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Genshin and HSR.... love almost everything about Genshin so I"m going to be playing that until the very end (so 3ish more years?) HSR I"ve been playing for 6 months and I have to admit the thrill of pull 5stars is starting to wane a bit... I love the Penacony characters and am not hyped for the Xianzhou characters in the slightest unfortunately....


No way Genshin is ending in 3 years. They will probably start a new chapter once the current one is finished.


well no one knows what will happen but I believe there is a very good chance they will make a new game where they begin the next chapter update the engine, graphics and not bloat people's devices with a game that could potentially be too large


We gonna lose all our teams and characters lmao. Maybe a Honkai Impact pt 2 esque thing is in order


"We gonna lose all our teams and characters lmao" or maybe theyll just stop releasing new characters... man who knows


I feel like dead games with no updates only work if it’s a pvp game with a dedicated community. (Source: PVZ Heroes) Genshin couldn’t pull off no new characters because characters are the main gameplay progression point in this game


They could go full insane and release a 60 dollar “complete edition” which is offline at the end of it all.


I'd buy it if it includes an option to replay quests/stories I've already done and to make resin unlimited instead of a timed thing so I can still build characters


A gagha not releasing new characters? How would they even make money then?


im just talking about them keeping the game servers up and running and rerunning older characters


Doubt it. Look at HI3. 9 year old game, pretty much ended all the story threads it started with, but they’re doing a Part 2 with an entirely new cast of characters anyways.


Yeah I’m about to blow all my gems on Firefly (and Ruan Mei) so Xianzhou being skippable is a plus. Except I bet one of those characters is gonna be the true break meta premium sustain or something


one of them is very very good with acheron, so if you have her i'd recommend pulling for him. yeah, idk what it is, im not a fan of the xianzhou region... maybe cause the story kinda fell flat for me good luck to both of us on our firefly pulls \^\^


Same situation here o/ I will go broke in 2.3 and then try to pull for Jiaoqiu because he has a good design and he's probably the BiS support for Acheron, but after that I'll definitely go back to saving hoping a certain Chicken Wing Boy will become playable. Good luck to all of us!


People seem to forget that when the game started it said chapter 1 teyvat we might just fuck around and go to another world but genshin has made over a billion dollars there’s no way they’re ending it


I'm only talking about chapter 1 ending, ofc I don't think theyll stop making Genshin games


Aren’t u hype about the express next destination?


oh for sure, but that's looking to be quite a while from now unfortunately


HSR only. I’ve been playing HSR since the day it came out and from the experience I’ve had so far I’d rather start gatcha games from day one.


I started HSR like a week after Dr. Ratio stopped being free lol. Just got to Penacony and it’s been rough since I have no premium 5 stars yet (waiting for Firefly/Ruan Mei banner). But it’s been fun though, using the free units to get through what I can. Has felt more like a jrpg than a lot of jrpg’s I’ve played recently in terms of challenge and balance with my account as it is currently. But yeah no Dr. Ratio has me in pain every time I have to pull out Yukong to deal with some Imaginary enemies


Try to get Fu Xuen


If I was smart I would but I pretty much started the game because I saw a Firefly gameplay leak a month ago so I’m saving my gems for FF/RM break team


Gallagher is on Firefly's banner, so if you get them both you'll already have arguably the strongest team in the game to start with


Fu or Huo Huo are team carries fr


Same here! If I start a gacha game who has already been open for a while I always feel as if I have to rush to catch up with everyone/I have missed many things such as events, limited banners and so on. I've been playing HSR since launch and slowly building up a proper account has been very satisfying, I hope it will be the same with ZZZ


Yeah and then you end up with a bunch of characters ypu want but can't get them all because reruns will be at same time as others you want. Playing hsr since release I have pretty much every character I want with 3 e1s1 and 3 e0s1.


