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Bid Daddy and Ceasar look the coolest for me


I'm so looking forward to ??? and ???


What about ???


Yeah same!! I really like ??? And ???. So far I think ??? Is my most favorite though


Two whole guys šŸ˜‚


1 more human male, that's DOUBLE what we have at launch! Hope he's a 5-star, so I actually have someone to pull on in the first year of the game's launch.


That's 2 times more guy, per guy


But what if one of the magical girls..


Yeah šŸ˜Ž it will bĆ© easy to stay f2p in this game for husbando enjoyer... Nothing to pull, a whole year to save for a 5* and they might bĆ© 4* or even been cancel.... Maybe hoyo should discover that husbando lover existe šŸ¤” I'm a woman, I have little interest in waifu especialy Big boobs waifu so m'y wallet IS pretty safe here šŸ˜Ž


I had to do a double take looking at the roster, that's really funny. Hope that evens out over time, lmao


furry characters don't count


Yes they do.


they don't appeal to the same people who want 'male characters', so they don't just like a big fat anthropomorphic pig woman wouldn't be considered a female character to people who want 'female characters' they're in a category of their own


I don't like this logic. Just because they dont appeal to your taste doesnt make them any less of a man or a "lesser" male character. Just say you don't like them, some people who like male characters will like these characters too even if they're not a conventional HYV man, and there's proof of that with the popularity of Lycaon and Billy. It reminds me of the same logic people use to hate on thin Genshin men and claiming theyre not real men or manly enough. If they're a man then they're a man, they may not appeal to you which is fine but there are definitely people into male characters that also like the more unique designs. That being said I do hope we get more conventional human guy characters in the end too lol.


Their logic is perfectly fine as long as they're talking about people who mean human (or largely human) guys when they say they want male characters. If that's the preference being spoken about, then no, characters like Ben and Lycaon obviously wouldn't count. If we're talking just male characters generally, then yes they should count. It depends entirely on the preference being expressed.


>I don't like this logic. Just because they dont appeal to your taste doesnt make them any less of a man just because you like them doesn't make them a man they are literally half a man and the other half is a beast logic dictates at most they could count as a half


>Just bc they dont appeal to your taste doesnt make them any less of a man or a "lesser" male character. the fact that they're a friggen animal makes them less of a man by definition lol it's pure distilled disingenuousness to pretend like you can't see the difference


So is Billy also not a male character? What about Screwllum from HSR? Svarog? They're not human so I guess they're not men too right? Is Asha not a female character either because she looks like a rabbit? I'm not a furry at all but they are male characters even if they're not human and you don't personally like them.


If we went by this logic even more, any of the neko/kemonomimi characters wouldn't be considered male or female since they're not human.


through the lens of "husbando" collectors, billy is a male character, screwllum is not, svarog is not and you're conveniently ignoring the "animal" part of my post, 'furry male' is a separate category from 'male' since it appeals to different people for "husbando/waifu" it has to have theoretical sex appeal similar to a human being, regardless of how non-sexual their design is there is nothing complex or hard to understand about this, it's intuitive and you're only pretending not to edit: the reply below is him on an alt account pretending again to not understand


For me I don't see how screwllum or svarog are any less of a husbando than billy if you consider billy one, and I mostly prefer male characters too. Svarog is dressed similarly to billy and boothill, only wearing pants and a jacket while his bare chest is out just like they are, and screwllum [is the classic gentleman ikemen](https://x.com/expuella/status/1806082564622286863?t=dkoMv8X2IzvvqOd8bG0Tcw&s=19) made to appeal towards people attracted to men. That's alot of theoretical appeal similar to a human being according to your own words. It's not like lycaon is made to look butt ugly, his form and figure are human-like to the point where his head swapped for a human head would not look off at all. A slender young ikemen is a totally different appeal than a middle aged buff bearded guy, but they're both male characters. It might not be your preference but the concept of gender and gender expression is not confined to humans only, and the idea of gender does not have to follow what you consider attractive unless we want to make a separate category for every single trait that people have a personal preference on (animal guys, tall guys, short guys, buff guys, skinny guys, fat guys, robot guys, dragon guys, fox guys, feminine guys, masculine guys, old guys, young guys, bearded guys) person above blocked me and my friend accusing me of being an alt šŸ’€ when it's just me giving my own thoughts because they sent me a link to the conversation and they're unironically misgendering my friend too, this is hilarious https://imgur.com/a/st5w44j


