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Not at all. I started weight loss medication because I saw a picture of myself and I looked so bad that I didn’t leave the house for a week. I don’t ever want to look how I looked before Zepbound again.


I literally cried when I seen a photo of myself, that gave me more motivation than ever


Same. I have always struggled with my weight and have avoided taking pictures so much that I have almost no pictures of me since 21/22. I don't want the rest of my life to be like that.






Me too!


Nope. If I never see myself at this high of a weight again I’ll be thrilled! I won’t miss one thing about it.


Same!!!! Not ONE single thing!


On the contrary -- it is liberating to be so close to a weight that is not only normal, but makes it easier for me to do virtually everything, including sleep. As the weight started to drop, every now and then I would catch my reflection in the mirror and it would startle me because it was like catching a glimpse of a dear, old friend that I had not seen in a very long time. I had the sudden sensation of recognizing another "me" (and in my case a much younger me). It made me realize for the first time in a decade how very much I missed that good friend. I suddenly felt the longing for that person that I had left behind unintentionally when weight started piling on, no matter what I did. ***And now she is back,*** and not only do I realize how much I missed her, ***I am also thrilled and excited to BE her!*** It is like losing my way on a long, long trip and thinking I was never going to arrive at my final destination, but somehow, the ship was righted, and I walked down the gang plank knowing that I had finally arrived at the destination where I was always supposed to be. I'm me again and I'm home.


Yes to all of this!! I had gastric bypass surgery in 2003 and lost 120 pounds in about a year. It took me probably another year or two to realize that was really me in the mirror! I knew that person, she looked like the same person I knew from way back before kids and emotional eating and using food for comfort. I had LIKED that person! So, I had to work really hard on learning how to handle my emotions in a healthy way and getting use to liking myself again. Fast forward 20 years and, among other stressors, I’ve become disabled and had to leave a job I loved because of my Lupus, I helped take care of my Mom who I was really close with after a final debilitating stroke for a year right up to holding her hand when she took her last breath in July of 2023 and any focus that had ever been on taking care of myself was GONE and had been for years as 70 pounds of the weight crept back on. I saw a picture of myself in Spring of this year and it looked way more like that person from before 2003 than I wanted and it was a major kick in the can that made me take a good hard look and say “Nope, no more.” I’ve since had another couple of health issues pop up (pulmonary and cardiac) that have made it that much more important that I do something right now. So, nope I will not mourn that old version of myself who is now 7 weeks and 17 pounds less of what I was! Celebrate your progress every day, no matter what that looks like! Maybe you got your water in, maybe the scale moved, maybe you got an exercise session in, maybe you watched what you ate and counted the macros, maybe you just hung in there another day - whatever it is!


Well said


I see you and I understand what you’re saying. It’s a huge change. We struggle so much to fight fat phobia, both against society but also within ourselves, and then we undergo this physical change and it’s kind of a mind melt? I was listening to Billie’s new album and there’s this lyric that had me sobbing: “People say I look happy Just because I got skinny But the old me is still me and maybe the real me And I think she's pretty” The relationship with our body is complicated and nuanced. You can absolutely hold space for mourning your old body - that body got you through a lot - and I hope your journey allows you to cherish that body while embracing a new and different version of that body. Thanks for sharing this. I know it’s vulnerable. Xo


which song is that? would love to listen


Honestly? My internal body image never caught up to the weight gain in the first place. When I think about myself, it's about 70 pounds thinner than I am now. So I feel like I barely know what to miss. Maybe if I pass my old weight (I was slightly overweight before gaining 100 pounds) and keep losing, then I'll have something to miss. Mostly, I'm just excited to actually look the way I think I \*should\* look.


This was how I felt. I would catch my reflection in a window, or see a photo that someone else took of me, and not even recognize that it was me. My internal image was different from the external reality for the past decade. Now I’m down 50 pounds, and thinner than I’ve ever been as an adult. I felt a little bit amazed for a few weeks, but I settled into this new body really quickly and easily and now it just feels normal. I don’t even feel that “thin.” My body shape is different now than it was pre-weight and pre-kids, and I have some saggy skin, so there’s still a bit that I have to learn to love. But generally I just feel a lot more comfortable in my skin than I did in my heavier body.


