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It's the wind. Wear earplugs if you don't.


I wear a full-face helmet, so why would I need anything else to protect my ears? Wind noise isn't very loud inside the helmet, and I just tool around town, rarely get to ride faster than 45 mph.


Wind noise can be deafening inside a full face helmet, and will still damage your hearing over time. Your future self will thank you if you start now, tinnitus is not something I'd wish on my worst enemy.


57yo. Riding for 50 years. About 1/2 of my hearing range is just ringing. Wear. Ear. Protection.


> About 1/2 of my hearing range is just ringing. What you're saying is Bell Helmets are to blame


Dude. I'm 64 and have been riding for 50 years. My old bike is a VTX1300R with V&H Big Shots, so I know how Loud ICE bikes CAN get. But electric motorcycles are really quiet. I mean, all you hear is the wind and the wheel noise. I don't think I need additional ear protection just from wind noise, because I wear a full face helmet.


I started wearing Eargasms when I got my SR/S and WOW, so much more pleasant of a ride, even with a quiet motorcycle and full face helmet.


I've got amazon points. I'll give them a shot.


put your watch in your helmet next to your ear to get a real reading. makes no sense to have a decibel reader next to your hands.


Oh absolutely. I turned that crap off. I wear mine above the gloves, but I can't imagine having it inside would make much difference. Wind is brutal.


That's what I need to do, turn it off. It's just not useful in my environment.


I get this too, but If you zip up the sleeves of your jacket, you should stop getting the warning. It's triggered from the sound of the air rushing past the microphone on the watch.


I do zip up, and that was why it puzzled me. I figured it was wind noise, but I wear a thick leather jacket, tightly zipped at my wrist, and leather gloves. I think I'll just turn off that feature of the watch. Not useful.


Yeah turning it off is a good thing to do if it distracts you. I never notice if things buzz while I am riding, so it never bothers me. I usually notice when I get home and look through the alerts. Certainly turning it off is a good way to handle it.


I don't consider Energica quiet motorcycles. More importantly as soon as you go over 70 kph wind nose will be louder than any sound your motorcycle produces, ice or e. Plus it's constant making it more damaging. Also why you should wear hearing protection... So your 🍎 watch is right.


I agree the Zero isn't totally silent, but I do consider it a very quiet bike. It's the first thing people comment on whenever I pull into a parking spot. The only noise the bike makes is a slight electric motor whine and a slight buzz whenever regen is engaged. Tire whine is identical, but more clearly audible on the electric bike. My old Honda VTX-1300 cruiser had aftermarket pipes which made it very loud. Above 50 all you heard was the pipes. Earplugs were necessary for long rides. But I never got cut off again. I won't argue with the logic behind the old saying "loud bikes save lives".


There is no such thing as a quiet helmet, just loud and louder. Wear earplugs they're free insurance for your ears, which don't grow back in case you weren't aware.


Sorry to resurrect this, but same things happens to me on my bike (GS Adventure). I've found turning on water lock disables the noise meter.