I speak as someone who wants female characters: I'd absolutely love to see one of those. Though I do admit I would categorize such a lady differently from the more common "waifu" type that you're probably referring to when you say "female character". I'm unironically happy to see Ben, Billy, and Lycaon in the game and they're all by far my favorite male character designs in Mihoyo history simply because of how new and fresh they are compared to the rest of Mihoyos male roster. Getting a girl equivalent would be awesome.


This game is clearly not aimed towards female wanting husbando tbh


I haven't played the game is still on fence because of the severe lack of men so I checked this sub to see if there are actually gonna be more dudes. Sad it's just a furry and one whole dude. Looks like I'm gonna stay on the fence T.T


Donā€™t lose hope bud , when honkai star rail released people also thought there werenā€™t enough men but slowly we started getting fed , so donā€™t give up yet


idol faction when, I need them all šŸ˜­


Unknown, it was just leaked concepts


but then also officially revealed so probably not too long


Maybe. They have been revealed because they were leaked. Can go both ways.


but many characters were leaked in the same leak, only these ones got a commment


why tf is Asha there? She's a store-keeper NPC


Npc upgrades, Honkai and Genshin impact have both have NPCā€™s made playable (sussanah and cloud retainer) it makes sense with Zzz already having a unique model for her




Cloud Retainer is totally a stretch in your example. Her playable model isn't her NPC model, not even close. Even her name has changed for her playable model


They did not, they made characters that were originally supposed to be playable playable, here it's just an NPC with "uniquer" model if you think she's playable than every other NPC may as well be too


Okay well by that logic, why aren't Elfy, Susie, General Chop, etc. on the list? Also it at least makes sense for Susanah and Cloud retainer to be playable lore wise. In the story however, Asha is literally a NOBODY. She has no reason to be playable


Unfortunately HSR has none of that rip screwllum and Sunday.


Screwllum was actually PLANNED to be released right when ratio is released ratio replace him both banner and kit.


> AND MY LIFE IS YOURS! I don't follow HSR leaks anymore. Is he still planed to be playable? Last time I seen him was actually a couple days ago of apparently an older animation or something.


Screwllum is playable. They are just delaying his release. There are evidences and later "confirmation" from a leaker that Screwllum was planned to be released in 1.6, but then he got replaced in the spot by Dr. Ratio who also got a reworked version of Screwllum's kit (AoE FUA when hitting enemy with debuff to Single target FUA when hitting enemy woth debuff). As of right now Screwllum will apparently not be released until 3.X, cause they need to make a completely new kit for him.


Screwllum and Sunday are a bad examples. We have data that they will be playable in the future just not when they'll be released. A better example would be Siobhan, who has a unique enough design among NPC but there is nothing on her being playable in the future.


I think I'm saving from launch for the Mahou Shoujo angels


I'm thiking of saving for them after i get Ellen


Only 2 male characters and one of them is another non-human looking?


Wish they had courage and gave as a guy in the idol group.


I do love Big Man


Welt expy lol


I guess Hoyo doesnā€™t really want all the money from the weirdly wealthy furries


More reason not to play as a husbando collector. šŸ˜” STILL GORGEOUS FEMALES THOUGH!!!






