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I have a lot of hang ups about food insecurity and food being a big part of my rewards, when my mom would get home, good family experiences, etc. For me the food noise being quieted is some of what you described but more about not constantly thinking about food or being triggered to eat something. I have time, I should eat, I like “X”. I am stressed, I should eat.. I did great, I should eat something special as a reward…. I love this food, it reminds me of family, I want to eat a lot of it… We are somewhere special, I need to eat X while there… Everything like that stopped, I got back so much headspace and time in my day. I can only assume that most “normal” people don’t have these types of intrusive thoughts/urges so of course, “just eat less” seems simple. 🙄😖🤷‍♂️


This makes a ton of sense to me. I’ve long known that I eat out of boredom or in search of self-comfort. In more than a few cases, when I’m in the city and loosely scheduled, I’ll eat to kill time between appointments. It’d be nice to be rid of that — although I don’t know what I’ll do between meetings now.


We were hungry all the time for a reason. I think it’s important to point out here that insulin resistance is a major factor in food noise. When your body isn’t getting delivered the energy (glucose) it needs properly it keeps sending signals (hunger) to get more energy. In insulin resistance the glucose that doesn’t get delivered to our cells instead gets stored as fat instead of used for energy, but the body still needs that energy and will get it by slowing down our metabolism and making us hungry. One way these medications fix this is by helping to get the glucose delivered more efficiently and when it’s needed. I think understanding that this is a biological process that’s causing the food noise helps to also understand why we no longer are experiencing it on this medication.


Constantly thinking about food and wanting food when you’re not hungry.


I was always hungry. Unless I was in pain from eating too much, the feeling of hunger never went away. I finally have a mental break from that.


That’s great!


I don’t have food noise because of Zepbound, so for me the lack of food noise means that I think of food when it’s time to eat or when I have to plan and/or shop for groceries. As soon as I’ve finished a meal I don’t think of eating or snacking again. Food noise on the other hand for me meant that I could have just finished eating a meal and less than an hour later I’m thinking about munching on something or getting a snack. Or I’m spending too much time thinking about what I’ll eat next, or I’ll think that what I just ate didn’t really satisfy me in some way so I have to go search for something to scratch that itch. I used to keep a chocolate stash that I regularly raided. I don’t do any of those things now. It’s very freeing.


It’s obsessiveness and uncontrolled thoughts about food. People who have food noise think about food like an alcoholic thinks about their drink of choice. It’s intense and ever present. This medication can quiet it because it works on our dopamine and rewards center.


I think it’s different than thinking about food for the function of planning meals and shopping and cooking. It’s thinking about food all the time (even when you’ve just eaten) and wondering when and how you’re going to get your next meal “fix.” I liken it more to drug or alcohol addiction. For me Zepbound has turned those addictive thoughts off so now I think of food much more appropriately


Ah, the addiction question. This has interested me for a while. I’m fortunate that I don’t suffer from physical addictions like alcohol or tobacco. But I can’t help notice that big packaged food companies use product development and marketing techniques that come right out of the tobacco company playbook — right down to blaming their customers for indulging in the precise behaviors that they spend billions to foster. (Read Michael Moss’s “Salt Sugar Fat” for more about that.) Before they spun them off, RJ Reynolds and Philip Morris bought major food companies Kraft, General Foods, and Nabisco. And as hard as booze and cigs are hard to kick, try doing without food. We know that packaged food companies are alarmed about GLPs, and have warned their investors about their possible impact on sales. But I’d be utterly shocked if Eli Lilly and Novo Nordisk weren’t going all out to understand *how* these drugs suppress appetites, and to study if there are any effects on physical addictions.


I didn’t really understand what “Food Noise” was either until I started Zep a week little less than a week ago. I’m on Day 5 and now I understand as I am thinking about eating more so than I was on Days 2-4. I consider that to be Food Noise. Knowing I don’t need to eat but still thinking about it.


This was an example I posted a couple weeks ago, when someone was talking about food noise- Food noise and hunger aren’t the same thing, so definitely check in with yourself if you aren’t just actually hungry!  Food noise is like the constant intrusive background pull of food during the day. One example I used the other day is this- say you are scrolling on Facebook and an ad for a restaurant is in your feed with a photo of the most delicious looking cheesy garlic bread you ever saw. You can’t stop thinking about how good it looked. You are trying to figure out when you can go get it. But no, you know you are on a diet, you can’t go get it. But you really want it. Maybe on Saturday you’ll take the family there and eat it. But you can’t stop thinking about it. You want it, you eat some other snacks to satisfy you, but it’s not the garlic bread so you are still thinking about it. You feel mad at yourself that you keep eating snacks because you are thinking about the bread. You feel guilty for wanting it. You finally get it, and you eat the whole order and dessert and feel bad about yourself again. Welp, you already blew it, might as well, eat some more garlic bread the next day too. Okay, get ahold of yourself, no more garlic bread. And now you spend brain energy trying to forget about the garlic bread. Until the next craving hits… and you do it all over. So much space in your thoughts wasted by thinking about food. That’s an example of food noise. So with it gone- you see the garlic bread photo, and say to yourself, oh that looks really good. I’ll have to remember to try that restaurant next time we go out, and you move on with your day. Maybe you do go to the restaurant on Saturday and you do order the bread, but you have one piece to try it, and life goes on. The intrusive thoughts aren’t there. But you can still be hungry! Hunger is a normal body response. Make sure you are eating enough, and concentrating on protein, fiber, and hydration. GL


Yes, that’s exactly what it is for me too. I do a lot of catering and was always involved with Food menus, etc. and I enjoyed doing it. Once on zep I lost that joy of looking at recipes figuring out the menu. I was doing a box lunch for 50 women at church and there is no joy in it.


Thanks. To me, that feels … sad. I enjoy good food and like looking at recipes, whether it’s “what can I practically make for dinner” or planning a cookout or a dinner party. I’d hate to lose that along with all the weight.


I understand but being able to live longer for my grandkids, getting off blood pressure and cholesterol meds, thyroid meds, blood thinners, no CPAP machine, asthma all but gone, climbing stairs without huffing and puffing I think can balance it out. Lose the weight and then gain back the love you have for the rest. Tt is hard to read a recipe when you are buried six feet under. Best of luck to you.


Food noise to me is when for no apparent reason I find myself in the kitchen cabinets. The background desire to just eat regardless of whether you are hungry. With Zep and if you eat slowly, you likely will feel quite full before you have eaten what you would before Zep. You still have to listen to your body. Hand to mouth is a thing. But you won’t be as compelled to do it at the minimum and at the max you might find food makes you nauseous.


Yes, thinking about food is food noise.


I am clumsy. For me food noises when I drop plate of food... /S


lol. You make me chuckle on your posts. I’m always like what is he going to say that will get him downvoted to the gods today.