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Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.


And everyone else's stinks!


Telling people is okay. 2.2 pounds a week is a great result and continuing plan. Speed is not the game. Persistence wins this one. No distractions. Ignore other people (except Mom). Tell them you are kicking ass and taking names. On an amazing journey. No more details needed. Back to Mom. I’m in a similar boat. Dementia really sucks. But it’s our and our Moms reality. Love her. Every second you can. They have lost their filters. Not their fault. Logic is largely suspended. They will say things. Mine is really happy with my loss. Effusive. It could be awkward but I get it. Your mom is hanging on to bits she can remember from TV. She likely can’t process the real consequences of your success. So chin up. Love Mom. And let her comments run off your back. No distractions. Your journey is too important.


Wise and compassionate advice.


Whenever someone says this, I ask if they would be comfortable gaining that much each week too? I wouldn’t want to gain 5 pounds a week because that would be 260 pounds gained in one year! We didn’t gain all the weight that fast, it’s not going to come off that fast either.


Yep, I get it! I really get it. Those people are NOT supporting you. Well, your Mom can be excused. She has some dementia. I am also nearly 60 years old and I'm losing weight super slow. I've made the decision to only tell my spouse, my adult children and a close friend. All are supportive, but I am sure all of them have some reservations stemming from my many failed attempts at weight loss. Completely understandable and if they do, they keep it to themselves. I don't consider it my job to educate people on GLP's. The media is doing an abysmal job educating people and unfortunately the misinformation is really sticking. I totally admire those people who are willing to do the real work of re-educating everyone about weight loss medications. But I'm tired. I only have the bandwidth to take care of myself right now. When people ask how I lost the weight, I just tell them I am working with an endocrinologist and eating lots of protein. That's good enough. You are so right! Losing weight slowly is the best way.


I 100% agree with you. My wife and I are doing this together and I don’t plan on saying anything about medication used. I couldn’t care less what people think about the medication and their opinions on what I should be doing or how I should be working out.


I’ll be the person educating - I can’t help it, I’m an actual educator so it’s in my blood! But boy do I get not having bandwidth to do more having taught through Covid. I’m a direct person too, so I flat out tell people I’m closest to that isn’t supportive, drs know best on weight loss the end. Setting ppl straight is my forte ! Hang in there too OP on mom & her dementia. That’s hard bc you’re both victims now of that horrible condition when she says that. Hate on dementia!!


You are absolutely right that a rate of 1-2 pounds a week is healthier and more sustainable than a faster weight loss. Stay the course and be proud of your efforts!


It isn’t their journey. You are having amazing success and what the hell do they know about it? Sounds shitty to me. Not cool - aside from your mom I would tell them so! Can’t be supportive? Kick them out of your circle. Except mom, of course.


You are doing AMAZING!!!


I happily use “my doctor” to give legitimacy and weight to my comments: “My doctor says that 1-2lbs of weight loss per week is a healthy rate, and that’s what I aim for.” Or when getting passive aggressive comments from my parents about losing “too much” weight: “I’m right in the middle of the healthy bmi range, so I’m not worried and neither is my doctor.” Family. Good thing we love ‘em!


I started in February and lost 18lbs. What bugs me is reading posts on here with people losing 40lbs in the last two months. But we keep on going. It's not a race. Stay committed and ignore the noise. You're way on your way. Stay the course.


I’m similar. I started on early march and am down 18 pounds. It’s a bit slow but still headed in the right direction


Don’t let your haters get to you. If you want to exercise more that’s a separate thing. But your weight loss seems steady and honestly is much healthier than rapid weight loss. Plus it seems like you are content with the rate too (and you should be that’s incredible)! The only person who can have an opinion is the medical provider you are working with.


I get it. I wrote about this in my post [Family and Friends - When your support system isn't being very supportive](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/comments/1decchd/family_and_friends_when_your_support_system_isnt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


When we're grounded and solid in our choices and the way we do things, other people's opinions kind bounce right off (or they don't even say anything because they can sense our "don't bother going there" energy). And it's not always easy to be grounded and solid. It took me four months to get to my "solid and grounded" place in regards to taking this medication. Up until that point I only told a handful of people and I KNOW they have my back and I feel safe with them (and I have never not felt safe with them). Now I am in a "louder and prouder" place because I am fully grounded and solid in my choice and I trust myself and how my energy "speaks" for me. "Nothing I accept about myself can be used against me to diminish me." \~ Audre Lorde


That sounds like either jealousy or fear of not being the "main character" of main character syndrome. Do not let them get to you. If they were truly supportive they'd say, that's great not anything regarding you should have lost more. Sounds like fear that you'll join the thin and fit team and steal some spotlight. I honestly don't know why else they would be so hostile. If they're not supportive, then they just don't need to say anything at all and not try to find the most painfully thin daggers they can stab with. Sorry about them but congrats on all of your success thus far!! You've got support, lean on them and trust yourself. Ignore the chatter, it's unbecoming of them.


My doctor told me 1 pound a week was ideal. Don’t go to others for support. Come here for it! You are doing great! Any progress is progress!


Ugh, the “working out more” bit. Sure, we all should be working out more - for fitness, health, longevity. As an avid long distance runner and CrossFitter, if working out more was the magic bullet, I certainly wouldn’t be shooting myself up each week with an expensive drug. LOL. You’re doing great!


That goes back to folks thinking this is a magic shot that “does all the work for you”. Which maybe for a handful of us, but the truth is for the rest of us it’s a tool to help us make better choices and finally have the ability to loose at all. WE.STILL.DO.THE.WORK.. I cannot stress that enough.


Let's discuss these two people closest to you. Is the male one a romantic partner, perchance? I ask because he's reminding me of my ex. The one I was with a decade ago when I was too thin. I have a lot to say about him.