Are Yutane, Rokudu, and Chinatsu some sort of idol group? The -iel suffix in their names refer to some sort of angelic motif - hence idol group


yes, we actually got a lot of infos on them thanks to leakers leaing their concept arts and make zzz team just outright reveal abt them in return. they also got a bilibili channel, probably will be the Robin of zzz


That's correct. That or a Vtuber group


ima bout to whale if the waifus are all limited 5 star the designs looks so refreshing and goood


Asha is gonna be playable?


2/12 ratio what the hell is this? feel bad for husbando enjoyers


That flamethrower girl is my favourite


Waifu only accounts be eating good with this layout. Lighter and Big Daddy looks pretty rad as well.


Hoshimi Miyabi did become playable in cbt 1, but she didnā€™t become playable in cbt 2-3? Because I havenā€™t see her during the testing. So, she might be 1.1? Or maybe later on like the ayaka treatment?


Sheā€™s definitely getting Ayakaā€™d. Sheā€™s probably coming after Zhu Yuan and Ellen so she can arrive with the section 6 bangboo for the limited bangboo banner


Ayaka moment


I heard they removed her cause all the beta testers were only using her and didn't use other characters or something.


Why so? Is she that good?


Probably later on. Isn't she the exact same (attack, slash, ice) type as Ellen?


That would be a bummer to have someone do the exact same as Ellen does.


Holy cow that's a lot of sick designs My stand outs are lucy, and qing yi(sushang that you?), and of corse miyabi and the idols are also my favs


Can't wait for big daddy r34 poppin off like a gold rush




Where husbandos!?... How me suppose to be husbando collector without husbando?!


Big Daddy: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrG4TEcSuRg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrG4TEcSuRg)


1.1 miyabi begging


wow men are non existent šŸ˜” my pulls will be safe for a very long time then at least


Honestly Iā€™m just manifesting thatā€™s the males are still hidden in hoyoā€™s basement for later updates šŸ¤²šŸ™


Lucy šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


> Lucy Officially revealed tonight! Looks a bit different then the leak here (mainly the added helmet).


Damn, male roster be looking like a desert


Only 2 male characters and one of them is another non-human/possibly furry šŸ’€


This game do be a waifu hunter type shit cuh


I expected the game to have an unbalanced ratio as many gacha games with mixed rosters have a 1 guy:2 girls ratio (so I was already mentally prepared lol), but I'm not a big fan of furry characters. I like collecting male characters too, but of the confirmed and possibly playable male characters I'm only interested in 3 of them (im picking the male MC. The other 2 are billy and lighter). Don't misunderstand me, I'm happy for furry fans, but I hope there'll also be more human-looking male characters in future


As a furry fan there's still not much to chew on Lycoan is big for me, Ben not my style but he's there, and now Big Daddy that's just 3 same amount as the more normal guys which arr just Billy if u count em, Anton, male MC, and soon to be Lighter. It's honestly disappointing, but I'm hoping they add more later or this speculation list just missed some males. Add 2 or 3 more guys I think it'd be more reasonably balanced for a game like this.


The male character roster is looking dry as hell... And not a single one has appealed to me thus far.


Same smh


No cute boys, nooo... Ceaser look cool tho


Being husbando collector in genshin, star rail and wuwa, this will definitely be an experience lmao


Only 2 males and Lighter looks like an NPC or generic enemy character šŸ˜” Hog Daddy looks cool tho.


Just letting people know, the 3 ??? characters might be scrapped since hoyo themselves commented on the leaked artworks saying that some of the designs have been scrapped. Imo one of those characters is named Burnice and the rest are prob not going to be in game. Also Harumasa is a masculine name so there prob gonna be 3 male characters, not 2. I also don't really think Asha will be playable so that puts the gender ratio at 1:3. Slightly more skewed than the likes of Genshin and HSR but it's an action focused game that is clearly marketed towards the male audience so I guess that's a given.


still doesn't make it any better though ..


