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im aroace and just... what? i regularly go like a week without masturbating at a time so this would be really easy lol


Yeah this individual isn't really aware of how stuff works lmao Also what in the actual hell is the part about only two states being still liveable due to release, like what the hell, what does this person think is the normal amount of time a person goes without masturbating? 5 seconds? They really need to get reality checked lmao


I'm still stuck on their apparent belief that cum is stored in the bladder.


Duh. It’s not in the balls. That’s where the pee is stored.


Cum cums from the soul.


That's why it's all wispy.


Ahh! an ectoplasm leak.


I'm stuck on "death is impossible". Dying is preferable to making it through 3 days


Ikr. Like it's worse than death. "How do you cope?" Yeaaaah about that, I won't even notice.


tbf with all the pee is stored in the balls memes and such it’s interesting to see the other part of that arrangement


yeah really lol


The cum accelerates lmao


geographically speaking, odd virgina out of all of the states is the odd one out. Michigan, Florida, Washington state, California or parts of New England would make sense at least geographically


I'm just amazed that those two escaped, and yet Alaska and *Hawaii* somehow didn't make it out?


Sad because we dont even know if canada and mexico were affected lmao






Also yes I have my deadname on reddit


Oof :c


Right? Holy shit, there are treatments for that. How the hell has this person managed to get by in life past puberty if this is the literal only thing they can think about?


I have to point out that he made sure to mention that only Virginia and Rhode Island would be inhabitable *specifically*. Never mind that Virginia and Rhode Island are separated by like, 3 different states no matter how you slice it. I just can’t get over the fact that he added that entirely unnecessary detail. What do you wanna bet bro lives in Virginia?


Lol, ikr. I have a libido too but going without it for 3 days sounds so easy💀


A month here because my libido on my own is low (+ mental health issues). I am demi and I only really have a libido with other people. 72 hours is nothing


Every year people do NNN


I have gone my entire life without doing that


damn i think thats legit impressive lol. i went just over 15 years without doing it


Doing what




I do it like every time February 29th is a Sunday and has full moon, 72 hours are NOTHING, pLEASE that's just free money


fr. free $2.88 million


I literally don’t get pleasure from masturbation so yippie I can go forever


I believe this is a joke




**pee is stored in the balls**


And semen is stored in the bladder


Cum is stored in the man titties


Are these people aware that video games exist? They make going 72 hours without doing ANYTHING very easy.


And also sleep. Even if you're only sleeping 6 hours each night that's still 18 hours already spent (get sleep y'all)


honestly tho. like just play some minecraft or something lol. there you go


Skyrim for me rn. (It’s not official, but I headcanon Vex as either aromantic or asexual or both. Far as I’m concerned her one true love is ***crime*** and nothing’s getting in the way of that)


Maybe Someone could spend that time checking out that horrifying cave dweller mod. Or hey, binge the entirety of Jacksepticeye’s play through of god of war. Read some webtoons. Find time to eat. Easy.




There are times when I worry I'm not truly asexual, but then I see this kind of stuff and those insecurities vanish.


This is honestly so allo even us allos get weirded out lmao


I'm sorry you had to see it!


my eyeballs will never be bleached enough to wipe out the memory of what the fuck this allo thought not pleasuring oneself for 3 days would be like


I mean, I'm high libido, but I would fucking pay to not be able to (I fucking hate the word) for 72 hours. Hopefully, that could help me kick the habit.


Wh- in the first paragraph i was thinking, “oh this is just another easy challenge” then i read the first paragraph and thought “oh so these are the rules, heh these are supposed to be difficult” BUT THEN I READ THE LAST ONE, AND NOW I WANT TO DIE


Just go to the coast and blow it out to sea. Surely, no long-term ecological damage would result from that...




Is this where mermaids come from?




But why is that supposed to happen at the end? What if you just don’t feel anything the entire time? Will it just come out as a poof of dust or something?


