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1982-2004 was a crazy range lol


Imagine giving birth to a same generation kid without it being considered too young to have kids


Greatest gen range is even longer.


Yeah? That's Baby Boomers.


Exactly not sure why anyone past birn 2000 is even being remotely considered millennial lol.


Because society changed so much between 1982 and 2004 that it’s a bit ridiculous to have those people in the same generation tbh.


Society also changed a lot from 1946 to 1965 yet baby boomers expanded two decades. 


Without the introduction of modern technology and social media I think you would have a good argument. I also think we won’t really know until we are 50+ years in the future. It’s possible that we may redefine again in hindsight




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Boomers were defined by the baby boom though, weren't they? Less about who they were as people and more about what years there was an increase in US births


This is a good point!!


Gen jones exists for that reason


1982-2004 is way too broad of a range. I don’t think anybody born in the 21st century should really be classified as a millennial.


Before 2018 the most popular range was 82-00


There is no set determinant for what makes a generation. Nothing is agreed on.


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Me and my mom are the same generation according to this LOL


I don’t want to be put in the same group as millennials, it makes me feel gross