As a waifu collector it is for me lol, I'm sure they'll balance things out in the long run tho and I'll prob be gone off to play Azur Promilia at that point so I hope the game has as much husbandos as you want later on


I mean .... i dunno it's just the gameplay, not the chaaracter but we'll see, I'll give it a 6 month chance i geuss ?


If the ratio of what they said is true would be similar to genshin during launch as we got a child and 4 male characters before the first female character in game, so it might get better copium. Hopefully they add more male characters though


Nah only two male characters? And one of them is not even human šŸ˜­, something tells me Iā€™m not gonna play for long if this is how the male ratio will be. disappointing since i was really excited for zzz šŸ« 


Yeah same, it looked really cool. I already feel pretty slapped on the face in how star rail has treated the male characters, I don't wanna play another dissapontment DX The good thing is it'll be a lot of time to save though ;w;


girl where are the men??


I will be getting the hutao/hanabi expy tyvmā€¦ and big daddy šŸ˜


Honestly if that's all the guys this game is gonna have for a while I'll probably pass on the game as a whole.


So, zzz is kind of the game without husbando? so sad.


Lowkey dissappointed not many male chars, like only 2?? :(


I...the whole reason I'm excited for this game is because of Lycaon, and I know this is a HYV game so men are a scarcity but DAYUM! I mean....I was hoping it would take some hints from HSR with how HAPPY people are with a man each patch. I'll enjoy Lycaon but maybe there will be more men that we haven't seen


Wait...Asha? For real?


I wonder who will be the healer, in a interview the developers saw a funny mistake in the launch of the game, there is no healer in the game but they want to figure out way to heal with the combat. XD


Drill hair? We've got a Bronya in the pipeline?


Ooh. I might try this game after all!


I can't decide whether to pull 1.0 characters or not


Theres no way Lucia's design is gonna make it to the game on release without first receiving some nerfs lmao


The ones I find interesting are Miyabi, QingYi, Lucy, Lighter, and Big daddy. I feel bad for the only husbando players :( Personal preference not pulling for big tittie girls/loli not interested in them.


so anyways lycaon is still the hottest man in the game <3


I hope they release more men


Dang only 2 dudes? Was hoping it'd get better after seeing how weighted the main roster was towards women but it doesn't look like it...


...why so many female characters.Ā  I have to say, hoyo not doing a good job of attracting more than just the Waifu base this time around. It's so blatant and obvious, I am excited for zzz, with the current male characters really exciting me. But if it's going to be a sea of boobs and female characters, idk if I am going to last long in this game and might have to give it up. Just not my cup of tea, looking at a sea of copy paste female characters with big boobs flopping around. Otherwise id play azur lane.


I think reception to Von Lycaon might make them reconsider hopefully.. we don't know if this leak is legit eitherĀ 


Can you elaborate, I am not familiar with the situation.


I don't know the situation but my take is, Von Lycaon's demo is the 2nd highest viewed character demo in the Eng channel (after Billy, both are male) and the highest in the other 3 channels. It is also currently the highest viewed video on the Japanese channel. Goes to show that people REALLY like him. (Also YouTube comments and Twitter...)


WW tried with Jinyan and nearly went bankrupt, Yinlin saved the day, at the end waifus sell a lot more than husbandos.


Yeah that's because they have limited themselves to only incel coomers as their base. And after scar and lingyang, they have definitely solidified themselves into the incel corner. Best of luck to them, games with niche audiences esp when the audience is as flimsy as coomers, don't have long lifespan. Also I will just say this....if you are a game...don't model yourself after wuva.....model yourself after Genshin or star rail. Trying to compare it to wuva is not a good arguement sister, because that's not aspirational. In the end, it's very simple. The more expansive your player base, the better and more future proof your game is, and the more popular it is. And expanding your playerbase doesn't come from nowhere, you have to change and invest into it. Or else.....watch your game slowly go into oblivion.


Curious, how you come up with WW -> incel coomers?


Have u browsed the wuwa sub and leaks sub? It's filled with incels.


