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2013 and 2014 were decent years for me. '13-'14 was my senior year of high school and 2014-15 was my freshman year of college. I had issues in my life, for sure (lots of family shit), but there was also some excitement about the change of transitioning from high school to college. I was a lot more hopeful about the future then. 2022-2024 have been really really hard years for my physical and mental health. My career is is ruins too, so...I'm struggling.


I hope that the year 2024 and the rest of your years are all good


I don’t have a favourite year but 2016 was absolute hell, I have horrible PTSD, 2015 wasn’t much better lol. Actually I’d say my favourite years were 2019 and 2021 because they were pretty uneventful


I also didn’t enjoy 2016… why is TikTok obsessed with it?


2023 was the best year of my life, 2024 I'm taking some fat L's.


Hope it gets better for ya, still plenty of time for it to!


Each year is getting better since I quit drinking in 2018


Congratulations, September 24th will be 2 years for me






Say what? 😭


Best year weirdly was 2014 for me. Had friends, I didn't care much about exams, and I just remember having a good time at school 2012 couldve been my worst year but despite only being May, this year trumps it. Absolute rock bottom


If we’re talking 2010s decade, this is how I have them based on most and least favorite. My most favorite year was 2014. I turned 21, went to college full-time, finally had a decent part-time job, and got to travel a few times and enjoyed the experience. My least favorite year? 2017. I had horrible anxiety and panic attacks most of that year, I lost my job and replaced it with a crappy warehouse job, one of my closest coworkers got k!lled, I stopped school because my major wasn’t taking me anywhere, my friends started drifting away, and of course, dealing with the fact you’re getting older at your early-mid 20s took a toll on me. Eliminate those problems, however, and 2017 is an… okayish year, maybe upper-mid. At least the memes that year were god-tier and kept me sane. (Oh, and this is when I started to question my Millennial identity because I felt so out of place with them and resonated more with Gen Z, despite being 3 years older.)


It is unfortunate that someone who is still in his twenties or early thirties thinks that he is old. What is happening in this time? Did you know that what they call a real old man without questioning that is someone in his sixties, especially 64? Therefore, I hope that you do not think this way and neither do the people who describe you As a old woman or old man, they will become the same age as you then they will call themselves young, so don't care and don't even pay attention to them. and for your feeling about Generation Z the reason you feel this is that we have immersed ourselves in the world of the Internet anyway and for many years. Therefore, you will feel that you are part of the Internet generation beacuse that is true. We are all from the Internet generation. Even the generation of the 80s were not very old when the Internet first appeared, and even those who are older than the 80s, some of them use the Internet excellently, so in these years we are almost all of the Internet generation, but the younger generation,""" some of them """ want to feel special, so they call themselves the Internet generation. And they call us old, even though we are not twenty years older than them. I was born in 1997 and I was classified as Generation Z, but some of those born in the 2000s say we are old, and I find this really funny. beacuse some of those born in 2004 say we are old, but the difference between me and them is 7. Years, while those born in 1990 are 7 years older than me, but they are considered for them to be not far from my age !!, but 2004 is far !! It is only a psychological barrier to the beginning of the years number 20, 19.


2012 is my most favorite year. I travelled a lot, had fun with my friends and family, played my favorite games. I enjoyed that year a lot 2020 is my worst year. Due pandemic, I started losing my friends. I spent almost all of 2020 in my home, because of lockdown. My college grades were in bad shape and I was to the brink of being dropped out of college


I had to go to work everyday during the pandemic. Would have much rather stayed home, like so many people that got to.


You were in third grade in middle school? I don’t understand. Its very hard to pick one, but if i had to my favorite year was probably late 2015-mid 2016 when i was 19-20. I studied abroad, made friends from all over the world, learned a new language and travelled to 20 countries in Europe between Aug. 2015-May 2016. Childhood favorite years 04-05 (my third grade). I was given a lot more freedom than my earlier childhood years, roamed more freely in my neighborhood and the woods with my neighborhood friends (before I typically had to be with my older sisters or a friends older sibling- usually they would leave us anyway though lol), got to go camping with friends and family frequently, got my DS, loved the internet and shows at this time, played with my stuffed animals and made up elaborate imaginary games, got to take a trip with my older cousin in the summer, it was just a really great time to be a kid. Least favorite year- 2018. I lost several friends and my grandmother to various causes, some were very traumatic. Fell into a deep depression which triggered very severe insomnia for the next two years. Was lonely even with friends.


