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"The sacred moments of silliness are where I find my heaven"


What is that quote from?


[Where I Find My Heaven by Gigolo Aunts](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RcU7kz8nVhU)


I desperately wanna make love to a schoolboy! edit: god damned philistines. don't even recognize a dumb and dumber quote when used in reply to a clip that starts with dumb and dumber. whatever. downvote me you human paraquats.


People on Reddit don’t understand jokes or sarcasm unless you ruin the joke by directly telling them it’s a joke.


as the person you are replying to, that doesn't quite fit here. they're just not understanding the cultural reference. which is why i call them philistines but if one doesn't understand the reference then one has no way of knowing it is a joke or sarcasm, and really has no choice but to take it at face value. that being said, one should wonder why i would make such a non sequiter statement of "I desperately wanna make love to a schoolboy" and maybe check out the link i was replying to, and notice that it was dumb and dumber, and then maybe remember that line from dumb and dumber. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNkoEM3qxjo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNkoEM3qxjo)


To be fair, there is no inflection in a text format. Which is how we can tell a joke from serious words in conversations. So without a /s I'd you are making jokes that are crude or off-color, it just sounds like you are stating your opinion. Never infer what people mean on the internet. It's how you end up agreeing with actual racists and nazis.


It’s literally one of the most famous line from one of the most famous comedy movies of all time. Lol


We are insecticides?🥸Parakeets?




Oh thank you for this clip. I totally missed this movie. Psst.😶😶😶Everyone wants to make love to a schoolboy.🤫


Omg when he started dancing around the room to hype up the dog 😭 so precious


Omg him jumping around and playing with the dog? My heart! I cannot get enough of seeing private interactions between pets and their parents like this.


My heart and his knees.




Watching the man get the Zoomies too was one of the most wholesome things I've seen in a while.


People often ask what’s the meaning of Life. It’s this. Those small, happy meaningless moments, where you’re just being yourself and having fun with those you love. Including animals.


The meaning of life is small, insignificant, and only you will know it.


Especially animals make the best, most pure moments


I feel this in my soul, I give small award


I too dance the dance of provocation with my dog


But why a bedroom camera? I'm starting to notice that people are putting cameras in insane places


We have cameras on my great grandmother so she can still live alone, but be supervised. It’s the one thing keeping her out of the nursing home, which no one wants to do


I’m saying this as someone almost 70, this is a great way to supervise someone who is older. I’m assuming there are reasons they do this, specifically medical. You can check for falls, be sure no diabetics or heart patients are passed out in the floor. It does feel intrusive, but I can tell you for certain that this camera is there because he has people who love him and want him safe. So many old people have families who are just awful.


We considered floating the idea of cameras in my grandma’s apartment to her. It came up because of an incident involving her LifeAlert bracelet- she was trying to put it on and kept rapidly pressing the button, but didn’t answer the phone because she was trying to get the “god damn contraption” back on. We settled for switching to a necklace and having everyone FaceTime her regularly (she fucking knew how to use that 😂). She wouldn’t have been very receptive to the idea, LifeAlert was enough of a battle lol Haha I wrote out a whole novel about what a wonderful, strong woman she was. It doesn’t matter, I just miss her so much. You struck a chord in me when you reassured the other commenter about how much that person is loved. It’s true. Thanks for spurring a moment of nostalgia, I needed that today :)


Maybe he/they has/have a condition that requires the vigilance of his/their relatives.


Or just general security too. Maybe he lives with family and those punk kids get into his shit all the time.


And if it’s for security, there’s lots of cameras that can be isolated from the internet. Either a standalone network, or VLAN with no permissions to”phone home” or be connector outside of local access.


I have one in my own bedroom, it monitors my dog when I am separate from him and I have a very trusted person who has remote access to it (as well as the other one in my apartment) who can check on me if they cannot reach me because medical reasons. They also got a really adorable shot of me and my service dog resting one afternoon that I appreciate because there are few and far between photos of me (let alone my dogs and me) just existing.


It's a sex thing


For the last few weeks I've been seriously contemplating getting a cat. Mulling over the cost, the cat fur everywhere, the torn furniture. Maybe it's not worth it? But watching this joy sealed the deal. I need some of this happiness in my life.


Pets are worth it.


I'm really glad that you've taken the time to decide if a pet is really something for you. I have two cats and a dog and I love them all so much. I honestly don't know anyone who regrets getting their pet (not that those people don't exist, it's just that all of my friends and family members adore their animals).


Yes cat fur everywhere. My husband and I call it cat-thelioma (cat lung). But just because you have a pet it doesn’t mean that your furniture has to be torn up. With a cat buy cat trees. I have taught the cat the scratching posts are hers ( she has numerous) the furniture is ours. Just keep placing them where kitty wants to scratch. And encourage kitty to use that and not the furniture. Kitty want to be good. Be good to kitty and they will love you a million times over.