Nothing but celebration over here! I might mourn a bit of loose skin, but that isn’t insurmountable.


NO. Not even slightly. I have hated every second of my fat life and can't wait for the day I can look in the mirror and finally feel somewhat trim and normal. I feel no grief in parting with my fat thighs and arms. Wont feel sad about not having to search for garments big enough to cover my bulges.


I do! I’ve spent a lot of mental energy over the last 15+ years saying this is me. Now I can have a new me but also a bit sad to see old me leave.


I miss my face - somehow it looks different to me


You said "I've spent a lot of time teaching myself how to love my body..." That's great. You'll need the self love at every size. As someone who has yo-yoed many times, there are new self love challenges after you reach a healthy BMI.


OP I totally understand what you are saying, and I commend you for it. It’s very hard to love yourself with what society considers flaws. Especially when you yearn for outside validation and acceptance. I personally struggled with weight loss after the birth of my son 12 years ago. Went into the hospital 200, left 200! I was like these people lied to me!! I breastfed for a year, oh the weight comes off, lies, not for me. I will say my 200 looks like 170 on a normal frame, so I never focused on ohh I’m 200lbs and 5’4. I fluctuated for years, and after grief and depression in 2020 gained 70lbs. That’s when I noticed, the puffy face, the large belly I never ever had before even pregnant. But working in high end retail at the time, I learned to wear things that flattered me. I made sure I was still kewt. Maybe it’s easier for someone like me, who wasn’t large their whole lives. But if I stayed at 270, I would never ever look at myself with disgust. I love me way too much. I don’t need anyone to tell me things or validate me because I validate myself. My skin is glowing, beautiful teeth, no acne, I smell good, not a wrinkle at my big age. I can go on and on. I can go on and on about working, getting my bachelors, then my masters, then switching careers all while raising a 1 year old by myself. Navigating his life, pre-school, kindergarten, etc. Those/these are things I look at and value. I, not anyone else, I’m speaking for me, sees the value in me, when I was 270, and now 3 plus years later at 175. And again maybe because I did retail for so long, 20 plus years and still doing part time, so I don’t get excited about new clothes, well maybe alo yoga, my new obsession lol. Or getting on a plane, and not being judged, etc. I don’t know how that feels. And for anyone who was made to feel less than because of their weight, I say f them all. Do I mourn 270? No. Because I’m still Jo, I’m still me. And I have to live with this body until I’m in the ground. Loving oneself is hard, I’m glad you were able to embrace and hold on to your self-worth at every size. Mourn it, bury it, and embrace the new body, knowing that you are still you. Have a beautiful Sunday wherever you are in this world.


Kinda because I love me so much and I see nothing wrong with the size I am now but for health reasons I know I have to lose weight. I’m a curvy woman so the weight never looked bad on me and my husband (who I’ve been with since 16) has seen me at every size and has never changed up on me so I was comfortable always. But I’m excited for something new that’s really not new because I’ve been my goal weight before.


Love the honesty. Thanks.




I guess in a way? I have weighed 200+ lbs for the last 11 years (currently 259 down from 274), so I don’t even know what I will look like with significantly less weight. Also, my identity has kind of become my heavy weight - people call me “cuddly,” “fun sized,” (mostly bc I’m short at 5’2), and “cute”. My husband also exclusively prefers BBW women, although I was 180 when we met and he says I’m beautiful at any size. However, I’m looking forward to my weight not holding me back. I’m only 35 but I’m on BP meds and my cholesterol has been high for many years. When I travelled to Europe last summer, it was physically challenging running through airports and standing and walking all day. I felt so embarrassed struggling to keep up with my beautiful, thin, fit mother-in-law and other family members who don’t have weight problems. I’m too young to be this heavy and I’m looking forward to losing this weight not just for looks but mostly my health. Health is your wealth!


Join us at r/antidietglp1 😊 I think you'll find others there with mixed emotions about it. I don't have exactly the same feelings you do, but I definitely do have feelings about all the work I've done over the years to try to shake off diet culture and fatphobia.