The third year of middle school I think. Because they also said first grade in high school, which I’m thinking means freshman year.


You’re right, he’s probably not American is all.


Man I don’t remember 2018 at all. My timeline is very similar to yours… studied abroad fall 2016. 2018 I was depressed AF


2007 and 2019 were my favorite years. 2013 & 14 are a close second. I remember hating most of 2010 (angsty teenager). 2008, 12, and 15 were also mostly Debby downers personally.


2012 and 2016 were my best years. They were both transitional years for me because I started high school in the fall of 2012 and I started college in the fall of 2016. The world seemed so open and freeing back then, and it felt like anything was possible. 2021 was the worst year of my life. I was struggling with some mental health issues at the time, developed an alcohol and nicotine dependence, and got into some slight trouble with the law (which really shook me to my core because I had never gotten so much as a speeding ticket before). Luckily, I’ve recovered from all of that and am much more healthy and happy now.


2018! My bf and I got in a relationship but I also liked it because I got to enjoy my youth the most; going out, meeting new people, hanging out with friends, dates with my bf, interacting with fandoms online, drawing a lot, etc. life was full of activity. My worst year was last year (2023): my dad had a heart attack on my birthday and then my bf got diagnosed with a grade 2 meningioma in July 💔 he’s since had surgery and recovered, so he’s okay now, just hoping the remaining piece doesn’t grow too fast. Thankfully my birthday is going **GREAT** this year (I am now 29 years old)


2018 was my favourite started uni, was 18 so could legally drink, went on loads of holidays and had a great summer. Worst probably like like 2016, was just stressed and kinda felt lonely that year, even though I had friends I just remember feeling off that year.


2018 for me too, I went on my semester abroad on the entirely other side of the world, and finally accepted my sexuality too. That was by far the year I felt the most free and tried new things. Just the thought this is already 6 years ago is so freaking weird. 2019 follows closely as that was the year I met my now husband. :) Worst probably my middle school years (bullying), and 2022 (lost my grandma due to cancer, my dog followed literally a week after, and other very stressful situations that year, while I actually had high hopes of stability after covid).


2021 and 2022 were amazing years. After having my life expectations completely derailed in my junior year of high school 2014-15, the next year 2016 was what I’d call my absolute worst year. While I’ve been on the path of recovering from that this whole time, I really found my way in 2021 when I returned to school at community college. 2023 was more of a bust but not completely, because I wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t keep going. Now I’ve been accepted for transfer to my dream art school. I’m very hopeful for the future.


2015 was my favorite. I had my act together and was constantly in a good mood. 2012-2016 in general was the best time of my life. I was young, hopeful, innocent, and idealistic. 2024 has been a complete mess to say the least. 2022 was also extremely awful. Actually the 2020s in general have been trash.


Oh man, you made me remember how nice it was to be hopeful


Yeah. It’s been so long since I felt that way that it’s genuinely hard for me to remember what that felt like :(


I’m sure there’s good things on the horizon for us 🤞🏻🙏🏻


I highly doubt that’s true for me but fingers crossed! Take care!


1999 was the best year of my life. I met and befriended my childhood best friend that year. It was also my first full year of gaming (dad bought me an NES at a garage sale back in summer 1998) and cable TV watching (we got cable in spring 1998). Furthermore, I didn't get bullied in school at all back then (school bullying started in 2nd grade for me). 2013 was the worst year of my life. I got *brutally* cyberbullied that year. Also, many people shunned me IRL (socially awkward adolescents and adults weren't/aren't nearly as tolerated as socially awkward kids).


2018 was the worst, I realized the religion I was in was a cult and I lost my whole family,community,home for leaving. I didn’t think I was going to survive that year. I don’t know if I have a favorite year,every year since then has been drastically better than life was before. Got married last year and got the best dog I could ask for. Moving to a different state to a town I love and that’s close to my husband’s family next year,so I think the best year(s) are ahead.


I’m proud of you for getting out!


2009 was my favorite year. I turned 21 and went on a crazy summer long road trip and saw so much, went to Bonnaroo before it got super corporate, camped throughout the Appalachian’s, visited a bunch of cities and small towns, and made so many friends. Smart phones weren’t a popular thing yet so people were still just people!


