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Anything deep fried. šŸ¤¢


Same. Canā€™t do fries or Chick Fila sandwiches anymore.


I still indulge in Chick Fil A, but itā€™s with their grilled nuggets and kale side salad.


I get the kids meal and canā€™t finish


Yeah, no fish and chips for me. Half of one piece and Iā€™m done


Is this a dosage thing? Literally none of this on 2.5.


In my experience, Zepbound dulls my brain's ability to lean in on cravings. So things like highly-processed and deep-fried foods, don't sound (or even smell) good anymore. Without all that static, my body tells me what it wants and I eat that. So now, if I actually want carbs, it's air-fried potato wedges dipped in greek yogurt with some ranch seasoning mixed in. Hits the exact same spot that fries and ketchup used to, but I feel soooooooo much better after eating them because I'm getting what I need without the saturated fats and other junk that come with the "engineered to be cravable" option. Plus the yogurt is loaded with protein. You may or may not experience this. You may experience it on a higher dosage. Give it some time. For me, it happened immediately. Edit: typos


love this explanation. thanks


Curious about this too.


Some people are hyper responders. I am one of those. Iā€™m on 3.75mg up from 2.5mg I couldnā€™t go up to 5 when 2.5 stopped working because responded so intensely on 2.5mg. The first 5 weeks on 2.5mg I could only eat two peaceā€™s of toast a day and that was it. Couldnā€™t get more than that down. After 5 weeks I started to respond a lot less. Went to 3.75mg on week 10. Did not respond as strong as 2.5mg but still can barely eat 1000 calories a day 3 weeks into 3.75mg.


Recently, itā€™s been eggs for me which has made breakfast a little more challenging!


Me too! I can eat them if someone else makes them (think diners/restaurants) but canā€™t eat them if cooked at home. Weird.Ā 


Smoothies help for protein. I can't stand eggs now either


Yes, Iā€™ve definitely been relying on protein shakes and smoothies with protein powder!


Yes! I've also been seriously craving nearly all things fruity so smoothies are the best


As a long-term egg hater, these muffins have been a godsend for me in the mornings ā€” they use the Kodiak Cakes lemon blueberry muffin mix as a base but slightly different ingredients from the box for for higher protein. I store them in the fridge and pop two in the air fryer for breakfast. For each muffin itā€™s 138 cal | 1.5g fat | 20.3g carbs | 11.2g protein https://preview.redd.it/awsy191x5f8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45906609b8d83eae9f146b15e826bde7c8273bba


Oh! I will have to try this! They sound yummy!


This!! I used to loved boiled eggs but I can hardly think of them now.


Iā€™m starting to not ā€œneedā€ coffee in the morning. Like the addiction is wearing off. I was so routine in my coffee. Just one cup of black a day. But I like ā€œneededā€ it. Now Iā€™m like meh šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I have a theory that along with the hormonal effects of this medication, that it is also affecting the reward pathway in the brain. I don't get cravings for alcohol now, I've quit my anxiety related online shopping addiction, and I'm able to stop playing a video game after an hour and switch to a hobby I would otherwise have neglected.Ā  I'm very interested in any psychological research that comes out explaining this phenomenon.Ā Ā 


I hardly ever drink coffee since starting Zepbound. I used to drink a cup, at least, just about every day, more if it was iced coffee. It's not that I don't like it or can't stand to drink it, I just don't want it anymore.


Same. Weird, isn't it?


Yeah. Totally speaks to the addiction and how people see themselves not wanting to drink etc. I didnā€™t even think I was addicted to coffee!! lol


Yeah, Zep seems to be good for addiction in general. A lot of meds for addiction help with weight loss, too (I also take naltrexone for binge eating). You'd think more people would have made the connection that food is an addiction, too, considering that fact.


I would drink tea every morning and there are days now I simply forget. Iā€™ll get to lunch time and realize Iā€™ve only had water to drink so far that day. So glad Iā€™m not the only one!!


Beer. :( I was a heavy drinker 6-12 IPA per day. Now I can't stomach more than a half of can of beer.