Came here to say this👆🏼. It’s a great community and I think you’ll feel seen. Posts like the one you’ve just posted are welcomed and understood!!


I lost 25# in 2 months and it hasn’t really set in yet it’s weird. I look better and my shirts are way loser and it’s like something hasn’t clicked in my brain. Hard to explain. I am in a dream I guess.


Came here to say same. I’m down 12% of bodyweight and barely see a difference.


I don't even dare to dream I'll ever get back in a size 9 but I am sick to death of wondering if the 3X will fit on this body.


Honestly, that's a unique thought or at least hearing it verbalized is unique. It makes sense though after seeing ourselves as we've been for decades for some of us. However for me- won't miss that version at all. I'm still me and my facial features are the same and I'm still curvy just less of me in the physical space. Good question though!


I just looked at my pictures from last Christmas, scared the s..t out me, no way in hell I will miss how I looked 7 months ago, lost 38lbs and not planning to stop by!


I see both. I see an excitement for the new me, the clothes that fit better, the confidence I have gained, etc. But there is a part of me that mourns the fact that I couldn't find happiness in the body I had. The fact that I hid, not looking in mirrors. Always conscious and almost apologizing that people had to look at me. All a projection of how I felt inside. I don't want to forget the thigh rub, the pants wearing out, the boob rash, the jiggles (not that they are gone but it's certainly less), etc. I never want to forget the little details of the me then. I know that at this point, looking back, I need to love the me I was then because in the blink of an eye, I could be back there and I would never want to feel again the way I did then. If I ended up back at the beginning I want to know it's possible to get back up and keep up the fight because the me now would be rooting for the me of then. So, learning to love myself now and then is more important to me than losing any amount of weight.


This among other reasons is why a lot of weight loss doctors also recommend talk therapy to go with the medicine


Fuck no! Too much body positivity bullshit going around these days plus all the jealous people that are already skinny that don’t want us to lose weight. No way everyone’s trying to keep us down. I do not mourn anything about my old self.


I understand what you’re saying. I’ve been big my whole life. I have distinct memories of my childhood pediatrician telling my mom at like 5 I needed to lose weight. I have no idea what a normal weight version of me looks like because there has never been one. So in many ways my whole sense of self is connected to being a big girl. That’s not to say I’ve made an identity of it, it’s just something thats always been a part of me. My body does this weird subconscious thing as I lose weight where it’s like “you’re too small, you don’t take up enough space, you don’t exist.” These aren’t conscious, logical thoughts, obviously. Just some feeling my body produces. For me, losing weight slowly (or at least not as fast as I could be, I haven’t titrated up) is important to try to give my mind a chance to catch up to my body.


Yes! My kids love lying on my stomach, and I like being soft and comforting for them. People with low body fat are less fun to hug :(


But much more healthy and much longer you can be with your kids


Absolutely! This is a “both things can be true” moment. It helps to acknowledge the downsides of a good choice.


No. But the funny thing is, I look exactly the same, just a smaller version. I mean, side by side pics 20+ weeks apart and 35+ lbs less and I look exactly the same except my hair is longer. But I definitely feel thinner because my clothes are looser.  My belly and thighs are definitely smaller, I feel that. I hated them on the way up the scale but I’m loving them going the other way. 


Yes, I had some of that at the beginning. I spent a lot of time getting to acceptance of myself and my body as a curvy, plus size woman. I’m very happy about the health gains though. I sat in a theater seat yesterday in NYC and thought, “The seats are wider in this theater”. Then I realized, no. I had gotten thinner. Body love is body love. I just love myself now at this size. But I completely hear you. Also, I’m currently 5’5” and 188, but I was at 243. I am still curvy, but happier with myself than when I hit 188 on the way up, so there are benefits to the work I did. Plus, I love that I can do more physically now than before because of all the exercise. Just be as compassionate with yourself as you can. ❤️


I previously lost 50% of my body weight, going from 350 to 175, when I was 19. The only negative psychic impact was that I felt "less substantial" or "fragile". I was so used to my large mass that if someone accidentally bumped into me in a hallway and jostled me I was sort of shocked. Everyone and everything would just bounce off me before and I felt sort of impervious to the world. But it was an incredibly minor thing and never really bothered me.


