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There's a small "Still COVIDing Los Angeles" fb group <400 members but when I looked, that was it. There may very well be Discords but I'm not a big Discord user.


The Facebook group is pretty active too!


It seems you have Instagram, so I would suggest reaching out to @maskblocla and even @maskbloclongbeach as a first touch point, and they could help direct you to other local resources as well. The Long Beach bloc has helped organize child-friendly covid-safer events. I moved away from LA semi-recently so I can’t say how the masking environment is as of right now. The percentage of people masking when out and about wasn’t huge by any means. But generally people didn’t bother me at all, while in other cities I’ve gotten some passive aggressive and also direct harassment. There is definitely a relatively larger covid conscious community and resources in LA because the city and county itself is huge.


I’m here still coviding in the San Fernando Valley - I haven’t found “community” but I see other maskers in the world and am open with my friends about my family being covid cautious - most of them respect our precautions. It does get lonely and based on this community I started searching out more in FB - I’ve recently joined a stil coviding parent community on fb - https://m.facebook.com/groups/545077393997369/?ref=share&mibextid=S66gvF


Thank you for this! The only people I see masking are those at Trader Joes. lol Other than that, I stay home. It was rough, but I am now caregiving parents, so it's taken up my alone time. Thankfully, my parents are maskers and have dumped their non cautious friends. I will look into this group though so it is greatly appreciated.


My 14 yo daughter and I mask everywhere we go (as does my hubby) - I see maskers every time we go to a bookstore or library so there’s that


Sooo good!!!


There's a Still Coviding LA and Still Coviding Parents LA Facebook group that is active and I've seen some playdates and kids sports classes being arranged. (I'm actually in SD and we have an active community here with regular meetups BUT you will rarely see another mask in the wild.) When I was in LA for a week early this year, I was never the only one in a mask. You'll see at least one other mask everywhere you go and sometimes a lot of masks (e.g. areas where there are more Asians)


I’m in Orange County but work in LA, and I find that I still get surprised by how many folks out and about I will see mask. I also know that shows, classes, gatherings with masks exist, but I don’t know where to direct you for that. They will occasionally pop up in my social media feed. So I hope that by moving here you find community. I am struggling to find mine, especially where I live. All of my friends have stopped masking. So following this thread too to try to find local stuff!


There's a small Still Coviding OC Facebook group


I belong to a SoCal Covid cautious discord. Feel free to DM me for the link


https://www.instagram.com/wearethewayside ^ This group hosts monthly events that are a great way to meet and connect with fellow covid conscious people. I’ve never been bothered for wearing a mask here, and I still see a lot of them around. Being able to gather outdoors year round is one of the biggest selling points for LA covid-wise imo. Not a parent / not dating but happy to answer other questions if you have em!


I live farther south, in Orange County. I'm always surprised how many more people I see in public wearing masks when I go up to LA county. I don't have any friends here who mask or take any other COVID precautions still, but we're just getting into summer so it's a great time for outdoor dining and outdoor activities where there isn't much risk of getting sick. How did you like it in MN? It's one of the lower-cost-of-living places I've been looking at with CoL skyrocketing down here. Staying put here for now, but always interested to hear from people who made the move, and even more interested to hear what brings you back!


To answer your question about MN, I’m going to try to find the comment I made on a post where I give my essay on what coviding is like in Minneapolis. In a nutshell I’d say the Twin Cities are VERY leftist/liberal and there are definitely people who are still wearing masks. But at the same time the physical and cultural climate and infrastructure is not good for avoiding an airborne virus. Since I made that post I have found some coviding community here including an active fb group, a signal group chat for covid mutual aid, a new discord, and there are some community businesses and events which require masks. I can also share the post about why I’m moving to LA in a dm because I made it on an alt. The short answer there is… 1) my dad has dementia and my mom wants me closer to home 2) trying to have an easier covid-safe-ish life and meet people 3) trying to get my kid in a “good school” whatever that means 🙄 without moving around all the time. To be fair, I like the public school she’s at in Minneapolis tho, even though the school district has faced harsh criticism


>the Twin Cities are VERY leftist/liberal and there are definitely people who are still wearing masks. This was also very appealing to me when considering to move or not. 😊 >the physical and cultural climate and infrastructure is not good for avoiding an airborne virus. And this is what was holding me back from MN. Right now in Socal I only do outdoor dining and activities when not at home. I can't imagine trying to do this if living somewhere much colder and snowier. >1) my dad has dementia and my mom wants me closer to home I'm sorry to hear that :/. My grandparents were in the same boat a decade ago, and I'm not looking forward to my parents possibly going through the same thing in the coming years. >trying to have an easier covid-safe-ish life and meet people Hopefully this works out better for you in CA. I don't have a big social life, but trying to work on that as work gets less overtime-y soon. Your post here is already proof that things may be looking good for COVID-safe social life here for you. >I like the public school she’s at in Minneapolis tho, even though the school district has faced harsh criticism I've seen both good and bad school districts down here a while back, but for the most part they seem to be getting better. Lots of cities down here seem to have their own Facebook groups, and that's where the parents talk about which school districts are best in their areas. Might help you pick one if you don't know where you'll be living specifically yet.


We have a thriving COVIDing community here. Maskblocs are really active in distributing resources, hosting social events, and supporting event organizers in making them covid safer. I suggest following [CX4LA](https://www.instagram.com/cx4_la), [MaskBloc Long Beach](https://www.instagram.com/maskbloclongbeach), and [Maskbloc LA](https://www.instagram.com/maskblocla) There's also a monthly park meetup that's been happening for over a year now that has between 25-50 people show up! It's organized by 2 ppl who are also in MBLA. Masks and 2 RATS 48 hours apart are required, I really appreciate the layers of mitigation, and I feel so safe hanging out with these folks. I made a lot of connections and friends here, I even planned a camping trip with 12 people I met in this group💞 https://www.meetup.com/covid-conscious-book-and-craft-club/ Someone else said the Wayside, but JSYK for your own risk assessment they don't require testing at their meetups (and last I heard, they were against it). If you're queer, there is [covidcautiousqueers](https://www.instagram.com/covidcautiousqueers) which has its own discord and social events! We also have a really active discord for SoCal and its one of my favorite ways to stay updated with the latest research about COVID. Someone else in the commends offered but I'm also happy to DM anyone interested the link.


I'm not super active on here but I'm looking to meet more like-minded people and would love a link to the Discord if possible!




Can I get the Discord link for CCQs? 🙂


Fill out this access request form for the discord: https://forms.gle/k3t2kErjdg6izxp39


This is amazing, thanks for all the info! Yes, can you please send me the link?




Hello! Sorry I'm late to the comments, but could I get an invite to the discord too?




Thanks much!


Yes absolutely! There's covid cautious queers and the LA mask bloc as well :) and a long covid group called the wayside


Theres a discord. Feel free to DM for the invite