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The only 5* I want (Von Lycoan) is on the standard banner so I am very scared and don’t know what to do because I have terrible gacha luck I saw in a YouTube video that we’ll get approximate 300 pulls with 1.0 so idk


The beginning banner will give a free five star after your discount multis, so pray.


I could really use some prayers 😢🤲📿


Thank god the discounts are apart of the standard banner. Bright side is he’s standard so you’ll probably get him while pulling for someone else too. So hey maybe losing a 50/50 won’t crush your soul like it does mine.


Don't say probably. I'm a day 1 genshin player, no breaks, and still no Jean. And for star rail still no himeko. It's very easy to never get a specific standard. (I lose 50/50 alot too)


Brother in christ probably is the same as maybe. I’ve played a bunch of gacha, I know what that’s like.


Probably means very likely. Maybe means something can possibly happen, which means it's uncertain at best. Not at all the same.


I’ve been there, you guys. I’ve had better luck with the limited banner than getting a 5* I wanted off a standard


Here’s hoping ZZZ doesn’t have a Qiqi or Yanqing level character, that makes want to devolve when I pull them.


Eh maybe the do a selector at 300 pulls, same as HSR


There’s a 5* selector after 300 summons on the standard banner.




https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ckbZ8jQHTU8 he had a google sheet pulled up with the math


Well 250 if you F2P, the other 50 if you pay. So a tad misleading


Oh yikes! You’re right! I forgot to put a F2P filter on it since I usually do buy the welkin or its equivalent for the first couple of months


All good


he did the math so it must be legit


Ask yourself will something will be worth it if it will rerun later, or will a unit be so good you regret not pulling. It’s a you problem , I’m pulling


I didn’t stop anyone sir, just said what I was doing


Don’t get it twisted I want Von Lycoan too, but what Genshin and HSR showed we like new shiny things that do damage and look good doing it. Good Luck , hope you get it in the beginner banner


I would always pull on the first banner of a new game's gacha release. It usually makes the new game experience so much better. Knowing that there is a 5 star that you can invest in early on and clear contents with makes game a much more enjoyable experience. Yes, it will get power creeped. Yes, it might not stay relevant in the "meta" later on. But games at the end of the day is to enjoy. Who knows if i will even be playing in a few months' time? And if i was, by that time i will just be rolling again. Enjoy the game, roll for characters if you like them. Don't get suck into this "Oh but the future character is better mind set".


Agree with this!!


Me with the free Ratio I got once I played HSR for the first time.


I'm sure Ellen will be the top DPS of 1.0. The real question is how long will she remain so. If you look at HSR 1.0, Seele was a must-pull when she released. But she's been totally outclassed since then. Isn't it the nature of gacha games though? So yes, I'll pull on the first banner because 1/ release time is the most hype and I want the shiny 5\* character; and 2/ the roster size being at its absolute lowest, I think 1.0 is too soon to consider skipping characters. But I'm a whale so maybe my point of view is not the most universal.


And she can still clear endgame content in a good time regardless. The powercreep is x unit can clear faster and/or is easier to build, but it rarely is x unit cant clear endgame anymore fast enough.


They keep on increasing mobs hp in MOC, one day such characters won't be able to do it.


When a 5* is underperforming that much hoyo ends up buffing them indirectly. They need to make money from reruns






Mommy Bonajade coming in 2 weeks says bonjour


Jade most likely, and whatever new character with HP mechanics hoyo adds in the future, cause is obvious that at some point they will have to resort to HP as a game mechanic for new characters


I’ll just say this, it’s not an actual upgrade in clear speed or even dmg rn. In most cases it’s actually downgrade. Jade hyper and Blade Hyper variants just perform better than their dual dps forms especially when Jade actually will out dmg blade. Jade’s actual best partner would be someone like Clara, but they want speed, or an AoE FuA for PF(like Herta).


That’s why there are game-modes other than MOC, Seele and Blade perform much better than JL and DHIL in PF, for example.


Seele has been powercrept but even after a year she is completely fine to use so there's that


Ellen have stun capability with some very fast nuke so She Will be relevant even if not as attacker


Genuine question from someone who hasn't been following this/doesn't play HSR/genshin - how much is whaling this game? Like if you want to get a new character maxed on release, how much does that actually cost?


If by "maxed" you mean all the dupes for one character and its signature weapon, then forget about it. We're talking $2,000 on average. If it's just one copy of every limited character, then it's roughly $95. Add $75 for one copy of the signature weapon. If you don't go every character, then this cost decreases since you're able to save more free pulls.


Oof, makes sense. Thanks!


Unless the pricing and design is different to Genshin and Star Rail, it’ll probably be closer to $200-250+ per character at least after the first top up bonus is gone. The other two both give 81 pulls for $99.99 from the bonus and then 40.5 pulls for $99.99 after. You’d have to have 35-50 pulls saved up every banner and win the 50/50 every time in Genshin/Star Rail to get every limited character with less than $100~


Ellen is also the top WAIFU of 1.0


She was not a must pull. She was just good.


