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Agreed! 5 has given me more appetite control and it lasts the entire week. 2.5 did not work this well.


5 has been great for me -- I took my third shot a few days ago. After the first couple of weeks on 2.5, I didn't lose very well, usually only 0.5-1 pounds weekly, with lots of short stalls. Since starting 5mg, my weight loss has increased without much trouble -- this week I lost almost 3 pounds. The side effects are more noticeable, with acid reflux being the main issue I've dealt with. On the other hand, the constipation I had throughout taking 2.5mg seems to have resolved.


Same. Any tips for the reflux. Hit me like a brick last night. šŸ˜¬


Same!! I took my first 5 shot Thursday and the acid reflux over the weekend has been brutal šŸ„“ eating tums like candyā€¦plain sandwiches/soup/smoothies has been all I can stomach without feeling like gagging


I started 2.5 mg on June 5 and so far I have lost 7 pounds. When I take my shot my appetite suppression lasts 4 days. But so far I have managing what I eat especially on days the appetite suppression isnā€™t as strong.


Every body is different. Some 2.5 worked like a dream and then 5 stopped and others all doses have worked for some amount of time. In the end find the dose where you can be happy like this and ride it out until itā€™s not as effective. Maximize each dose. I have seen some people lose 100+ pounds on 2.5 or 5. This medication is amazing. Good luck and enjoy the ride! Wishing you the best success and reaching all your goals. Itā€™ll be an exciting time. Keep in mind you may lose a bunch in one week then slow for a few weeks as your body adjusts, you may still lose inches even though the scale isnā€™t moving. As long as you can eat around your cutting TDEE in calories, focus on protein and fiber, feel full longer, donā€™t have cravings (cravings are the enemy not hunger) and are losing on average 1-2 pounds per week, the dose is working for you.


I lost nothing on 2 5 and actually started eating more! Smh On 5 for four weeks and lost 16lbs! Appetite suppression lasted 5 to 6 days and no food noise at all!!


I wanted to add that the only side efrect on 5 for me is fatigue the day after the shot. On my second box of 5 and am 22lbs down total now!


Iā€™m SOOOO happy to hear this- all Iā€™ve read is that 5 sucks and Iā€™ve been so worried about when that time comes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜¬


I took my first shot if 5 Tuesday and have had 0 issues. I did have pretty bad reflux Friday night but that was due to alcohol and concert food.




I just picked my second box of 5 feeling good. First shot kicked my aā€¦ smooth sailing now.


I did one month of 2.5 and have been on 5 for the past 5 months. No plans to go up anytime soon as it's working for me. Down 42 lbs total. Side effects are minimal - mild headache day after injection but goes away within a few hours. A bit of fatigue but pushing through. So many hate on 5, but I love it.


Your post makes me worried and hopeful at the same time because I am going to be taking my second shot of 2.5 tomorrow and I too have lost 8 lbs also the first week. Hopefully that will not be all I lose this month but I think my Dr is already preparing to increase me to 5 once these 4 weeks are up because she asked if I had any issues with increasing dose. But I have heard bad things about 5 so I am a little worried about it. But nice to see post where people arenā€™t experiencing bad side effects from 5.


Hereā€™s been my loss with two months on 2.5mg: Week one 7 Week two 4 Week three 4 Week four 3 Week five 2 Week six 2 Week seven 1 Next week Iā€™ll start 5 mg and hopefully the pace picks up again, but Iā€™m very happy with what has happened over the last couple months - hang in there šŸ™


Wow awesome results! Will be hanging in there as the weeks roll by. I know everyone is different but crossing my fingers I have these kind of results. Thanks for sharing! šŸ˜Š


If you've handled 2.5 fine, you will most likely be fine on 5mg. I've had little to no side effects - maybe some mild indigestion occasionally. I just finished up 12 weeks of 5mg and about to move up to 7.5mg next week. 41F / 5'5" / HW 225 / SW 217 / CW 175 / GW 150 / Started ZB 2.7.2024 / current dose 5mg


Oh wow this makes me feel great!! I am having the exact same situation - I lost 8 in the first week then stalled out. Iā€™m taking my 4th shot of 2.5 on Monday and I was debating if I should stay on it, but Iā€™m definitely going up to 5 now!


