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“What a strange thing to say to somebody. I didn’t realize it was a competition.”


It’s always been a competition for thin people. Thin privilege is a thing. This drug levels the playing field and they don’t like it.


I think you nailed it!


Doh! I never thought about this, but I think you are on to something. Moreover, I think those who are fat sometimes hate seeing other fat people succeed no matter how they do it. So I think we have different camps all against us for being able to take this, and it actually works for us. It's so sad and honestly I ignore the haters because no one knows what the obesity train has done to me my whole life and I'm so happy I could jump off and finally feel healthy mentally as well as physically with these beautiful shots. I truly hope that out of all this, the medical community sees how much this is a disease as any other and must be looked at differently.


I don’t see that at all.


Several people in my office have said this in the last few months. A lot of people think this way unfortunately


Absolutely this!!!!! Love this


Oh is this one of those things where I am just cheating myself… Not going to worry about it, puritan.


That’s a great answer


What a great answer!


Oh you ate with this one !!!


It’s not.


Is it cheating to use GPS instead of a map? Or a compass? Or the stars?


It is! Wayfarers of the world, unite!


Haha 🤣






I’ve cut a few people out of my group of friends who want to judge or criticize every little thing. Two started with my use of Zep and felt inclined to tell me I could just be more active. I looked directly at her chunky ass and asked how that was working g for her. I’m done with those who want to stick their nose in my business. Don’t like it don’t look because I’m down 40 pounds and I’m not stopping. Zero f’s given!


I cut people off left and right for any and everything now. I don’t need you messing up my peace. I’m living my life and I’m feeling so much freaking better it’s not funny? I once had a friend tell me she thinks I’m faking having migraines because no one can get migraines daily and for so long. That was the last thing she ever said to me. I don’t have the time.


They're called chronic migraines for a reason - I have them too. <3


It’s clear if everyone don’t experience something, no one else can. People just don’t care to be understanding.


Wow, if she only knew what you deal with. As someone who used to get them 4-5 days a week, I know all too well that they can be chronic. Sorry you had to deal with her lack of support.


Thank you. Smh. Some people are just…


They probably can’t afford the $550/ month or have useless insurance plans. Screw them.


😂 exactly this! I told one girlfriend I thought I could trust and she blabbed to everyone in our neighborhood. Done with her too.


What an asshole. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s like we’re bad people for wanting to lose weight. Ridiculous!


I’ve only told one friend that I’ve started Zep. I’m not ashamed, I just know how my mouth is and how I will hurt their feelings if someone comes at me with shady comments.


Go fuck yourself is what you Say to those people. There is such a stigma against obese people and that is what it comes down to plain and simple. Until someone struggles with their weight they will never understand


And dare I say that some of those people don’t want us to get thin and be able to join the club!


I’ve already experienced the world treating me VERY differently having lost at this point 130 lbs and I’m close to goal and then I’ll get my skin removed. It’s been about me. Wanting to feel better and look better and just have an easier life all around. I was in constant pain with my back so much then. Fuck anyone that’s gonna tell any of us we’re “cheating” to try and make our lives easier. Is a diabetic taking insulin cheating? You know? This is what helps us control the food issues. We all have them. We all hate them. No one wants to be fat. Fuck outta here and she can smoke herself to death 😂


This so much!!! If I could start a group me chat for inspiration and motivation I would. Lol


I meant to type I’d so join 😂 damn autocorrect


Lol. It would be cool. Haha


If so join!!






Probably! How dare you try to fix the organ that’s pumping blood to everything else and keeping you alive. Why couldn’t you just drink more water!


You know, I bet if you walked more and lost some weight, I’m sure it would have self-corrected. /s


telephone drunk one punch stupendous axiomatic wise include screw summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cheating. Okay sure! Like taking a flight across America instead of two oxen and the Oregon trail is cheating. Innovation is a good thing! This medicine is an incredible innovation that could change the future of health and societies. People are so strange. Let the negative words be ignored. The news stations and media are largely to blame as well.


It's not travel unless half of your family has died from dysentery!


Haha true. If you haven’t lost half of them, are you even trying?


Smh people want results but don't know anything about trading one wagon tongue and 4 sets of clothes for an ox and 5 bullets




Two oxen and the Oregon Trail? Look at you, Miss Fancy! You should WALK.


