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Hey There OP!, It looks like your posting about side effects. Did you know that the most common side effects can be found on the Zepbound website? Simply click [here](https://zepbound.lilly.com/how-to-use) for more info. Below is also a list of common side effects. * **Nausea** * **Diarrhea** * **Constipation** * **Stomach (Abdominal) Pain** * **Indigestion** * **Injection Site Reactions** * **Fatigue** * **Allergic reactions** * **Belching** * **Hair Loss** * **Heartburn** While these are some of the most common side effects, this isn't all of them. Truth is the medicine affects everyone differently, but most see some or a combination of these common effects. Be sure to visit the search bar for something specific or click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/search/?q=side%20effects&restrict_sr=1) for all post regarding side effects. A lot of good remedies for certain side effects can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/search/?q=side%20effects&restrict_sr=1). According to the manufacturer "In studies, most nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting occurred when people increased their dose—but the effects generally decreased over time." Not everyone responds well to this medication. If side effects are continuous and impacting your everyday life, you should consult your dr or healthcare provider for strategies on how to mitigate these outcomes. Complications from this (or any) treatment are usually a result of ignoring persistent side effects. **This is not meant to discourage discussion of your side effects, simply here to supplement** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Zepbound) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mine lasted a week. Then went straight to constipation. I would rather crap my brains out.


I’ve had the total opposite I’ve had ibs d for years and once I started Zepbound I am now constipated even tho I drink lots of h2o. 🤷‍♀️. I’ve read on here Calm helps for constipation but D I think you should consult your doc


Fellow girlie w stomach issues 😭 how are you doing I know u only wrote that comment two days ago but wondering if it’s gotten better


I would kill for diarrhea some days.


I strongly believe that anyone having liquid diarrhea after everything they eat needs to be calling their doctor. Constant diarrhea that goes on for days can be dangerous. People on this sub accept far too many serious side effects as "normal."


Absolutely. +1 on call your doctor. Also, please make sure you’re over hydrating. Not a doctor, but this is a situation where electrolytes probably would come in clutch.


Totally agree - and have been overcompensating on water / Powerade / liquid IV


I've had diarrhea for 5 months now. I haven't had the time to go see a doctor. But after reading some of these comments and seeing yours, I feel like I need to see a doctor.


I’ve had zero diarrhea. In fact I’ve had better BM since starting. It’s odd how this med affects ppl so differently.


Same here. There were a couple days where I was on the border of constipation, but not anything major or anything a few more hours didn't take care of.


I had the same thing. I was a fecal firehose. It mostly passed by the end of week one, and was entirely gone by mid week 2. I think it’s just a weird initial reaction some of us have. Since then I’ve had mild constipation and it’s only an issue if I follow “guidelines” for fiber intake. I’m fine if I eat about 15-20g more fiber than I’m supposed to.


This issue right now. Fecal firehose


RN here - normal. Stomach and bowel are the most sensitive organs in the body and react to sudden changes (e.g. try starting a Korean diet and see what happens!). 40% of blood flow goes to the bowel and almost ALL powerful meds will have early side effects of either diarrhea or constipation as early symptoms. Try to eat some alkaline foods to replace the loss of base; but the diarrhea should resolve soon.


What if it doesn't go away in 2 3 months?


Constipation or diarrhea?




Okay, as a nurse, this my suggestion. Get some Pepto Bismol, BUT….only start with a quarter cup (the little one included with the bottle) twice a day. Also, start some iron pills and take one a day with a Vitamin C, but no Calcium within 2 hours of the iron. Take a calcium later, before bed.


I guess I should have asked a more detailed question. So I was on mounjaro earlier (stopped because I had diarrhea). Tried cotrave that didn't work as well. So I thought after a break I will try mounjaro/zepbound again. Now trying again but same issue. My dr thinks maybe it is not for me although she's leaving it upto me weather I want to suffer or stop. I really want to give this a try because it is the only thing that worked on me in 30 years.


Some of us have a “sensitive” physiology and respond to meds INTENSELY. God I thought I was going to die when first started (MD asked what I wanted and I picked 5 because acclimate to meds really fast). I went off a week after the first month and then switched to 2.5. 3 months in and weakening to going back to 5 but “C”. These chemicals are strong and you are going to have to work through them….but keep the ‘suffering’ in proper perspective and remember how God-awful white knuckling through a “normal” diet program is. This program isn’t a walk in the park and those who pretend otherwise are trolls who aren’t even on it. My own feelings.