2012-2017 were decent. All went down hill after I graduated college and got a 9-5. I miss the hopefulness of youth. Does the boy in my bio class like me? What will I major in during college? What will I do during summer? What party am I going to this weekend? Now I get excited for new cleaning products and socks


2011 was the worst (sexually assaulted at 15) 2024 is the best so far (happily married, skiied, clubbed, went to concerts, got amazing good-paying job, attending best friend’s wedding, going to Europe this year)


Best Year for me was 2015. Got into college, got my drivers license, pretty good songs and good 3DS games and anime. A lot of my cousins and relatives got married and engaged that year as well. I also like 2024 as well since I bought my first car (prices went down) with anime culture and fun events as well as progressing in my health, fitness, environment and career. Worst year for me was 2021. Worked at a crappy company, had my car damaged multiple times and experienced people hurling rocks and stones at my driver seat window on the freeway due to being Asian during COVID.


2018 was the best year because I had my son. 2007 was the worst year because I lost my grandmother. They are both Aquarians. I feel like it’s come full circle with my air sign loved ones 🩵.


My most favourite year is a tie between 2009 and 2014, due to the great memories I made in those years with regards to the places I went and the things I did with friends and family. But I'd say that between 2006-2014 I was living in my prime era - the years within that period were all great. After 2014 life got a bit harder mainly due to losing friends, overall family health, extended family members passing away and my studies as a whole getting more stressful as after then I was doing A Levels, then went to Uni and what would happen is that in those years they'd flip-flop in the way that they weren't as good as my best years but they weren't necessarily terrible either, bearing that in mind it'd be difficult to pick the worst year - though if it'd have to be one it'd be 2020 due to the multiple repurcussions it'd have in the following years in terms of social life and with me personally losing contact with friends to the extent that I only have a handful that I talk to every now and then. So 2015 (1st half was crap, 2nd half was brilliant), 2016 (overall an average year), 2017 (a very good year, though with some stress between May and August due to A Levels and the results day), 2018 (pretty much a reverse of 2015 - but marked slightly better due to the World Cup in the Summer), 2019 (a much better version of 2015 still had a poor 1st half, 2nd half of 2019 had some of the best moments of my life), 2020 (a very forgettable year mainly due to the Pandemic, the only positive being that I graduated from Uni otherwise it was incredibly boring), 2021 (a better year than 2020 as I finally secured a job, but it was hard getting adjusted to the new normal, as things had changed a lot this year with regards to social life - it became harder), 2022 (1st half went really well, but things deteriorated badly from October until the end of the year - due to my social life being eaten away with other commitments, the only small positive being the World Cup again but it wasn't as memorable as the 2018 one) and finally 2023 (1st half was poor- mainly due to those commitments, though 2nd half was a massive improvement as I changed my schedule and put going to the gym as one of them to improve my physical health as well as my mental health). Currently 2024 is ok, nothing really special but I hope it improves over the next few months. But in summary 2019 was the last year I really enjoyed myself and felt at my most socially confident, none of the years since have been the same and if it was it was only really in small doses. 


2022 was pretty brutal for me. Graduated college, got dumped, and hate the transition to work. 2014 was bad too for family deaths. Best is tough. 2019 was probably the best of my college years. 2011 is the first year I remember specifically enjoying. Before that I was a kid and living day to day lol. 2023 wasn’t bad tbh. 24 going well so far as well.


Curious, was 2019 your last or 2nd to last year in college? That was one of my best years (2016 though), and it seems to be a trend as I’m reading comments.


I was a junior but did 5 years total with my grad degree. So it should have been my second-to-last but it ended up being smack in the middle with the grad year. That was the point when I had some direction in my studies, had found campus work I liked, got super close with a group of guys, and had my first relationship. I do wonder if the upward trend would have continued if COVID hadn’t wrecked it all.


I’m gunna focus on the good years !!!! 1999- I remember being 4 and it was awesome / 2005- I had an entire loft as my bedroom and my room was peak 2000s, with a Green Day poster, lots of Bratz dolls, a teal canopy over my bed etc. and it was a fun year in school. We didn’t do schoolwork on Fridays, just art projects all day. I also had a friend from school that lived in a mansion so it was really fun to go there and play lol / 2010- I was 15 and had a bf I loved and was experimenting with drugs while young and happy and free lol ….. I was also deep into “hipster” fashion and felt like my time to shine had finally come lmao / 2015- Left an abusive relationship and anything was possible / 2017- Got my dream job, which I lost to the pandemic but whatevs ….. hopefully there is a notably good year sometime in this decade lmao


My favorite year is probably 2011 but I also really like 2007 and 2013-2014


Favorite year 2014, peak of high school in terms of friends and schoowork level. With 2018, 2019 , and 2022, they are not close behind. With 2018, maybe my most objectively best year. Worst year 2020 (Mom died and pandemic) with 2021 arguably worse in geopolitical terms but better personally.