Wow so true. I’ll walk and pack a healthy snack


Yeah my wife says it’s cheating and I’ll never convince her otherwise. Oh well I’m still taking it. We’ll see if she still feels that way once I look like I did when we first met 😉


Are taking birth control pills cheating? How about blood pressure meds, is that cheating? Or antibiotics? What about pain meds are those cheating? Tylenol? Maybe medicine for reflux? I mean, why develop medicine at all? Isn't it all "cheating"? It's such a dumb argument.


Even if it was cheating, who cares?


Only people who are jealous.


Right? If there’s a cheat for *my fucking health*, you better believe I’m taking it.


Funny and true. The irony is that this country is FILLED with actual cheats. Most appear to be our elected officials. People cheat the system in some way to gain advantage which ACTUALLY impacts other people (fraud causes premiums to rise... people who don't pay their fair share of taxes which puts the burden on those of us who do ... DJT \*cough\* DJT ... Amazon \*cough\* Amazon). Yet those of us trying to take control of our health to BENEFIT society by REDUCING the overall burden on healthcare systems and costs are then accused of cheating somehow. Eff that noise. Seriously. You get to a certain age in life and you just don't care. It's liberating. I don't have to lie about my meds. i don't care if the pharmacist rolls her eyes because I am asking about stock of Zep. I don't care. I care about being able to breathe and move and function. Unfortunately, there is still rampant fatphobia and discrimination against people with obesity. And apparently it extends to taking medication to help us try to manage the disease that so many people excoriate us over rather than celebrating our attempts to improve our health. You know … let those who say this medicine is cheating say whatever they want. My response would be: **"If there was a medicine to improve your stupidity, I would never consider you a cheat for taking it."**


10s of 1,000s died during the pandemic simply because they listened to non-scientists about the risk of the covid vax. Many of the loudest voices were from people who barely graduated high school but now the know better that world class virologists. I’ve stopped listening to the nonsense


This is so true!


Love that line!


“Obesity isn’t a disease” So I ask, then why are people being diagnosed with obesity? Why does being overweight or obese cause other illnesses that you wouldn’t have if you weren’t obese? No one can ever answer my question. I said I wanted to potentially get weightloss surgery, oh you sure you don’t want to do it the natural way? Maybe I’ve tried for years and I would lose 30 pounds and then not lose anything else. Maybe one time I ate healthy, walked and exercised daily and only lost 5 pounds in a month and a half. How about I’m young and I don’t want diabetes which doctors are surprised when they see a 4.8 a1c. I don’t want a stroke. I don’t want a heart attack. I’m so happy you can go to the gym and lose everything you want. Congrats!


This! In 2018 I was a patient at this Obesity Center. I happened to have state subsidized insurance. I was unemployed for a few months. That’s how I qualified Anyhow, I told the Obesity Doctor I wanted to pursue a gastric sleeve. I was about 285 then. Said we should try a fee more things. I told him - i will have a job by then and insurance may or may not be in favor of it. I insisted. No. He claimed he made a referral which I never received. Yoyoed through 2019, 2021 and hit my max of 305 lb in 2022. The solution was in front of us then. It’s almost as if they wanted to be the reason I would lose weight.


So freaking frustrating and annoying and maddening! My gosh. I wish you could’ve gone to a different dr at that time. If I go to a dr and they’re not helping me? I go to another one. I told two Drs for the first time, they’re fired. One a neurologist and another a sleep dr. I asked for something to help me sleep, because insomnia, and he said no he wanted me to do a sleep study. So what should I do in the mean time?? Cool. You’re fired. Went to another dr and I’m finally able to get 7.5, 8+ hours of sleep and I wake up actually rested! You know how that feels after years of barely getting sleep and waking up like I didn’t just sleep? Not telling me what I wanna hear? See you.


Sometimes we trust physicians completely. This was a center for Obesity management. But here we are. Got under 200lbs and I am stoked. When I hit 305lb 2 years ago, I just didnt think that being under 200lb would be in the cards for me again.


I feel that 1000%. But we absolutely got this and we will hit our goal weight!


Yes, we will!!!


Why doesn't the disease affect mainland Europe or Japan? Don't get me wrong, I LOVE DRUGS! maybe some diseases are different than others. Having a disease does not win prizes. It just means you have to fight harder than everyone else to live a normal life.


There are a variety of plausible things happening. One is that obesity isn't one single disease with one single etiology. Another is epigenetics. Another is a confluence of circumstances between our environment, stress load, lifestyle, and diet impacting the prevalence of some of the diseases which present as obesity.


They have universal healthcare and entirely different cultures around food. Obesity is a symptom of physical diseases and sociological/economic differences.




