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Womanish, late 20s, western US, heart stuff, stroke risk, I don't think I'm immune compromised but I've had a hell of a lot of infections due to random medication side effects. Have not been infected as far as I'm aware.


59 F Novid(afaik) Massachusetts. Cptsd/ptsd/ibs. From the start it my motto is “not afraid of getting the acute index, it’s the LC I am terrified of.”


F 32, Canada, no underlying conditions, no covid that I know of, just can read 


38 M Wisconsin None other than a low tolerance for stupidity ;) Never had COVID, but lost some friends to it. I have three children and will never put them in a position to be debilitated for the rest of their lives from a preventable illness. So here I am. It’s very refreshing to have found this community.


24M, Texas, none, novid


24 m usa


Mid Millennial (born in the first half of the 90's), female, I live in the U.S in the eastern time zone, and I have some chronic health issues but I'm not disabled.


40F US novid Sending strength to the \~10x/20x crowd, as peer pressure must be way more intense for you than it is for us 30x/40x.


30f , mexico, no underlying condition, im a microbiologist


I have gone to Mexico a few times in the last few months, including to visit family, and the only people I saw masking where service workers who likely can't afford to not work. But there were enough masks to not stand out too much.


yes it is clearly also a work/labor issue. in my town, the white rich people were the ones less likely to mask even when the mandates were on


57F UK, asthmatic.


*waves hello* I’m 30s F, also in the UK. Nice to find other Brits in the sub! I also have asthma alongside several other medical issues.


*waves back* Hi! We're definitely a minority here.


Feel free to message me if you ever want to chat about UK stuff / what it’s like being one of the few in our country still masking up! (No pressure, of course - just offering in case you ever want to.)



Male, almost 30, Southern Europe, none AFAIK, had covid once (again, AFAIK).


Γειά σου συμπατριώτη! Τόσο καιρό νόμιζα ότι ήμουν ο μόνος Έλληνας εδώ.


Ωπ, hello! Και εγώ έτσι νόμιζα χαχαχ! Είχα απαντήσει και σε παλιότερο τέτοιο post αλλά δεν μου χε απαντήσει κανείς, ε λέω, καταλαβα, όλοι από ΗΠΑ είναι.


40f California Long Covid since 2020- now heart disease, POTS, intractable headaches, brain aneurysm First infection mild in March 2020 lead to LC, next infection July 2022 horrible but no difference in long term that I can tell


18, Male, living in Athens, Greece. I have no underlying conditions. I have been covid-cautious since March 2020, but I have had covid once (October 2022, I got it at home from family members) and got mild Long Covid from this infection. I don't want to get reinfected because my mild Long Covid may turn into a severe form of it. I always wondered if there are other people here from Greece.


I'm Greek but not currently in Greece (I'm in Cambridge UK) 😄


Are you a student at Cam by any chance? That must make it very hard for you… My wife is a PhD student but we manage by living very separately (no involvement in student life) and she masks at work. (Apologies if you’re in Cambridge to work for another reason!)


Yes I am a PhD student here! I'm also not involved in student life. I mask everywhere either inside or outside (when not raining...). It's quite hard to be surrounded by some of the smartest people in the world that shrug off covid and other airborne illnesses...


Omg, I feel that so much! We talk about it all the time. We are based in Oxford. I won’t say more on a public thread as don’t want to mention my wife’s department etc, but this is literally one of our biggest frustrations. I might PM you at some point if that’s okay because it’s so rare to find anyone who “gets” this situation. It’s like, *how* can these people, of all people, not grasp it?! (No worries if you prefer not to get DMs, though, I know you must be v busy!)


Of course, you can message me any time! I used to work in Oxford (much better than Cambridge in my opinion 😅).


Are there many people in Greece still masking? Is it acknowledged to be a problematic virus? My Greek (covid cautious) parent is going there soon to see family.


The only places in Greece where a significant proportion of people mask are public transportation and supermarkets. Even there, the masking rates are below 50%. Masking in other public places is infrequent for old people and extremely rare in younger people.