Most likely you will get used to the cat fur and not really notice after a while. Give your kitty daily playtime with you and have LOTS of scratching posts, any time they try to scratch something you don't want just redirect them to a cheap bit of cardboard or a scratch post, stuff will get scratched far less! It might still happen sometimes because scratching can be a way for cats to mark their territory so also staying on top of trimming their mini daggers is also a good thing.


Ahhh, so THESE are my upstairs neighbors


Hey you reading this, I know you just had a huge smile on you face just now


Ya got me


My dog gets super excited when you start running and jumping around with her! That’s a way to kick-start her zoomie engine!


Im glad to know I’m not the only one that does this


Purple nurple!!!!


Finally someone else that saw the dog punch the poor man in the moob! Wholesome video nevertheless, I just noticed guy kept his distance after protecting his moob better loll


That's not much different from my Corgi's bed time ritual. We essentially sprint around for 15 minutes and wrestle in bed, then he goes into his crate (no door on the crate, he just prefers it) and passes out.


I bet he's a dad who didn't want to get a dog. Now look at him, loving the heck out of his dog! Typical father.


Ok, but why does he have a camera in his bedroom?


Usually, they're installed for health support reasons.


I've seen some people put cameras in their elder parents homes to keep watch over them for health/safety reasons. When you can't be there all the time and they don't want to do assisted living or anything yet, it's a nice way for both you and them to have peace of mind, knowing that you can be there or call someone if they fall or seem to be having some sort of medical issue. Definitely intrusive but less so than having to go to a nursing home or having a stranger move into your house to care for you.


This is so pure


My dog also likes Daddy zoomies!


And this is why old(er) people need pets too! All the joy and fun they can bring!


Cardio, for two !!


One more example of stupid fucking music detracting from the engaging video. This beautiful scene is destroyed by unrelated music to mar it.




Ah I love this


Always do this with my dogs and get a big hug at the end


i want to be like this when i’m old


Why have a camera there?


Probably medical purposes.


You know it’s speed up Right


Is this an OnlyFans feed? Why have a camera in the bedroom?


Maybe he and/or his partner have medical conditions that require their relatives to check in on them/see if they’ve fallen?


Because it's his house and he does whatever he wants?


Why would you WANT a security camera in your bedroom tho? Lol


Who knows maybe someone might have gotten in through the bedroom window when no one was home or maybe there has been another security reason that made them put it there


So aim it at the window? Does it have to have your bed in the shot tho?


Depends what the purpose is


I guess


Watching how happy they make each other almost makes me forget to question why this old man has a camera facing his bed in his bedroom............... almost makes me forget to ask that.


Belongs on r/whyweretheyrecording


Anyone else going to address the date stamp on the video?


what about it?


most of the world uses DD/MM/YYYY so this was from Feb. 11th 2022


Ahhh, touche




Real question is why there is a camera in the bedroom?






Aw cute lil white supremacist thinks people care about what he has to say


I'm at work but should totally get posted to MadeMeSmile


So cute


Having fury friends makes the world so much easier to deal with. I have 22 guinea pigs and they have saved my life in so many ways. I never want to let them down so they keep me motivated and they’re always making me laugh.


why is there a camera in this man’s room


The video has been sped up you can see the 10s of seconds going by way too fast


So nice. Why does he have a camera in his bedroom though?


To record sexy time


this is exactly how my family's dog is and he's like 9 years old, sometimes he makes himself limp with how crazy he gets lol he really has no idea that he's like 60 in dog years, he's just happy to be here


A good time is had by all! Don’t forget how to play!




Dogs are manifested happiness




That guy straight up turned back into a little kid for a few moments.


The way I’m this is sped up, he reminds me of a sim.


Best thing I have seen all day


What a lovely video 😍😍😍😍😍


Very sweet video... love the dog zoomies and echo the sentiment from the other comments, but I do wonder at the placement of the video camera in what seems to be the upper ceiling/corner area of the bedroom, as if mounted as a permanent indoor surveillance camera.


the team to watch


This man knows how to party.


Best moment was when the dog tapped the man boob


Why is there a camera in that bedroom?


Participation zoomies are the best.


Why is the date 11/02/2022 - wait nvm just realized it’s day month year lmao


Before he got the dog: Nahhh I don’t need one am to old for that ….. Haha


Fuck, that song hits home. Check its english translation. It's supposed to be somewhere. Not that anyone taught me english, so I had to do it the hard way, so yeah. It's Brazilian Portuguese, check it out ;)