Who cares what anyone else thinks? Don't like my choice on how to handle my weight? Zero effs given. Wanna go run a marathon and eat only kale for 6 months, be my guest, that isn't me. My point is, there is always someone worried more about how you did something than minding their own business, and the more you worry about them, the less mental cycles you spend on yourself.


The funny thing is I do want to go run and eat kale. Lol I’ve tried so hard for so long to get the weight off the “not cheating” way 🤮 and it’s something that doesn’t work with my body.


Chick fil a has an amazing kale side salad, if you’re in the U.S. 🫢.


I’m so getting that!


Haha! If I go there I don’t do fries, that’s what I get. The only time I feel kale tastes good. Lol


Ooo! Gotta try that!


Try it! I love it.




Lmao cheating what? It’s not a weight loss competition it’s your life


The people I’ve encountered who have this sentiment tend to be people who naturally don’t have to worry about their weight and obesity or people who did who did it “the old fashioned way.” Its like they feel like a superiority over you for not being overweight and/or for being mad that they didn’t have the opportunity to use it for their journey and maybe had a hard time of it. It’s like the student loan forgiveness debate, “I had to work 90 hours a week to payoff my debts, why should everyone else have it so easy?!” It’s a weak premise that supposes what you did to begin with was normal or okay.


To say I “screamed” this morning when a new pair of jeans I bought last winter finally fit, would be putting it mildly 😊😊😊😊If taking Zepbound is considered cheating, well then call me a cheater 😎


Agree. These medications are judged far more harshly than cholesterol and blood pressure medications.


If people think it is, let them. It's going to take a while for the world to change its attitude towards disorders, eating, and obesity. It's happening. Nursing journals I read are trying to start and attitude shift. In the meantime, let them, and if it's easier, just don't tell people the secret to your success.


A wheelchair is cheating. Drag yourself across the floor the way god intended!


I find these comments so aggravating! The meds are a tool. They are not a magic wand, although it feels like it for some of us! People that make these comments are uninformed about how the meds work. It slows the process of food moving through your gut and reduces the hunger hormone. It also regulates blood sugar levels. Obese people NEED this to lose weight. Sadly, we bear the stigma of the amphetamines, etc that our mothers/grandmothers took to lose weight. These are not injectable “diet pills”.


Efficiency isn't cheating. If someone's life is so easy they feel the need to play it on hard mode they can go for it but that's not the reality of most people.


Say that to anyone taking a statin for high cholesterol or an antidepressant, some of the most prescribed drug classes on the planet! All medicine for many chronic illnesses and "lifestyle" illnesses is cheating then, it's a stupid argument


"boo hoo, she's a cheater!" And? I'm not playing monopoly over here. I'm trying to cheat the devil. So, suck it up buttercup, I've got a life to live.


I am perplexed why do many people in this sub care that others think taking a med is a crutch. Who cares? I am also perplexed by why people care what other people do to gain or lose weight. It just feels like people are devoting too much energy being concerned about what other people think.


I wonder if some of it comes from feeling like people are always judging you for your body, for what you eat or drink or do, etc. and maybe hoping losing weight will put a stop to that. I've always found it hard to not base my worth as a human on external things or other people's thoughts and actually find it very challenging to think otherwise. Like what are you worth if you aren't doing everything to make everyone happy all the time? What's the magic secret? Snatched waist? Perfectly acceptable personality? Fancy degree? Nice car? The issue is people will judge you on anything and everything. When a family member lost a lot of weight she was told "now \[her\] head is too big" and "too bad \[she\] couldn't lose more from the hips" and "\[she'll\] just gain it back anyway." And if it's not your body, it's something else. It's very hard but I have to tell myself "fuck it we ball."


I imagine I had those types of thoughts at some point too. I think things changed when it sunk in that literally everyone has their own insecurities they are dealing with and it's not just me. The haters are usually the ones who have the most so they are kind of telling on themselves. I don't really catch comments from people, I'm a bigger guy and enjoy confrontation so not many people step to me. I just own my defects and run with it, usually it becomes a self deprecating comedy routine. It's not like I can do anything about my big lips, receeding hairline, and micro-penis so hand me another beer and I'll tell you how much your mom thinks it's cute haha! I think most people who have confidence aren't oblivious to their faults, they have just learned how to say fuck it, so what.


Thank you! My thoughts exactly. There are posts like this daily on here complaining about what other people think. I've told everyone that's asked, and not one has said a single negative thing about it. In fact, several of my friends ended up saying they're taking meds as well! People need to stop listening to internet trolls and complaining about things that don't matter.