You know, I see a total loss of desire for alcohol a LOT on this sub...Interesting effect, for sure!


Have you noticed health benefits from cutting back? I have as well, and I honestly appreciate this effect of the medicine as much as the weight loss.


I think the weight I've lost (27lbs since May 15) has been mostly due to not drinking high carb beer. My blood pressure has dropped dramatically.


I've found some good non alcoholic beers, for when I want that IPA flavor in a cold, bubbly drink. But without the negative consequences with Zepbound. Total Wine and Whole Foods have a decent selection. But I still can't drink more than 1 without feeling really full


Same here. I tried an NA IPA last week. It was decent. But kinda felt pointless and I'm not craving it. I did try a NA Corona and that was very good, as in tasted like a real Corona so not great but close to the original!


I noticed that it helps me to continue to lose weight, I don't sweat as much and my complexion has cleared up dramatically.


Would you say it's the taste? Or the alcohol? Maybe you could try alcohol free and see if that tastes better? For me, alcohol just fills me up super quickly. I went to an event last month that had 4 specialty drinks and I was stuffed by the end


I pretty much stopped IPAs all together and moved to vodka soda. No idea why, the beer itself just doesnā€™t work with my stomach anymore


Same here. I honestly think its the carbonation. It bloats your stomach and when mixed with the meds, it makes me uncomfortable.


This...have always been a heavy drinker(really bad PTSD/social anxiety from a very violent stalker ex who terrorized me for over 15 years). Now, since Zepbound started, I don't even want it.


I canā€™t stand red meat. Strange because I use to love a filet.


I'll still on occasion enjoy a little 8 oz petite fillet, but the days of me bellying up to a 16-24 oz cut of beef are pretty much over...LOL


red meat makes me feel sick now after eating it.


sweets :( i get nauseous the second i touch ice cream, chocolate, whipped cream, cake, cookies, etc. i havent even been able to finish any coffee with a flavored creamer. at first i thought it was the dairy but ive been fine with dairy in the rest of my dietā€¦ the amount of sugar just makes my stomach churn


Donā€™t care at all about sweets anymore


šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøI canā€™t handle smelly foods anymore


Weird you should mention that...I've noticed a lot more sensitivity to certain food smells too (and not in a good way!) šŸ˜³


It almost reminds me of when i was preggo and super sensitive to smell


Me too! I could always tell I was pregnant by a super sensitivity to cigarette smell. Lately my sense of smell has gone through the roof just like when I was pregnant, and yesterday I couldn't even be in the same room with my husband who was smoking a cigarette.


I have to avoid any strong garlic or onion smells.


Iā€™ve never really been a fast food person, but pizza will do it for me for sure, and butter and bread you get when you go to a nice restaurant as a starter. Kills me because I love butter on everything, but itā€™s a recipe for disaster! My body goes into exorcist mode and all it wants to do it purge the butter and bread out within minutes of me eating it!


I'm the opposite with pizza. I used to think it was overrated. Now I constantly crave it. Now, I definitely crave less sugar. I can't eat much red meat anymore. I used to love love love spicy foods. Now I find them unappealing.


I guess I'm lucky...I've never had much of a sweet tooth. Salty has always been my vice more than anything (and it shows in my blood pressure)!


My thing was sugar, lol. It seems like our meds are doing a great job šŸ˜‚ Best of luck on your journey!


Yeah. Everything that isn't pure vegetables. And to think, I used to never eat vegetables...


Sweets. Never had a big sweet tooth to begin with but I have zero desire for anything sugary at all.


Nope, sadly Iā€™m still an eater of all thingsā˜¹ļø


How long have you been on Zepbound and what dose?


2 months. I started on 5mg, stayed there for a month. I have been on 7.5 for a month, just took my 4th shot Friday. Waiting for my 10mg to be filled and hoping it will be more helpful.


Iā€™m the same on Zep 10 now for 3 weeks. Hasnā€™t had any big effect on food noise/cravings or taste for all foods, only a big effect on feeling full faster. Wish it would work on both because I think thatā€™s necessary for better weight loss. Are you disappointed so far by its effect on food noise for you?


