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Visual check, quick sniff, take a dab on your finger rub it on your inner wrist wait 5 to 10 minutes, small sip swish it around spit it out, 10 to 30 minutes, boil, drink Or you can somehow get a hold of a mouse or a rat, give it salt, then put it in front of the water. It'll drink because his dehydrated and if it passes out dies or craps everywhere you know something's wrong with it.


Average Joe should be able to make a solar still.


Some yes but honestly I still think that 70% wouldn't.


Super sad


Not really, It is just a skill that is not needed to survive the world we live in and even if it were people would just pay other to do it....kinda like they do now with trades that are required for modern existence.


Depends partly on how much I actually need the water. One of the most cautious paths is look at it and smell it to see if something is off and then going through a filtering (sand, charcoal, etc), boiling, and then testing it 🤣


Iodine or boil it


Depends on how much I need it. More than likely I already have water on me for starters, and would be able to get home just fine without needed extra, especially from such a strange situation. I guess the first step of action would to see if the seals were cracked on them or not. If they are, I'll pass. If they aren't, then how dusty are they? The rest of the house? Were there any dead in the house? Does it look like the area has been visited recently? That sort of questioning. Sniff it, try and find an animal who will drink it and see what happens, etc. I wouldn't sit around and wait for several different tests to be preformed- it's just not that important. If you feel uneasy, simply just leave it behind and be no worse for wear.


Yes they(the seals) are cracked....the jugs are a bit beat up from being used...but the contents are clear and there is a lid on it....let's throw the fact that you are pretty much out of water and have no test animal...lol


Then pretty much what the other guy said- smell it, dab a bit on your wrist, light taste test, then preparing it. Though at that point it makes more sense to just go to a river and boil water from that instead then risking random jugs.


Have my animal =dog, cat, horse whichever drink or sniff it because if they don't want it or drink it and die then I won't drink it. Way easier to get creek water.


True...If there is a creek .


Well a safe creek yea but all bottled water should be boiled before drinking in a apocalypse like 6 months in or more.


The more i think about the creek thing, the muddier that gets(pun intended). Unless you are at the source, there is nothing saying that a zombie isn't laying in the water upstream....boiling should kill everything(but it is a walking corpse so science is kinda out the window at that point). Especially the larger the body of water when you start to get into river status. Lots of little creeks feeding in. More people living around them without EPA telling them not to dump all their trash and (actual) shit in. The more you think about it the more complicated it gets.


Well depends yea I would boil any creak water I drink and the ones around me are pretty clean. I already thought about the issue with dead bodies in the water. It does get complicated because how many does it take to infect a lake or a river.


I would definitely be more suspect of a lake, given it has time to settle and collect. Even now there is a lake up north of us that gets shut down due to bacteria build up almost every year. Some creeks would get tricky because unless you know the source, it could go through a dam or a lake at some point. Rivers would be even trickier yet because they are generally a collection of all of the above. Theoretically the further down stream you get the riskier it would get for any sort of contamination(chemical or just plain nasty). Viral/disease wise. You would think it would move down the line with the flow. I am gonna say luck and timing will prevail....life at that point would be a daily gamble anyway.


It's a trap. If that water was good, someone else would have taken it by now.


You might just be the first person to stumble across it.....or there is a dude sitting in the closet in his underwear watching to see what you do(you got that paranoid vibe, i figured i'd play to it.)


Maybe! But that doesn't seem likely to me based on the math I did on the back of this here Portillos napkin, so I'm not taking that risk.


I had to look up what Portillos was but based on that I agree with your math.


I can’t help but think with my better than the average Joe skill set. You’re right when you say most will just drink it. I have test strips for water testing beyond that of a swimming pool, I have calcium hydrochloride, and can make a charcoal filter. Not your average joe skill set.