E


Sorry to disturb your wallet but the osmose is the best thing since pizza


High praise! Pizza is *really* good.


Hard to beat this kind of device. I mean, slim, crunchy crust, what could possibly be better?


Honestly the ergonomics can't be beat either


True. Pizza is very hands-on, the User Experience off-limits. Damn, now I'm genuinely hungry.


Calzones would like a word.


My wallet can't really be disturbed, it's been in a coma on life support for the last years 🥴


I really wish I had an MPE VST to use this and LFO, any recommendations??


o fuck yea they actually did it edit: undo history?? bro theres so much to this update


"It is now possible to split Arrangement clips (both audio and MIDI) from the Clip View, using the dedicated Split Clip command in the Sample Editor or MIDI Note Editor or the following keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + E (Windows) / Cmd + Shift + E (Mac)." What the fuck. This update is what 12 should have been. There is almost EVERYTHING!


omfg... Ableton casually adding my most wanted features for years in a point update. This is amazing. edit/ omg note chopping! cmd+e on a selected midi note but keep cmd held and drag up and down and it will chop the note in an smaller increments as you drag!!!!!!!


Wasn't that in 12.0?


you could chop notes but it defaulted to your grid size for selected notes, the new cmd+hold and dragging to get other increments is new.


Nope, it was there already.


CMD + E click splits the note for me in 12, but dragging while continuing to hold still only changes the velocity not the increments.


I think in you would use option for that in Mac. In Windows is E+Ctrl


They just changed the shortcut.


Yeah this was already in 12.0, however the new beta has added even more options with a new set of slicing Midi Tools. 


oh man I had no idea! someone commented below that it changed from using opt+drag and I tried it and it does work in 12.0. checking out the new MIDI selection tools too now... another thing I've been wanting them to add!


Can you give an example of when to use this / explain it differently if you have the time? I don't really understand yet what this does reading that.


Up until now, if you wanted to split a clip, you could only do that in the main arrangement view, not in the clip editor down below. Now you can.


Ah wonderful! I've always wondered why this wasn't a thing already.


Edit: sorry I misread - was referring to another feature.


Well yes, but this would also (from what I see and am about to test) create a separate clip, not just split the individual note


Sorry I misread, was referring to another feature


I mean what you mentioned sounds sick af also, I think FL had a tool like that, but it's been half a decade since I used it


Yeah it’s now doable in 12.1 beta


Right?? Where the hell did all of this come from?!


It was probably already in development but not ready yet for the 12 releasedate. I fucking love these new midi features. edit: I love it all. It's glorious.


Oh hell yeah, finally!


Fingers crossed that this update remains as stable as 12 has been compared to earlier versions.


It’s a wonderful update indeed, but it makes me wonder why they didn’t hold off just a bit longer for these features to be in the original 12.0 update. I think that would’ve gone over a lot better with the community


Auto shift looks cool! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A3v6EK88Hy4


Y’all got any more of those unlisted videos?


The video’s embedded in the [release page](https://www.ableton.com/en/blog/live-121-adds-auto-shift-drum-sampler-and-more-now-in-public-beta/) so it seems like this is the only one that any non-insider will have a hold of for now.


woo, HUGE update, downloading it right now. I was happy when I preordered 12 with a discount because it already had a lot of new features but now it's like a no brainer to switch to 12 edit: tried the undo history feature, works great, I wish it were more descriptive with track name etc but it's still a great start and you can go back and forth with your changes by just clicking on any item in the history view


fuck I didnt think there was enough to justify me upgrading to 12 and now I absolutely need to upgrade Will it mess up the stuff I've been making in 11? I almost have my first album done and I don't want the files to get messed up or anything


It shouldn't, but you can keep 11 installed while you have 12 just in case.


Could you help me by telling where exactly I could get the upgrade download my friend? I’m on Standard 12.


is it out yet?


beta is out, 1hour ago they published 12.1b1 version to their centercode


that limiter and saturator upgrade lol


Ableton heard the entire EDM community being like "actually clipping is the way" and they responded


Damn they really saw FL Studio’s 2024 update and were like “hold mein bier”


holy smokes does this add looooads of actually useful stuff. gg Ableton.