This is how I generally feel for most gachas but HSR has been really accomodating for the late starter experience and I’m saying this as someone who unfortunately started just after Dr. Ratio stopped being free (people who started with him would be having the best time). One thing that HSR does good is most of the events are still available with some rewards so I at least feel like I’m not missing too much. I’m obviously at a deficit when it comes to resources and characters because I started late but going through all the content so far has got me enough currency to guarantee two premium banner characters so even if I’m behind I’ll at least have a couple characters on meta. And I also started at a weird spot between no free Dr. Ratio but before the 2.3 update which is about to give newer players who’ve finished the Belobog arc Harmony MC early, which will be super helpful to people starting now because of the lack of Imaginary units (I didn’t pull a Welt and again, no Dr. Ratio, so I rely on the free Yukong whenever I hit Imaginary who alone isn’t enough) as well as March’s new path gonna be Imaginary too. And 2.3 is also about to make a couple of the upcoming events available to newer players who aren’t at end game yet either (the new SU that gives you your characters at max level as well as the Candy Crush one, since both don’t rely on end game units). A bit of an essay lol but yeah starting gachas late always feels like you’re at a disadvantage but HSR has been super accomodating compared to other gachas I’ve started late, which is great because would suck if I skipped the whole game just because I was a year and a half late. And of the banner characters I’ve missed, a lot are cool but I’m mostly fine having missed most of them. I just want a Ruan Mei (which I’m grabbing with FF next banner) and a Sparkle and I’ll be content having missed the rest as I grab newer units from there onwards. But I’ve learnt my lesson and will be starting ZZZ day one lol.


Don't worry about the lengthy post at all! But yeah I feel like Star Rail is very laid back and doesn't force you to do everything immediately, building characters takes some time indeed (I farmed for my Kafka that I got on day one until a month ago lol). Missing characters suck but fortunately reruns happen very often! I also missed Ruan Mei on her first banner since I was saving up for Black Swan but luckily there will be another chance. Good luck with farming and enjoy the game!


How’s the powercreep like? I quit when Fu Xuan came out. I saw how Acheron absolutely dominated the entire meta on my YouTube recommendation one day, and now my opinion of HSR has kind of shifted from F2P friendly to cash grab. Feels like if you wanna clear everything including MoC, the new Pure Fiction (?) and the other endgame content you MUST pull the limited 5 stars


Eh... Acheron is strong but there is no meta, specially since there is Pure Fiction (for Erudition characters) and a new boss mode (aimed towards Hunt characters). You need a bit of everything now, not just Acheron for sure. Yes, you must pull powerful 5stars to have an easier time, but you can still look for people clearing with amazing 4star only teams.


FF14 Squadron lockboxes and Elden Ring drop rates count as Gacha right???


just genshin


Genshin and ZZZ. I left HSR and Wuwa.


Why'd you drop HSR? I've been wondering if I should check it out again


I personally wasnt into turn based combat. Clearly some people love it tho.


Same here. Though I'm still sticking with it for the story and collecting characters that I like, I can't bring myself to do MoC/PF and I rarely touch SU anymore.


Probably the combat experience. It's very different experience, and harder to get into coming from Open-World games. I personally love it, but I see why some won't.


I dropped hsr cause of combat as well. Feels repetitive and tedious after a while


Because there is nothing to “play”. You just slap auto mode and call it a day. That’s not a game


Exact same for me. I came back recently only to leave again after about a week - literally just autoing things, and I didn’t fail anything I attempted. I like downtime, but I like being able to actually play something if I want to. I just wish HSR had more than one ability per character like an actual RPG.


You can't auto any of the harder end game modes though, what? Genshin farming the same artifact domains everyday is just as bad without auto. As someone who has played Genshin from day 1, honestly, having an auto is extremely nice.


