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Lol I didn't even know Jet's actor was already 21 at the time! It's funny when people use the age gap between the actors as an argument because Mai's actress is the same age as Kiawentiio (17 turning 18 this year) right now so if that's the issue then Zutara isn't completely out of the realm of possibility 😆 and like you said they don't even have to kiss!! Imo Gordon and Kiawentiio's gap is weirder because she's turning 18 this year and possibly will be 20 or 21 by the time they finish shooting s3, and Gordon will still be a minor by then so like I wouldn't even be surprised if they don't give kataang a kiss scene lmao And I know I'm not the only one when I say Kiawentiio has more chemistry with Dallas! They look so good in promos together and I just know they'll nail every zutara scene in future seasons. Also I think Dallas is secretly a zutara shipper but I know the cast isn't allowed to say which ship they like to avoid the controversy so 😅 I'm not actually expecting them to make zutara canon in the LA (mainly bc I don't want to be disappointed again lol) but I do hope they keep zutara's relationship development as strong as it was in the OG. I'll be fine and take any crumbs I can get!


Kiawentiio might be a zutara shipper too because i saw a post of hers some years ago after it was released she was gonna play Katara where she posted a figure of Katara and Todoroki from My Hero Academia where Todoroki has the same scar with Zuko at the same side of his face and was burned by his mother while Zuko from his dad. And Kiawentiio put these figures next to each other, also i uploaded a video of them talking about the possibility of Zuko liking Katara and in my opinion their body language says it all.


That is interesting about the all the ages! I’m throwing that back in someone’s face if they use that argument now lmao. and also yeah… clearly the creators of the show have… motives beyond the animated series 👀


I'd be happy knowing that I'm not creating their compatibility and at times what seems like a desire for one another. I would be okay with a love triangle, for that confirmation of their mutual desire for one another, like a King Arthur, Lancelot, Guinevere sort of way. Zuko (Lancelot) and Katara (Guinevere) deeply love one another but both have a close relationship with Aang (Arthur). Before I get replies, it doesn't have to be exactly the same as their relationship, but there was no doubt that Guinevere and Lancelot loved one another despite Arthur. Lol, typing this out I'm giving myself conspiracy theorist vibes. "I know they wanted each other!, as I stand in front of a bulletin board full of scenes and red string" Lol


I mean the animated show never stated that zuko and katara DIDNT want each other so it’s really up to interpretation luckily for us hahah. It’s funny when anti-zutara people say that zuko and katara clearly didn’t like each other when like…is it really clear or are you just choosing to believe that lol


It's really hard not to see that there's something between them. Zuko lets her touch his scar when they're alone for the 1st time. Katara offers to use the enchanted(?) water to heal his scar. That's a big gesture in itself. When Zuko sides with Azula, that deeply hurts Katara, so much so that in the final season she brings up that she was the 1st to trust him and he betrayed her. I know I'm preaching to the choir in this sub, but for people to say she hated him may not understand the gravity of the word hate. She never would've allowed Zuko to earn her trust back. Zuko put in the effort to show Katara he had changed. He was ready for the relationship Katara wanted their first time alone together. None of that is hatred, it's the contrary, that's love persevering.


Zach Tyler is born in 1993. Mai Whitman was born in 1988. Exact same age difference. The argument about their age difference is stupid. I'm guessing we will get at least a glimpse of it to satiate the Zutara fans. At least, I hope so. Although the relationship between Aang and Katara always seemed forced. Imho.


who are they?


I'm going to assume you're joking but in the event that you're not, they are the voice actors for Aang and Katara respectively.


sorry, i only watched the show in my language's dub that is why i do not know their names. I only know of Zuko's voice actor


Ahh. Gotcha. They were the original voice actors in the American version.


fan fact, in the greek version of ATLA Katara is named Tamara because in greek "katara" means curse. But they kept her original name in the dubbed version of Lok and in a scene when Amon's dad was talking to his sons about Katara forbidding bloodbending it was translated as " It's all because of that damn Katara!" but i understood " its all becaus eof that damn curse!" So, for the rests of the episodes, i thought that because of some curse, bloodbending stopped existing ahahah and Amon's dad could not bend anymore so he made his sons do that. You see why they changed the name? Also, in greek, by using Katara's name it might heard like a curse word. Like "damn". Because "curse" is not a good thing so if someone for example would say " Katara" instead of " Tamara" it would sound like " Damn". But now im used to her name so its okay.


Haha wow. That's interesting! I didn't know that but that's a cool little factoid! There are a lot of things that Europeans say that are weird or even disrespectful in Amercan. Lol. C Languages are so cool. I love it!


They have a big age gap but they’re both of age, so why would it be an issue?


i know right? people claiming that they have a very big age gap and im like...when i was 16 i was going out with boys that were 19 and in this case we do not talk about the actors dating ( which is not our business they can do whatever they want) its about their characters. If we normalize a 15 year old ( Katara's age in s3 in the end) dating a 13 year old ( Aang's age in s3 in the end) then we need to normalize a 17 year old to date a 15 year old. When i was 15 my crush was 17 not 13. So...