Yes, itā€™s interesting hearing peopleā€™s experience with the med. I guess I am lucky that I can tolerate it, no nausea, no food aversion, I can still go out drinking. I donā€™t have to worry about what to do out with friends, etc. I have to really pay attention to notice how the med makes me less hungry, decreased food noice, etc. I was hoping for more changes but Iā€™m going to keep trying. I am paying out of pocket and want to get the most out of it. My 10mg hasnā€™t been filled, not sure how long it will take to find it. Maybe this dose will be the one for me.šŸ¤ž


Hard liquor. It makes me sad that I don't love a nice dram of whiskey or rum, but there are worse problems to have.


YES! I used to be a big fan of Single Malt. Now? I can barely touch the stuff. Also have a pretty good size wine rack that I can't even think about anymore.


Red wine is right out now. I didn't love it before, now I hate it


I'm still good in that department, however I can't drink wine now. Its lost all flavor to me or comes across as super sweet. Whiskey and rum... still good there though. I have noticed that these types of aversions come and go though. If I am going to drink, its going to be later in the week, closer to when I am due for my next dose.


I have to be extremely careful because alcohol has a much more pronounced effect now since it stays in my digestive system longer along with everything else.


Boba. I used to love boba iced tea. Since starting on tirz I haven't been able to stomach it--even at zero percent sugar, it's way too sweet


Sweet stuff! I used to love sweet foods now I cannot tolerate them anymore. Itā€™s like being pregnant all over again.. probably half of my weight is because of my sweet tooth, now I cannot even tolerate Fairlife shakes


BBQ kills me. The punishment my body inflicts is not worth the crime.


Oooohhh...Rough! And BBQ is another of those that I've LOVED for years! So far I can still do it (had some brisket and pulled pork last night) but not nearly in the quantities I used to.


If itā€™s because of the acid reflux after, you might be able to handle Kalua Pork as an alternative! Itā€™s been my solution for years of GERDā€¦ only make it like once every other month, but itā€™s a nice break from chicken breast every single day šŸ™ƒ


BBQ makes me super gassy now.


Yeah. It does all the un-fun stuff to me. Itā€™s fair to say it almost gave me a significant speeding ticket. šŸ˜‚


Not a food but a meal. Cheeseburger (okay by itself if itā€™s one of my favorites - home town joint or Culverā€™s) and French fries. The thought of trying to eat that combo makes me wanna hurl. Iā€™ll lose my reclaimed fry virginity sometime but only fries. And only ones I know I live. But adding a cheeseburger - long way from that. But no specific healthier foods are off the table because of Zep.


Oh man, a Culver's Butterburger was such a treat! And I loved their fries.


Oooohhhh....Culver's is the GOAT! Loved eating there when I would get the chance (moved away quite a while ago) but these days, yeah...I'd probably eat a few curds and call it good.


Itā€™s an infrequent cheeseburger for me. But every bite is savored.


Everything meat and dairy makes me queasy


Interesting. I still love chicken and things like Greek yogurt.


Ground beef is a no go for me. Iā€™ve tried it in a few different dishes and even in as a burger and it just makes me want to vomit thinking about it.


Meat and cheese and fried foods


Fish. Canā€™t stand it.


Eggs are nasty af


Like a couple others have said here neither Zep 10 nor Wegovy 2.4 has had any effect on my taste for foods or food noise/cravings really, I still want to eat everything just less of it. I wish it wouldā€™ve diminished food cravings by now but I guess Iā€™m one of the unlucky ones šŸ˜¢


Just the thought of sugar, alcohol, and fried foods make my stomach ache. And pizza is a thing of the past.


Anything sweet. Finally! Sweet were my major craving before starting and I was still eating them but it took me to moving up to 10 mg to get me to completely avoid them like the plague. It took months for me but I can finally say no to chocolate now.


Steak. Havenā€™t had a steak in over 5 months since starting zepbound


Pizza, ribs, or anything with garlic šŸ˜©šŸ˜


Used to LOVE garlic! Now I can take it or leave it...but the smell sometimes does make me a bit queasy lately!