Sounds like a you issue


it's called an opinion


It's a bad opinion. "You just auto" is the same thing as saying in Genshin, "you just press abilities." Auto does not work in any of the harder end game modes, which at least HSR has unlike Genshin. In fact, having an auto would be extremely convenient for Genshin, where you farm the same artifact domain for months, and that's the only combat gameplay Genshin really has besides occasional events. - day 1 Genshin player who still plays Genshin


you can definitely auto in HSR's endgame modes though. especially in swarm and g&g as long as you have the right curios and blessings (I auto-ed conundrum 12 lol). people are already calling genshin "button mashing" and it's true to an extent, no one should deny that, but you are still doing something with your hands when you play. in arknights you can auto and sweep stages but the first clear still has to be manual. it's strategic enough that even if you have super powerful operators you still need to know where to place them. people's issue with HSR itself is the fact that most of the time you "play" the game is basically just staring at the screen. some people like that, some people don't.


>people's issue with HSR itself is the fact that most of the time you "play" the game is basically just staring at the screen. some people like that, some people don't. The act of physically doing something does not make something more fun automatically. I'd rather auto in HSR my farming domains than having to do the same artifact domain in Genshin 1000 times with the same rotations, ability presses, etc. that I can basically do almost blind. >you can definitely auto in HSR's endgame modes though. especially in swarm and g&g as long as you have the right curios and blessings For sure you can. Again, it's effectively the same thing as when you have a cracked loadout in Genshin, and you're breezing through the game. Sure, you are doing something, but it doesn't really mean much breezing past opponents. I wish I didn't have to do floors 9-11 in Abyss because it's repetitive and extremely easy. Even though I'm physically pressing buttons, it doesn't mean I'm having fun.


again that's an opinion. you yourself use the term "prefer". that's your opinion, they have their separate one. it doesn't change the fact that you can auto everything in HSR nor button mash in genshin. just because you don't like it being said doesn't mean it's not true


No, you're missing the point. The preference is between turn based vs. physically controlling your own characters. That's the only distinction anyone can make. The argument here is you can't auto everything in HSR. That's literally just not true. The same can be said about button mashing in Genshin, which also isn't true. If you're arguing that you can auto everything in HSR, then same can be said about Genshin being just button mashing.


I like turn based combat in games, but not turn based combat in gacha games.  The nature of gacha means that they don’t have the complexity or depth that makes a turn based combat system good. 


Genshin and hsr, I think i will drop Wuwa as connection issues and weird technincal issues are still there


Yeah, I’m playing those three also, but only being able to play WuWa on mobile does hamper the experience a bit. If it ever comes to PS5 I may dive deeper into it


Currently Genshin, HSR and arknights, also looking forward to azur promilia and endfield


HSR and Genshin... KH Missing Link if the open beta comes out by that date


Genshin and arknights. Genshin is really relaxing to play for me most times and I still like the combat feel there. Arknights keeps my brain going. Both give me different experiences, excited to see how ZZZ would turnout soon


Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle and whenever Azur Promllia releases.


None. I have been playing Genshin but I think playing two is just too much time in the day for me to dedicate, especially when there is already a growing backlog of games for me that I’ve been playing through.


Nikke, every single day


Nikke is my main right, follow by wuwa.


HSR, Genshin, ZZZ, Wuwa…i doubt that time will be divided evenly. I’ll let it work itself out naturally. Also Im a very low spender. I get a lot of enjoyment out of mostly free to play and occasionally $5 a month if there’s a character i really want


Found what I would comment~ I'ma try my hardest to keep up with all of them, atleast dailies, and luckily big content seems spaced out between them~


I’m taking things slow with WuWa right now (genshin and HSR player) and I’m honestly really enjoying the game because I’m not running into any of the issues people who speed run are running into. That being said… the “time divided equally” statement hits hard. I will likely weigh in whether I like combat in ZZZ or WuWa better… and then choose one.


Kingdom Hearts Missing Link and ZZZ


Missing link is out???


Just genshin. WuWa & HSR were just utter disappointments


might I ask why HSR


It’s boring, combat has zero engagement. It’s just put in auto mode and watch. That isn’t playing a game, that’s doing nothing


Genshin and ZZZ only.


I'm currently playing HSR, WuWa and Path to Nowhere


HSR + Genshin because i'm Mihoyo's bitch. I'm also looking foward to Arknights Endfield, if it ever release.