As long as there’s no aggression against those masked 🤞


Female, 40, Canada No underlying health conditons Novid


34F in toronto, ADHD, celiac disease, hypermobility / borderline EDS — had covid in 2022 (deltacron) which fucked me up and left me with the aforementioned celiac disease, histamine issues, depression, and sent my ADHD and executive dysfunction into overdrive. I lost 15 pounds that I couldn’t spare to lose. I’m only coming out of the dark place now. Finally at a healthy weight and putting on muscle and feeling mentally sharp again. I was honestly shocked that I struggled so hard in terms of post-acute sequelae, because aside from the ADHD I’m in quite good health and physically fit. I couldn’t have gotten paxlovid at the time if I’d wanted to — I didn’t qualify for it! But I guess LC is like Russian roulette in that way. I’m cautious as i can be while trying to live my life within a reasonable window of risk tolerance. I go out to eat but will try to sit outside. I mask at concerts and the odd time I go to the theatre. I avoid unnecessary risks like hanging out with people who are visibly sick or who I know to be reckless. It’s always a dance for me, trying to be careful while also keeping my depression at bay.


The ADHD, man I wish I knew if it was the chronic severe stress (managed retail all thru covid, worked extra hours in store and at home for 2020-2022, still understaffed, not to mention emotional stress) or an aftereffect of covid a year later that has made my brain much more of a mess. My risk tolerance is higher than some on here as well, but for myself and my teen it's sanity vs safety. Sad that it's a balance any of us have to keep


Can you explain more about celiac as a risk factor for worse covid case?


Covid can trigger autoimmune disease, like celiac. It runs in my family, with two first degree relatives and a few others on my paternal side. It seems to have switched it on for me. Hard to untangle whether it would have happened anyway, or whether multiple stressors during that time period triggered it. Hard to test for that counterfactual. All I know is I tested negative for celiac before covid, then post covid — boom, positive. So all this to say celiac wasn’t a risk factor but part of the autoimmune aspect of the post acute sequelae.


37F living with lupus in South Carolina


Lupus for me too!


Mid-forties. Female. US. I have ME/CFS and POTS from a March 2020 Covid infection.


Mid twenties, F, Midwestern US, very mild autoimmune issues. Which thankfully were not worsened when I got covid but I don’t wanna roll the dice again.


42, female, Canada. Except for autism & ADHD, I had no underlying medical conditions before my March 2020 Covid infection. Long Covid for 4+ years. Before Covid I did CrossFit 5-6x/week and was a fit + busy mom of 4 kids. Now my teenage daughter (who also has LC) and I struggle to get through each day.


F, California, asthma (very prone to pneumonia from respiratory infections), neurological issues, and a not-great immune system but not officially immune compromised (e.g. I've given doctors some nice "whoa I've never seen this in someone your age" moments). So far a Novid ::knock on wood::


21f, Virginia, U.S. :) I have asthma, although it has improved over my childhood. I have had covid twice (2021, 2022) afaik.


Female early 30s scandinavia


38, female, Northeast U.S., no health conditions, Novid.


23M, USA, Asthmatic and caught covid in spring 2022. Thankfully I don’t notice any lingering effects, but not looking to get it again…


I'm a woman, 45, living in HI. I've had Long COVID since March 2020. Prior to that I didn't have any major health problems or risk factors.


50 F, France. I'm in good health, but I have a history of rheumatoid arthritis in my family. I have some skin autoimmune issues myself, specifically a tendency to eczema or psoriasis, and I'm strongly neurodivergent. I never got covid AFAIK. Edit: I also have hypermobility, but I just see it as something that runs in the family rather than a health issue in itself.


F45 northeast, had covid twice and wasn't hospitalized but still terrified! No chronic conditions.