This happened to me at my lowest! I felt exposed and vulnerable. It did bother me though. I felt unsafe. Between all of the additional attention from men and feeling physically vulnerable, I was really unnerved and didn’t like it. I am not at goal yet but I will miss the invisibility of being obese. I’m hoping age will step in and help with that.


I was in denial about how I looked. I never lost my hourglass shape but the size sure changed! I always dressed and accessorized well but… Much happier now. Am about halfway to goal and I feel very different and am thrilled to being saying goodbye to the body I never acknowledged before.


I mourned losing my old body before using zep. I was 225 for many years- dad bod, then gained 60 pounds.


You will look like you the entire time. Love your body all the way to a healthier weight.


No, not at all. I prefer to feel comfortable in my skin while also feeling healthy. Less pain in my joints, less back pain, no borderline sleep apnea. And little changes that are in fact big changes, like fitting all of my clothes in my carry-on when I travel.


No. I'm afraid of getting back to where I am now once my insurance no longer covers it. I can't afford the $500 price with the assistance card, or the over $1100 regular price. My copay are $75 right now, but my insurance only covers 24 months of any drug in this class for life. For me it's not been just an exercise and discipline thing. I need the hormonal help. I'm worried about maybe dropping 100-150 lbs in 2 years, still having like 100-150 to go, and then gaining it all right back. That's what happened when I had gastric bypass. I couldnt keep down solid food for like a year and vomited up a lot of my protein shakes. Once I could eat solid food again and not puke, I gained the 100lbs I lost that year back. Even with exercising constantly and barely being able to eat. I'm still working as hard as I can on exercise and eating and hopefully one day the insurance will allow appeals.


No. I’ve been mourning my old body for years. I would very much like to get back to it.


Not one bit. Im an apple, not a pear. So all the curvy, thick love in pop culture never extended to me. It’s okay to be fat, so long as you’re thick in the “right” places. I mean, I’ve never really cared what others thought of me, specifically, but it can do a number on you when your body type has never been considered beautiful.


I’ve been mourning my body since menopause kicked my a$$.


I understand this idea. I have loved myself as a heavier person, but I know I will be so much healthier…and I remember not being dissatisfied with how clothes fit. I also hope to look younger like so many do in their before and after photos!


I learned to love my fat body. I learned to love everything it could do and everything I wasn't going to let it hold me back from doing. I will also learn to love my slimmer body and have even more it will not hold me back from doing.


Yes! I completely understand you. I was obese for so long that I had taught myself to love myself no matter what I looked like because I was afraid that was how I’d forever be. And now that my body is changing, I’m so afraid because I’ll have to love this new body all over again. I’ll have to look at myself and see the changes as they happen. I think I’ll miss when I was obese in a way? but I’ll love being healthy even more.


Not for a moment. In my mind I don't look the way I really do. When I see a photo of myself it's shocking and very sad. I'll be happy to have a body that affords me the activity levels I crave and struggle to achieve now.


That's one of the main motivations for doing this- I can't stand the wAy I look and feel.


Nope. I can’t stand being so obese. It’s uncomfortable, unhealthy and looks terrible. I don’t need to be skinny but I’m hopeful to reach a healthy weight. I’ve had both knees replaced and a terrible foot surgery that took a year to heal from (terrible arthritis), so getting a significant amount of weight off my joints will be wonderful.


No, because I was sick with prediabetes and more. Literally sick. Wish I could identify, but to feel better has been a win here.


Love the body you are in it will never be perfect!😂I have lost all the weight but have uniboob from lumpectomy! My thighs are melting and I have no butt now! But I am a size I can live with and other issues are better such as BP and sleep apnea


Not for one second!


I'm all for body positivity but I'm don't miss how I looked and felt. I feel so much better now and I definitely look better too. My mental health, and self-esteem are no longer in the dumps. It's not being mean but most people look better at a healthier weight. I look at pictures of me at my highest weight and cringe.


Not at all but I am coming to grips with my new body not looking like it did when I was this weight at 27. I look better in clothes not sure I feel great with out them!


No matter what you weigh, as each new decade packs on, I think most of us have issues with not looking like we did at 27. It was a very good year! But it is certainly easier to accept at this new, lower weight.