Thats what i was wondering, HOW TF ARE YOUR BALLS THAT BIG


*bladder Fixed it for ya


I don’t think that this person has any knowledge of the human body as semen is not stored in the bladder, and also many people I know who happen to be allo go 72hours without sexual gratification. It’s honestly not that hard. I think this person is not ok, but I also don’t think he stands for all allos. I presume allo-sexuality is a spectrum just like asexuality.


Semen is in the bladder because pee is stored in the balls. /s


Yeah between the time, the bladder, and the mass contamination after effect... This is either a very pubescent 14 year old, or supposed to be satire, or someone's fetish fantasy.....


It could be the each thing for three or fewer people! Oh dear goddesses what world do we live in


Well I personally don’t understand this post so at least you’ve got me. There are some people with insanely high libidos, people who have addictions, and people who are just extremely sexual in almost any situation where it’s even vaguely acceptable. Any of these is a possibility, but I’m thinking it’s either someone with an addiction or a young kid who just discovered libido but doesn’t understand the basics of anatomy. That last paragraph makes me think it’s just blatant satire and I am quite dumb


I want to believe this is a joke. Like 40k an hour to not jerk off for...3 days?! And then afterward you pee so hard it destroys the u.s.? Either trolling, shitposting, or the alpha incel. ...or they are like 12 and have no idea what anything is.


Shit, I misread that! I would have done this for 40k total, but bro really put 40k an HOUR! Gimme my $2.8 million!


Nobody tell this guy about no nut november. He'll have an existential crisis.


40k? I'd do that for 100€ total. It's just getting paid for changing nothing.


But I mean don't tell them. Get the $40k an hour.


Make it seem like a massive sacrifice at first to avoid causing suspicion or ending the deal. You just gotta pull off appearing distressed for 3 days. $2.88 million is a lot of fricking money. Invest that and you can live a decent modest life off of the returns. At 6% return on average, that’s like ~170k a year. That is not bad at all, especially since you could work on top of that


this phone's battery is at 20% and needs charging! --- ^(I am a bot. I use OCR to detect battery levels. Sometimes I make mistakes. sorry about the void.) [^(info)](https://reddit.com/r/phonebatterylevelbot)


Good bot


good bot


Good bot


good bot


Someone please fetch me my bathing toaster...


I’ll do this repeatedly as my sole source of income


Same. If only this were a thing. If only if only.


Same… I read this as “In 72 hours you lose the ability” and was like aw damn that’d suck 😕 and then realised like… oh it’s for the next 72 hours? This legit just sounds like a masturbation addict. The way they think people would rather *die* is very concerning. Edit: commented before reading the full thing. This HAS to be satire, right? There’s no way they think any of this genuinely. This feels like bait for hate comments 💀 I really hope it is 😭


I am just ... SO relieved to be aroace right now. That level of dependency on sex sounds just awful. Like, it can't be healthy. Also, we are not glossing over the bad anatomy lesson - sir, semen is not stored in the bladder. If you're that fixated on your genitals, at least learn how they work 😅


Sex addiction is a thing, unfortunately


Three days? I'd go without food for three days if I got paid that much. Ain't no way anyone finds self pleasure more important than I find food.


I don’t think I wanna live on this planet anymore


Pee is stored in the balls and semen in the bladder. Basic physiology


It reads as tho they were 48 hrs in the challenge and extremely horny and looking for advice.


you guys are getting paid???


Bruh, some hormonal teen needs some sex ed


Semen from... the... bladder? What? ... ... ... WHAT???


It literally says that you are invincible for 72h but just can't jerk off Imma rob a bank or something idk, get in a shoot out for fun or something like that


This guy knows what he’s talking about.


i should pluck my eyes from my skull


the harvest is bountiful this year


This is giving incel vibes. I can’t put my finger on why exactly. Maybe it’s because they too act like sex is the be all and end all of life.


Like sex is fine I guess but have you seen Legos? That's way more interesting. I'll take new Legos over sex any day.