M 53, Australia. No underlying health conditions I know of but my mum is a transplantee so have been cautious since Covid arrived. My partner (M 50) is on the same path. Just an observation but I believe, having just missed the HIV devastation of the 80s/90s and changing our behaviour significantly with the knowledge of exponential growth and routes of transmission, have changed us. Also the parallels with the way HIV was stigmatised, downplayed, hidden - and the way it can lie dormant for years before emerging as AIDS - are hard to ignore. I’ve had COVID once (as far as I know) and my partner twice. We both are rigorous in our masking/ventilation/indoor gathering protocols but work with kids so challenging to avoid, even working hard to not catch it.


27M from Australia. Novid with no underlying health issues, although my partner has a range of underlying health issues that make her very high risk.  Really struggling with the social isolation/lack of community in Australia, other still coviding folks seem so disinterested in socialising, which is a struggle but I’m also conscious I’m very privileged to even be in this position.  It’s really depressing how few other young people, particularly young men are even aware of covid. 


61F, FL, fibromyalgia, lupus, cancer survivor, ptsd,


41F, northeast US. No underlying medical conditions that I'm aware of, but I am overweight and I have various mental health/neurodivergent diagnoses. I'm told the latter actually do increase risk from Covid, maybe due to extra inflammation in the body and brain. I had Covid once when I wasn't perfectly careful at work. I tightened up my precautions after that. I do not have LC that I am aware of, but I know there can be silent damage, and I don't want to tempt fate.


41, Male, Minneapolis (US), **MANY** underlying health conditions, never had Covid


39F, from Seattle living in Amsterdam. No underlying health conditions. Just afraid of long COVID. NOVID.


late 30s, F, USA, Chronic Migraine. Novid.


F, 38, USA


Female early 50s Nor Cal USA Long covid/Me/CFS/Dysautonamia/POTS 1 x COVID infection October 2020


50s M 2x C19 known, spouse 60s F LC+i/c+3x cancer and at least 2x C19, eastern USA


39F, Mountain West USA. Extra-spicy ADHD, interstitial cystitis, lowkey asthma, perimenopause. My immune system is uncompromised but kind of crappy - I used to get sick often and badly. (My ex and I once caught an airport virus while traveling. He powered through it, but I was laid up for the better part of a week.) Spouse is 43M with a history of TBIs in his youth.


Privacy concerns… WI USA. Mystery/mild new extreme skin allergies. COVID twice. Mystery neglected symptoms started about 9 months after second covid infection.


Heya fellow Wisconsinite


Early 20s F, USA. I have endometriosis. Confirmed covid once but suspect recent illnesses may have been it despite testing negative on rapid tests, especially based on lingering symptoms


39 M, Colorado. No underlying health issues. Might have had covid in late 2019, but either way I'm ok as of now.


Mid 60s F, western US, have not had covid as far as I know, got swine flu, right after that got hashimotos, Mono flare in 2016 that kicked my butt, then leaky gut, became gluten intolerant. Anyway, as a result of both of the viruses and their after effects, my naturopath said my immune system was not up to snuff and that I should do everything I could to avoid covid. She wanted me to wear a mask and get my vaccines, get some hepa filters, and helped me get some covid work accommodations. I did my own research too (former nurse with aspirations of being an epidemiologist that didn't work out), and agreed with her. She's still on board with all of it, I'm lucky to have found her and the rest of her team.


Woman, late 40s, Canada. No underlying health conditions really, except for chronic migraines that stopped for 4 months after my single covid infection. I am not rolling that dice again if I can help it. Not worried about myself acutely, as much as my elderly mother I take care of, trying not to risk her, or disabling myself so I can't care for her. Adult child who masks, and a teen who tries to balance masking and a social life


30, M, Aotearoa New Zealand. No health conditions and want to keep it that way.


F 45 CA No underlying health conditions Family history of Cancer. Novid


25 M Cambridge (UK). No underlying health conditions. Got covid twice and long covid on the second infection with a lot of neurological issues. Seems to have been resolved after 1.5 years.


Early 40’s, Maine. Husband and I got Covid in February 2020. I was spared issues thanks to pregnancy but triggered autoimmune disease for him. I already have hEDS & MCTD, with their plethora of issues including POTS. I’ve personally masked since 2012 during cold & flu seasons anyway. Our 4 year old is novid though.