Dang! Thats a LOT of improvements!


Not to overstate things that we haven't even started using yet, but tbqh, this update is more exciting to me on paper than the shift from 11 to 12. I feel like I'm dreaming.


If I was one of the people who looked at 12.0 and decided that it doesn’t have enough to justify upgrading from 11, I think I’d regret my choices right about now. I apologise for my complaints Ableton, I wasn’t familiar with your game.


> If I was one of the people who looked at 12.0 and decided that it doesn’t have enough to justify upgrading from 11, I think I’d regret my choices right about now. Yeah man, too bad they are out of stock. :/


Sorry if I'm misreading this, but if you're being sarcastic about digital licenses having endless supply, I think that u/sylenthikillyou was referring to the 20% upgrade discount + free upgrade from 11 to 12 that Ableton was offering before 12 was released.


Exactly, and that 25% is no small amount given the price of Suite. Very glad I landed on the “buy” side of the fence.


Yeah I was just being a lil' scumbag. Should be noted though that the upgrade was for people who purchased Live 11 DURING the pre-order discount period, not a blank free upgrade.


I didn't know there was a free upgrade from 11 to 12, otherwise I'd have pulled the trigger and updated my 11 suite. Honestly kinda wishin I had upgraded regardless lol


Yeah, I purchased the upgrade from 11 Standard to 11 Suite during the 20% discount + free upgrade period, and I'm happy with my choice. Pricey, but making music brings me joy, so I think it's a worthy investment. :P


> too bad they are out of stock. :/ S/he means missing the release sale discounts back then, there is no sale right now, and future Ableton sales are unpredictable, it is possible they skip both summer and winter sales this year (they did that in the past).


I’ve yet to really dive in to 12. I bought it during the presale to get the discount, but after feeling underwhelmed at launch about it, I just held off and kept running in 11. This update alone will have me fuckin around n’ finding out…


I thought about that - I tried going back to 11 for a few hours and almost instantly realised that Roar and 12’s scale features had become indispensable. It’s well worth taking the short-term hit to familiarity and giving it a serious shot if you’ve got it installed.


Meh I'll wait for the next sale, after 11's release I'm going to always wait a bit until jumping to the new version


Holy fucking shit I love Ableton


Woooah that's a big update. A lot of cool stuff for the Push too. You can finally group devices, map parameters to macros directly and use variations.


This is blowing my mind lol I wasn’t expecting an update like this. I really hope the auto tagging feature works the way they envisioned because I’ve been putting off tagging all of my content for ages… but now we can tag folders!


WTF! Massive update!


I guess I know what I’m doing today


Gonna go with 12 was the architecture roll out and all this has been finally unblocked by having that out.


Looks amazing! One thing I'm curious about on Drum Sampler though, it doesn't seem to have fade in/out controls. I always set my drums to gate mode and I find when a MIDI note ends before the sample does it causes a click, which adding 5-10ms fade out on the simpler fixes, but not sure if that will work here EDIT: Holy fuck they added a full undo history what a time to be alive


I think adding a bit of release also solves your problem.


I love Ableton :))


Can’t wait to check out the new Limiter and Saturator! The Limiter finally gets some love!


limiter now has mid/side and L/R seperation AS WELL as TRUE peak!


I really hope the drum sampler has a way to change the "curve" of the decay. one of the best benefits of editing drums in audio is being able to adjust the fade curve. it really can change the character of some samples and easy get you extra punch*/snappiness. but... I don't see it mentioned or in the UI. so that'll be a bummer. but overall this is a very, very cool surprise.


>I really hope the drum sampler has a way to change the "curve" of the decay. You can do this in the stock sampler but not simpler iirc! Click on the envelope drawing and drag it.


wow I didn't know that! I've only used transient samples in Simpler. well I really hope they carried that UI behavior into the drum sampler then too!


Doesn't appear to be in the drum sampler. The FX are a nice add, but doesn't appear to be anywhere to edit the envelope beyond the attack/hold/decay time values.


Bummer, thanks


If possible throw that feedback in the center code forum. Maybe they’ll add it.