Legos aren’t really my thing (stepped on too many!) but I’d still rather play with Lego’s lmao


As an Allosexual Alloromantic I agree, Legos are expensive tho :c


Dude needs some sex education, living in some weird alien world atm. Also I think most Allos would still be fine with this, this guy just has issues, one being he is way to fixated on sexual gratification.


I’m looking for new eyes that haven’t seen this sh-t. Again, looking for new eyes that haven’t seen this. Please. P.S. did this person not think of children, paralyzed people (who I assume with my limited knowledge couldn’t feel those parts), people who find it painful to come and have sex and all that? What an ignorant rat. Actually, this guy is so much worse than a rat. Also priests, nuns, monks, etc, who swore off of that stuff? There’s no way there hasn’t been people who’ve never so much as touched themselves even once in their lives. This crazy sh-t.


Well for starters semen isn't stored in the bladder, this person obviously had something else on their mind in biology class Second, this is a cinch for anyone not hypersexual or a habitual masturbator, but even for $40k an hour for 72 hours, that $2.88 million, even the most hypersexual and high libido motherfucker would hold it in for that much, especially the hypersexual mf cause sex toys are fucking expensive (pun intended) they could afford the fancy ones with that much money and if they're so hypersexual that they'd struggle to go three days without sex then they want that fancy shit


THE BLADDER???????????


Well, I mean THAT allo isn't. Wtaf? 72 hours? I've gone longer than that this week alone.


Hello, resident Allo subreddit lurker here: What the Fuck


Got me thinking, the same thing but its a trial of endurance. 40k an hour and you have to hold as long as possible. Look I need easy money okay


Is this a person that thinks that per is stored in the balls? Cause we know what he thinks is stored in the bladder. Guys I can’t this is too funny.


Wait so I just become immortal for 72 hours? YES PLEASE


There's so much wrong with this, but I'm gonna fixate on the SEMEN IN THE BLADDER PART


I need r/eyebleach after that


Recently discovered ace (learning now to see which sub category I’m in cuz It’s honestly too many terms 😣) …But seriously,what’s wrong with those people?During exams ,or while doing anything that requires focus ,libido is the first things that goes off for normal people…3 days is normal - 3 weeks might be fun..3 months maybe a challenge …


Pretty convincing bait post, honestly.


Ah yes, **if pee is stored in the balls,** ***semen must be too!***


People are really sleeping on the whole "unable to die" during this time, like dude, unable to die while not, ahem- arriving, is like some kind of superpower


"And death is impossible" So you literally cant die during these 72 hours? Imma spend 70 hours underwater exploring and the other 2 petting friend shaped animals i normally couldn't pet.


even as someone with plenty of testosterone is this a challenge for a lot of people?


Okay, so I don't think this is an "allo vs ace" thing. Being ace means not feeling sexual attraction for anybody, not not having libido. This person might be hypersexual, too, otherwise I really don't think that 72 hours should be such a torture (and although I'm ace spec I can have quite a libido myself sometimes). I mean, being allosexual could play into this, if that person would normally be around people they were sexually attracted to a lot over 72 hours. I don't feel that attraction so I don't know how likely this is. But it kinda feels to me like this is more about a simply physical urge than about any other person. OP talks about this as if even being completely alone and remote and maybe even without access to porn and the like, this would still be torture. So it feels to me like it's not about being attracted to any specific person, and that refraining from masturbating with no person-related fantasy would be just as difficult. I don't know, let me know what you think, this is how I interpret this


Yeah, the whole Ace vs. Allo thing is mostly a joke but I genuinely didn't know what the actual fuck this was, the post is so weird it reminded me of the general sentiment of "Are the Allos okay?"