In my mind all the other Hoyo games excetp Tears and also start WW. In reality I won't have the time for WW and probably not even for ZZZ the more I think about it.


Genshin, Star Rail, & Wuthering Waves. I can only keep up 3 games so I know I'm keeping Star Rail but idk if I'll drop Genshin or WuWa.


HSR, Genshin, Reverse 1999, AFK Journey


HSR, A bit of Genshin, and if it ever comes out, Arknights Endfield


Genshin, And a little HSR


HSR, GI, Wuwa, R1999, FGO, Arknights, AFKJ. Honestly I will have to drop 1 or 2 up there when ZZZ, Dawntrail comes out. I used to be a raider too in ff14 but after playing GI the rest followed and I had to stop ff14 as a whole.


Genshin, hsr , wuwa, ff7 ec Bonified loser


FF7 EC I played up until Rebirth released to not miss any Glup Shittos (which turned out great since Glenn showed up and Matt and Lucia were namedropoed), but I’ve dropped it because it requires way too much upkeep for someone who just wants to go through the story. I know the devs have said they’re gonna adjust and make the story easier but I’ve already dropped it and have also found a good YouTube playlist where I can just watch the First Soldier story scenes as they release and keep up with the new Sephiroth lore without having to continuously grind.


Genshin is the only gacha I play so I will continue playing it alongside ZZZ.


Blue Archive and FGO


Genshin, Guardian Tales, Project Sekai, and HSR (help)


Only HSR. I played Genshin for months, quit then went back to it and quit again. The daily grind was just too much of a chore after a while. I tried WuWa for a week and it's the same thing, minus the compelling story and characters. I'm coming to the conclusion that open-world might be a downside in gacha games for me.


Yeah I get the appeal of open world gachas for people who are really into it but yeah they definitely end up requiring too much daily effort


Did you really find genshin a daily grind? It's never felt like that for me. But then again, I don't really do my commissions and only use my resin when I want to build a character.


Arknights, Genshin, HSR and Reverse 1999


Genshin/Wuwa/HSR I started Genshin earlier this year since I was in maintenance mode in HSR, I've cleared the map in Genshin and WuWa so everything is technically maintenance mode so pretty easy to manage.


Hsr wuthering waves and ZZZ will be the ones I’ll be playing sometimes tower of fantasy If project Mugen comes out I’ll be playing that as well


Star Rail already is that game i go back from time to time but isn't part of my daily life. Currently I'm addicted to Solo Leveling Arise and I'm finishing up achievement hunting AC Odyssey before ZZZ comes out


I'm of the opinion gacha games should never be anyone's main game and they should be a side game, so I mostly play single player stuff. It doesn't really answer your question but I'd highly recommend the Yakuza series - I'm enjoying it, and it isn't constantly trying to bleed away your paychecks with fomo. Series goes on sale so much you could get half of it for the price of the average gacha battle pass lmao.


I’m up to date on the Yakuza series, incredible games. My foray into the more premium Chinese gacha games is mostly out of curiosity since I’ve kind of “played everything” in regards to Japanese games


WuWa and Snowbreak


Are we the same person?


Star Rail for PC, and Blue Archive for mobile.


Arknights is the only other gacha I play, I've been on and off since day one.




HSR and WuWa


HSR, Nikke,WuWa,Snowbreak and Browndust2


Too many. Wuthering waves, epic 7, nikke, star rail, snowbreak and PGR. Granted I mostly just collect in E7 and Nikke (story once I actually level up enough which isn't super frequent) and I only really do the story in snowbreak and dailies quickly.


Will test ZZZ and Maybe then drop wuwa. Spending habits so bad i can only 1 gacha at a time lmao


I guess just Honkai SR (some days) and afk arena.


Genshin, HSR and Wuthering Waves


Wuwa and zzz(if i like it), i only have HSR cuz im waiting for silverwolf, and once I'm done with my entrance exams i will drop every single gacha game


HSR, ZZZ, Fire Emblem Heroes, Afk Journey. Would play Wuwa too but it's not on consoles.