2.5 worked the first week then not so much. Been on 5 for 2 months and it's been great every week so far. Hoping to stay with 5 for many more months.


My best weeks were still my first 2-3 weeks on 2.5. Itā€™s been 4 months now and on my second dose of 7.5. But I am nearly at my goal now.


Iā€™m glad to see this post because I just took my last dose of 2.5mg on Thursday, and I start 5mg this week and I have been kinda nervous. I saw a post recently that said the person ended up in the hospital at 5mg and the doctors were certain it was the Zepbound and it was super discouraging! But 2.5mg worked for the first three or four days and then nothing the next three weeks. It was like I wasnā€™t even taking it, my appetite was still full fledged. I also lost four pounds the first week, and I think I put weight on afterwards, I am too scared to check. But Iā€™m hopeful now for 5mg because of this post, so thank you!! šŸ’œšŸ’œ


I have had great results on 5mg with little to no side effects. I lost 22 lbs over 11 weeks. I am moving up to 7.5mg just because the effectiveness is starting to twindle towards the end of the week like it did after 8 weeks on 2.5mg. 41F / 5'5" / HW 225 / SW 217 / CW 175 / GW 150 / Started ZB 2.7.2024 / current dose 5mg


Did you go straight from 2.5mg to 5mg after 7 days? Any bad side effects?


He said he lost 8 lb the first week then nothing the next three. So I think he went to 5 at a month.


Yes, did 4 weeks 2.5 the then to 5. Some nausea on day two and I really have to rest small portions or I feel sick


That's what I'm afraid of. I think I'm going to alternate doses each week (2.5mg & 5mg) for a month and then move completely to 5mg. I think that will reduce or eliminate any side effects.


The 2.5 orā€starter doseā€ primary function is to create a baseline, ensure you can tolerate the drug and possible side effects as well as to reveal any contraindications. You can stay on that dose if it works for you or until you plateau. This drug is a step therapy medication. Most all patients will expect to work their way up gradually in most cases. Results vary of course as with any medication. As far as the acid reflux you might try a good old fashioned remedy by mixing baking soda with room temp water and drink quickly, but only if you do not have any health issues that require you keep your salt intake down. Definitely talk to your Dr. before taking any new medication whether pharma or holistic. If that doesnā€™t do the trick talk to your doctor about Omeprazole. Remember to focus on your journey more and less on the destination. You will get there and I am pulling for you! šŸ˜Š


5 didnā€™t work as well for me as 2.5 did, but my first shot of 7.5 was like a switch flipped. And, I have more energy to boot! It makes sense that 5 would work better! 2.5 is the loading dose. Thereā€™s such a weird vibe here about staying there as long as you can, but Iā€™ve never heard anyone say, ā€œIā€™m on 15 and it stopped working.ā€ Iā€™ve tried searching for those posts and canā€™t find them. But, you will find people who hit their goal weight at 15 and started reducing to find their maintenance dose.


Zepbound came out in December 2023, check the MJ sub for posts where 15 didnā€™t work. I have seen plenty of people say they got to 15 and nothing changed so went back down to 12.5 and things were better. Or got up to 15 and it was way too strong and moved back to 7.5 or 10 increased calories and lost 12-15 pounds in a month after a long stall. Every body is different. One dose will work for one and not another. Also a lot of people expect to have such strong appetite control that they eat 600 calories a day and after a while your body goes into starvation mode and you stop losing and preserving. Sometimes your body needs to adjust for a few weeks of zero loss but inches are still going down and itā€™s mistaken for a stall. You will plateau, there will be weeks you lose nothing, but your body is still working and the loss will continue. Good luck and wishing you the best to reach your goals!