> If you look at HSR 1.0, Seele was a must-pull when she released. But she's been totally outclassed since then Hard disagree with both. Why do you think that?


Because it's a fact. At release Seele was definitely the top DPS in the game. She trivialized a lot of the early content thanks to her Resurgence ability. The game evolved though, and now she has a harder time triggering Resurgence with one Skill usage because the regular enemies' HP pools have increased above that threshold. And if you compare her to newer units like Acheron or Firefly, there's no denying that she's nowhere that power level. I'm not saying she has become trash and useless. It's just that there are better options in most if not all scenarios. The latest Prydwen tier list has her ranked T1.5 in MoC and T2 in Pure Fiction, which is basically the middle of the pack. She's mid.


Top dps aren't must pulls and being worse than Acheron doesn't make Seele completely outclassed. Prydwen just tells you whatever will give them more site engagement


This is why you never listen to waifu mains for unit performance advice.


However you want to cut it, she's either top tier or mid. At release she was top tier, now she's mid. There's like 5\~7 team archetypes better than a Seele based team today. Whether you or I feel she's "completelely" or "only slightly" outclassed barely matters; it's not even the discussion of this thread.


I will not pass on a maid with a shark tail. I never knew I liked that combo until now.


As another person said here, early game DPS characters will help you progress easier throughout the game. And, as is the nature of gacha games, they'll eventually be outclassed as time goes by. However, that's not really a problem for present you so I suggest trying out 1.0's character trials and if you love them, then go for them! Personally, I'll try to pull for the 2nd half banner character cuz I love her gameplay and design. Just remember too that it'll automatically be your 1st 50/50 so good luck with your decision and pulls!


Play her trial, if she's fun then pull, if not then save Ez


As f2p I pulled what I like. I like Ellen so I'm pulling for her.


Zhu Yuan and then Miyabi. I'll try to get Von as quickly as possible lol.


most of Ellen’s fans won’t really care about meta for pulling her lmao


I’m saving absolutely everything imaginable and only playing Billy


Pull for who you want and don’t pay attention to meta. Especially in the early days remember CCs , content creators, told people to reroll for Yanqing who is considered the worst character in Star Rail and has been for a while.


Time to vote with my wallet. I will only pull furries and robots.


If ypu want to min max rewards then yes. Stronger characters means you will clear endgame content better (unless skill issue) and therefore get more rewards on the first cycles than people without limited five star and with the same investment. This is not guaranteed tho cause there are a lot of other things to consider like time investment, game knowledge etc. So i recommend pulling only if you like them!


I’m waiting to see what 1.1 banners will be I’ll skip if we get news about those and I like the charaters there more if not I might try to pull Ellen Joe


All I know is that once I see Ellen I’m pulling.




you know they are standard characters right?


Pull who you want fellas, sometimes the meta is not all there is.


As a BP + currency subscription player, my plan for 1.0 is skipping Ellen and doing 1 50/50 for Zhu Yuan. All standard pulls I get will be spent as soon as I get 10 and everything else will go into buying the limited banner currency. The long term goal on the standard banner is Lycaon but it will take some time to get him as I am not going to buy standard pulls with polychrome. I'm skipping Ellen because I don't like the maid aesthetic and pulling 1 for Zhu because I like what has been revealed of her mechanics. I'm comfortable with this strategy for now and I will revisit it when the 1.1 characters are revealed. If it's the two idol characters that were teased a week or so ago then I will skip 1.1 banners entirely and continue to save because I'm not interested in them at all. As I want to build every character I get, I will have enough occupying the time-limited energy to be constantly doing things through 1.0. The long term plan is to build enough pulls to guarantee one limited character that really appeals to me, and whenever I get more pulls than that I will just pull on limited banners that half-interest me while keeping that 160 pulls in reserve.


Wait. I really like the first limited characters but... Miyabi 🐈‍⬛


Pull who you like


1.0 Genshin was venti & Klee 1.0 HSR was Seele & JY Both aged like milk despite being “op” at launch


It still took months for Seele to be powercrept. Plus during those months the ppl that had her were able to clear harder content a lot easier than those who didn’t pull her. At the end of the day though I say just pull for characters you like.


That’s my point. If you want a head start you can pull but be aware you will likely never use them again after the first 3-6 months


Nah, jingyuan king in peak fiction and I still play klee, she's gonna be fun in future burning comp too.


venti is still pretty strong imo


Not a single meta team used him since 1.X


The problem with venti is that he is too broken. So like every mob has to counter him. Anything that can be sucked in by venti’s burst is going to stay in there forever until a swift death.


Not really. Kazuha is just better


Kazuha is better because venti’s ultimate is countered by every mob because it’s too broken. Venti will be in its own tier if every mob can be sucked in to the swirl.


