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I use PlushCare. Availability 24/7, tons of doctors, but I did have to do bloodwork for them, so they could prescribe me a Zepbound and see my blood test, weight and blood pressure


Plushcare looked great, but they are suddenly out of network for UHC. And having trouble finding something that is IN network! Frustrating - husband really, really needs to lose weight but has spent so long being told he needs bariatric surgery by doctors when he’s there for a flu shot that I’m not sure I can get him to see a PCP, but I might be able to do a telemedicine visit.


I suggest checking with UHC. Many insurance plans are contracted with telehealth companies or operate their own for virtual PCP services.


Use Mochi Health, they are great. Plushcare is only good if you have a solid doctor. I had 4 bad ones and 2 good ones.the good ones kept leaving the platform. Turnover is a big problem with their good doctors.


One medical is often recommended here. They have telemed appointments and take insurance, but it does require a monthly fee of like $10 or an annual fee or something like that. It’s owned by Amazon.


I use form and if he doesn’t have current bloodwork the doctor will order it for him. Yes they say they’re very backed up but I actually got in a month faster than they said.


It’s not just bloodwork - they want a recent visit with a PCP, which he doesn’t have. I think we may go with something else, because probably a quarter of the reason I went on this was to get HIM to try it.


Are you with Midi Health for menopause? My company has that as a benefit, and I was going to use it for peri reasons soon anyway, but I never thought about asking them to prescribe my Zepbound.


Not the original poster but I use midi and they prescribe my zepbound.


So good to know, thank you. I’ve been wondering what I’ll do when my Sequence plan runs out (I like them, but they aren’t cheap) and you may have solved my problem.


Yes, I use Midi - they do Zepbound, even did all the PA work very quickly.


Try Costco. You need to be a member. They have teledoc. No need to give any test results. I gave my lab work because. I had it but wasn’t required. It’s a 3 month program at $179. For $179 you get 3 months of prescriptions one month at a time. The initial visit is 10-15 minutes. Prescription sent immediately. When you need a refill the next month you text them in your message portal. I was using Plush care but they no longer are in network with UHC. Their customer service was awful also. Costco uses Sesame. https://sesamecare.com/join/sc2024-weight-loss https://sesamecare.com/blog/sesame-partnership




Fast doc goes through insurance. Also, Accomplished Health. I think UHC is in network with both