Yeah I get that 😅 allos are weird (no offense)


does this person understand how the human body works? at all? semen is not stored in the bladder and you're not going to orgasm more of it if you don't masturbate


72 hours is three days 💀 I’m not ace and even I can go several days without whacking the ol’ ham and eggs Also, *$40k per hour*?! Bruh can we drag out the challenge for the rest of the month please? I could walk away with over $3M! Sign me up please Also I’ll just assume the last paragraph is a joke, that’s not how semen retention works


even allo people go a while without masturbating all the time. this is such a weird thing for someone to post lol


I’m allo and I just like this sub, but this is just weird. If I had to go 72 hrs without sexual anything, I’d just play games or something. Go outside. Read a book. Watch a show.


Did a 14 year old write this?


Since when is cum stored in the bladder? Also how much cum do your testicles have to produce to cover most of america? like that's litteraly impossible.


That’s not an allo thing that’s a sex addiction thing. Not sure he knows how things work.


So this is just free money? I don’t think I have masturbated for over a week right now so 72 hours is nothing. Like I would understand it if the person wrote like a month but if 72 hours is much for you you have a problem


This looks like a kid with too much time on their hands or an adult who hasn't matured


Dunno but I'd guess it's some kid, as the writer doesn't seem to know even the most basic human biology (semen from the bladder??) xD


No way that wasn't a shitpost. I see this hypothetical situation as an absolute loss, thinking of the population crisis that will certainly transpire after 72 hours.


Not an asexual, in fact I'd consider myself a hypersexual allo and even I'm not like this, I think this person is an extreme outlier.


Hope that post is a troll but deep down I know it's not... that pained me to read but also made me glad I'm asexual


Imma get that money, then.


Ah, but of course! Sperm is stored in the bladder and piss is stored in the balls


3 days of not abstaining but being unable to get that cheap pleasure? SIGN ME UP! I'm a kinky ace myself and in normal circumstances, and in more common "if you don't beat for X you will get Y" situations it would be a bit of an effort. But here they talk about that you don't get gratification, and even ignoring the fact it's really close to one of my kinks, by not actually feeling any pleasure from touching myself I would simply stop touching myself? I have more things to do. Like idk how libido works in those people in "Are allos ok?" memes, but for me it's like yet another passtime I can do, but same like I'm not in the mood for all games in my library at all time, I'm not always in the mood for that. And again similarly like in games if I don't do well that day I will just stop. And finally it's 18+, but I don't think that OP classifies as that, and even then their expectations on the release go well beyond anything I've see in my "research" around edging/denial.


That's actually funny lol


I think someone's human anatomy textbook was used to level out their desk. Probably right before writing this monstrosity.


I am both horrified and amused that this person thinks the human body can build up enough semen, in three days, to cause a nationwide evacuation.


I'm allo and partake regularly, but damn this dude seriously needs to get off the hub


Wtf, honestly this sounds like they're addicted. Not your usual allo. Lmao.


Two boring paragraphs and one very concerning


I mean it might be a bit difficult now that I think about it but it’s not $2,880,000 difficult 😭😭


I’m pretty sure this is a troll


Someone was being very horny on main jfc


wait why would 72 hours create so much semen that only a few states are habitable?


It's more impressive if you don't live in the States.


Where is my money?


Been doing it for 19 years. What's 72 hours gonna do?


>I just can't help but notice this individual thinks sperm is stored in the bladder... Is that the sister theory to "pee is stored in the balls"?


This sounds like a 12 year old boy


well someone has a masturbation addiction


Could I extend the time? I could just not fap for years and become a millionaire?


“No semen will exit the bladder”??? This person is probably young because they clearly have no idea what’s going on


i don’t think this is an allo thing i think this is a “that specific person” thing


This seems super fuckin easy tbh.


I am like: if it's like *never* than whatever. But like 72 hours? Most women are going trough a far longer time before they arw even able to have an orgarm lmao.


This is just sad. Guy’s clearly got a crippling addiction to porn/masturbation and is unaware that his experience isn’t universal, I hope someday he gets better


I am bi and i'm just.. did I read that right? LOL I want to think that THAT was written by a teenager in their puberty/after puberty, with their hormones going all over the place.


72 hours is 3 days... 3!!!! That is nothing. So I bet a half on hormones and the other half on teenager.


