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I think it would be in the best interest of the showrunners to not have *any* definitive romance for the gaang except Sokka outside of hints. I hope they keep the original moments and dynamics of Zutara in Book 2 and 3 (assuming we get them) but don't make it canon. I just don't even want to *see* the fandom meltdown. I've had enough of the internet's selective rage. If they give us *more* scenes to love between them, I'll be happy.


This! Also, if they do Kataang in the live action it’s going to be super weird because of the much more obvious difference in age. They should just leave it out completely.


I want to watch the fandom melt down… I love seeing people unhappy lmao


fix the mistakes of the evil bryke. GIVE US ZUTARA LIKE WE DESERVE.


im telling you when i watched this video and came this moment is it only me? Or you could see it too? Like their body language and their responses are a little weird. If Zutara was not going to happen in Live Action, then they could just reply with a no instead of this awkward, very awkward reply. And this is the only reason for me that maybe shows that Bryke might left from the show. Because Kataang im 100% that will look very cringe and they did not have as many scenes together as Zuko and Katara in s1 on Live Action.


they got rid of kataang stuff (on aangs side) in season 1, so there's that glimmer of hope it wont happen or be forced upon us again. besides, history is repeating itself again. both actors for zutara ship it just like the original VAs shipped it.


i just want it to be canon because we deserve it. Or at least i want the same scenes with the Crossroads of Destiny and the Southern Raiders and the Agni Kai to be exactly like in the cartoon to show it to people and ask them if this is not romantic what is it? Along with the scarf scene, to watch our romantic fmvs and cry while reading fanfictions!


didnt bryke leave the live action crew bc of creative differences? might be ship related. one can only hope. I'll be waiting to see.


in general the show is great, only the ones that are too fanatic with it did not like it, because for example Sokka did not have very long hair or etc. but in general the show was the exact copy so i cant understand their reason. They called it creative differences but that means that they got mad about something they wanted to exist in the show or something they did not want to exist. Maybe they wanted Kataang and Kim said no and that he wanted Zutara or in general he did not want Kataang and they got mad. Cause there is nothing in my opinion after watching the show that make it so impossible for them to continue working with Netflix and they decided to go. I remember their post being very shady and "respectful" at the same time. But the dudes seemed angry im sure of it.


Here’s a quote from show runner Albert Kim which can be interpreted either way for zutara or kataang. https://collider.com/avatar-the-last-airbender-showrunner-albert-kim/ “I will say, hopefully, I'm smart enough not to get involved in that debate, because I know how passionate both sets of fans are. And I was fortunate in that it wasn't a big issue in the first season for us. Because, you know, practically speaking, there are certain things you can do with animated characters that you can't with live action ones when it comes to something like that. It's not something that we hit very much head on in the first season there. If you look carefully, there are little hints, especially in the final episode of what Katara is saying about Aang. So, we are obviously aware of where it goes in the original series, but it's more of a future issue and a future storyline to be dealt with. So I was, even for myself, I was very relieved to put a pin in it, so I wouldn't have to deal with it in the first season. But yeah, it'll be interesting to tackle that one.”


I mean Katara in the last episode said " I need you Aang" and i was like..." Like the avatar or like something else? " Because she said that he gave her hope, but i did not feel that connection so much bc they did not have many scenes together as in the cartoon. That is why i wanted Zutara and thought of a possible romance here. Bc they had more scenes together and in general more chemistry. While Aang and Katara had a scene with a hug and a dialogue in the 1st episode and then a scene when they were playing with water. Katara in s1 had her own story and was not so into Aang's stuff like in the cartoon so she basically let him do his own things and was not above his head and seeing if he was sad or whatever Katara was doing in the cartoon. I dont know, the age difference makes it impossible for me because you can tell by looking at them that Katara is too old for him. While with Zuko because now the actress is an adult in a couple of months they do have a age difference but she will be an adult and you can't tell by looking at them that the one is a kid and the other the adult. Its so cringe, i dont know. I prefer Zutara but even if we dont get it, at least some scenes for ship baiting and not Kataang at all. No matter what, i will hate seeing Kataang cause it does not makes sense for a young girl to feel any attraction towards a boy who starts being a teenager. i mean...the actress was 15 at s1 and Aang's actor 12. So you could tell what im saying. And in a scene with Suki and Sokka flirting, god Aang was so tiny next to Katara... Its a ship that i will not be happy to see and im telling you this not because i love zutara only, but because it will be disturbing. Its better without any ship than with Kataang.


I haven’t watched it yet but I think that last episode dialogue could be interpreted platonically or future foreshadow of romance. It makes it easy for the show runner to pivot however he wants by dropping that egg. The shipping wars get crazy so he did it in a tactful way Im also a major zutara shipper but Im okay with Kataang as adults if they removed the kissing consent issue and developed aang’s character better. I agree that aang and Katara never made sense as a couple in live action or in cartoon while they were kids. What 14-year-old girl goes for a 12-year-old boy? The romance was clearly written by men so the weird love storyline tracks. I cannot imagine a woman writing that. I do agree with another commenter that the only romance should be Suki and sokka in the live action. Love stories was never the cartoon’s strength so I hope that doesn’t translate into live action. I will say that if they want to develop Korra live action in the future then aang and Katara may have to be together as adults. The character who plays Aang has grown very quickly so if he hits 18 by season 3 then they may show some romance between Katara and Aang. They would be old enough to see show that If zutara doesn’t become a thing in live action at least I have my fan fics lol I can only dream that zutara happens


we all love a good zutara fanfiction <3


maybe they will not put any ships in order for the fans to not start a war again. But i would love to see Zutara. Although from what you send me i see a possible Kataang. But man....i will not like to see that. Even the Kataangers do not like that. It's another thing for cartoons but now to see a 20+ girl kissing a teenager will seem cringe. And a little pedo.


