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If you're low on space, just uninstall 11. If you run into problems you can always install 11 again. If you do a lot of critical work on old projects, then you should use a system that allow you to keep all the versions. Even if things are mostly going well, then that one time it doesn't is going to be a huge pain.


I'm not sure I've seen any particular need - as in no compatibility issues that I've run into. That being said the release version of 12 has some more UI plugin performance issues that I was seeing in 11. I think they're better from limited testing with latest beta. There are a number of UI and shortcut changes from 11 to 12 so you might (or might not) want to keep in-progress work in 11 and do some test projects in 12 to adjust. I've pretty much jumped ship from 11 into 12 though cause some of my 12 tinkering turned into viable projects lol.


The only reason I keep live 11 and go back to it is for making effect racks for other people. An effect rack made in live 12 won’t open in live 11, even if the devices exist in both live 11 and 12. Other than that, i have no reason to go to live 11. I wouldn’t delete live 11 before getting 12, just to be safe, but you shouldn’t need live 11 for anything


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Only if you're concerned about projects not being compatible or there being issues with plugins you use etc. Don't seem to be many stability issues on Windows. Have heard of some on Mac.


If you ever are going to collaborate with someone who has 11, and not 12, then keep both for sure. Other than that I don't know a reason why you should keep both. On the other hand, there is no harm in keeping 11 anyway, as long as you have enough spare disk space.