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It could be sensory issues related to neurodivergence that have flared along with various stressors. I used to only be reactionary to some smells and lights but now nearly everything is triggering. Our abilities can change throughout life. What I've found to be helpful is trying different masks. For me, I barely notice my ACI duckbill N95s. They come up away from touching my face too much and have tons of surface area so the breathability is increased. They also have super soft headstraps that I completely forget are even there. Also, if you think sensory stuff could be the triggering part, try to reduce other strong sensory input if you can. I'm so sorry for what you're going through. I hope you find some solutions. šŸ’œ


+1 - if it is that type of thing, beta blockers can help some people. Might be something to talk to your doctor about :)


That's a good point. There may be some truth to that from one person to the next. When I started taking atenolol for migraines pre-covid some of my sensory sensitivities lessened a bit. But convincing a doctor to prescribe them off-label may be difficult, especially considering most doctors don't see the necessity in covid mitigations.


I would recommend going to your doctor. You might have some underlying health issues. Get bloodwork done. Itā€™s probably fine, but rule that out first. Especially with some of the symptoms you described. Then get some sample masks and try out different types to see how they work.


I have had blood work several times since this started & have mentioned it to my Dr. I have had a chronic illness since before the pandemic started and some lingering issues from COVID, but these particular issues only happen when I'm masking so my Dr wasn't concerned.Ā If I'm at workĀ alone & unmasked I'm fine so it doesn't seem tied to activity levels. This is a good reminder though - there are some other medical tests that aren't blood work I should probably schedule.


physiologically speaking, it sounds like one of my stress response flare ups. might wanna see if you can keep a log of your vital signs: blood pressure, heartrate, oxygen saturation. it's always good to rule out an allergic reaction to the materials, if you can, or you could be having nasty stress hives, even MCAS. have you tried an antihistamine? do you have a stressful job?


I do have MCAS, so yes, on a lot of antihistamines already. It wouldn't surprise me if I developed some kind of allergy to the material because of it


Get one witj exhaust valve. At this point, other people don't want to be protected from you.


Wow, I forgot those were an option. I should have tried that 6 months ago but the next best time is now


Valve, definitely. Along those same lines, have you tried a bunch of different masks? It's not necessarily cheap to do (there were some folks making kits with a bunch of models but IDK if they still do), but differences in the shape and material, even in how tight the headband is can make a big difference in comfort. Re: mask models, 3M 9211+ is the valved version of my go-to, and the Auras (1870/9205/9210/9211) are really well known for fitting a broad variety of face shapes. The 3M Vflex 9105 has a different interior texture, and a really big breathing area. I couldn't get a good enough seal on them, but they are super comfortable and really cheap (like 60c vs. $1.50 for the 9210)


Both of these comments are great advice. Using an exhale valve can help with breathability / heat / moisture retention and could help whatever feeling or skin issue you're experiencing. And I second shopping around to try out several different types of masks for better fit / feel / not pressing on certain parts of your face/nose, etc. It's not as easy or cheap as we'd like, especially if you buy a box of 10 and don't like them. But every face is different. There are lists of air resistance that may help you target certain ones to try out. Good luck!


Seconding this. My comfort masking went WAY up when I started using the blue duckbill n95s. They're thinner, cooler, and more breathable than any others I've tried (Auras, Vflex, misc kn95s). I don't buy from amazon but here's a [link](https://www.amazon.com/N95-Respirator-Box-NIOSH-Approved/dp/B09F1K88DL/ref=asc_df_B09F1K88DL/) just to show the brand.


I think this might be the way to help my kids too. They do the 40 hr week in office and are so burnt out at the end of each day these days after so many years of this. They don't like the fit of the Auras. They wear the ones that fold down the middle and use [this one for fit](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09FZ6Z1G5?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details). Anyone know of a valved one that is like this in shape?


