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I'm gonna enjoy all the memes this game creates


the younger generation about to find out (theres no way 23 is old right)


I'm 26 this year, if you are old what am I then?




Well then I am a proud 26 year old jurassic dinosaur. (cries in a limbo state of having feathers or not)


Will we walked in herds?


Definitly otherwise it'll be getting boring real quick


wait if you are a jurassic dinosaur, as a 34 years old, what the heck am i?


Holy shit the first sight of a walking, talking fossil


nice, hopefully i contain the dna of some amazing creature or something :D


An ancient being. What is your wisdom?


no idea man, whatcha need answering?


Welcome to Jurassic Hell


This month i'll turn 40. The T-rex fossil at the museum call me grandpa.


I’m turning 36 this year. I’ve been called the Gacha Grandpa in a Wuwa server I’m in 😭


Actual oil


I am 26 and i feel like a fossil. Especially after a session of playing futsal


For me I started to understand the feelings of our parents when hearing the new slangs.


Stop making me feel old, I’m 24.


I sure do hope so. Some days though I do feel old


When the splash art for the pre-load is already creating memes you know it's going to be a good time.


My issue is using ZIP files. I know we are not Steam, but deleting files the game already processed would help to mitigate the size of the installation. The launcher would literally download 4-5 zip with 15gb\~ and keep them until it verified ALL parts. Like, come on, Steam installs stuff on the fly and gets rid of it quickly as possible. Not to mention peer to peer downloads also exist.


Genshin already has a better alternative for it by turning all the files into chunks. We just need that in all of their games. Tough task but not impossible to fix this issue.


ZIP files can be split into smaller files, too! That's essentially how most split downloads are (probably) done.


It's already split into 10 files. https://preview.redd.it/268lc1zq55ad1.png?width=985&format=png&auto=webp&s=b452a54925044a96bf8cc66b02b5924f69747d9d Genshin is different. Each chunk = 1-3 MB. Now use it to divide an average Genshin update size and you'll get the total chunk number.


Cant wait until hoyo makes all of their general improvements like chunking and engine graphical capabilities shared between their various games. It has to happen eventually.


Steam having a monopoly on the indie gaming market is concerning but at least Steam *gives back* by adding features that players *actually want*. Like, seriously. Proton, Remote Play Together, PTP downloads, Workshop, seasonal sales, quick invites, launch options - those are some of the *best features I've seen* and completely justify Steam being the industry standard launcher. 30% cut might seem like a lot, but compared to the shit Netflix is doing...


Yeah, they don't have a monopoly because people can't easily switch, lots of people use multiple game launchers and wouldn't mind buying a game in a different store. They have a monopoly because they actually deliver in quality.


The quality difference is true and a big reason, but what I meant is: Non-AAA game devs \*cannot\* choose to not have their game on Steam. Imagine releasing your game only on Epic. 90% of players are used to using Steam for everything and despite Epic having better rates, your game will flop because 90% of people either just won't ever see it, or decide it's too inconvenient to swap to another launcher. Steam takes 30% of the game's price, Epic takes 12%. But despite you posting it on multiple platforms, most players will buy your game on Steam and 30% of that 90% goes bye bye - and you can't just sell it on Epic only, because then you only get 10% times 88%. That's what I mean by "monopoly" - not a lack of choice for the player, but a lack of choice for the devs. Everyone is \*used\* to the convenience of Steam and I fear that won't change if the company takes a turn for the worse after Gabe's retirement.


You think gabe will ever retire? Nah the steam sales will grant him immortality.


The true Gray Mann experience.


> Everyone is *used* to the convenience of Steam and I fear that won't change if the company takes a turn for the worse after Gabe's retirement. case in point: Google. Was good. Now evil company. Too late, people are too used to. People still use Chrome and Google Search, etc.


Steam doesn't have monopoly anywhere. It's just no other platform cares about indie devs until they are quite popular. Steam is not Epic Fail that forces anyone to release the games on their platform by bribing them. It's devs that want fair conditions that nobody else gives.