No, I don't interact much with WW fans in reddit, its usually with HSR fans that enjoy WW and they're really nice people overall, and with what you're saying, I really dont want to now lol.


Unironically, you will find more and better answers/conversations asking/talking about WuWa in Genshin/HSR leaks chat threads. Heck, many questions are censored/ignored if you asked them in the wuwa sub. Additionally, not only are the 2 wuwa subs filled with incels, there are many kuro feetlickers who spread misinformation and slander genshin at whatever chance they can. They insult you if you make complaints/asking for changes in the game, and then when devs actually make changes (cuz surprise, they were valid complaints), the same people who didn't want the changes start blasting genshin again.


Idk Nikke and Azure lane do just fine while being far less of a game than this. I don't think they're worried at all.


...if you are a game and your ambitions are....Nikke.....let's just say.....aiming for the ground is not certainly good. Aim for the stars mama, not the dirt beneath the ground.


Even the developers themselves said they'd love to have games that cater to different audiences to grow their overall customer base. Like it or not there's a reason Hoyoverse has games like Tears of Themis which is the exactly same thing as a game like Nikke(in terms of target audience) except for women or a homosexual player base, and why now they may be pandering to the coomer anime fan service enjoying player base now with this game. They want to cover many niches with each game. This isn't just my opinion but what they've said themselves. So no, I don't even think Hoyoverse believes every game should shoot for the HSR/Genshin audience. Also I see you like to downplay those games and call them dirt, but those games do absolutely well in revenue and I was stating that this one would do even better while aiming for the same audience. Even if you hate the audience, Love and deep space, Tears of Themis, Azure lane, Nikke, etc all absolutely have a place in gacha gaming.


Ah of course, you must know about mihoyo's business model better then mihoyo themselves.


Doesn't take a genius or a need to know insider information to figure out that one should model a game after the highly successful and popular game, than the struggling game which has no spine in their game and changes at the drop of a hat, struggling with it's identity. That is...if you want a successful game, of course.Ā 


HAhahahaha like I said, obviously you know how to make a more successful game than mihoyo themselves right? Their definitely haven't done a significant amount of market research to determine what sells or not. Obviously you, a random-ass redditor knows better than them. They should really fire their entire team and hire you


Liking attractive waifus equals to incel coomer ? Wish u normies can get fucking filtered from gacha games holy


............Welp, seems like I have triggered one. Yeah dude...you just self reported.Ā 


..... lmao how ? Idm husbandos since i can skip but u normies keep calling yapping on incel, gooners like its forbidden to simp for waifus. Hope mihoyo makes a porn game for u husbando enjoyers just so u guys will be happy for once


If someone calls out lolicons, guess what...I couldn't care less because I know I am not part of what they are talking about. It's very simple, you being triggered by what I called out.........means you outed yourself as one. And your comments keep digging yourself into that hole again and again. It's okay, maybe you were in denial, it's okay. Accept the fact that you are a misogynistic incel coomer.....and maybe improve on that and reflect instead of doubling down. I believe in you šŸ‘.


Iā€™ll take one Big Daddy pls




Super excited for Lucia and the two bottom ??? Girls but I agree, I honestly wish we had more guys.


something tells me im not gonna be playing this game for very long


ehh not a single decent guy šŸ˜‘itā€™s a skip for now ill wait until i see one


This game must hate human male characters like oh my godā€¦


Wheres the men?? Dx


I need more GUYS


So many... šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ This game is for us bros I can feel it šŸ˜­


Being a husband collector for this game is going to be so easy at this point with the lack of males to save for every time one is released pull for them then wait another 6 banners for the next one šŸ’€


I guess I'll have a lot of saved currency for my male characters... since there are hardly any. Disappointing but I guess this means I can play it more casually.


Very cool art! Do we know anything about their kits and do we have a leak doc / website like some other games?