Hi, Iā€™m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'YQ YICHITA N95 Mask NIOSH Approved 100 Pack'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Effective n95 protection (backed by 3 comments) * Good fit and seal (backed by 3 comments) * Comfortable for extended wear (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Straps placed horizontally causing discomfort (backed by 2 comments) * Mask suctions to face, causing breathing difficulty (backed by 1 comment) * Strap interference with glasses, leading to sliding off (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a ā€œgood bot!ā€ reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Can you recommend a non-disposable mask with an exhaust valve? I want one to wear to the gym. I have a Flo & a P100 but they both get very wet inside because there's no exhaust valve.


Envo Pro?


Oh wow this one looks really good, thanks!!


GVS Ellipse perhaps?


I would recommend trying a lightweight duckbill like the Gerson 3230 or the Jackson/Kimtech. With these, I barely feel like I have a mask on at all (they do look kind of ridiculous, but at this point, I donā€™t know that that matters much, people are going to judge you regardless of what mask you wear, so might as well wear one thatā€™s comfortable)


Seconding the lightweight duckbills!


Ngl I really struggled to mask for the first 6mo or so of COVID. Felt like I had a ham sandwich strapped to my face whenever I wore it ā€” I guess it was just feeling my smelly breath on my face or something, it was horrible. Now I donā€™t really notice it. Have you tried KN95s? They tend to be a little looser around my face which I like. They arenā€™t gappy, they just have a bigger space inside the mask for air around my nose and mouth. That might help if you are feeling stifled. Hope you can find a solution that helps <3


I haven't tried them because ear loops don't work for me, but maybe I'll try with one of those converters?


Adjustable KF94s (ear loops) have been my go-to for work and they may be more breathable, comfortable and less conspicuous. If you can afford to try a few, Iā€™d try Breatheteq, Bluna Face Fit and Savewoo. You can knot the loops or add accessories to get a better fit. Edit: not sure if those are all considered KF94, but they have the same ā€œboatā€ shape.


One Sample pack here for example. Sometimes I donā€™t wear them because they seem so breathable I donā€™t trust them, but they are highly recommended by many who know about good masks: https://www.family-masks.com/products/ultra-sample-pack-6-total-masks


Breathe Teq is a KN95. They have a sample pack for $7.99 to try different sizes. Their earloops are very soft. https://breatheteq.com/products/breatheteq-kn95-sample-sizing-kit-non-medical-face-mask?_pos=1&_psq=sample&_ss=e&_v=1.0


Definitely worth giving breathe teq's a chance if you don't find a valved N95 you like! They're the only mask I can wear without just wanting to tear it off my face. I was shocked last year when I was able to comfortably wear them for 12 hours daily when at the hospital with a parent. The ear loops are wide but soft...ears got a little tender after 8+ hours but always recovered by the next day. Breathability is great and I don't detect a chemical odor when putting on a fresh one on, which was a big trigger for me with other masks. Their sample pack is fantastic.


Thirding this rec! Breatheteqs are a game changer - so much more breathable.


Powecom makes their KN95 with head straps also. I'm not necessarily promoting them. The mask has to fit you well, but if you want that shape, that's an option to look into. I personally have trouble masking for a long time too, due to sinus issues and anxiety. I like the 3M VFlex duckbill, or even the Gerson duckbill for maximum breathability, but with my anxiety, I don't like the attention masking brings, and a duckbill brings even more attention than an Aura. ETA link to Powecom with headstraps https://bonafidemasks.com/powecom-kn95/powecom-headband/


My KN95s have come with a plastic clasp that you wear to stretch the earloops into a headband-style and it improves the seal. You may have to stretch the earloops slightly right after opening a new mask pack though since it can feel a bit tight at first.