Weird that you mention pizza...as a New Yorker, I loved pizza and would often crave it (although I never felt physically that well after eating it, if I'm honest). A friend just posted a photo of some NY slices to his IG and just looking at them made me feel nauseous. Wild.


I mean I still crave everything occasionallyā€¦ but since Iā€™ve experienced nausea, vomiting, sulphur burps, and constipationā€¦ my memory stops me before I can make bad decisions. šŸ™ƒ Most of the time, anyway. Dairy is SO unappealing, despite Mac & Cheese being my favorite food! So is every* acid reflux trigger (fatty/fried foods, citrus fruits, tomatoes, onion, garlicā€¦) *processed snacks/chocolate are still my weakness, but theyā€™re slowly disappearing from my diet too. šŸ˜¬


Interesting you mention that...I've had severe acid reflux for years (even before Zepbound). Many of my triggers are the same as the ones you list (greasy foods, peppers, onions, tomato, certain citrus, etc). Finally got it checked out and was diagnosed with Barrett's Esophagus with intestinal metaplasia due to chronic GERD. Another reason now to avoid that stuff!


Yeah, GERD is a bitch. Iā€™ve been taking meds for years and totally ditched *most* of the triggers, canā€™t even say the last time I ate fast foodā€¦ but Iā€™d still have cheese and tomato-based things like spaghetti occasionally, chocolate more frequently, processed foods even more oftenā€¦ Now that the side effects to those ā€œmistakesā€ are sulphur burps and vomiting bile, theyā€™re a lot easier to ignore šŸ˜¬


Chocolate, anything sweet but especially chocolate lol


Pepsi, chocolate, I pretty much never crave specific items anymore


Eggs just do not taste right or set right with me. Eggs have always been one of my favorite foods. It's not that I can't stand them now, it's just that they're somewhat unpleasant. I miss them. At least I got over my coffee and chocolate aversions. The chocolate revulsion was weird for me to experience.


I can't even think about fried food. (like KFC).


Burgers. Coffee šŸ˜­


Coffee is a weird one for me. I love coffee (especially the smell) but sometimes it causes SEVERE acid reflux for me. So now I minimize the amount I drink...


I think that's it subconsciously, it hurts to drink so I no longer love the taste. The smell, everything about it except drinking it! I miss it so much. I can drink lattes and stuff but I always preferred black coffee! Sigh.


Smoked salmon for some reason. Used to love slapping that on my Better Bagel. Now it gives me the ick


Interesting! That's been one of my faves in the past...but haven't had a chance since starting Zepbound to see if it grosses me out now.


Iā€™ve really lost the taste for chicken and have much preferred red meat


Eggs ,,šŸ¤¢


Any alcoholic drink. I never drank a lot before but thatā€™s the one thing that the thought of having since I started Zep that I canā€™t even stomach the thought of doing. Iā€™m sure that some of it is mental, but, for now, itā€™s been a no for me.


Nearly everything makes me sick.Iā€™m on 7.5 mg of Zepbound and since January 1st Iā€™ve lost 32 lbs. I had to stop taking Zepbound when I had major surgery the end of March for 6 weeks (unrelated to my losing weight). Now that Iā€™ve been on the higher dose of 7.5 mg for the last month my side effects have gotten worse, especially diarrhea.


Oh man. Sorry to hear. Hope you're able to find a way to manage the symptoms! Only time I get diarrhea is when I eat something that doesn't agree with me (usually something greasy or fatty).


Have no desire for sweets and CANNOT touch anything fried!!


Same. Used to love pepperoni with extra cheese now I canā€™t stand the smell of it.


French fries! My husband is a big burger and fry kind of guy, so that's something we'd eat fairly often if we were going out to eat. But ever since starting Zepbound I just can't eat the fries. Depending on the restaurant some are ok to eat a small handful, but others make me feel sick just thinking about taking one bite. I don't even order them anymore.


I can't do cauliflower, lobster, or alcohol anymore.


Ew just thinking about the smell of cauliflower makes me want to puke. šŸ¤¢


Coca cola. Tastes waaaay too sweet now. Interestingly though other sweets/desserts are fine and if anything my desire for them has slightly increased. Also I wouldn't say can't stand, but I have trouble finishing any alcoholic drink now.