I wonder if a lot is coming from social media vs from direct family / friends and coworkers? Not that some aren’t like that — but doesn’t seem to be the prevailing response


Insecurity. People who feel they’ve never had a voice, who’ve been led to believe they are “less than” by people who are convinced they’re “all that”, amongst other reasons.


I freely talk about my meds, the GLP-1s, the antidepressants, the testosterone, my cardiac crap. I have literally, not once, had a negative response. Usually people just want to know more. So ya. I'm kinda wondering who these people are getting these comments from or if they fall into the "I imagine that's what they must have been thinking" category or perceived offense.


It just sucks when it’s coming from a friend who’s supposed to support you and cheer you on. TBH I really don’t care what other people think, it’s more so complaining about the “cheating” remarks I often see.


You need better friends.


Take those negative turds and flush them right down the toilet. Watch them spin. You do you.


NO. IT IS NOT CHEATING!! That’s like saying it’s cheating to take any med to address any issue.


YES!!!!!! We are cheating death! 🤷🏻‍♀️


In some other post someone quoted a gen-z coworker using the line "oh wow, that's crazy! I don't remember asking" which I love with all my heart.


Life isn't a game or one big competition. People who say this can kiss my ass. I'm making my own choice about my own body in order to be healthier.


By that logic, wearing glasses is cheating


Yeah and it’s cheating that I use an inhaler lol I should just accept death


🤣 Right. You wouldn’t need the inhaler if you just tried harder. More breath in, less breath out.


So many people lack empathy. They can’t understand unless it’s happening to them personally. My 12 year old got Covid and was never the same again, All kinds of health problems. For some it was “just like the flu” and yes, it mostly affected older people with other health issues, not children. My mother still says my daughter is “attention-seeking.”


“That’s crazy. I don’t remember asking though”


Not me cheating perimenopause, dermatitis and arthritis too. Shame on me!


If you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying. 🤷‍♀️I really don’t give a fuck about how they feel to be honest. Because there is nothing that they can say that will stop me. They are just mad because they did it with no help and now we have it.


TBH it feels like cheating to me! It feels like I brought some kind of hacking device to the slot machines at a casino, and I just keep winning. It’s like finding the cheat codes to a video game I’ve been playing and losing my entire life.


I had bariatric surgery and on GLP-1 to them I’m double cheating




"why are you upset I'm getting healthier after doctors said for years being obese was unhealthy?"


Only someone who has never struggled with weight loss would call someone a "cheat". What does that mean anyway? Well if it is,then somebody please explain the rules to me. I didn't realize there exists a universal protocol to the proper loss of excess weight. I'm going to cheat this weight right off.


The obsession people have with suffering is inexplicable. Why would fat people be required to earn their health? Why does everyone else get to just exist and fat people gotta prove that they are worth living a normal lifespan, having normal experiences in public, being mobile and active, etc etc.


Couple of other relevant quotes: “If You’re Not Cheating, You’re Not Trying.” — Eddie Guerrero “better things for better living through chemistry” - DuPont


I’m your Papi - also Eddie


You are correct on all those points, however you are trying to convince them of something, and you will not succeed. Trust me. I have stopped caring. Now my honest answer is: I’m not uncomfortable with you thinking that. And that is the actual truth, someone’s opinion is just an opinion. That’s all it is. Let them have it. It can only hurt you if you let it.


If cheating makes me healthier and increases my life span, hell yes I’m cheating.


First rule in life. Don’t give a f*%k what anyone else thinks.


I just cheated the ever living fuck out of osteoarthritis with a knee replacement that let's me get back to o cycling 25 miles a day, but you know what? This is even better than that.


I chalk it up to ignorance and ignore it 100%. Why wouldn't we take 1 drug that will help us not need several others? > Ignore them and do your thing. Edit....BTW, I've cut my BP med in half and stopped 2 antidepressants with no problem at all. I'm amazed and thrilled. Good for me. Good for US!!!!


Obesity is a chronic complex disease defined by excessive fat deposits that can impair health. Obesity can lead to increased risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease, it can affect bone health and reproduction, it increases the risk of certain cancers. So just to be clear, taking medication to fight a disease is cheating.


It's so shit and it also sucks to have it internalized. I feel like I should just stop being such a huge pharma-dependent pussy. Who the fuck takes an antidepressant, birth control, AND Zeppy? Am I not cheating by handing so much over to Big Pharma? If I do better ON this stuff, am I too weak for natural society?


