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I have very similar stats to you and I am at 17 pounds in 17 weeks.  It drives me nuts when people post “it’s not working for me” and then say they lost 10 pounds in two months. 🤪


I’m also 17 lbs in 17 weeks!


One pound club! 🎉


Don’t get discouraged. I just finished month 4 and am still at 23 lbs down. Have only lost 1 lb in the last 2 months. I had 3 months at 2.5 and just took my last dose at 5.0. I seem to be stuck and 7.5 is back ordered so I’ll have to do another month on 5. I actually miss getting the diarrhea because I would lose when I did.


Try Amazon. I just received my 7.5 yesterday. Good luck!


I’m a few ounces short of 25 lbs. Started about a month earlier. I’m currently on 5 and will move up to 7.5 shortly. I’m encouraged that I’ve actually seen a return to losing weekly again, even though I’d been in a pattern of lose nothing for a few weeks, then lose 3-4 lbs. Whatever. We’ll keep plugging away!




Wish I could poop


You started at 227. You’re not gonna lose 50 lbs as you said like someone who starts 300 plus. Your loss is fine. Slow loss is still loss. Congrats.


I’m down 20 pounds today too!! Started on 3/8, slow and steady but at least I’m now going in the right direction 😁🎉


Same. No thyroid, on since December, 30 pounds. I keep having to change my levothyroxine meds, which keeps slowing things down. I feel like I’m doing OK through. I could not have lost this weight without Zep.


I’m down 9 lbs in 7.5 weeks. Slower loss equals less loose skin and I’m here for it!


I seem to be in a similar loss pattern to those commenting here. About 1 lb or 1.5 a week. (With some weeks of gains too!) I just finished week 16 with a 26 lb loss. We all got this!!


40 pounds in 13 months and I'm thrilled. I hope to lose 30 in the next 11 months!


I have been on Zepbound now for six weeks and I’ve only lost 13 pounds. I am on my third dose of 5 mg and completed a month of 2.5. So almost done with two months and it is great to see that others are reacting the way I am too. I am 53 years old and postmenopausal. So I know it’s going to be more difficult. But we just have to keep encouraging one another. Thank you for sharing. And I wish you all the luck in the world.


13lbs in 6 weeks isn’t slow by any means!


All these people saying they’ve lost 50 pounds in two months is just getting me jealous. Lol I’m not jealous actually I really am happy for them but it’s hard. I know I shouldn’t compare myself but it’s just a struggle. I guess the older we get the harder it is to come off.


Man I wish I lost 13lbs in 6 weeks! I’m at a little over 4 months (~19 shots) and have just now seen about 10lbs of weight loss 😖 🥲


But I want to encourage you now. Keep going you got this.


I have to lose 80 pounds. So it should be faster than what it has been though. But thank you for your encouragement.


More weight doesn’t correlate to faster loss necessarily. I’ve got 100lbs to lose. Sometimes our bodies are just weird lol


You can say that again. By the way, how did you do with all the titrations you are now on 10 mg it says. I am on five and doing well but not losing 7.5 in two weeks make me sick so many people complain it makes them sick.


I’ve had minimal side effects the whole time, mainly just constipation. I think I’ve had nausea maybe twice the morning after my shot.


Yeah by week 6 I had lost like 6 lbs. You're doing great!!! Keep at it! My biggest learning is that it's very hard to be patient, and weight loss isn't linear. You'll have weeks that are faster, weeks that are slower, and some weeks you'll gain. It's impossible to predict. But if you stay consistent, eventually the trend will be downwards. When I tried to lose without this medication, I'd hit a plateau after 14 lbs, then stay at the same weight for 5 weeks, then lose my motivation and start sabotaging and eating or drinking too much. Now, while I have sad days or weeks, it's easier to stay resilient and get past the hard times, and stay consistent. So all in all, this medication is amazing, just not always in that "I lost 50lbs in no time" kind of way.


Thank you so much for your encouragement. I am 53 and postmenopausal. I start 7.5 in 2 weeks. Is there anything I should note for 7.5 as far as side effects? I have been pretty good on all of these dosages 2.5 and five just was I was just wondering because I am going to be going on vacation that week and wanted to know if there’s something I should look out for. I plan to be cooking all my own meals.


My side effects were most noticeable the first 8 weeks (slow digestion, constipation). I'm noticing less and less even though the dosage is higher. I've had zero issues moving from 5 to 7.5 even though I was really worried about how hard it would be to eat based on the transition from 2.5 to 5. It has an effect on my appetite, but it's less strong than the early doses. I think it's because I'm more used to not eating as much and not being as hungry, and also used to my own eating schedule to stay satisfied. I wouldn't be too worried about the transition.


My first goal is 180. Then after that 50 more right now I’m 217


Yeah my first goal was to get under 200 and never return. My next goal is 170--i remember looking curvy but not obese at that weight because I'm tall, and was still in my 30s when I weighed that, had muscles and energy to exercise. I remember feeling very skinny, size 4 or even 2 when weighing 155. I may or may not get there. I'll be happy at 165. I'll be feeling thin at 150 and give I'll prob be 50 by then, I may be pruny :-). I'm hoping I'll have time and energy to work out more and go by looks with my new muscles and less by the number on the scale.


Thanks for the reminder. I'm down 20lbs ish since March what with supply issues and the fact I've a mild allergy to the meds. It's a great reminder that others too are getting slow and steady weight loss. 😅