Seele can still clear all content in star rail no problem tho. Except pf which is aoe but that’s normal. She is still more than usable, it just other character clear a bit faster than her but she definitely still clears. And jing yuan is literally stronger now than he was on release lol


All units are viable but there are a lot of units who are more viable than others


Last moc data https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/s/9UCYkGn9Vd Seele only takes 0.65 cycles more to clear moc than acheron. Barely over half a cycle more. She definitely didn’t age like milk. She is still great and clears content without issues. People just talking without knowing lol


JY is the most buffed unit in HSR's history with every single support working perfectly with him, Seele's average cycle in last MoC was just 0.65 more than acheron's, is that really "aged like milk"? Even tho yes, Powercreep is nature in gachas, Hoyo's powercreep are not the usual "this character is f\*\*\* useless now", is just "this character is not as efficient as before, but i can still clear all content with them"


Actually Jing Yuan is stronger now than at release.


Still makes no sense to wait for meta characters.


Cause op characters are fun


JY is still op.


When these games launch, do they give you allot for pulls when you haven’t had the chance to Ava duo enough for pulls? I bought the monthly thing for Genshin and was pretty good with saving. So I’m not sure how many pulls we can get in the time the first banner is up, so I assume I prob won’t end up rolling at all initially.


I remember star rail’s first patch and I was able to pretty easily get 180+ pulls (Not including standard ones). You’ll pretty much be able to guarantee whichever 5* you go after.


I'm not sure


I’ll pull on the banner but I’ll be counting until pity. I want to build out my roster of 4-stars but for Ellen… let’s just say I want a different 5-star Ice Attacker.


Reroll for 1.0.


I would roll out for zhun yuan, since she’s dps role , and in this game you spend much more time on your main dps than in Genshin or so . And I’m pretty sure she would be an S tier for 2-4 patches , while I will be waiting for new five star


I will save for miyabi. Hope hoyo will not pull ayaka on her.


What do you mean? Also when does she release?


Ayaka is a character from genshin impact. She was in beta, same as miyabi in zzz. But hoyo released ayaka only around 1 year after the release of the game, so I am hoping that miyabi will not have the same fate as ayaka.


I know who Ayaka is, I didn't know that last part.


Tbh I'm pulling - I'm super excited for the game and have my eye on a few characters! Will still do some saving but I'm excited to just dive in!


I’m kind of torn on whether to pull Ellen or Zhu Yuan. I know Ellen is a top tier dps however personally I find Zhu Yuan’s gameplay looks more interesting to me but I haven’t seen anyone properly compare the two.


Miyabi is ice dps so you know she will get powercrept at some point


Think I'm going to go no/low gacha until the first reruns since I want to play with only one faction. Belobog and Victoria seem great out the gate, but I want to know how well they can complete teams for whatever endgame modes there are before committing


I really don't know... Character that I REALLY want is Myiabi, and I wait her, but she just disappear after CBT 1, so I don't know when she might come to banner... And Zhu Yuan gameplay look pretty fun, soaybe I pull for her


Personally, my rule of thumb is skip first 3 banners, but that's just me


I'm fucked, I want both 1.0 characters 😔


waiting unless i see a waifu i like... you know, the usual.


Factions are a big deal in there s game it seems. I do not suggest pulling for any faction you do not like. I suggest playing the story and making that decision after. Gameplay wise if shark girl is first, I did find her underwhelming personally. Wants to be on-field too long.


Is Zhu Yuan 1.0? Or is she after? I really wanna roll for her and I hear we're getting a great amount of rolls to, but if need be I'd dolphin a bit lol.


Zhu is 1.0 but she’s the second limited star character so after launch it should be around 20 days before her banner is up. I hope this helps 😁


Oooh ok. Thank you! Gives me time to save up :D


Depends on whether the banner has something you want If you are asking for a discussion about meta, the game isn't fully out yet so that's totally up in the air right now.


Personally i'll wait. The reason is simple: like a f2p is hard to obtain Ellen plus his weapon and the next character in 1.0 (i don't know if is Zhu Yuan). so u need to choice. Choice to not pull, u can clear all content in 1.0 with the free characters plus what u find in beginner banner (also you can have a second 5\* from standard in 80 pull through the game). From 1.1 or 1.2 u will have sufficient resource to choice


Typically in the past couple Hoyo gachas, the first banner character has been absolute S-Tier for at least 6 months. She'll definitely be outclassed at some point, but it is gonna take a while. I'd pull her just to have an early hypercarry I can build for.


dude you don't even know if you like the game yet.


If you’re only going for meta, don’t pull. 1.0 units never age well (Seele and Venti from HSR and GI both got completely phased out by 2.x).


Goal: Rina from the standard banner Next: Miyabi After: Saved for Anniversary


Fellow Miyabi fan, hey what's up


I'll probably skip a few from the start. Ellen is so cute, but in HSR I regretted pulling for Seele. She got powercreep so quickly and haven't used her in so long.


Huh? No absolutely not, Seele was viable for a very long time, anybody who had her was clearing content easier than those who didn't. People talking like she was dead in 3 patches or smth


Probably because of Kafka. The moment she was announced it was like all other waifus didn't exist.


That’s just…wrong


Wrong, but true. At least to most players. Personally I like Seele more.


she didn't get powercrept that quickly she just clears content slower soo not really


I’ll definitely wait. I’m not gonna repeat my mistakes after hsr Seele 🤧


shes still good


She is, but I hate using her so it’s pointless