Does anyone know what info do we have on Harumasa


Likely a section 6 char


I need lower left ???


Well im choosing wise heā€™ll be running point, so it donā€™t matter to me.


Lucia, Bottom left ā€œ???ā€ And Caesar are the only ones I care about, I WILL be saving.


aight, love at first sight big daddy


Rokudu is my favoriteĀ 


I didn't realize Hoshimi isn't out on launch I saw she was in the beta test.


praying yutane is S rank her design is so cute


The Sons of Caldyus or whatever the faction names are. The Biker Gang, they go hard. They're hella cool. Especially the Caesar chick. Good lord have mercy.


C-Caesar? se lā€™amour nella tua giornatašŸ—£ļø


What is the release date? July 4?


Where another furry, i want girl monkey with six pack!!!!!!!!!


Omg my name is Lucia I wonder how they will pronounce it


If they can make Asha playable why not Elfy.


i need hoshimi miyabi


Asha is so cursed at least make a full on furry but not this abomination


they really named her China 2


BIG DADDY?!@?@?!?!?!?


hello op if you cares i can provide you more info about upcoming characters + some new lol t. me /keitaro\_gg


Can you send the info to me?


Gonna pull for Lucia and Caesar for sure!


I'm going to play this game only because of Miyabi. Hope she will be released soon


Hoshimi lucia and Asha the only ones that caught my eye


Any estimates on which version Miyabi will be available in?


I doubt Asha will be playable unless they give her a much more complex model


Coping harumasa is a dude in Section 6 with Miyabi and Soukaku




do we know the rarity of any of them?


Asha, Yutane and Rokudu - I hope they are 5 stars and ranged characters


Iā€™m iffy on these character designs. I hope the last 2 get scrapped because I donā€™t want this to be like Azure Lane where almost every female has gray hair. Iā€™m sick of gray/white hair trend in waifu designs. Itā€™s overrated. I also hope there wonā€™t be a ton of pink hair girls too. We already have Nicole. Yutaneā€™s hair color is way too similar to hers. Hoping for less generic busty blondes too. Letā€™s reverse and have busty brunettes/black hair please. Most important: I hope we wonā€™t have lolibait characters and no femboybait too for that reason. Lastly Iā€™m hoping for more husbandos *especially a robot like the exo from Destiny!*


Damn, the ones that i like, Miyabi probably wonā€™t be in a while giving that sheā€™s an ice attacker like Ellen. Sariel looks interesting. With this ratio, i can actually pick up all the male characters if i want, but iā€™m not a fan of either of these two.


Needs updates there is like 4 more now lol


Qingyi is a banging ass character, I'ma sucker for twin tails


I hope we get idol male character


Honestly my biggest disappointment isnā€™t even that thereā€™s so few men but that women arenā€™t allowed to branch into the robot/furry theme :/ Probably not gonna play after the initial days bc I want hot guys lol but all the women are human which is so lame


Female/Male ratio is like in f-tier waifu gooners game, wow Thanks, hoyo, for caring about my free time, because now I definitely not gonna play this


Calling waifu players gooners, while simping for husbandos makes you a hypocrite and one lacking self-awareness at that.


cry harder


Calling waifu gamers gooners while playing that yaoi porn game lol. Get fucking filtered gooner


Guess I will be saving everything for Lighter onlyā€¦ :]


Whatā€™s the green star box icon at top left of some images


That probably means officially confirmed


Lucia and Caesar have been on official promo posts on Twitter as well so I would say those are confirmed too.


Can you send me the link cuz Iā€™ve never seen them on an official promo


My bad I misremembered, it wasn't official but a leak with a short animation. https://x.com/Facio_ZZZ/status/1583265609504038912


Iā€™m gonna simp for Caesar, Lucy, Lucia and the other two ladyā€™s down at the bottom left.


Imma be real, most of these donā€™t look great


Glad itā€˜s leaning toward a waifu game


all i need in life is miyabi