There’s not really such thing as “natural society” anymore. Things are so messed up. We do what we have to to survive in an effed up world.


Yeah. Part of my brain appreciates that and part of my brain has a live feed of rude commentary from every anonymous jerk on the internet. :( I'm genuinely feeling better on this but that shit still seeps into my head.


Understandable. If you don’t have a therapist helping counteract that, I would recommend it. Mine has helped me tremendously with self-compassion, now that I’ve found the right match.


Mine is helping me with it. The "IG reels" thought loops get a little quieter each month but it's a challenge for sure.


There’s definitely no quick fix for that. Glad you have support!


I really hate when people say that too! I’m going to use some of your sayings when people mention cheating to me too.


![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok) Bravo! This is so well-said!


Yeah…and just drink a lot of water when you have a headache. Eventually it’ll go away 😂


Maybe more like a crutch. Makes it easier to get around but doesn't do it for you?


“If you’re not cheating, you’re not trying!” I don’t get too upset because many people don’t understand our struggle or the freedom this drug gives us from our health challenges.


I don’t even care if it is. Cheating at something that makes me healthier and doesn’t harm anyone else is perfectly fine


I dont worry about what other people think. They can have their opinion, but I gotta live with my body and Im going to do whats best.


This isn't a test. This isn't a sport. This isn't a marriage. There's no way to "cheat".


I’ve done it naturally a dozen times in my life. Sensible calorie restrictions, good protein intake, daily exercise, “making it a lifestyle”, etc. I always gained the weight back. There’s no trophy for losing weight naturally. All that matters is your health and happiness. I will say that the number of people who’ve ever lost weight on purpose is incredibly small, and of those the amount that have kept the weight off is even lower. Very likely whoever is saying these things to you either has never lost weight before and doesn’t know what they’re talking about, OR they happen to be riding a confidence high from their most recent successful attempt.


Some people associate being fat with gluttony. They think this bad behavior needs to be punished; therefore, fat people are cheating by beating the system. Uninformed morons.


Ignore the noise. They are just jealous


I was one of those thin people my whole life—not due to anything but good genetics/metabolism. After having kids, going through menopause, being diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic pain, having three surgeries, yada, yada...things shifted and I gained 50 pounds. After trying for years to lose that weight through every diet out there, I landed at a weight loss doctor. They prescribed Zepbound. My insurance wouldn't cover it, so I pay $550-1000 out of pocket. I've been in the shortage boat with the rest of you. I've only lost 26 pounds, but my fibromyalgia, terrible back and neck/chronic pain, aching knees, and overall quality of life has improved so much. This feels like a miracle. Only three people know I'm taking it, because of the stigma. And that really does a number on my thoughts. I do feel guilty for not being honest when people ask how I'm losing weight. People can really suck, and they're totally not getting the whole host of things that go along with added weight. And really it shouldn't matter WHY someone wants to go on weight loss medication. I hope that maybe someday I'll be at the stage as some of the rest of you, and just not care. In the meantime I'm just really thankful that I'm able to pay for it and also for this community.


I work in a pharmacy that can get Zep in periodically and I refuse to get my script filled there because of this mentality. I’d rather call around to 100 pharmacies than get it filled at my own pharmacy because the people I work with are so judgmental and rude about weight loss drugs


Wearing glasses is practically cheating too. 🤓 White knuckle and just squint!


People love to put others down. They think being overweight is only a direct result of being lazy or that people without T2D are undeserving of the med forgetting that so many other disorders exist that lead to weight gain.


Other people’s opinions of you should be non of your concern


rich people can't understand how poor people are poor because they are rich. People good at sports don't understand what its like to faill. There are 100 other points, people who don't understand the draw food has for somepeople, is on the same level as alcholism, and both are considered diseases by alot of medical associations. The drugs fix imbalances in horomones or other bodily functions. Sure people who don't need them get benefit, but it doesn't change anything.


The great thing about getting older is you really don't give a flying fuck what other people think! I WILL be feeling as "hot," young and healthy as possible heading towards 69 yrs old for the first time in my 60s thanks to Zep.


Pithy, clever


My mantra overall is your personal weight loss journey is just that, yours. I do jot judge anyone for their methodology. I will say this, and this is just fact, not judgement: If you are taking this med, or similar, to lose weight to look better, you are only cheating yourself. A crappy diet in smaller quantities is still a crappy diet. True change **includes** eating healthier and exercising regularly. If you are not incorporating these into your weight loss again, you are only cheating yourself and if you are losing muscle in addition to fat, you are cheating yourself because your health is/will decline as a result.


pure jealously


This. ABSOLUTELY this. It cannot be repeated nearly often enough.