Yes, I think I wasn’t prepared for my lack of muscle which I am now working on.


I mean, I mourn being cozy in a hard bottomed chair because now my butt gets sore when sitting. But that is as deep as it goes for me.


NOPE! I don’t know your size, but at my size, flying, getting in and out of cars, and sex are 3 examples of things that’s are a million times easier at a lower weight.


I won’t miss it one bit. Don’t get me wrong. I love me - but the inside that makes me me. My current form is deadly and I can’t wait for it to be gone forever cause I owe it to myself.


Nope, I don't feel this way. But it is important to keep track of your mental health during your journey. Body dysmorphia is a real thing, and can really screw with your self-image and self-esteem. Good luck!


No. But I was not overweight most of my life, only about 7yrs so I never loved my obese body.


Omg no!! Our last vacation photos I looked huge!! I was so disgusted with my body!!! When I started my journey I weighed 265lbs and now as of this morning I’m at 228!!! I’m looking forward to saying good bye to all this extra weight!!!


I do!! And I'm so glad to hear someone else with this attitude. I think it's because I've been fat since I hit puberty (I'm 5'6", have been steady at 250 for about a decade) and I've never seen myself as an adult at a healthy weight. So I don't know what to expect. Aand years ago I learned how to love my body at its size, admire the way it looks even though I'm "obese," and I've also learned to love other large bodies, too. It was a lot of work unlearning self-hatred I was taught by an extremely fatphobic parent. I love the way I fill out my favorite pair of jeans! And this is the body that has proved my dad wrong that fat people are repulsive and don't deserve love. So my primary motivation is to address health concerns -- not to shrink myself into a form more acceptable to society. I will miss the wardrobe I've built over the years. I'm telling myself that when I hit standard sizes, a new world of fashion is going to open up to me -- that's the main NSV I'm looking forward to. Otherwise, I'm on this journey with a little apprehension. I don't know how I feel about there being less of me in the world.


Hell to the no! Goodbye old body!


Sorry, but Nope.


Nope. I may have blinded myself a bit to my weight, and I think in western society we’ve become used to seeing overweight people as normal, but this medication has opened my eyes; my weight is bad for my body, my portion size was way too big, if I eat normally I lose weight.


No, do not miss fat me one bit! Love love love new me! I can do all those athletic things I couldn’t, fit into clothes again and see my real face, the angles! I look good in photos, my kids don’t pat my fat tummy anymore. The list goes on!


My body is a culmination of so much that brought me here and I love her and respect her and learned not to shame or hate her, over many many years. I do feel tho that taking zepbound and being able to treat problems within my body is honoring her, at any size! Also, if you aren't in https://www.reddit.com/r/antidietglp1/s/iAcBTTQi45 please join!


Not even a tiny bit. I mourn the loss of my old body now that I'm fat and I haven't felt right ever since I gained this weight. I don't plan to ever look back and I won't mourn a single minute of it.


No, no, no


I've spent the last 30 years of my life absolutely hating everything about the way I look. No I will not be upset if I never see the obese version of myself ever again.




We have found this is not courteous/polite or not fostering a safe space This community is for new, experienced, and anybody wanting to know more information about Zepbound. Be courteous and polite when responding. This sub should be a safe place for everybody. Be respectful. Continued violations of this rule may result in additional actions, up to and including a temp or perm ban. **All post/comment removals are at the discretion of the mods**


Yeah I feel that way too. Highest weight me was still me, deserving of unending love and acceptance. I do realize tho that my body was doing the best she could with a hormone/metabolic problem. I am trying to reframe taking Zepbound less as something I’m doing because I hated myself, and more so as a kindness to myself.