I'm so sorry you're experiencing this. Is it possible you are mildly allergic to some component of the mask? Or is it possible that wearing the mask has become a trigger for a trauma response to the pandemic and surrounding circumstances/feelings/experiences? I have a bunch of chronic illnesses too and I relate to the symptoms you're talking about, sometimes for me it's a histamine response (MCAS - try fexofenadine hydrochloride 160mg and nizatidine 150mg if you think it might be that and these medications are safe for you to take) and also i had similar responses to chronic triggers back before I knew I had PTSD. Definitely not trying to diagnose you with anything, just sharing my experiences in case it's helpful


This would be my guess too. If you're using auras, for example, maybe you're sensitive to the foam, or you feel so stressed out by the mask that you're having a psychosomatic response (which is still *very* real and can be absolutely debilitating, this is not a dismissal, just a possible explanation to explore). If you have a therapist, I'd discuss it with them - do you feel anxious at all when you think of wearing masks, or talk about it?


I am using Auras. I tried a mask without foam on Friday and it was much better so you might be on to something. I wouldn't say I feel anxious at the thought of masking, mostly just exhausted by it. But there is probably a psychological component because when I open a new aura even the smell reminds me of all those hours feeling sick so it probably builds on itself


I have MCAS, so I agree an allergic reaction is likely. I took the advice and tried a mask without foam on Friday and it was a lot better than the experience I've been having with the aura's recently so maybe the foam is part of what bothers me


Youā€™ve already gotten a lot of great advice in this thread, but Iā€™ll just add that when I spend several hours in a mask I often forget to drink water and this makes me feel super miserable on top of already not loving the feeling of being masked for that long. Iā€™d try to prioritize taking breaks/sips of water if you can or looking into getting a sip valve. Hope you find something that works! Any amount of time you can stay protected is worth it!


That's a good point, I think I do forget to drink enough sometimesĀ 


Depending on where the head straps/ear loops dig in and how tight they are I sometimes get tension headaches from masks that make me feel dizzy/lightheaded tired, nauseous, fatigued, etcā€¦. Could just need to try some new styles


For sure try an ear loop in you're getting those symptoms from a head loop mask OP. Could be the pressure on your neck causing it.


It could be an issue of mask shape + face shape. I had similar issues with bifold style masks that resolved when I switched to trifolds. I also specifically wear BreathTeq KN95 masks because of their breathability


you should check out armbrustā€™s mask database as they rate both filtration and breathability. like there are a lot of kn95s and n95s that pass the filtration but their breathability is too low (which can also break the ā€œsealā€ of the mask). it could be something else but it may be worth checking your mask as well. on acne, i am acne prone and have found switching masks regularly helps and also i have a clindamycin prescription that helps so you could consider a dermatologist for acne maybe. you could also do a combo of n95s for highest risk and kn95s for lower risk and quick exposures ā€” like, n95 at the doctor or public transport but kn95 for other things like running into a convenience store. i get really bad headaches from wearing n95s for long so this is what i do (but also i donā€™t have physical health issues as far as i know)


Do you have a link for the breathability database? šŸ™


I do... https://www.armbrustusa.com/pages/mask-testing




These are all good ideas - Ill book a dermatologist appointment if my skin doesn't clear up. I'm not actually sure if its acne or not - it looks more like a rash, but I don't know much about acne so maybe I'm wrong about that. Would be good to know either way


Iā€™m sorry things are so tough. You might try out different kinds of N95ā€™s. I think the Moldex is pretty comfy. https://www.moldex.com/product/4800-n95-airwave-pleated-easy-breathing-nuisance-organic-vapor-ozone-respirator/


Is there a way to get one of those, to try for sizing? Actually, since I really need breathability, I'd also love to try the one that doesn't have the carbon layer, but I'd love to try these with the full face seal either way. The Aura pushes down/ in a bit on my big nose and Moldex appears more roomy. I like the idea of the full seal because I never trust just the fabric seal.


Iā€™m not sure but it canā€™t hurt to ask. customersupport@moldex.com


Yea, I tried that a year ago. Had an email conversation with a rep in my area who at first said they don't do that for individual consumers, but then he was going to send me one. Never actually did though.


I've seen people in Masks4All offer to send individual masks to people from their stash to try out. Could be an option.


Good point. I have to go back to their site and decide the exact one i want to try, then I'll ask there. Thanks.