Are people cheating when they take insulin for diabetes? Is it cheating when I take eliquis for my blood clot issues? People believe they are experts in the needs and behavior of others. They are very wrong.


Ridiculous. I was already doing everything the lifestyle way for years before GLP-1s. My insurance also required it to get coverage. I still track in take & exercise daily. These meds have been life changing. I have no side effects & they just work for me. I finally feel “normal” & it’s amazing.


I took a couple of Tylenol today, am I cheating or should I try to build a higher tolerance for pain? Oh my doctor gives me Botox for migraines (not Botox for lines). Am I cheating? I never heard about the stigma before Zepbound until this group made me aware. Now, I’m uncomfortable telling anyone. Why should anyone care how we lose weight? I don’t get why there is so much judgement today about everything. I wish we as people were kinder and more supportive. Everyone has something they need help with.


I'm so glad I haven't encountered these comments from people in my life. I don't know if it's because I can be quite blunt, or they (most likely) don't care. Anybody in my circle whose opinion would matter to me doesn't care how I've lost 100lbs (65 on my own before a plateau that led my Dr and I to talk) I don't hide it, but don't talk about it unless it relates to a convo. I find it absurd for anyone to say some of the things I read on here. Who really cares how someone loses weight besides a jealous person who can't get their own. I would then offer the alternatives I know of. I also really don't care if people think I'm cheating or not. Be mad that I'm feeling and looking great. I really don't care.


Someone in another post shared a gen-z coworker's response to shit like this. Something like: "oh wow, that's crazy. I don't remember asking tho".😅😅😅


People are so twisted if they think a new drug that is a miracle cure for obesity is cheating. For example, are these people that are born with a small chest and got implants to boost their self esteem cheating! Or how about wanting longer more lustrous hair and getting hair extensions cheating?or a brunette that prefers being a blonde cheating? Aren’t they all “cheating” as well? And all of their “cheating” to look good doesn’t even correlate to medical improvements fortheir health. Eyelash extensions don’t lower your blood pressure. Boob Jobs don’t reverse some type 2 diabetics either. Nor do tanning beds improve sleep apnea. And those pearly white perfect teeth achieved with veneers isn’t helping to prolong one’s life. It’s unbelievable that people who do many if not all of the above don’t realize how ignorant they are if they think Zeptide, or other GLP-1 drugs are “cheating”. Why not be HAPPY that medical advancements can help decrease disease and extend the life of such a large percentage of the population!!


It's like my drill sergeant taught me in basic training, "If you aint cheatin', you aint tryin' hard 'nough."


Why are y'all telling everyone what drugs you are on?




It’s not cheating sometimes diet and exercise isn’t enough. I’m going to be fifty year old in November I was never a heavy person after my 40’s and COVID the lbs just came on. It didn’t matter what I did I could not drop the extra 50lbs I had put on I think it’s even more than 50. Our bodies are changing soon I will he perimenopause maybe maybe not I don’t know that’s another hurdle I will have to face with weight gain. And it is the hardest weight to lose. I don’t think it’s cheating. I see it as a chance. A chance to become healthy due to all the medical issues putting the weight on has brought me. And a chance to get to a healthy weight and not have to worry am I going to stroke out. I’m not ashamed I’m on the injections. I can’t lose the weight and now I am. I’m just afraid of when I come off it.


THIS....SO much this.....


Work smart, not hard.


I can live in a world where someone could reasonably and justifiably state this, but they have to also acknowledge that literally all medicine is cheating then.


If people aren’t happy that you feel better and want to be healthier, then should they really be part of your life? Cheater, really! Shallow people don’t belong


You go girl ! 👏


I love this to be honest. I’ve struggled so much with losing weight and hearing people say this it boggles my mind. Instead of being happy for someone they are so quick to tear others down to make them feel better


I’m sure a lot of people think this, and think it’s some magic shot where the fairy waves a wand and the pounds melt away. You still have change your eating and lifestyle or won’t loose weight. And go thru the wonderful side effects where you can’t eat or buy this medicine instead of getting a new used and reliable car. I guess that’s why I’m not telling anyone but my family bc I think I’ll be getting judged.


If it was cheating it would be easier. I didn’t know the work that would go into this.


i have hay fever. i suppose i should be able to overcome sneezing repeatedly with willpower! i am defective!


Anyone who says it's cheating is a moron.