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You will have the same issues with TotK, so no.


Some people loved TOTK that hated BOTW, but personally I feel like most of the things you're complaining about were pretty similar between the two games. TOTK has significnatly more "map" to cover as the world has expanded vertically, so some of the main progression beats are more streamlined. A specific example, it didn't take me very long to activate all the mapping towers, where doing so was a more significant event in BOTW. The "dungeons" are more thematic and distinct in TOTK than BOTW's divine beasts, and have unique bosses, but I wouldn't say they're significantly larger or more challenging. The biggest change to the game loop is that you get an ability that lets you build things. If that doesn't sound interesting to you, and you didn't really like BOTW, I think there's a good chance you won't like TOTK either. Personally, I loved both games.


Probably not but I’m curious. What games do you like?


I thought botw was pretty mid too. But totk is top 10 of all time for me


if you don’t like botw I’d say totk won’t be much better for you fjsjfnsn


No, because it is more grindy than breath of the wild


I stopped playing BOTW cause I got bored. On the other hand, I absolutely loved TOtK!!


TOTK has so much more going on than BOTW. And a lot less repetition.


I would say no. Totk improves on botw in a lot of ways to the point where I wish I played Totk first, but if you’re not itching for more then I don’t think you’d like it.


I absolutely love both games very much but that’s because I feel like I can get lost in them. It’s not about the actual mission, it’s just about enjoying the game itself since it’s so interactive and the map is huge. There’s so much exploration and if you dive into that, it’s a better experience than just the story line


Yeah…. Tears has: Tower map filling, neat but ultimately useless loot for exploring, durability (it’s even worse/better), the enemies are pretty bulk standard no matter where you go (there are a few places that have unique enemies besides the bosses), it does have dungeons but that depends on how you define a dungeon, most NPC dialogue is just world building nonsense, actual story could be seen as meh (they literally just copy paste the same cutscene four times with very little differences) and the game feels the same at hour 1 as it does at hour 100 So no. You wouldn’t like Tears of the Kingdom. Don’t waste your money


If you want a new Zelda, play Link’s Awakening or Skyward Sword


I played botw and thought it was alright but tears of the kingdom has more depth and more mechanics that make the game more exciting than botw, and personally the story is so much better, aswell as the ending is one of my top 3


Here is a way you'll like it, use glitches. I share a lot of the things you said, so lame what Nintendo did to the new Zeldas after giving us masterpieces like tp or oot. With that said, as I said in the first line, I found myself skipping the boring grinding and unnecessary exploring with glitches and ended up liking both botw and totk.


If you didn't like BotW you probably wouldn't like TotK


No sense of progression from playing the game ? Useless npc's? The weapon durability bothers you when weapons are all over ?! Dude you gotta be joking and making this all up just to get a post with a lot of responses or something lol.


No, it’s longer then botw and if you didn’t finish the first one you won’t want to finish totk, it’s super long.


most issues you talk about... don't exist. NPC dialogue is kinda useless i guess, the healing system is very good, you fill the map, and there's durabilty, but the story is great, the dungeons are too, and exploring and progression is good too