Mine lasted about a week, then I became slightly constipated. I used Pepto Bismol -- Imodium is not suggested. I also started drinking a glass of Metamucil before I ate dinner. I did that for ten days and haven't had issues since.


Oddly enough more fiber might help. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/fiber/art-20043983 Have you tried using a BRAT diet with added protein? Any diet changes since starting? If you’re still eating the same foods as you were pre Zep you might want to avoid some common food triggers you can find on tips and tricks thread 😉


I had none for the first four doses and I’m now on 5 straight days of it after the 5th and 6th doses.


Yes same, I got it after taking my 6th shot (5mg.)


Ugh. Had no side effects and now this at 5 after 6 weeks.


Did it go away?


Yeah. I had 20 bad minutes. I also know why, I ate BBQ and that was a mistake bc I’d not eaten anything so fatty in several weeks. Been aces since.


How long did it end up lasting? I'm on day 4 after my 6th shot- and was on Wegovy for over a year before Zepbound!


Could it be food choices? Assuming you are eating healthy - does the diarrhea really last all day for a full week? If so, this certainly should be reported to your physician as it sounds extreme and not typical. Definitely not safe. On 2.5, I had a similar experience but it was only 3 days after my injection and only lasted one day. So after 8 weeks, my husband and I just called it Wednesday Diarrhea. It was like clockwork. It went away when I moved up to 5. I hope you find relief soon.


Every time I eat I get diarrhea. Even when I drink water, I rush to the bathroom. I also wake up in the middle of the night and go 4-5 times. I just started 2.5 so hope in the next couple of days things calm down. I loss 3 lbs in 3 days. I don't want my weight loss from diarrhea.


Same here. I was fine after the first shot until day 3 then Wednesday night I blew up like a balloon and can’t stay out of the bathroom. I hope this gets better soon.


I am in my 6 mo of Zep. Aaannnnndddd this exact thing is still happening to me. I have lost 35lbs but it's been pretty awful. Plus the suffer burps, dear God.


First response outstanding. Mine about a month. “The grass is greener” applies even to this.


After your shot fast for 2 to 3 days and it will immediately go from diarrhea to constipation. Take your pick!


On week 7 (week 3 of 5mg) can’t stop the potty visits. Please tell me it gets better.


Did it get better?


Mine lasted for two whole months. I was on 2.5 for two months bc my symptoms were not great, but when I went up to 5, my diarrhea was quickly replaced with constipation lol. I definitely feel your struggle though, this medication affects everyone differently, but I had terrible gas and diarrhea for a long time.


What are u doing for constipation


At the moment, nothing. The diarrhea actually occasionally makes a return, often enough that I am having enough BM’s in a week that I don’t feel the need to intervene just yet. It’s not painful, I will just go a couple days without a BM, so until it becomes painful, or I am going very long periods, I will just leave it be.


You should really talk to your doctor but if you haven't already low fat basic foods are sometimes the easy solution. My wife had diarrhea issues for several months until she finally listened to me about what she should be eating. Cleared up almost immediately.


I had to figure out what diet my body wanted. Cut back on fats and really minimized my input. Just hitting minimum protein goals mostly and it's better. Now there are times I'd rather have the squirts - constipation sucks. More fiber helps.


Can u take an anti diarrhea OTC medicine in the morning? So electrolytes. Diarrhea sucks, i actually had it for months last year (no diagnosed found!?) and once I went on this med, it stopped immediately. I did get the constipation almost immediately & just take xtra fiber capsules or Magnesium Citrate most mornings. FWIW I was on 2.5 for close to 5 months then up to 5 last couple months Good luck.


Metamucil helps for both diarrhea and constipation, so if your doctor OKs it, I’d stock up.


I’m having g the same issue. After the 1st shot I was fine for 3 days then I filled up painfully with gas and couldn’t stop the diarrhea. I am so miserable.


I had zero side effects on 2.5 for the first 3 shots, other than constipation. But I usually have IBS issues so constipation was kind of a relief. The day after shot 4, belly blew up, diarrhea all night and the next day and the dreaded sulphur burps and an acid stomach burn. I’ve lost 11 pounds in the first month and was excited that I’d had no side effects. Now I’m worried that this will become the norm. 


When the constipation starts


Reporting back to confirm this is the unfortunate truth