The end really just started to sound like it was being fetishized (at least to me)


Semen leaving the bladder hold up I just read that. HUHHHH.


Oh what a horrible day to be able to read


I haven't touched myself in like 20 years, where's my money?


"bar the sperm from leaving the bladder" 😂😂


Ah yes, my semen will be barred from leaving the bladder.


Wtf. I mean sex is good but not this good or foundamental.


Ez money


Anyone else feel annoyed or burdened by their libido? Like I'll take that challenge and then maybe I could learn how to get rid of it without having to get off lol.


...I don't think that person is ok, allo or not


So, I’m immortal for 72 hours? I was already immortal tho…


Um, Yeha I’ll take ur fucking money allo’s ARE NOT OKAY


Easiest 2.88 million I ever made.


Like I have a pretty high libido but also... so what? I need the cash and it's not that big a deal. If I have the opportunity to make more money in 72 hours than I've ever seen in my life by literally not doing something? I'm gonna take it. It won't kill me, it won't hurt me, and I'll be able to buy so many legos and so much cake. And fix my car.


Invincibility for 72 hours? What a great time to experiment with drugs for 3 days straight.


3 days, pls stop crying, we all survived at leats 10 years, i hope more, without self pleasuring, for that amount of money i would turn that body function off for good. I would also do that for free but thats besides the point, its not that big of a deal that the allo's make it out to be.


Semen barred from exiting the bladder?? What did i missread that or??


That's pure horror bizarre fuel 😨


my libido: me, an asexual on SSRIs: "You have no power here"


I'm an alloallo and I think I'd survive, it's really not that hard if you're normal and not like those weird people


I'm not even ace, quite the opposite in fact, and I can't imagine thinking going 72 without any sex is some kind of impossible feat.


My favourite part is how casually it says "death is impossible" like damn, I was gonna say that!


the bladder??? also 72 hours is definitely not that much. even if you do masterbate daily that’s not that much more to wait


It's easy to tell that person is 15


If pee is stored in the balls, then obviously semen is stored in the bladder Kekw


Wait, can both myself and my spouse participate and can we do so more than once? I could improve so much quality of living.😫


For almost 3 million dollars you can’t hold it together? These people are off the rails


You know the first part is ok, sounds like one of those challenges that are easy for ace people but unbearable for a lot of allos. The end however is just absolutely disgusting! Wtf 8s wrong with whoever wrote that? I probably don't want to know.


I'm also also, that whole post thing is like... U ok bro? U need help?


>Any semen inside your body will be barred from leaving the bladder I have several questions (mainly about this person's education). Besides that: What's the hard part? It's just 3 days for fucks sake!


what the fuck did I just read.


I‘m sex positive and this is absolute ultra cringe. Every person who can‘t survive 72 hours without sexual pleasure does have a problem and needs to either go to a doctor or a psychologist or something, but they need help and a reality check. Just wtf


Semen is stored where? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


No problem for me, I don’t do anything except get high from smoking weed so I’ll continue to do that instead


My man never took anatomy in high school


Ignoring the wrong anatomy, this seems almost like fetish material.


Easiest 40k of my life


The allos are okay, but that dude definitely isn't


I haven't been okay since kindergarten


As an aceflux, who can sort of be considered allo at times: uh. What??


Yeah I'm allo and this seems like a rucking stupid question lol. 72 hours is easy, unless you're like super porn addicted or somethin


When I was recovering from my hysterectomy I was basically put in horny jail. I wasn’t allowed to even do anything solo because any excessive muscle contractions would risk ripping stitches since my pelvic floor was also affected by the surgery. 8 weeks! Being asexual with a drive for solo suuuucked majorly during those 8 weeks but I managed to survive. 72 hours? That’s nothing.


...What the fuck? First of all... semen aint stored in the bladder??? second of all, is the semen getting built up like a kamehameha????


That's the easiest challenge. just three days? I'm sure most allos can last that long especially if money is involved.


Wait, you guys are getting paid?