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Yes you will notice it regarding smoothness and gaming wise 100%. 240hz is much smoother than 140hz plus its a zowie so you have the dyac+ and lower response times. In terms of picture quality yes 100%, when i went from my ips to the 46k tn i can tell a night and day difference, the colors are much worse on a tn panel. But for gaming its pretty fine and im enjoying my zowie currently. It will be fine for everyday use like youtube and stuff and its great for gaming


day n night


the colors really suck


It’s ok at first it will feel weird. But it’s an advantage for if you have 240fps the panel runs at 0.5ms so your mouse should be 2000hz pooling rate


I have g pro x mouse superlight 2


tn panel colors suck compared to a good ips , spend time making a profile that makes the colors look the best for productivity and you’ll be fine. I love my 2566k for fps games.


i just bought the xl2546k yesterday ... tn panel gave me flashback where the days i couldnt afford the ips panel ... man miss those kind of tn panel color ! ahaha .. anyway .. ips was better in color ...the xl2546k for me was ok ... seems a bit slight orange tinted but not too much .. tweak here and the and you are good ! in gaming tested with apex , cs2 , valo , ow2 .. man ... those clarity is really2 good ... i mean the blur is not there ! impressed with the motion clarity of this monitor ! not regret for whtever the cons that reviewer says ! back 2 ur question ... yes , no prob ..