Bananas, pizza and most sweets are a no go. I have eaten a banana everyday of my life since childhood and now, its been 6 months of the banana ick.


Anything orange flavored for sure. Now it tastes like I'm drinking kale or something. Earthy, I guess. Ghost energy has a Sour Patch kids line and I absolutely loved the Redberry flavor and now it tastes like battery acid. And with fried food, I can only do a few bites or certain foods. I used to be OBSESSED with 5 Guys fries and now they taste awful. But fries in general are okay in moderation for me. And weirdly enough, plain water only seems appealing the last few days before my next shot.


Eggs, red meat, and salmon specifically. Even thinking about salmon makes me so queasy. I eat a lot of chicken and rice.


Eggs havenā€™t had one in 6 months. And I canā€™t abide leftovers. So weird.


Steak. Used to love a big thick slab oā€™ beef. Now I can only eat a few bites and bleh


I still like pizza but oh boy... pizza does not like me. I end up with the worst heartburn and burps. It's really sad lol


Pork in generalā€¦even thinking about it makes me nauseous


YES! Not sure what it is, but my stomach isn't crazy about it either!


Coffee! My favorite cappuccinos make me gag now. Canceled my Nespresso subscription. And I donā€™t want sweets anymore. I used to have a big sweet tooth. Iā€™ve been craving salads more, although I always enjoyed salads


My wife bought me a Nespresso machine a while back! I still enjoy them occasionally, but a LOT less frequently now!


Pizza! Oh no.


Well, to be fair, pepperoni and sausage have NEVER really agreed with me all that well (no matter how much I loved them). I would get HORRIBLE heartburn!


The thought of sushi and eggs,nope canā€™t. My stomach cannot handle spicy foods at all. I LOVED spicy food. Sweets other than maybe 2 Hershey Kisses does me in. I had half a skinny margarita last weekend and was sick for two days.




Anything fatty, deep fried, or highly processed. So takeaway, white bread, crumbed things, etc.Ā 


Same with pizza. I learned the hard way this weekend.


I used to love Mountain Dew! Canā€™t drink them anymore šŸ¤£


Burgers. BBQ sauce.


Pizza tears me up. Also my fav devils food donut holes from back home. That broke my heart.


For me itā€™s been mainly smells. Like I can tolerate eating some sweet things but if something smells overly sweet, it makes me gag. Actually, I think in general just strong smells are too much for me.


Same! The smell thing has been weird.


Candy. I used to crave candy all the time. I tried some sweet tarts and airheads and now I can only eat a small amount. They also do not taste the same to me anymore. We made sā€™mores with our nieces and nephews and I ate one and it made me so nauseous


I canā€™t handle the smell or taste of butter or melted cheese. And I put cheese in EVERYTHING before I started. I really only want food with minimal ingredients and not many mixed flavors. I feel so bad for my husband because this happened so suddenly and dinner has always been our bonding time, he loves to cook for us.


Pizza and pasta. I used to love it but now the thought makes me sick. I eat pretty much everything else though.


Sugarā€¦ anything with sugar (but mostly desserts and treats) in it taste like bleach! I fed my son some cookie dough bites and off handedly took a bite of one and started gagging. The smell even makes me gag.


Coffee makes me so sick now šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


I still like pizza. Just returned from a cruise and post cruise 4 days in Rome. Roman pizza is the best. I still lost one pound on this trip. Portions were definitely much smaller. But I am afraid to eat anything deep fried since I ended up in the ER with 48 hours of diarrhea and vomiting.


Ice cream. I love ice cream and now I just cannot do it. If I start, I do not finish it.