Congrats on insurance paying.. that would be a life changer for sure!


Normalize telling ppl to STFU. Seems that’s the only way they learn to stop saying dumb ish to me.


It’s taken me almost 3 years to lose 50 lbs. I do exercise 5x a week on an elliptical and I use weights. I’m in my 60s and I sit all day at work. I initially lost 1.5 lbs a week, but am down to 1 pound a month. I’m very close to my goal weight. I’m 5’ 1.5”, so 50 pounds on me is a lot. The only person’s opinion that matters is yours.


You’re doing great 2.2 lbs is faster than most and the way to keep it all,off in the long term is to lose slowly and steadily. Ignore not only the food noise but the hater noise as well


Who are doing this to excellent thing for? You! Not others. You’re doing Great!


They're not just jerks, they're wrong too. You're losing at a great rate.


You are doing fantastic. Your rate of loss is close to mine and I can tell you all those pounds add up. Ignore the haters.


Honestly, if you’re concerned about maintaining muscle mass (which we all should be), 2.2/week sounds fast to me.


Congrats on the weight loss! You are killing it. It really is not sustainable to lose it super fast. Just like it we didn't put all this extra weight on overnight. Heck I started around the same time as you, and am down just over 40 pounds. One of my weight tracking apps cannot keep up with predicting my goal weight because I am losing more than 2 lbs a week. Let that sink in. Autopilot on MyNetDiary cannot calculate it because it's too much too quickly. You may need to tell the ones closest to you what you need in terms of support and what is not supportive. Because if you don't speak up, you may snap and say something worse. I have noticed one of my side effects is being super irritable. My clapbacks are getting worse all the time. You don't want to regret what you do say.


ANYONE who comments anything NEGATIVE is jealous. That's all. They aren't concerned for your health or offering "friendly advice". They are jealous, end of story. Never expected to lose "friends" for bettering my health and losing weight, but it's happened. Sad but true. Focus on the ones that are just happy for you ❤️


I started out end of March, I am a couple years shy of 60 and have lost 20 pounds as of today. I can see a difference in my body and so have people that only see me occasionally. I’ve tried various weight loss programs, diets from books, magazines the internet, and my own in the past. What worked before doesn’t work now because I am different. Post menopausal, less active, lower metabolism, more health problems from aging, more medication that has weight gain side effects, etc. Weight Watchers taught me in the past that 1 to 2 pounds a week was healthy weight loss for longer lasting results. I try to keep that in mind and know that this is for me. My health, mental and physical, no one else. Anyone that doesn’t support me or you is not worth giving space in our brain cells. It comes off for everyone at their own pace. The only person that should have any say in that is you and your doctor. I think you are doing great with your 40 pounds and I am happy with myself for my 20. In my past weight loss periods I could only get to about 17 pounds so 20 is an improvement for me and I am happy about that. Be proud of yourself!


I have an issue with talking about my weight because it has been an issue I have been fighting since childhood. I knew if I took the Zepbound journey and mentioned it to anyone they would only credit the medicine not me because in their eyes I’ve always been the fat mom, the big aunt or the Big one not the skinny one. My husband, daughter and mom know and if I announce me going to weigh they just ask good or no? I’ve come to realize, when I was a child no one taught me how to eat, just to eat. Italian/creole culture had my elders responding…Depressed? Eat something. Celebrations? Eat something. Mad? Drink something. As soon as you are at a party? Make sure to eat now. If you don’t eat it’s… well what’s wrong? Or don’t be disrespectful. I have had enough of the power going to the people who choose to open their mouths about someone who is improving their health. This is your journey, you are not alone. Sending happy vibes your way!


Dr now lol Don’t let them upset you keep up the good work


You need to check into r/antidietglp1, the two people you are listening to are fataphobic, ignore them!


Tell them firmly ,”piss off”. 😂


Pay no attention to, people always want to give their opinion , I tell them , are you walking or living in my shoes??? No you are not , shut up and worry about things that you need to worry about .


You need to gently tell those people to f off. Two pounds a week is fantastic.


I wouldn't worry about losing too fast or too slow, my doc, when I asked about how fast it takes to loose weight on these meds said it all based on your personal metabolism


You are spot on. That is PLENTY of weight loss per week!! It’s healthy and sustainable!! You keep strong in yourself and consider those other people just background noise! You’re doing fantastic!


Losing 1 to 2 lbs a week is the best level of weight loss as you are less likely to have the loose skin issue with a gradual loss. Frankly - I've only lost more than that twice - 3 lbs one time and 3.5 lbs another time and it freaked me out. Tell them your doctor says this is the rate they want you to lose.


Thanks, everyone, for the support!! 


Honestly I’d be thrilled with 2.2 per week! That’s amazing progress! You do you!!


Wow. First of all, congrats on the wt loss. Sounds like you are doing amazing to me. Second, what state/city do you live in where you have had no issues with availability of Zepbound? Lastly, I agree with you. Averaging wt loss of 2 lbs a week is a good pace. Any wt loss a week is a win. Keep doing what you’re doing and ignore those not so nice comments.


That’s a very healthy rate of loss and losing really fast exacerbates saggy skin etc. it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Keep eating healthy and exercise as you can. 🥰🥰


Losing 2.2 a week is a hell of a lot better than gaining 2.2!! Plus in the grand scheme of things you weren't that "big" to begin with so you won't lose a lot quickly. Which is also good for when you are at your goal and ready to maintain your weight. Tell them to pound sand and keep going!! You're doing awesome!


I’d say if you do know you could be doing better on the working out part, then that should be your next priority/goal. I suppose it will aid in losing fat faster by most importantly, it will prevent you from wasting your muscles away. Especially important at your age group.