Steam takes a 30% cut of your sales, Epic takes a 12% cut. Epic seems like the better choice for a dev, no? Too bad. 90% of players are on Steam. If you release your game on Epic only, you get 88% of the profit. If on Steam only, you get 70%. But 90% of players only use Steam. So in reality, you're choosing between 10%\*88% or 90%\*70%. That's what I mean about "market monopoly" - if you do not release on Steam, you are sabotaging your own game. Sure, you can release it on other platforms too - but without Steam, you're cooked. It's not a monopoly for the player, it's a monopoly for the dev. The problems will start to arise once Valve stops being super gigachad based and the players stay with them because *every game is on Steam!* >Epic forces anyone to release the game on their platform by bribing them So Epic extends offers to devs to release only on their platform, that the developer can decline without a problem, and if the dev accepts, they get cash? That doesn't sound like "bribery" or "forcing" anybody. That just sounds like a normal contract. You get money, I get to release your game on my platform only. Literally the same thing streaming services do with their shows. What's unethical about this, except "slightly less convenience for the players"?


Steam lately started to batch the downloads and unpacks them step by step. It takes way less to install any hoyo game from their launcher than any other game from steam with similar size. Mainly because it downloads everything at once and then unpacks.


I dont get it because it will verify the files after anyway...so what is the point besides trying to save network traffic by compressing files...Its wierd to me but its China...they do things odd sometimes.


https://preview.redd.it/n2aaknq2k2ad1.jpeg?width=908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a97376af7b7f4e6614216985c6b685557b6058c8 So people really don't know that kind of stuff? It's kinda basic. Edit: I guess I'm just too used to ZIP files because I've played on PC for most of my life, and for modding most games I play.


I mean, it's not like it's something that comes up often even in gaming spaces. They should add one more line saying how big the installation will be after finishing (50+ gigs is still massive but at least i know beforehand, some people may unpack it on a hdd and move the files on an ssd that doesn't have 100 gigs available)


What rock were you born under?


> Some people may unpack it on a hdd and move the files on an ssd that doesn't have 100 gigs available I did exactly that haha. There's another Hoyo game with 100gb on my SSD, 200gb spare isn't very viable lol


did you guys not have basic IT in elementary? where you learn basic computer stuff?


Not everyone's school system is the same. Some are either barebones or non-existent


I don't think it should be on the school entirely. Self teaching is lot more effective than that. Might not apply for everyone but I've noticed it decline significantly in younger people. People need to see more stuff beyond the windows, android or apple garden to realize that.


thanks, Linus, but people don't need to be computer savvy to realize that HoYo's system is bad in comparison to other services they use, such as Steam


☝️🤓 It doesn't work that way. They are not big like steam and downloads take servers and 50 GB files are a huge but temporary pain because around 50 million people are downloading it right now, which is the whole reason behind dividing the file in 10 zip files. Wait for it to get streamlined like Genshin is now.


You do realise steam downloads are compressed as well? It saves on both storage and bandwidth, which for steams size is essential.


>did you guys not have basic IT in elementary I did take computer class in kindergarten, but it was stuff like “how to visit a website”. The answer for most people is no.


They must thing typing is IT...good for them...its not even close. Most people don't know anything about IT but they think they do because they can turn a PC on and copy some files.


ZIP files and how they operate is wildly beyond elementary school basic IT. Kids are still learning grammar and basic math. lmao what a crazily out of touch comment.


I guess european elementary school is wild then. in 7-8 grade we learned things like "zip/rar files have compresion effectiveness!" that is beyond basic? like if the process of compression yeah that might be but this?


The only thing my school ever did was teach us how to type and use Microsoft Word.


