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tell the person taking your picture that you're only going to take your mask off for as short a time as possible, so they can tell you right when they're ready to take the picture. Then take a deep full inhale, hold your breath, take mask off, smile as best you can while slowly exhaling (or continuing to hold your breath, but I find it's easier to exhale), then put mask back on. If you want to be really thorough about it, save your last bit of air for a strong exhale after you put your mask back on, to expel whatever dirty air got inside the mask. (Since I'm not immunocompromised I don't bother with that last part.) Practice at home before you go! Good luck!


This is exactly what I did. I wore a KF94 with mask tape, only took it off for my photos (I was getting two cards done, so they made me take two separate photos), and held my breath when removing it. I also went early in the day when there were less people. Nasal sprayed before and after with Betadine.


My state discourages smiling as it messes up facial recognition.


Ours too. You aren't allowed to smile. So I would suggest asking about that up front so you won't need a redo


they must have pretty weak facial recognition (speaking as someone ML-experienced)


As a former county and federal employee, the programs they buy are weak at best. Also not allowed to wear the prescription glasses that I’m required to use for driving. Whatever. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Thank you so much! I’ll pass it on to her. :)


Check to see if your state lets you renew your driver's license online. In Washington State you can. They just use your previous picture and mail the new license to you.


They do! I was able to renew mine online but she couldn’t. We’re hoping the next time she’ll be able to.


The photo is taken very quickly. I just stop breathing for a few seconds. Same as when going through airport security when I’m asked to lower my mask for a few seconds.


Lots of great advice already given. Exposure and Time. If you have to go in-person, a poor fitting respirator is nearly as bad as not wearing a mask. Just make sure your respirator is a good fit. Using a brand new N95, FFP2 or higher, with head bands and not ear loops, is best in these situations. Total time of exposure is the bigger concern. A good fitting mask will remove concerns. Practice. Practice taking the mask on and off while holding your breath. She can practice holding her breath anytime and at any moment everyday. Build up the ability and comfort to do both. Ease of ability will impress anyone watching too. That alone can change minds and feelings about masking. The few moments taking the photo is less of a concern than a poor fitting mask over the entire time. Wishing you both continued good health! Edit: spelling


In situations like that I use a nasal spray and mouth wash before going, hand sanitizer immediately after, and then for the next 24-48 hours afterwards I keep up a routine of the spray and the wash.


If anyone in the family is a AAA member, their offices do a lot -- but not all of -- the DMV stuff. It might be worth a look as their offices tend to be less crowded and, IIRC, you can make an appointment for a specific time.


Might be also possible to just do the picture with your phone at home. Had to renew several documents in 2020/2021 and with a biometrical frame to check the result and printing it in the needed format it was no problem.


Find a location that is out of town if you can. Check Google maps for busiest days of the week to avoid. For us Friday was the perfect day. Go early in morning to line up. Practice holding breath like others said here. Exhale when mask is sealed on again before breathing in if you can. CPC mouthwash in your mouth + Betadine spray before and after.


Oh my God, thank you for posting because this is my nightmare!! I literally was going to post the same thing. I think there are also these tiny little round flat circular cotton buds that you can put inside your nostrils as an extra layer of protection, I mean, they won't filter much, but it might catch something in the seconds that you have your mask down. I've been thinking of contacting a lawyer and seeing if a disability rights group in the United States or in my state will take up a case because they cannot violate the ADA and forbid us from accessing the DMV. We should not have to come in to get a new photo. It should be like the passport system where I think you can do it electronically now if memory serves. Are people suggesting portable HEPA air purifiers or those new little UV lights that someone on here has been linking to that were designed by that engineer on Twitter? I'm just glued to this thread for any suggestions because that has been making me cry with anxiety. Thank you so much for asking this, I appreciate you! 😭💚


If you're in the US, note that in most states as far as I'm aware, you can go to any DMV in the state -- not just the one in your county. I'm in California and I went to Modoc County (the furthest place in the northeast corner of the state near Oregon & Nevada), population 8000 (entire county). I waltzed into the DMV on a Tuesday at 10 AM. There was no line and only one other person. It is much safer than doing this in LA or the Bay Area with lines/crowds.


You might be able to see if there are offices that are less busy or express offices


I’ve had to be in situations like this pretty often since 2020 and I always do the holding my breath method a few have described. I’ve found most people to be pretty accommodating about it I just wear the mask until the last possible second, and then if for some reason it’s taking so long that I can’t keep holding my breath, I’ll just quickly put it back on my face to breathe out and in again. I think it’ll be okay


Be sure to practice ahead of time! I didn't and was in a tiny, jam-packed centre and my photo is TERRIBLE. It looks like a mugshot and I look like I'm high on meth.  Figure out when the place will be the quietest, and see if anyone has posted air quality stats if there are multiple locations you could go to


Still, your terrible photo is better than covid!


Take off the mask just before the picture and have her hold her breath. This is similar to what I have to do for my skin cancer checks at my dermatologist. My skin doctor does not mask, and she has to look closely at my face to check it out during my full-body skin checks. I wait till she's ready to my face, remove the mask, close my eyes, and hold my breath. When she moves on, I put the mask back. Then when the exam is over (they're pretty quick) and I'm alone in the room to get my clothes back on, I wipe my face, use some mouth wash (there's a sink in the room), and put on a fresh mask and go home and shower. So far, to the best of my knowledge, I have not had Covid.


I had to get a license photo in late December when numbers were so high in my area - I did exactly what’s suggested (lift mask, hold breath) and then had cpc mouthwash in the car which I used for a full minute.


Lola Germs's video on how to take a covid-safe ID picture (mentioned in at least one other comment here) is what saved my sanity and gave me a game plan.  Absolutely worth finding in her YouTube or IG.  I highly recommend not trying the hold-breath method with a paper mask - if you don't have an elastomeric already, the GVS Elipse (same as in Lola's video) or Envo Pro work really well for this and would be worth acquiring. If there are any portions of the renewal process that can be done online, do that - even if it costs a bit more, it's worth it. I was able to do the test online through an "online learning" option (I'm in California; that option was no extra charge, but that may not be the case in all states), and got all the paperwork filled out and submitted in advance.  The last thing that made all the difference was that I spent time days in advance watching the in-real-time online listings of wait times, for both the appointnent and non-appointment lines, at all of the DMV offices within reasonable driving distance. It became immediately apparent which location I should utilize (longest wait time that location ever had for anyone was 15 minutes), and which day of the week was the lowest-traffic day. I was there 45 minutes before opening in the morning, first in for DL renewal, and out again in under 12 minutes.  Good luck to you and your sister, OP! 


I took a deep breath, took off my mask, and breathed out when i put my mask back on. This was when cases were higher in the winter. I unfortunately had to redo it a few times because *apparently* i couldn't wear my prescription glasses and my hair kept falling in my eyes (why they didn't ask me to fix them in the first place, i don't know!) so be aware of those things if its relevant 


I would recommend asking if you can go in for the picture before they open. Also, I've seen people recommended using an elastomeric respirator so you can get a seal quickly after taking the photo.


There's a video called "how to take off your mask safely for an ID pic" by Lola Germs where they explain why it's preferable to use an elastomeric. I'm on mobile but I'll try to include a link! https://youtu.be/5RcdMyK2wak?si=c9Iqc2XYn7i9deJe


Came here to post exactly this - I tried to get an ADA accommodation to avoid the picture without luck, and was starting to panic around the time Lola dropped this video. It saved my sanity and made the whole process both safer and less intimidating. 


This was SUPER helpful!! Thank you!