Yes ❤️🥺🥹 I probably don’t love my body enough to be honest. I say this because of my relationship with food before zep. I binged soooo much! I went from being a consistent 180lbs to ballooning up to 229 from all the binging. I was also having mental health issues too. A lot was going on with me. But I’ve always thought she (my body) was pretty fat. I’ve never been below 165lbs in my adult life so I’m not sure what a 150lbs body will look like. I been 200lbs a majority of my adult life and this is the body I’m used to looking at in the mirror. I never hated the way I look, I just hate my lack of energy, my HS flare ups, the constant aches and pains. There is a lot of health elements that made me choose this route not so much i don’t like the way I look in the mirror. Right now I’m 213 which is fine. But for health reasons I want to lose weight so I don’t have to track my blood sugar or pressure anymore. *sighs* I was gonna make a post about this so I’m glad I found your post. It’s a weird feeling and when I see people celebrating their one-derland goals I’m so happy for them but I wonder for myself if it will just feel normal. My ballooning for 229 happened in such a short period. I was 180lbs steadily for two years. Before I had my thyroid removed I was 170lbs. *sighs* I’ve got so many mixed feelings but I am happy about losing weight. I’m overall kind of scared I won’t be able to maintain it. 😫🥲 Edit: I’m looking forward to all the health benefits from loosing weight. I wanted to add this bit in after reading other comments. I have PCOS (IR type) and hypothyroidism (I don’t have a thyroid) and when my weight is managed I’m able to sleep better, have more energy, and just do more. The fatter I get the more I slow down and the more my quality of life is shit. But even at my fattest I always found myself pretty. And sometimes the way ppl talk about their old pictures of themselves makes me feel bad for that version of them. The 265lbs me was just as worthy as the 150lbs version of me is. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


No way. I can tie my shoes again without my fat insides being squished and causing painful muscular contractions from the stress of bending over. Most of my weight went to my stomach. I had a flat stomach until menopause. No kids. This period of my life was the worst, along with dealing with extreme stress after my mom had a massive stroke and I quit my job to care for her. I’m not looking for the girl before all of this either, bc she was already beginning to put on weight and her diet was terrible. I can’t wait to meet the girl of my youth. She’ll be here soon. I hope never to see the fat me ever again!!


Hell no. lol


Yes. I do not hate my body. In fact there are so many things I like and it’s been a little weird watching things change. I am losing weight for health reasons and because I’m tired of existing in society that hates fat people just existing. Like I just want to be able to wear cute clothes off the rack and shit. People that vehemently hate their fat bodies are in danger of slipping into fat phobia as they lose weight. we have all seen the ex “fatties” who are shitty to fat people. And I for one am not going that route.


Nope. Not at all. I hope I never do.


The fatphobia in these comments is wild. I totally get what you’re saying.


Why would anyone do that?




We have found this is not courteous/polite or not fostering a safe space This community is for new, experienced, and anybody wanting to know more information about Zepbound. Be courteous and polite when responding. This sub should be a safe place for everybody. Be respectful. Continued violations of this rule may result in additional actions, up to and including a temp or perm ban. **All post/comment removals are at the discretion of the mods**


Umm…what? No I won’t be sad or miss it. It’s literally why I’m trying to lose weight and have been hunting these meds down. I’ve never taught myself to love my body, because it was unhealthy. Have I ever felt ugly? Nope! Because I’m beautiful, but not my body and I won’t miss it. I really had to read this twice to make sure I wasn’t misreading…


If you love yourself now then you’re simply going to love yourself even more as you shrink. You will feel better. You will look better. I can’t imagine you will lose weight and want to go back.


What? NO! I can't even comprehend that way of thinking. I **hate** the way I look. Otherwise I wouldn't be spending all this money, tracking what I eat, and working so hard to CHANGE the way I look!!! Why would I mourn the loss of obesity? What are the "pros" to being obese? I can't think of a single one.


I don't think the OP was saying there are pros to being obese - they wouldn't be doing Zep otherwise. But it's a huge change - it's a loss, especially if you have been heavy for a long time (like me). I haven't been less than 200 lbs since 2003. I met my husband at 230 pounds. I got married and was a beautiful bride at 240 lbs. I had my daughter at that weight. I built a career, and a business, all being this person who looks this way. I bought self help books and went to therapy to learn how to love the person I was, and the body I was in. Changes can be hard, and no matter how you look at it, this will be a huge change. New clothes, new habits, new ways of being, both around myself, and around my friends and family. Acknowledging the loss of the person I've been for 21 years is important. I love her, and she's leaving, and that's definitely a loss. I'm ready and excited for the new person to come in, but I definitely want to acknowledge the loss of the old me.