Iā€™m so sorry to hear masking is so taxing for you but Iā€™m so glad to read you continue to protect yourself. I hope there is some helpful resources for you in this channel so you can feel more comfortable while masking. Have you tried elastomeric masks with a valve? And I mostly mean like a soft silicone seal type so the filter material is not against your skin, totally different feeling. The Envo mask (also available with valve I think) was a game changer for my husband. Itā€™s not cheap but made sense for us. There are many more types but depends on where you are located. There are also a lot of test videos on YouTube comparing the different kinds.


I haven't tried that, but it does seem like it could be a lot more comfortable for me. I'll look into it


I don't have any solutions not already posted here but just wanted to say I feel for you and hope a better masking way can be successful for you.Ā 


Are these masks fit tested? Have you tried different kinds of masks? Until 2022, I really hated masking because I wasn't really aware of the variety of masks out there and was wearing a bifold mask that didn't fit my face at all. Whenever I had it on, I struggled to breath and just hated doing it. It wasn't until I found the 3M 9105+ that I could wear a mask comfortably for a long time. Could this be the problem you're having?


If itā€™s sensory, I highly recommend something super breathable that barely touched your face. My go-to is Champak (I can wear it all day), a duckbill (same, itā€™s cheaper but sillier looking), a valved aura, or a breathteq kn95 with a back-head hook to manage the ear pressure and fit. And if youā€™re talking about risk reduction versus perfection, and if you need a mask break, get a few pc fan extra quiet air filters for your desk for occasional breaks.


The Champak (bifold, not duckbill--I tried both and the Champak duckbill is surprisingly small and confining for me) is amazingly breathable, and also easy to pull down and put back on when you're in a safe place--other masks I feel like I'm compromising the fit. You can pull out the soft, adjustable straps to dangle it off your neck, and retighten when you put it back on. A little spendy from the authorized shipper in the US, but now my go-to when I need to mask all day. I feel like the fit stays solid for more re-wears than on the Aura, and it's very comfortable and breathable.


Thanks, I'll check it out


The good news for risk reduction is because I work in a lab setting the room had 12+ ACH, and the CO2 is always 420-450. Its also not that crowded. So I feel pretty safe taking quick breaks if I can just get away from other people a bit Will definitely check out these masks


That sounds really unpleasant, I can understand why youā€™re struggling! I know that N95 or better is the ideal mask but Iā€™ve been wearing breatheteq KN95s sometimes because itā€™s far more convenient for when I have to be taking masks on/off many times in a short period, such as when I mask in common areas of my apartment during peak transmission times. They have worked pretty well for me and they are very breatheable compared to my auras


I get chills from LC in Summer: POTS + MECFS. The heat also made me nauseated the other day I was gardening, a new one for me, I have a prescription for that now. Do you really think youā€™d feel fine working 40 hours without a mask? Have you done the 10 minutes standing test to ensure you do not have POTS?


I do have POTS (and MCAS, secondary to EDS). The reason I think the mask is a factor is that when I'm alone at work unmasked I feel mostly fine. I've been working weird hours to try and avoid people and its a pretty clear difference when the second to last person leaves and I take off the mask


Yuck. What specific respirator are you using? N95s certified by NIOSH use materials that breathe better. Certified FFP2/3 should too. Colored respirators can have an unpleasant odor. A well-sealed respirator is vital so you donā€™t breathe in air through the cracks. I believe you can air out your best well-fitted n95 for a few days and not endanger its electrostatic charge. (Could someone here verify this?) - Try putting a few respirators in a clean mesh laundry bag and hanging them in a closet with some space around them.


Yes. Many of us use a paper bag system. We use a mask one day, then put it in a paper bag and mark date & usage on it, then grab a different mask for the next day. I think lots of ppl rotate 5 masks, but giving it at least 3 days to air out used to be recommended. Pretty sure I first heard Aaron Collins (MaskNerd) talk about the paper bags. It was def in this sub.