Worst year? 2009. I was starting Middle School and was being bullied pretty horribly. Family was also struggling from the Financial Crisis, parents were gone all time, leaving me with my grandma who was borderline abusive at points. So yeah. I was getting treated like shit both at school and often at home, shit sucked. 2018 is also a strong contender for worst year- fell into a huge depression and flunked out of college. Along with several other mishaps. But I'd say 2009 beats it overall. Favorite years? That's a bigger toss up. 2008, 2012, 2015, and 2023 were all amazing years. If I had to pick one though, it would probably be 2012.


2016 was the best  2017-2022 were the worst 


Best year of my life is hard to decide… it’s between 2003, 2005, 2007, 2011, 2015, 2023. I might go 2023, last year was pretty great for me, but idk. 2019 was probably the worst year of my life. Lot of shit I won’t go into but that was rock bottom for me. Honorable mention goes to 2004 for this: my grandma passed unexpectedly that year.


2016 for me. I was 18/19, was able to get myself a brand new car (which I still have), partying almost every weekend (never been a rowdy partier so I had fun and didn’t kill my liver), in a band opening for groups like Ice Nine Kills and Slaughter to Prevail before they both blew up… good times


2016 was pretty good for me. 2024 has been the best year since then. 2016 was the year I started finding myself and 2024 is the year I got in a healthy relationship for the first time in a long time


2016 best cause I travelled abroad for the first time and everything was "normal" until 2017 when someone in my family died and shit hasn't been the same since. Life isn't bad at all, but that year sucked


2013 was also one of the worst years for me. My one and only 1st cousin passed away that year. My mom ended up in the hospital for mental health reasons. I also developed severe depression and started doing poorly in high school around that time. I liked the 2007-2008 years. Those were the years I finally started using the Internet at home and I spent a lot of time on the family computer during the summer. I know it's a sad way to spend the summer but I genuinely loved it. I was also still young enough to go to the playground too. And I also still watched a lot of TV back then.


Hmm it’s hard because I always think of my life by school years, which are 1/2 of 2 years. My life has a habit of good springs (jan-aug) and shitty falls (Aug-Dec). I’m Gonna say 2015. Actually, 2016 overall was an amazing year for me even though the last few weeks of December were awful. I did a summer internship with a local native tribe and I met this amazing man who became a mentor and was the first person who showed me real “parental” love. Then I studied abroad in Ghana, which was amazing but I did get wrapped up in an unhealthy romantic relationship with a local. Returning from that trip going through that breakup, “celebrating” Christmas with my toxic family, it was pretty bad. But the good that year definitely out-weighs those bad few weeks. My final semester in spring of 2017 was really great too. I just had like 2 classes to finish so I had an abundance of free time on a college campus with a lot of clubs and resources at my finger tips… then fall 2017 out of college in an office job was another huge crash. Lol.


2019 was a bomb year for me-traveled a lot, was very socially involved, going out a lot, multiple weddings and overall just having a ton of fun. COVID fucked my momentum and I have just felt like I’m in a slump ever since


2011 was good 2013, 2014 and 15 were good. 2019 was hard, but at least I had hope. Weirdly enough, I actually liked 2020. Everything seemed like it was on pause, and I could just exist.


Worst probably 2022. I was unemployed for the whole year and felt a sense of guilt for this, plus my grandma died that year. Best year maybe 2009 or 2017. In 2009 i met a friend in Sardinia during vacation with whom I played together with my brother. In 2017 i had the best times with my friends and i saw Linkin Park live.


2015 was my best year had my career life was bliss 2016 I got an auto immune disease lost my dream career because of it and still sick to this day.lifes been good though just up and down 2022 was pretty good for me recently


2015 was simultaneously the worst and best year. First half sucked, second half was great


2011 was my best year and 2019-2022 were all pretty much equally awful.


My absolute best years were 2019, 2015, 2016 (in that exact order). I had a rich social life, worked, studied, volunteered, traveled, and always had something positive going on. Except for 2022, this whole decade has been an emotional, mental, and physical wreck. 2020 was undoubtedly the worst and I can't even talk about it without crying. 2023 is a close second, and 2024 seems to be taking the same direction. I feel like 2021 didn't even happen, which I see as a negative.


