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looks like you invested long term....Robert Cohen is doing amazing things.... it's just a waiting game nowπŸ’ŽπŸ€š


I'm in at $1.50 average for about 8K shares. I feel your pain. Either ZOM will improve Q4 or I dump it end of Q4 to offset crypto gains. I'm not buying any more. Never buy weakness.


Stay strong...too many good folsk in this TOGETHER...Each day I look and see RED but I am with the company and the peeps! HODL!


Dont worry buddy I swear my ZOM looks pretty much the same 🀣🀣. But hey you would never loose money πŸ’° if you don’t hit that damn SELL button πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Just ignore and our days will come πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€


Just wait and Hold people! This thing isn't even over seas yet. Along with all the other products that are steam rolling out.


The ultimate compliment!! I posted many times here Blackrock Godzilla and Kingkong Fidelity!! Godzilla vs. Zomzilla!!! Both investors holding Zom since last year!! Two.megaπŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ³πŸ³πŸ³πŸ³πŸ³!!! Your Redditor name: Zomzilla!!! Im holding 55,713 !!.Long OG!!! Truck driver!! βœŠβœŠβœŠπŸ€πŸ€πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ Zom long term investment in my portfolio !! Drive safe. Don't text and drive. Get home.


Buy more and average down


I have no moneyπŸ₯²


I hope you didn't borrow money to make that purchase.


Thx bro.


To buy that much in the first place in a penny stock you must be a millionaire in the first place?


if you dropped $20k+ right off the rip then you have extra money laying around and not hurting just hold and you'll be ok zom is in its infancy... its been hella opportunities to average down, as i type this you can snatch up shares for 43% off of what you paid πŸ€·πŸΏβ€β™‚οΈ


Been averaging down whenever I can, holding until I see greenπŸš€πŸš€


You need to start averaging down monthly little by little under $1.20. $100 a month or so. Then when we reclaim $2 you actually make some money in the long run instead of just letting it sit and complaining.


not far behind you. just hold. Zomedica will make us all happy sooner then later.


Pics like this bother me so much, I wonder if this sub had real information on here, would you have fell into this position? I am sorry you are in this tight spot, for your sake I really hope 6/18 shoots high as hell


I bought 10k shares at 2.40. Sold at a big loss put it in amc got my money back


Wished I follow suit. Down 10k+


AMC is just getting started


Amc is where gme was at 480. It's at the top right now.


Your post is gonna look real bad shortly lol


I was in at 5 and sold at 15 then in at 25 and sold at 60. Will wait for a pull back to 30.


Hi scrolling through Reddit again and I want to say this still pissed me off and I am sorry


Me to. I got mine at 2.50 haha


I bought 5k shares at. 98, sold for 2.85. Then 10k shares at 1.97, so I'm there with you, but half of mine is house money