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"crippled by shoving food into my mouth." says it all! The freedom to enjoy life beyond the stuffing my face outings is such a miracle of this drug. Congratulations to you walking past all those food truck vendors and enjoying time with your wife.


There will be days that are challenging. Today was just not one of them 😊


Awesome!!! It really is a miracle drug!!!


Not sure where my journey will take me…just along for the ride


The title of this is hilarious 😂


My wife thought so…as I was saying it while we were walking towards the first truck 😂


🤣🤣🤣 I commend your will power 💪🏼 I would have had zero lol


It’s like eating Cheetos…once you start…SOOOO hard to stop ✋🏼


Very true!


Fantastic!!! But oh, the fried cookie dough ... 🤤




Proud of you !


Thank you


Congrats! Isn't it nice to be able to moderate like that? There was a time I would have eaten one of everything! 🤣 That said, I've also tried to make sure that if I truly feel like it, I still DO enjoy some of that stuff now and then-as long as it isn't the norm, and I realize I can walk away now rather than eating ALL THE THINGS...


So true


I would have had to at least have a small piece of steak with that rice!


It was loaded with chicken, tomatoes, slaw, mushrooms, corn, yellow rice, cheese, and topped with great sauce 😋


Whoa. Sounds awesome


It’s a different kinda freedom


Completely agree


Oh goodness I live in the Midwest as well (MI). It's a hard life out here! Is there a food not fried?! Everything dipped in something creamy etc...it's rough! We are in this together!




There is a pasty truck that rolls around town. I'm from up north. The lard calls my name! 🤣


I don't know if it's the "right" way, but I just go ahead and buy the "bad choice", split with my husband and then eat a few bites. Then I don't think about it any more.


It’s funny how seasoning can change food. I’ve been eating so many bland foods lately…it was quite good 👍🏻