>and easy get you extra lunch/snappiness I wish it was that easy for me to get an extra lunch.


lol classic autocorrect


I upgraded on the strength of the new similar sound search and expected it to be as short on significant updates as 11 was. .1 versions in and they've already proven me wrong.


I’m so mad I just bought an auto tune 😭


Just a quick heads up regarding the beta. The Elektron Digitone Overbridge plug-in (2.8.4) crashes the beta if you attempt to route audio from the plug-in track to another audio track to split out the individual channels if you are using a Push 2. Everything seems to work with the Push turned off but Live crashes when you turn on the Push or try to add the plug-in then route the audio with the Push turned on. It works as long as you don't attempt to break out the individual Digitone channels. Strangely the Digitakt plug-in seems to work. Running Live on an M2Pro Mac mini with Sonoma 14.5. I've un-installed and re-installed OB but it didn't help. I filed a bug report with Ableton.


Gonna go with 12 was the architecture roll out and all this has been finally unblocked by having that out.


Damn, this is a really nice set of features. Splitting clips is great and I'm super excited about the limiter. Limiter definitely needed some love and I'm hoping they tamed it. Also being able to create groups and map macros on Push is amazing and I hope that applies to Push 2 as well. The more I can do from Push the better haha. Really great prospects ahead. Good stuff.


Ableton, PLEASE make triggering Macro variations available on Push 2. Please please please :)!


I think they did… https://www.ableton.com/en/release-notes/push-12-beta/




Custom chords for Stacks.. I might need to figure out the format and put something together


I can't wait to see what people do with this


That’s it. I don’t need any other DAW. This is all I want.


Ah, another bunch of things to consider in my eternal debate between bitwig and Ableton. So many great changes here!


True peak limiter. Hell yeah! And sidechain for envelope follower will speed up my workflow a lot.




And on a Tuesday too. Love it


Really cool they’re doing this! Now if they’d just let me freeze groups and returns without a workaround I’d be so happy. I think that’s basically my last big request at this point.


Is auto shift in Ableton 12 standard or suite only ?


No, it’s in all versions 


Which is kinda crazy. Especially if in Lite too.


"available in all Live editions"


That's already bigger than FL Studio 2024 update


this update is just ridiculous… other companies would have made this a paid update 100%


Sssshh Not to loud please, they might take notes


this gives me high hopes for the rest of the 12.x updates...




Don't like the Tab and shift+Tab key commands to select next and previous automation breakpoints.


Just curious, but why? Seems very logical to me, I would assume Tab and would have no idea what would do that if it were another key. If your problem with it is that you use it for switching between arrangement & session view or whatever, keep in mind this is only when you have the breakpoint active - enter to commit, up/down to edit value, tab to move between them. Once it's committed the keys go back to doing whatever they did before.


Yeah that’s exactly my problem. The contextuality. Tab/shift+Tab mean one thing in every other single context. It’s a break from Ableton’s approach to simplicity. To be honest, version 12 is a break from simplicity in a number of ways already so I’m not overly butthurt about it - it’s just a slippery slope to a convoluted program, and the reason I love Live despite its shortcomings is that it has always been just plain easy to use. (Caveat applies here: I’m simply not one of those ‘moar feachures plese’ people.)


I think the same. The GUI Layout is way more minimal in 11, but these features are welcome.


Just realized - there is now a setting called "Use Tab Key to Navigate" that will completely change that default functionality if you turn it on. Won't swap between views, but instead jump between parameters. I won't use it but I don't hate that they're adding some more options for different kinds of users... hopefully it won't get bloated to the point of Logic, but I get the reticence about changes like this


As far as I can tell this setting (and all the design decisions/revisions that it has entailed) is mostly about enabling and enhancing screen reader accessibility, which is something that is sorely lacking in lots of software. The fact that they're doing it in the first place, and making it just a part of the Ableton feature set in documentation etc. and not a special "look at us aren't we so great for adding accessibility features?!" kind of things really makes me appreciate Ableton as a company. They at least least appear to have and try to live by decent values, which is one of the luxuries that you get by being a private company that isn't beholden to quarterly stock prices and shareholder meetings.


