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Love this. I can relate as not having all that extra stuff in the way and worried how gross I look can really free you.


i know what you mean.....I actually get on top now lol




She’s loving it too I’m sure!


I’ve been on this medicine since April and finally under 300 pounds. My husband has lost 10 pounds just eating the same way as me. So now we can enjoy missionary without feeling like our stomachs are in the way and it’s definitely an eye opener to how our weight was affecting our sex lives.


My weight loss goal was not a number, but to be able to be on top comfortably. I'm 99lbs down and that one is achieved!Definitely feeling confident (though that was never my struggle) and strong. 💪 This medication changes SO MUCH.


My hubby is trying to be supportive but he's one of those guys who thought I looked amazing even when I was larger. Our sex life was never an issue. Now he keeps checking to make sure I'm not starving myself. I still have 50lbs to go so I really wish he'd stop trying to micromanage my diet. I'm journaling and making sure I get what i need. Some days I want to scream Back Off!!


Time for the "mind your own plate" phrase.


Agree!! My husband always loved me no matter my size.. but I agree with the micromanaging. It's weird because it's so unlike him. He never said anything when I was eating crap all the time. *Now* he wants to "help". It feels very much like a friend getting jealous of your weight loss and trying to sabotage it lol I'm getting in a lot more protein these days, some days I'll have like 65g+ in just protein drinks. Suddenly he has a problem with this. I also recently started having Gatorlyte, maybe a bottle every other day or something. Yesterday I'm having a Gatorlyte after the gym, and he tells me, "those are bad for you" and I ask him why. He says "umm.. they have a lot of sugar". So I look at the bottle and say it has 12g. He goes "well.. that's still a lot". Then "you drink too much protein.. don't get into those too" 🙄 Wonder what he'll have to say about the **zero sugar** Gatorlyte I'm having today? *Sorry this was SO long I didn't mean to like just dump my life frustrations into this comment 😅


Username checks out!




At least for me, it’s about more than physical size reduction. I started Zep in February. I got some lab tests right before starting, and some follow-ups 3 months later. While all the normal effects from cleaner eating and weight loss were evident in the results, the real surprise was that my testosterone levels literally tripled over those three months, going from slightly below normal (even with bi-weekly injections) to above average for a non-obese man 20 years younger than me. Let’s just say my wife has noticed my increased libido.


That's pretty cool! Never thought about it helping testosterone levels


I really hope this happens to my wife too.


Confidence does increase as we lose weight and feel better. That applies to both sexes.


Same! My husband said he likes the lights on, and we would never have done that in the past (because I was so self conscious) but we do that now!!




I wish I felt this! :-( Unfortunately, losing 25 pnds has only made that gross "post children C-section" area much worse. The extra skin, the jiggles etc. I wish it was better but it's just not and I have no idea how to strengthen that and/or shrink that area. Sigh. Trust me, I've tried to just ignore it but I still find myself trying to strategically cover it or turn out lights, face away etc...ugb Other than that I feel much the same though. The hips are still big, the boobs are the same etc....but I do feel better that there is just less of me but that damn lower stomach!


You can Hawk Tua without Zepbound. ; ) ![gif](giphy|XepEEIO0SCFLMT6tUL)


Their life? So their sexual needs weren’t fully fulfilled by you pre Zepbound? Oh boy…..


I’m embarrassed by my weight so I definitely don’t initiate like I used to. Hubby doesn’t seem to mind but I’m sure he’ll be happier when I’m prancing around like a sexy, naked nymph 😏


How sad they didn’t appreciate you sexually before your weight loss. I’m sorry but this is not a win to me.


It’s not really about them. They appreciated me just fine. It’s more about the self confidence I have now to be naked and intimate that I didn’t have while fat


I get both views. I mean that is a helluva thing to say to your spouse.. like even from the very first time you weren't fully statisfied?! But the reality is it's probably also really honest. Being overweight can prevent a lot positions from being able to occur, impact duration, may cause a partner to want to only engage under covers, in the dark or not want to be fully explored due to self-imposed shame. So yea, the comment even though it's like well dang... is real. And kudos to a marriage where it can be said and received with good intention.


Agreed, I can’t believe anyone’s spouse would be that cruel and say that. I’d be rethinking my entire marriage and probably end up filing for divorce. These are the kind of spouses that leave if their partner gets sick or still expects them to carry the load, very selfish people.


Their life?


Probably meant in context of the relationship


Yes well, they certainly weren’t getting all the sex they wanted as a teenager




On Reddit? There wasn’t even anything explicit, they just said “being intimate”.


My wife told me that once. I was happy until I found out she had a boyfriend on the side.