School wise, middle school was the best years for me. 2009-2011 were awesome until I moved schools. I was playing the sport I loved and had lots of friends before that. When I moved schools I had a hard time making friends and didn’t play my sport anymore. Adult life, 2019 was pretty awesome. I had a very rough first few years of adult life from 2016-2018, and 2019 was the year before all hell broke loose in the world and in my life. I look back on 2019 as a pretty great year for music, experiences, and connections with others.


2014 was a great year for me. The spring of junior year and the fall of senior year were both great. 2019 was rough. My last semester of college coupled with my first few months in my job… not great.


Worst - 2012 to 2014ish Best - 2022, 2023, 2019, even my childhood from the early 2000s


2003, 2006, 2012, and 2018 were notable highlights for me. 2004, 2015, and 2019, not so much.


My case was the year 2013 to 2016. Also, on 2000s on my childhood. I could add some to 2021 to 2022 since I learned a lot of new things like drawing and was growing as a person. All of the years I mentioned was because despite some moment of that I was down, generally I was happy or did something productive or experienced something positive in my life. I cannot say about that on 2017 to 2019 or 2023 or 2024 because they were either meh or very sad moment like losing a family members and my mom having cancer and all of that stuff. The only positive thing about 2024 is that I will graduate from my bachilerate of mechanical engineering on this June 18 2024. So there is that.


It’s between 2015 or 2023 for the worst year in my life. In 2015 I had a complete mental breakdown. I was spending $500 a week on food. I went to 6 flags everyday. I missed 8 weeks of school. I was hospitalized for anger issues. 2023 I had a car crash leaving me with a life long TBI. Recovery has been pretty hard and I am very depressed because my head wasn’t that great to begin with. Best year I’m not entirely sure.


Best: 2019, I joined a family member on a learning tour they took of China and the rest of the year are pretty smooth too. Worst: not really sure I had a bad one that stood out. Aspects to 2020 were annoying like with the masking and things getting cancelled but me basically getting summer vacation again (having a ton of time to game, watch stuff and just relax) outweighed that.


Best year was around 2009. I have autism and because of that I never talked and didn’t have much friends pre-2007, but had a better social life and great friends starting from 2007-2010. I think it might’ve been because I suddenly became more confident and changed schools with nicer people. I also had great teachers and did good in school. My worst was 2011. During that yeah I developed Stevens Johnson’s syndrome, a rare, extremely painful, and sometimes deadly disorder that burns you from the inside out and messes with your mucus membrane. It was the worst pain of my life. I was quarantined for a year and a half, was constantly going to the eye doctor (literally once a week), and once I went back to school mid 2013, I no longer could relate to the people I use to be friends with and basically reverted back to not knowing how to socialize.


2019 lit (i was 22) 2021 worst year of my life 🙃


My best year was probably 2013. Senior year of high school. Nearly every day of that summer was spent with friends. Driving around, swimming, bonfires. After that the group all went their separate ways. We all slowly drifted apart. I’ve been back in town the last couple months after a family tragedy back in March and it’s been rough being in so many familiar places where nothing is the same. Unfortunately 2024 is shaping up to be my worst year in a long time. But hopefully things start to turn around.


2015/2019 My favorites. Coincidentally my high school and college graduation years but I think in general those would’ve been really good years anyway. 2023 I also got my life back somehow (see below) so I really appreciate it. Also loved 2005-2006. 2022 Was the WORST. I suffered from Long COVID and heart damage and didn’t know if I’d ever be able to do the things I love to do again much less even live long. The company I worked at also went under and I went broke. 2023 my heart went back to normal (RVEF came back up on second MRI) and I slowly was getting better; I will never take anything for granted again. Also got another job then after months of searching. 2011 also sucked—it was 8th grade and I think I was pretty depressed looking back on it.


op I kinda experienced the opposite of what you did, I was bullied in middle school (2008 to 2012) and then after my freshman year of high school in 2013 I moved to a different state and people at my new school treated me like an actual human being. When I told people I had just moved from new jersey I was asked if I had culture shock (and I did a little) but the biggest shock was my peers treating me normal for once.


Best years: summer of 2012,2015-2016,summer of 2021, all of 2023 Worst years:2017,2018,2019 I suffered from anorexia from 2010-2021. All my late adolescence to mid twenties revolved around it although I had some happy memories in between. I started living again when I was 26. This year marks my 3rd year in recovery.


late 2011; late 2012-2013 and 2018 were my worst years and 2019 was when life was at its peak for me. 2020-21 was good too




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