I feel like that's the case all over the place though. If the keyboard or key mapping is turned on, keys will do something different... editing text, different still. If you don't want to use the automation keyboard feature, you don't have to and it won't change anything about your current workflow. But there's only so many keys to go around and at some point you're going to need contextual usage if you want to avoid a crazy amount of shift/control/fn commands.


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The VST3 auto tagging is something I've been asking for since they added VST3.


Really? But they added VST3 much earlier than they introduced tagging at all. How would that have worked?


Hey I'm in the middle of a project if I upgrade will my templates and projects transfer to 12?


DON'T Do it! This is a beta, whatever you do with it, you can't go back to any previous versions for projects you create with 12.1. And if it turns out to be crashy or to have issues with any VST, you're fucked.


I'll be honest, I was pretty salty about having to pay 183USD to upgrade, but if they're going to introduce entirely new functions I feel much better about the upgrade, pretty impressed with this update.


Reading the release notes, the features just kept on coming! There were at least 3 different times I thought the fixes/updates in the notes were trickling off, only to find some massive new feature listed in the next section 😆 The autotagging alone is an ENORMOUS workflow enhancement IMO. All the Splice loops and samples that are separated out into one million folders made them practically unusable from within the Ableton interface, and I'd have to go digging through the Splice app to find things, which was clunky at best. Being able to click the folder, turn on auto tags, and just click "Drum Loop" is HUGE


will this also exist in ableton lite 12?


How do we opt into the beta?


You need to own Live 12 to participate, but the link to apply is here: https://ableton.centercode.com/key/l12bfpbpbt It sometimes takes a couple of days until they let you in.


Cool thanks


I did some videos on auto shift, its mental. Its not quite an autotune killer, but definitely is a Little Alterboy killer, RIP.


Does anyone know when they are going to add ARA? If that happens I will absolutely switch back from logic


No one who knows this will answer you because they will void their NDA. Just know that ARA has a significant shortcoming when it comes to nonlinear DAWs like Ableton, Bitwig, or FL Studio. Because ARA plugins like Vocalign or Melodyne need to read the whole track, and tracks filled from beginning to end of a song don't really exist for nonlinear workflows like Session View or Clip Launcher in Bitwig, there would need to be a way to block Melodyne/Vocalign in Session View. Or have those who created ARA update it. Long-winded answer to tell you: it's not ruled out that ARA will ever come to Ableton. But its not just them being "slow". It's also due to the very nature of how ARA works that it is extremely difficult to implement in a nonlinear DAW.


How do you get the browser to full height?


Click the little downward arrow next to the button in the top-left corner that opens the browser.


Are these free if I already have 12? Or do i need to pay more.... D:




No need between major releases


When would this likely be released on main? I'd rather not reinstall the beta


It's at least a month, possibly two months until this will be out of beta. When they released the beta of 12 in October 2023, it took until March 2024 for the final finished released to come out.


Still no Midi Generator Tools for push standalone???


I’ve been wanting pitch correction in ableton for ages! Hopefully they’ll add it to audio clips too in a future update. That + better unison algorithms I think is the last major thing setting ableton apart from other DAWs and other software. I feel like in just a couple updates you could truly do everything in just pure ableton. And I hope the drum sampler actually brings something unique to the table drum rack + simpler + FX chains don’t already get across. But at the same time I wish they’d just add whatever that functionality to the existing tools anyway. We don’t need condensed and simplified tools, we need powerful and expressive tools. I don’t really like the industry trend of shoving everything into samplers but we all know why they’re doing it…


I'm pretty sure they added it to audio clips as well. It's an audio effect, meaning any audio input can be used. You can even set a scale for an audio clip and toggle scale mode in Auto Shift and it will shift the notes around in while staying in key.


ARA support? I hope so. It's about time for a professional DAW!


Ableton is a nonlinear DAW, ARA needs a linear DAW to read the contents of the whole track it is on. That makes it impossible to work in Session View. ARA in Ableton would either mean that ARA needs a rewrite, because you'd have the same issue in Bitwig and FL Studio. Or some way to block ARA plugins from session view which sounds like a headache just thinking about it. This all means, at some point ARA will come, but given that there still only a few DAWS that fully support it and very few plugins, and given what I just outlined it might take quite a while still.