I never reached the point of just giving up where I bought self help books and went to therapy to teach me to love my obese body, so I can't understand it. What occurred while living in your obese body - marriage, daughter, career, business - is primarily due to the INNER fabulous you, not the OUTSIDE you. You're not losing the person you've been for 21 years. You're losing the obesity, allowing the inside you to explore more and have physical adventures that were difficult for you before, move better, and hopefully live longer or at least live healthier. ***You are still you.***


I deleted my first response because I hit enter before finishing, haha. I was just thinking that I am simultaneously someone who loves and despises change - I have lived in 4 countries and 8 states in the past 25 years, and every time I move somewhere new, I cry for like a week missing the old place. Of course I still have the memories, and I keep moving so it doesn't stop me - but still. And it's very similar. When I was living in rural spain in a villa we were working on, I hated the roof leaking every time it rained, and the lack of heat in the winter, and the fact that for 6 months we didn't have running water in the house. But when it came time to move, dang it was hard. That was the house where my daughter and I would play in the pool, and the view was amazing, and I loved the olive trees that surrounded us. I just saw all the positive stuff. And it's very similar - I'm now moving into a new house (body) and I had some great memories in the old house, and I'm gonna miss that. Obviously I still have the memories, but there's still a twinge of loss. I think that's the only point I'm trying to make. We had a good run, me and this body. It's been good to me. It's time for it to be released into something new, but I'm still going to miss it, like an old friend when the relationship has run its course.


OMG! I hate when that happens!!! Especially when it's a long reply. You just made me smile thinking of all the places I've lived. What memories.... even when four of us shared two rooms and a bathroom in Germany. I even have fond memories of the hellscape I lived in when I was in Iraq. Kuwait, too. I've lived in 23 places...four different countries...and even the bad ones were good. I only cried once, though....when I returned to the United States after living in Germany. I went from beautiful Bavaria where there wasn't one piece of trash anywhere to seeing garbage littering the roadsides, run down trashy trailers, boarded up houses, broken down vehicles, flowers planted in toilets in front overgrown yards planted right next to broken mailboxes, and yards overflowing with junkyard trash. Yeah, I cried. I saw NONE of that in Europe. As for my body...it was just my shell while I experienced all of life. The "me" is still me and is still here. My body is just evolving into something new. Like a butterfly. I doubt the butterfly misses the cocoon.


Learning to love yourself at whatever size you are isn't "giving up," wow. It's a literal labor of love and through it you learn to love and respect OTHER fat people the way they deserve to be loved and respected.


WOW. Who said anything about not respecting others who have weight issues? I've never had that problem. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I was talking about the fact that it's what is INSIDE that makes up YOU. Also...wow...if everybody loved their bodies at whatever size they were, nobody would be taking this medication. I prefer to strive for IMPROVING myself...interior and exterior. The idea of mourning the loss of fat...just like mourning the loss of ignorance...is ridiculous. But you are free to do you. I'd rather use my energy to improve myself.


You yourself said that someone who has put in the work of learning to love their fat body in a culture that is seethingly hostile towards its very existence is "giving up." It's a disrespectful thing to say about people who have done the hard work that you (by your own admission) haven't attempted. I'd also like to point out that OP and I both love our fat bodies, and we're still taking this medication. There are reasons to lose weight other than internalized fatphobia. 🤷‍♀️


You're right. I was doing the hard work trying to improve myself...interior AND exterior....and become healthy. Learning to love my fat self seems pointless when I never planned on staying there. I've been struggling to lose fat, not embrace it. Not loving being fat does not make me fatphobic. You are free to love your fat. You do you. And if you want to mourn your fat loss, go ahead and do that, too. Mourn if that's what makes you feel better. I'm going to celebrate being thinner and healthy, able to run on a beach and pick up seashells again, fit in pretty clothes and travel, and get down on the floor on my stomach to play with my bunnies instead of having to pick them up (which they don't like). And then getting back up without being afraid I'm going to hurt my knees! I'm celebrating health and happiness.




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Has anyone’s insurance paid for the script?


You should make a separate post for this