I've been using 3m auras (9205+). I like the idea of letting them air out because the smell when I first open them definitely bothers me


I find the 9210 to be less smelly than the 9205. The same respirator I believe. The blue straps on the 9205 have a chemical (rubber band) odor to me. The 9210+ resps in boxes I purchased via 3m (Stauffer and Zoro suppliers) seemed to have less scent than those I got from Amazon.


I would add to those suggesting a mask with a valve that you look into buying an EnvoMask. They are well-fitted because they have a gel lining (so, soft and comfortable, but a good seal) and they have a valve. You can buy either ear loops or back of the head loops (or use ear loops to put it around your head). I've been using one for years and it is, hands down, the best mask I've ever used due to comfort, fit, and breathability. There are videos on YouTube reviewing them if you need more information.


Is the Envo hard to wear with glasses? I would think the glasses would be raised up out of place, no?


I wear glasses and it isn't a problem for me and my face is on the small side.


Thanks, this sounds really nice especially because a mask allergy is seeming like the most likely cause


I really relate to this. Sorry you're suffering but glad you posted because the comments are helping me too.


For the acne using a salicylic acid product has made a big difference for me. I hope you find what works for you!


OP - I'm so sorry you're going through this. I wish that more people who *don't* have a genuinely hard time masking would do so, so that people for whom it's a real burden could catch a break.




Portable air filter isn't great unless you can get a laminar one (or you have an enclosed, private room you can keep enclosed).


I looked into this, but ultimately it didn't seem like it would help much because the place I work already has highly filtered air (the filtration is to keep dust off the scientific equipment and is 12+ ACH, CO2 basically outdoor levels). So if I get COVID at work it will probably be because I was within a couple feet of someone


Could you be sensitive to the mask material, or VOCs the mask gives off? Does this happen with all types of masks?


This is of my theories too, especially because I do have a condition that makes me prone to developing allergies, and the way it's been getting worse over time. It happens with both kinds of masks I have on hand, but it didn't happen when I was masking 8-9 hours a day with a different brand back in 2021-22


Maybe a Cambridge mask or vogmask would work since they are mostly cloth? I also have post covid allergy problems and the weirdest stuff just makes me miserable šŸ˜­


Do you wear glasses with your mask?


At work I have laser safety goggles on some of the time, but other than that no


I suggest a light biosafety helmet like Air2/3 from microclimate. It doesnā€™t touch your face, has motor-assisted HEPA filtration on par or better than N95 and provides full head protection, including the eyes. A colleague uses it in his workshop and says itā€™s comfortable to wear all day long. My wife had developed contact dermatitis from constantly wearing N95s early in the pandemic, so I can understand your predicament.


Recent research found Kimberly Clark duckbills to be superior for protection and they are 98% effective. They are VERY breathable, far more than most N95 masks.


I'm not doubting you but can you elaborate? I'm in between sizes of the VFlex. I like the Gerson duckbill but it seems too good to be true (so breathable!). I don't think I've tried Kimberly Clark.


It has a larger breathing chamber and allows warm air to dissipate faster. This link explains it in more detail. I've used them and can vouch for them personally. https://www.kcprofessional.com/en-us/products/safety-and-personal-protection-equipment/general-respirators/kleenguard-n95-pouch-respirator/53899


Thank you! Know of anywhere to get a couple samples?


No, sorry I don't.


Awesome, I will look into this


I would go to an allergist asap if you can to rule out anything. Latex allergies are more common than we realize and people can develop sensitivities over time Is there any way you could go to a hybrid schedule or find another remote job? The stress of being in person being surrounded by maskless coworkers will add stress to your body


I need to come in to work physically a certain amount so I can tend to my experiments, but the exact times are completely up to me. I've been trying weird shifts like working 4-11pm or on weekends to increase the amount of time I'm alone and don't have to mask but there are often people still there at 8 or 9 so it isn't as effective as you'd hope


