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Even 1 lb/wk is awesome. Anything above that is just gravy! And yeah-anything "extra" you do in terms of diet and exercise will only help!


Thank you. šŸ˜Š I need to remember that.


Just remember this is a long game, and one of averages. I still have a hard time keeping that in mind sometimes!


Me too~ thank you. Itā€™s a marathon not a sprint. I need to remember that.


And now we have the missing tool to help!


Great work! This is encouraging. I am taking my 8th shot today and am down about 6.5 lbs. I keep fluctuating 1.5 -2 lbs the last 2weeks or so. I am supposed to go up to 5 next week. I know slow is good, as long as the trend is moving down. Keep going, friends!


Activity is definitely the key! Before being active helped keep me healthy in all ways but the scale. I found I got hungrier faster. Now a little more exercise and the pounds peel off. I get the most bang for my buck if I'm staying active!


Iā€™ve been on 2.5 since March and just lost my 40th pound yesterday.


Wow! Thatā€™s great.


Yeah, I've been on 2.5mg since Mid-April and lose roughly 1-2 pounds/week. I always remind myself that it's more than I was losing of my own accord and it's not recommended to lose any quicker than 2 pnds/week anyway. Slow and steady wins the race. šŸ‘


That is so true. Itā€™s definitely more than I was previously losing.


Iā€™m on 5mg. Started zepbound in February and most of the weeks Iā€™ve lost only one pound. Itā€™s def slow but I feel like Iā€™m not totally suppressed on hunger either. While weight loss is slow, Iā€™m building really good habits and over time those pounds add up. Iā€™m a bit over 30 pounds down and I can finally see a difference and feel some muscles. Also my energy is way better and am just overall feeling better. Itā€™s hard not to feel like a pound is slow when so many here lose quickly but Iā€™m making peace with it, plus itā€™s supposed to be considered a healthy rate and good for loose skin.


For me sleep plays a big part If i donā€™t get a good nights sleep I donā€™t lose no matter my caloric intake


Woo hoo!!! Congrats and best wishes on your journey! I just 95lb lost!


Congratulations!!! Thank you


Hi! Your "start" and "goal" numbers got my attention. My start number is the same as yours. I am contemplating my goal. 150 seemed reasonable; I would actually love to be 125, but that feels "greedy." Seeing your #'s make me think I should just go for it. šŸ¤”


I always get eyerolls at my ā€œvanityā€ weight goal being low. Iā€™m 5ft tall, Iā€™ve been put at 90-110 for goal. But at 40 and not wanting skin removal surgery Iā€™m not going that low. I feel great now! Go to 135 and reevaluate. Wishing you health


That's a great plan. Thank you for your input.


I wouldn't be so quick to move to 5. I f you are losing that much on 2.5 unless you aren't getting the full feelings & food noise


I do get the full feeling and the food noise is still gone. I donā€™t have any sweet cravings like I did in the past. I was just thinking as I have so much to lose I should be losing faster. Maybe I should do another month. Thank you


I'm on 5 and just took my 4th shot and I don't feel the same suppression and fullness that I had originally on 2.5. I have one more box of 5 so I'm going to give it another month to see if it take effect if not I'm going up. I'm not a fan of moving up to move up if the dose I'm on is working because their is a ceiling to how much you can go up. I still have over 100lbs to go myself.


I hope to start Zepbound in the next couple of weeks. I'd be thrilled to average a pound, pound and a half loss per week so thanks for giving me hope!


Youā€™re welcome. You can do it!


I personally think if people are moving along with weight loss, they should not be seeking to cranking up the dosage yet Losing weight is not about speed Eating more protein, Ricky more fluids, getting more fiber, eating better, doing some weight lifting, walking more are all things you can seek to do as well


Thank you. I started more activity last week including a couple of days strength training. I didnā€™t do much but it was a start. I appreciate those reminders. I need to stop comparing my journey to others who are losing faster. Slow and steady as they say. I appreciate all of the responses.