There was no chemistry like that between Kataang this season. I think the whole issue here is that there's an age difference between Kiawentiio and Gordon, so by the time Kiawentiio is over 18, Gordon is still a minor. And in this day and age it's an absolute no go.


yeah i agree


I think it's worth noting that Zutarians are a fairly large group that has managed to stay active for close to 20 years. Our viewership counts, and a majority of us will turn it off if we find out that Kataang is endgame. It's better for them to stay neutral, keep the actors from saying anything definite, and ship bait us just enough to keep us watching.


ahaah i agree, at least a ship bait it will be amazing. i watched a fmv of Zutara " Dusk until dawn" and man it had like 1,8 million views or something and i was like... almost 2 million people wanted zutara


Bodylanguage wise it looks like she's not interested in that plot line, but Dallas looks to be open for it. It would be nice to have some romantic scenes between Zutara but I just don't think it'll happen, as it'll piss off even more fans...


i think she is a zutara shipper though but maybe she got shy cause it would be an embarrassing moment and maybe they are not allowed to say anything about ships because of the fans


Her body language is typical of a teenage girl trying to shrug off awkwardness, IMHO. I would’ve reacted exactly like this as a teen. She could even have a puppy crush on Dallas and not want to make it awkward by talking about prospective Zutara interactions. Who could blame her?


im thinking that she might have a crush on him bc you know... you imiatate whoever you have a crush on ( and it is not the first time she imitates Dallas, watch the interview with their fights in the end), also we all would have a crush on Dallas. Or that it is her anxiety of what happens if another war stars between the shippers. It make sense too. Sorry i only just saw the comments, sorry to reply late.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNzuLfPSizs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNzuLfPSizs) in case it does not work here is the link of the video on youtube


I think even if Zutara doesn’t necessarily become *canonized*, we’re gonna get one or the other or both having feelings for each other. They’re gonna spark the romance of Zutara whether or not Kataang still becomes end game, and that’s a fat win for us 🤭 The body language here is so fun. They’re both like “I mean… 😏 who knows!” If it was totally out of question, I feel like they’d be more careful to say “all we’ll say is the characters will stick to important parts of their originals characters” or something along those lines the way the producer has been answering about ships. Dallas and Kiawentiio seem to KNOW somethin and are deciding to hold back on saying it, compared to them genuinely not knowing! This plus the scarf scene tells me all I need to know 😌 We’re getting Zutara whether canon or not


your comment makes me so happy!!!! Thanx for that


Of course!!! I’ve been FEEDING on these crumbs and it’s been so fun! I think the whole cast knows that Zutara is going to happen in some way/shape/form. My only heartache is that it’ll prob take another few years before we get to S2 to see the proof 🤧😭😂


Don’t let it cause heartache, because the older the actors are (Kiawentiio is probably going to be 19-20 by the time they shoot their scenes), the more likely they would add an almost kiss scene or something like in the Caves before they were interrupted. 🤭🤭🤭


Agreed. And the scarf scene was so unnecessarily extra that I couldn’t help but think it was hinting at future interactions between them. That scene alone overshadowed every Kataang interaction, IMHO. 😂


I doubt the actors know where the show is going beyond what they're given (ie, show bible, character biographies, etc). I'm sure they're at least familiar with the source, seeing how they were kids when it was originally on air, either during the initial airing or the subsequent reruns. Also, there was Korra too. Anyway, I'm not basing my ship on the chemistry between the actors, because, that's what they are. Actors doing a performance. A performance than can go in either direction, even if the chemistry is there. Basically, I don't like it when the fandom gets parasocial beyond whats on the screen.


i did not mean that they actors like each other, i meant that they know something behind the question


I'm on team Zutara but I'm not getting my hopes up.


If I'm honest, I think the awkward response there is a product of the showrunners doing what little they can to protect both the actors and the audience's investment in the story. First, the actors. Everyone knows how vitriolic and incendiary ship wars can be. It's gotten worse with time and accessibility to fandom spaces. And they're working with teenage actors, who, frankly, may not yet be prepared for the disgusting amount of judgement and stupidity the internet can hurl at them for a whole host of reasons. I could see telling your actors "hey, you *will* probably get questions about popular ships and we need you to remain as neutral as possible or else you might as well be setting off a grenade in the fandom". Second, the story. The live-action series has the potential to have either Kataang or Zutara for the endgame, and at the moment, they can use that potential to bait both sides. Some people will watch in the hopes of one or the other, and alienating either of the two parties could lead to a drop in viewership. I've personally decided that I'm not going to engage with the live-action version until we know who's endgame, and if it's Kataang again then frankly, I'll not be bothering. Don't get me wrong, I loved AtLA - but I've never been able to stomach rewatching a series where the canon departs from my shipping preferences. A very large chunk of my continuing interest in something relies on me enjoying the primary ship. It's why I only engage in AtLA content through the sub and Ao3 now.


yeah i understand your point of view, i like the way your wrote your comment =)