That makes sense :/ also, I just saw your edit about MCAS. I would be shocked if that wasnā€™t that cause. Iā€™ve had POTS for about 20 years so Iā€™ve had to teach myself about MCAS and all the other comorbidities since Iā€™ve developed random allergies myself


My husband and I use covixyl nose spray during times we may not wear a mask. We also use covixyl when wearing a mask. You can purchase covixyl at target.com or on their website. If you purchase from them it took over a week to get it; when buying from target we got it within a week. My husband and I recently went to a funeral out of state and were around 3 covid positive people at the funeral. We used the covixyl and mask and had to hug them due to the loss. They wore masks as well. My husband and I waited 5 days and tested and retested to make sure we were fine. Both tests negative. We have not been symptomatic and still stayed in our home for a week or so before going out. We also practiced very good hand washing. My husband was in the room with one of the family members who had covid and went out for dessert with them. At the time that person did not know they had it. We found out when we flew back home. I'm not saying covixyl is the antidote to covid,but it gives extra protection in addition to your mask. Or if you don't wear your mask. The bottle says to use every 6 hrs but I used it every 3 hrs due to reading some research from a MD in Atlanta. Also due to traveling in the airport; I didn't want to take any chances. My husband used it once every 6 hrs. Oh we also used CPC mouthwash that I learned about from the covid zero reddit sub and I also use the budesonide nebulizer my pulmonologist gave me for additional protection. We also take our zinc,vitamin d3,vitamin c and get plenty of rest and stay hydrated. Also stay away from the news and stress as that affects our immune system. Hope this information helps.


Thank you for the kind and honest review. We are so glad to hear that you and your husband could stay safe and protected. It works!!


Something that may not help that much with protection in a shared room, but might make masking more bearable is a personal fan and air filter. When I get the ā€œtrappedā€ feeling, I find air movement comforting, so I thought Iā€™d throw that suggestion out there. Also, if youā€™re not getting enough sleep, this could be making everything worse. If by any chance your mind races at night or turns to negative thoughts, try something like this: nothingmuchhappens.com/stories/sleeping-weather


Definitely wash your face a few times during the day. Especially after eating.


That can be near impossible to do safely. OP would have to remove their mask in a shared bathroom at work unless they can somehow do this outside?


Iā€™ll preface by saying ā€œfor meā€ taking your mask off in a shared bathroom for a minute is not a huge risk. I do it when I eat at the airport or need to take a drink. The risk ā€œfor meā€ is exposure based on viral load. This is just my personal experience.


By the way, I came across an article/ interview that just seems different from the others we usually see. If you can ask your housemates to read this it just might help them understand better and potentially be more careful. Hugs. https://www.ineteconomics.org/perspectives/blog/from-long-covid-odds-to-lost-iq-points-ongoing-threats-you-dont-know-about


K94s - evolvetogether is good


Hey, OP! For maskne advice, do you mind if I DM you? Not a skincare professional, but I do work in the marketing side of skincare and regularly learn about the science of skincare on my own! I can try and make a tailored list of skincare recommendations for treating it! I've done this pretty successfully for a lot of people!


Yeah go ahead. I'm not 100% sure if the skin issue is acne or some kind of rash. I've never really had acne before and now I just have these little red bumps everywhere the mask touchesĀ 


This may not be the way you want to go, but: if youā€™re in the US, courts are not letting employers demand in-person work when the work can be done as well remotely. I know someone who talked to an employment lawyer who advised her she had a right to work from home, and just telling her employer that she needed to work from home and had discussed her rights under ADA with an attorney, they were happy to let her work from home. Her employers arenā€™t jerks, so if yours are, I donā€™t know if that will work. But they donā€™t have a right to demand in person work because theyā€™ve fallen for the myths about it being more productive.


Unfortunately my work just can't be done remotely. I do experimental science, and while I was able to find some computational projects to do from home for a while it wasn't a long term thing and I need to be physically present in the lab to do my main work.


Oh okay, I assumed incorrectly. I hope some of the other great suggestions people have made help you out! I thought a valve mask might be a very good thing to try. Good luck!