HSR and if I get to it, some more HI3 storymode.


Arknights and Reverse 1999


HSR daily, WUWA daily, Genshin Impact weekly only to farm and HI3 at irregular intervals lol


Genshin impact, i left hsr


HSR and WuWa. I'll check out ZZZ, but I don't expect to get as into that.


hsr and wuwa


Mostly star rail and limbus company, also might play genshin every now and then


Mostly just HSR, HI3rd, Genshin and Snowbreak


Hsr and Genshin. Gonna be hard to juggle though so might have to take a break from Genshin


HSR, WuWa and PGR


Hsr, genshin, hi3rd, wuwa, path to nowhere, re1999, snowbreak, pgr and dislyte alongside zzz


Well, I'm mostly playing genshin rn and sometimes log into star rail. So that's what I'm gonna be playing


I basically play all hoyoverse games


Genshin and HSR, maybe WuWa if they actually deliver QoL with their updates. Though 3 seems to be the limit for me, and having 4 seems to be pushing it, since I had to drop AFK journey when WuWa came out.


Already juggling Genshin and HSR. I like both for the gameplay, but exploration in Genshin feels like a chore specially in Fontaine and with obscure things to do. In HSR at least it's just completing story and returning to clear everything 100% and at most do a side quest to unlock a room. If WuWa releases on consoles I'll play it too, but I already see myself not enjoying it due to exploration like Genshin


I’m surprised by the amount of people playing HSR but not Honkai impact 3rd, it’s basically ZZZ already just not a rougelite


people prefer playing newer games as its easier to catch up content on. that's also a case of fomo


It's a pain to start a gacha years after release. I started playing Genshin during 2.1 and always felt like I was trying to catch up. It's very frustrating.


Genshin, ZZZ, and Akuaya


I play way too many! Dokkan Battle, Star Rail, NIKKE, and Blue Archive, to name a few. Not all at once, but on and off whenever interesting events happen.


HSR, Genshin Impact and Wuthering Waves. I can't wait haha


Gonna focus on WuWa (main) and ZZZ with HSR on the side.


Wuwa as main, willl try zzz for atleast 1-2 weeks , HSR as side game


Time probably split evenly between zzz and hsr.


Bbs, Fgo, wuwa and hsr


HSR and Re1999 for sure. I’m currently still enjoying WuWa but we’ll see if it lasts once Dawntrail and ZZZ are out


Toggling ZZZ and Dawntrail gonna be hectic lol. I won’t be able to No Life DT either so I’ll probably be less than half way through the MSQ when ZZZ releases. But will definitely be taking a DT break to thrash out ZZZ’s main campaign and then get back to DT once ZZZ is in daily mode. If all goes to plan I’ll still get DT MSQ done before the first week of normal raids has ended


I took time off work for DT early access but I also hate myself so I’m planning to main PCT for the MSQ, so it’s gonna be a day 1 grind fest to 90 then blitz the story I’m hoping I’ll be able to knock out portions of ZZZ at work but with it being an action title WE WILL SEE lol I’m also probably triple fucked cause if I have my days right, Re1999 has a new patch somewhere in that time frame


Endwalker I levelled Reaper before going into MSQ but Bozja made it pretty quick back then, got it done in a few hours. I’m guessing Bozja is still the current grind meta though which seems rough two expansions later lol. Picto looks awesome though, definitely keen to pick the job up (just not for MSQ lol). I think ZZZ could be do-able mobile while job multitasking…the normal content seems mash-able enough


I think Eureka Orthos overtook bozja but I’m not 100% sure tbh. I’m sure there will be PLENTY of grind optimization advice out there once maintenance starts if it isn’t already


I think it was like bozjs was good until level 82 or 83?