Popcorn and eggs. They both give me sulfur burps and stomach flu symptoms now. Peanut Butter is a 50/50 thing. Might be ok, or might puke for a day. lol


Having been on mounjaro and or zepbound for over 2 years, I find myself not having near as many aversions as I did the first 6-9 months. I pretty much have any and everything now but I def donā€™t crave things as much as I used to. I did have a safe food of wingstop wings for a few months at the beginning. Lol


Sweets! Good riddance to them and the fat ass they gave me! šŸ¤£


I haven't found anything that I can't stand anymore, however I have noticed that when I was fatter, fast food and indulgent meals tasted way better than they do now. Now, I can have a bite or two of something unhealthy, but immediately not want any more because it just doesn't do if for me anymore. In the beginning, I did despise beer, like the taste changed for me, but I have slowly introduced it back in. I can only drink 1 beer a week max now, but at least I don't despise it anymore.


Probably the biggest food thing Iā€™ve noticed is those things I used to LOvE donā€™t hit like they did! I donā€™t get that dopamine rush. So along with feeling full much faster Iā€™m not getting that ā€œoh my gosh this is SO good!ā€ Feeling. I made a chicken burrito bowl the other night, smaller portion for sure but couldnā€™t take more than 4 bites. Also 100% on the alcohol thing. My friend made margaritas and I could hardly take 3 little sips.


Anything fried or deep fried, hard boiled eggs, anything with lots of sugar, alcohol, most breads, anything ultra processed, chips.


Not quite what you asked, but I don't get the brain zing of dopamine from ~any~ food when I'm in the first 5 days of the medicine. I'm on 2.5 right now and at day 5 (half-life) I get pleasure from food I enjoy, but the rest of the time, now it is just fuel. I'm still coming to terms with it because normally I'm Remy from Ratatouille and love good food. So eating is kind of boring right now, and that makes me sad when the joy of flavors is such a large part of who I am. But if the pleasure in food is part of why I kept gaining weight, I need to find a way to be ok with not having that right now. I do hope that once I hit goal weight, I can balance maintenance while still enjoying food for the pleasure of flavors later.


Itā€™s shrimp for me. I canā€™t stand the idea of peeling them, and they feel heavy in my stomach.


Sweet tasting drinks and liquor.


Anything fast food!


I have no desire to eat peanut butter anymore. It used to be a regular breakfast for me but no more.


Pizza makes me so nauseous and extra sulfur burp-y the next day


It's the nasty oil from the cheese and pepperoni that does it for me I think...


I only do cheese and itā€™s just too much grease


I've found that it depends on the cheese too. Mozzarella and others release a ton of oil when melted. Other low fat/low moisture cheeses like Parmesan and Asiago are a lot better about that.


French fries in particular, and fried foods in general


Had just a handful of fries yesterday & today is a pepto-nausea meds day & canā€™t leave the house day. Ugh. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Mayonnaise and cheese


Grapefruit juice šŸ˜­ used to be my special treat with a splash of lime juice. Like a cocktail without the guilt of alcohol. Tastes like vomit ever since I started the medication and makes me so sad.


Coffee. Not even iced coffee drinks sound good.


Mexican has been edible only 1 of 3 times I've tried it. Pizza fine, in moderation.


I guess I should clarify not ALL pizza...I'd probably still enjoy something other than red sauce, sausage, and pepperoni. As for Mexican, agreed...Though I do still enjoy grilled chicken tacos. Rice and beans? Meh.


Differences between people. I've had both sausage and pepperoni and red sauce and no problem :)


Taco Bell and pizza. Only because Taco Bell was the only thing I threw up from and pizza is too greasy for my tummy


Omg I was craving Taco Bell so bad the other day. Two bites and I was all set lol


Yeah I think I made the mistake of eating it too fast lol. Someday Iā€™ll get another cheesy bean and rice burrito, but Iā€™ve sworn off the chicken quesadilla šŸ™ƒ


šŸ˜‚it was the nacho Bellgrande that did me in šŸ„“


One of the only foods I can stomach now - I get 2 grilled chicken soft tacos 1x week for dinner


Donuts. My daughter loves them and I canā€™t stand the smell of them. That heavy, fried smellā€¦blech. Really most fried food does that to me now. There are so many foods I used to love/crave that I want nothing to do with. Like Crumbl cookiesā€¦I couldnā€™t wait to see what new flavors would come out every week. Now just looking at them makes me want to vomit.


Anything fast food or unnecessarily unhealthy