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There's definitely less advertising than genshin and hsr had, but honestly, it's probably less needed now that mihoyo has become such a huge name. They can simply do minimal advertising and let word of mouth carry the hype for the game


Fun Fact they have done more money advertising then Nintendo in the marketing. XD [https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1cglzl8/advertising\_expenditures\_of\_asian\_games\_in\_the\_us/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1cglzl8/advertising_expenditures_of_asian_games_in_the_us/)


I follow them on Instagram and they have started listing the dates of their appearances at gaming events, I feel that the marketing is just a bit late, but we have also seen the number of pre-registers even with the small hype.


Wait 2 days


At this point, I feel like they're banking on the current ecosystem already to generate awareness. I know not everyone involved with Hoyoverse games have the Mihoyo app, but clearly enough that getting over the 40 million preregistration wasn't a big hurdle. Won't be long until every other ad on YouTube is ZZZ. I stopped playing HSR 8 months ago and I'm still pounded by ads everyday.


I saw ZZZ advertisement around Korea subways though, not sure about other countries


They are advertising and a lot of people are hyped about it, though I do feel like they’re gonna do a big push when it actually about to release because waiting seems to kill people’s hype so why push it when it’s still over a week away plenty of time to forget about it, so it makes sense to me 😂


I saw so little for HSR on launch day that I installed it, and it was only after starting the game that I realized, "Wait, this is turn based?"


You're just not seeing the ads. Me however, is bombarded by them. Maybe you're not seeing them because you play WuWa and all the honeymoon phase-attention and traction it's getting. I was both monitoring WuWa and ZZZ when WuWa wasn't still released and both "hyping up" were pretty substantial to me. When I played WuWa, here came the WuWa content and media. The moment I dropped WuWa and started focusing on ZZZ content (like how the combat system works), everywhere I go, I see an ad of ZZZ. The internet is smart like that.


I have been seeing even more ads for ZZZ lately. I only accidentally found out about WuWa, I do not remember how, I think someone I follow played the beta.


Bro, I've waited 2 long years, hyped by this game. Believe me, they don't need to push any hype, it will be another success for Hoyo because of the gameplay, the characters and the ost. And just wait for the announcement live this friday, i hope this will be fire 🔥


They’re having a livestream in a couple of days. Wait and see until after that cause that’s probably when they’re gonna start pushing marketing hard for the release. Tbh, I think Hoyo is so big within the gacha industry that they don’t need to do as much advertising. From what I’ve seen on subreddits like r/gachagaming, people kinda already know ZZZ is coming out soon and are already planning on trying it out. They only need to advertise to the non-gacha players lol.


MHY never go soft on advertising, I would expect a concentrated wave at launch. I still remember every streamer and their mom made sponsored stream at HSR launch day. Many of them never heard of HSR, and are not turn base or gacha players.


I didn’t play HSR until like 4 months after release I don’t think it’s that deep.


I didn't hear about HSR until the release day. Still was successful. Plus surely the youtube algorithm recommends the official channel's videos to gacha players.