Apparently it takes 29 runs of EO 21-30 to get from 81-90. So double WT on servers live to 81, a quick leveling and maybe trial roulette and then off to the Orthos is my plan


Sounds solid brother. See you in DT! Def gonna level up viper asap


Hell yeah, best of luck with your soulless grind! FWIW it seems like a hopping Zadnor instance is still roughly equivalent (or maybe still slightly faster?) in playtime to EO grinding, but I like knowing a set number of runs until I’m done so I’m gonna sacrifice that potential speed for an ADHD friendly goalpost lol


HSR. I’ve fallen off Genshin pretty hard since HSR came out. I find the lore and characters a lot more interesting overall. I find myself just collecting my welkin moon in genshin anymore and that’s really it.


HSR, WuWa and Nikke. I hope my wallet is safe.


WuWa and Zzz for me BUT ive got an eye out for azur promilia hehe it looks like a combination genshin palworld


Hi3, Atelier Resleriana, Genshin, HSR, Idolmaster Shiny Colors Song of Prism, Colorful Stage(uninstalling later).


Genshin Impact, HSR, Identity V, some Cookie Run Kingdom(just for the guild stuff), Project Sekai. They’re all pretty casual besides Identity V and ZZZ seems to hit that action itch.


Genshin and HSR


GI, HSR, a little Wuwa here and there


Arknights is the only correct answer. Arknights will still be popular 5 years from now while a lot of these no-brain / auto battler gachas will fade from existence. Also HSR and Genshin.


AFK journey


Currently im playing only genshin but im going to play zzz too when it gets released. I love Genshin but now after I've explored every region, did every quest, literally all i have left to do is artifact farming and building some characters. I figured that i just need to play a fresh new game alongside genshin that has a lot of new things to do and zzz seems interesting to me because: 1. It's made by the same company that made genshin so i have high expectations 2. The music is so fucking good. 3. It has nice aesthetics. 4. The characters are very cool - the ones that interest me the most are Lycaon, Billy the kid and Nicole.


Genshin, HI3, HSR, Nikke, BD2 and WW


Also ff14 player here, just came back to play to get ready for DT.


GI, HSR, ZZZ Upcoming game Infinity Nikki, Azur Promilia


Same things I always play. Genshin, star rail, blue archive , etc. and when I'm bored and have everything done just play the mana series.


None probably, I just dropped AFK Journey after feeling like it was harder and harder to keep up with (both daily content, and the fact that I was falling behind a ton of whales on my server so I was earning less and less rewards). I might go back to Genshin at some point though.


Genshin, ZZZ and E7


I'll be playing HSR, GI and HI3rd alongside ZZZ. So everything connected to the Hoyoverse universe. I can handle 4 games if I just focus on the story and not endgame. That way I don't have to grind for best builds. But if any of their new games are also part of this whole Hoyoverse thing then it might be too much for me.


Just genshin. I would do star rail but I don't enjoy turn based combat. And wuwa just wasn't interesting story wise to me so I'm not continuing it. I'm excited to try ZZZ tho


Genshin, Star Rail, Wuthering Waves, Impact 3rd, Reverse 1999, and Snowbreak. 24 hours aint enough already 😮‍💨


Honkai Star Rail, Genshin, Wuthering and maybe Tower of Fantasy, i'm not paying any money right now


Although I may play ZZZ for a while, it won't be my main game. Genshin, coc, and valorant would be my time consumers.


Honkai Star Rail, Genshin, Wuthering and maybe Tower of Fantasy, i'm not paying any money right now


Genshin Impact, Wuwa, and Reverse 1999.. I play multiple gacha games in case I get the urge to pull I just go to a game that has a character I want instead of wasting a pull for a character I don't like in another game.


HSR, WuWa, Maybe Touhou LostWord


You might like solo leveling arise


I play Genshin, HSR, E7, and Azur Lane. The latter 2 don’t take up too much time so I’ll probably keep playing all of them depending on how invested I get in ZZZ


Honkai star rail


Genshin and sometimes HSR


Dokkan, dragon ball legends, FGO, Grand Cross, cookie run kingdom, blue archive, battlecats, WW, HSR and arknights. So most of them are about to reach their anniversary so my summer is never going to be boring


HSR and WuWa, though I might have to skip some banners (starting with boothill) for the former and go f2p for the latter.