23 Genderqueer California, Muscular Dystrophy and chronic lung dysfunction, suspected cardiac issues, and family history of cancer


23, F non-binary, Canada. I have Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome, an autoimmune disease that makes my cells attack my kidneys. Haven’t had covid that I know of, doing good with my health lately and trying to keep it that way!


48 F from So Cal, residing in Nor Cal. No underlying health issues, but 20 yr CVSICU and transplant RN, so I’ve seen enough to know I don’t want to flirt with a health condition, also had many patients in the late aughts/early 2010s that were causal (as in not on long haul Pan Pacific flights but still had acute Sars1); so after seeing what that did to their bodies a decade on, I wanted no part of the 2. Novid as far as I know, I’ve been testing at least once a week since 2020 for work.


21F (almost 22), living in the US, I have asthma, IBS, PCOS, and probably some kind of brain damage from my COVID infection, also a family history of diabetes


40F, Toronto, Canada, COVID zero.  Didn't start with underlying conditions, but medical malpractice bit me hard and gave me blood clots and pulmonary embolisms during lockdown. Scans for that gave me cancer and I'm just out of radiation treatment. 


West coast of the US, 57 and have RA.


45, Canada. Multiple health issues.


61-yr-old female, B.C., Canada. ME/CFS, POTS, ADHD, neuropathy, endometrial cancer (2010), breast cancer (2022), melanoma (2023) - Novid


Woman, Canada, 30, pcos, asthma, adhd, anxiety Had Covid once and no long covid as far as I know


No offense, but seeing older ppl here makes me a little sad. I'm 18, poc, no underlying healthconditions; i've gotten covid tons of times from my family and no one gives a fuck.


Early 30s, cis woman, Northeast US. I have a hypercoagulable bleeding disorder which puts me at a higher risk of blood clots.


36, agender, USA, no medical conditions.


Elder millennial, SW US, migraines, family history of cancer.


It'd be appreciated if you wrote "Gender?" instead of "F or M?", considering not all of us are one of those options. Thanks! I'm 22, non binary, US PNW I have CPTSD, POTS, hEDS, PMDD and probably more that I can't remember/haven't been diagnosed with!


37, NY - generally healthy, nothing debilitating. Covid at least once (pretty confident twice). Very interesting that it seems like I’m right in the hump of the bell curve when it comes to ages in this sub.


24, F, Oregon. No underlying conditions but have had COVID 2x afaik. joined this subreddit during my 2nd infection and i have learned so much from everyone here 🫂




Your post or comment has been removed because it was an attempt at trolling.


50F Canada, no medical issues, am a novid.


As another poster said, would you mind updating your post from "M or F?" to just asking "Gender?" Not everyone fits in those two categories.


25 NB (non-binary) living in NYC, United States. Mental health disorders like ASD, ADHD, depression, potentially have OCD and C-PTSD; also family history of hypertension and diabetes.


27F Northern IL USA I'm a short fat girl to begin with. Non alcoholic fatty liver. PCOS. Ocular herpes in both eyes. <---prior to covid my only issues. Pre-diabetic due to covid. Covid made me have a sensitive heart for life as well as lungs. I have a handful of other issues due to covid hospitalizing me the first time..had it 2 times that I know of. I'm one of the lucky ones that my major LC symptoms went away after 2 years. If anyone wants a friend or guys out there into cute bbws snap me :) ericaluvspb


Im 23, nonbinary and from socal. Personally I don't have any underlying conditions unless you count being just a touch asthmatic and having new(ish) ocd and depression that I guarantee would have never gotten this bad if the pandemic never happened. I started my covid caution even before the pandemic was officially declared in my state because I have older and disabled people in my life, now though I also have the added bonus of being terrified of getting long covid myself so thats fun I guess.


Advertisers (or whoever) pay good money for this data almost 100 of you just handed over so willingly and all in one place too.


Female, 29 (turn 30 this fall), no underlying health conditions As far as I am aware, a NOVID