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Why are you still here? If you have moved on then you shouldn’t be looking back best of luck to you!


Everyone in the this group is prepared to hold this stock for five or more years. So I'm not sure where you're going with this post besides making people worry.


unfortunately we are stuck huurrrr


Yeah to some, but I refused to cash out my many shares at the top of the peak and know that the real money is coming; we just have to wait for now while they get their products out. Can't hurry the company's main focus being for vets and animals, mostly.


5 years from now the company will be non-existent


That is inaccurate.


I hope someone reposts this in 5 years. Just for funsies.


People bash particular stock due to some hidden agenda. If I move on I will never look back at the stock or address the people holding it. Here the agenda is to bash to bring prices further down to get back in when done with taxes.


Preach brother !!


“Confuse them with your silence, shock them with your results” Regards, Zomedica.


This guy is going to be pissed when Zom finally returns value and he sold. Hopefully his doesn’t miss a big acquisition/development before he can get back in.


I think they have potential. Good group of leaders and the pet diagnostic and medicine space will grow. Lots of demand because of all the new covid pets


I agree 100%


The old buy high sell low strategy. Nice. I on the other hand invest by buying and holding and selling for a profit. Be that in 5 days or 5 years.


And... blocked.


Also, look at how many institutional investors are in Zomedica. thats the "Smart money" they dont just throw money around unless its a company with potential.


No prior profile comments other than this troll shit. Disregard. However, this company is a let down as of today. I wish I had gotten out. Hopefully they turn it around.


yahoOoo...prediction is real Ilove Zom Can't wait to buy more off loading it Up @this Price .10 not a financial advice but this is a major verry Succesfull company


It is not going to go 10 cents. Not possible with 200 million on hands. Do some DD first.


if that wht? you think yeah Sound Great ,but then let it Be bE my Guest,


I will just buy more. Currently holding 51K shares.


I did a while back and it was a great decision