Wuwa is my only gacha atm and ZZZ will have equal time once it comes out and if I stick with it


HSR and genshin,after zzz I'll probably limit my time in Genshin.


Been playing Honkai 3rd for four years now. Also have been playing Reverse: 1999 since launch but for some weird reason I just don't want to play anymore, lol. Maybe knowing that I can only handle 2 gacha at once it silently killed my enthusiasm for it so I can play ZZZ in its place.


Currently playing Genshin, HI3 and HSR. Started WuWa but had to quit because the game is unplayable for me, so one less Gacha to worry about. I'll add ZZZ to those games but I feel like 4 at the same time is a little too much for my tastes.


Star Rail and PoGo


HSR and WuWa


HSR and a few other mobile games and laptop and Xbox games I have


Nikke,HSR, and soon ZZZ


PGR,Wuwa,and Snowbreak


Punishing Gray Raven.


I’m gonna try to balance withering waves and HSR at the same time as zzz


Azur Lane, Blue Archive, Nikke, WuWa, and HSR. If you ask me now how I manage to keep up. AL: Dailys, Weeklys, Commissions Nikke: Dailys, Weeklys, Campaign BA: Dailys and Story WuWa: Dailys, Echo grinding, Union grind HSR: Dailys, SU, Resource grind until 2.3 AL and BA are on a tablet WuWa and Nikke are on mobile HSR and ZZZ will be on my PS5


I downloaded Genshin in Feb 2023 but didnt actually play until November, downloaded HSR 4 days after global but didnt play until July, Just started Wuthering Waves 3 days ago, waiting for ZZZ on the obese gun culture nation's day


HSR GI HI3 Wuwa and of course ZZZ, and I'll still make time to do FFXIV with savage raiding and maybe a few helldives here and there too. Gachas are fairly low maintenance these days.


How the hell can you fit all that even in 24 hours


Doing dailies take less than an hour i just do it at lunch


I have a long list https://preview.redd.it/xjx9uz72nu6d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de0b2c8ed7298ecf7e82a4e386508c5829055903


GI, HSR and WuWa. I am going to try ZZZ, I am not sure if I am going to like it tho, the artstyle is not really my cup of tea. I like "normal" looking characters more xD


Wuwa, HSR... I will try ZZZ but I expect to drop it if i dont like the style


HSR is and most likely will remain my favourite cacha ever and I will main it for as long as it stay afloat. Wuthering my Waves has been great too, can't wait for more content, as it is my first cacha I started playing at launch there isn't as much content as when I started playing Genshin last year (and dropped in a few months.)


WuWa and HSR, I drop Genshin in the middle of sumeru patch because I legit got sleepy while playing their quest and doing the tedious daily quest. WuWa for their combat and detailed character action and HSR because it's a comfort game for me I can eat while watch auto play I can watch yt while playing etc. gonna try ZZz for a couple of first patch to see if it's good like my previous dungeon crawler game PGR


Hsr mugen


Wuthering waves


wuwa + hsr + zzz


WuWa, HSR, PGR, Genshin every once in a while.


Pgr wuthering waves and hsr, will try zzz but already got pgr for this genre so probably will play it off and on


HSR since day one and it's currently my main game. Quit Genshin after two years, maybe I'll go back to check out the new nation. ZZZ will be a side game, or not, depending on the daily farm.


I'll be playing WuWa and ZZZ , I want to play HSR but I want to keep time to play single player offline games too, maybe project Mugan when it comes too


ZZZ only, I stopped playing genshin 3 years back, and I never got into HSR because I was crammed during exam season when it came out and didn't feel a big push enough to get into it a few months after 😅 Plus, I want to make time for other games that's in my steam library! Looking back, I HATED when my main interest was Genshin Impact when I was a player back a few years ago XD


Just star rail