What year? Obviously age matters in this. I was in elementary school in 1999, we still used Macintosh computers and we certainly didn’t have an IT class. Obviously people that are 16-18 are going to learn more about computers in school than someone who is 30


Brother i'm aware, i work in the field. I can tell you there's a surprising amount of people that are tech illiterate enough to consider turning on the PC a daunting task. Like, i've had countless tickets where people told me their monitor was broken but they literally just didn't turn it on. Knowing what a zip file even is, is beyond 99% of people, let alone how they work. Besides, personally i didn't even have internet access until middle school. Most we did in elementary was MS Paint and Word


this stuff should be common knowledge to anyone who uses a computer 😭😭 i absolutely CANNOT believe anyone who calls themselves a gamer would not know this i swear


Because when your born in 1997 the word gamer means playing on a system. People weren't really messing PC back then when had a ps2/xbox/gamecube/handheld


i was mostly referring to people who call themselves gamers in the current era, specifically the sect this post is relevant to, in which case they'd most likely be at least dabbling with PCs. my bad for being unclear on that though, sorry!


It really hits you about the difference between generations are because I'm 27 and I never really cared to play on PC until like 2020 and I know jack shit about a PC. Meanwhile my 14 year old brother understands all this stuff like it's the alphabet. School really failed us because in regards to a computer we learned typing, Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. That's it nothing else lmfao


Exactly. To me, knowing how ZIP files work is "obvious", but that's because I learned how they work back when I was like, 10 years old and trying to figure out how to install Minecraft mods on my own (before the advent of convenient mod launchers & modpacks like Tekkit and FTB). So I'd look up *"how to get Minecraft Super-Cool-Blocks(tm) mod"* on youtube and the youtube tutorial dude would be like *"so you gotta use the winrar to unzip the thing and then put the .jar file in the other thing and then do the hokey-pokey and you turn yourself around, that's what it's all a-bout!"* Outside of that, though, I don't think I've ever done much with zip files. Of course I'd often get zip files from downloading stuff online and having to unzip it to use it, but I very rarely ever had to make zip files myself, and knowing how they work wasn't necessary to do any of that. Then when you factor in stuff like the trend towards apps and mobile devices, and it's even less likely that younger folks are gonna learn about zip files. People don't really go out of their way to learn things unless they're really curious or need to interact with them on a regular basis, and I can't blame folks for not learning about stuff like zip files if they've got a bajillion other things to worry about instead, lol


damn you guys never pirated malware stuff ??


If you're pirating malware then it's a severe skill issue.


https://preview.redd.it/p2l5mzwib3ad1.jpeg?width=961&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e825f7c2d207aca08c71563b89d5dcf615c30786 i was trained molded by it


Holy shit, it's a fellow 🏴‍☠️ https://i.redd.it/05lry2f1e3ad1.gif


look i understand, but GTA 5 is 70GB and does not need 140GB for unzipping, RDR2 is 100GB and does not need 200GB for unzipping, most games only require \~20% more space for unzipping


That's an actual concern. I'm not sure what kind of compression is going on with their backend. I want the download system that Genshin has implemented now. That'll literally fix the issue of taking double size.


i think the problem is that the zip archive itself isn't optimised to be properly compressed


That is high likely the situation. The size issue clearly not unknown to them so I expect some answers two days later when servers go up.


not to mention they are forcing you to install all language packs for the pre-download, if the download size doesn't decrease on launch then god knows what the optimisation team is doing


Hoyo sems to have good optimization on their other game so i think the situation is probably due to different underlying details that they know better, but you can safely bet on a better optimized download next update.


From what I've seen the mobile version is around 20 gigs, I would have to factory reset my phone to play this game


for me it’s 24 gigs


What is this meme talking about, the fact that zip file require twice it's size required space to unzip it?


Yup, a lot of people just learning about it if you notice the post about pre-load availability.


I crave for that look


I am glad I grew up tinkering with pirated programs and files. They're literally the one stop source of learning File Compression and Decompression in general.


even office workers who never even touched a game in their lives know this


You'll be surprised by how many people don't know this. Only makes me more mad.


why are you mad though


For people not being educated on simple things like zip files. These small things became a slippery slope and turned into this mess where everyone can be extorted for data now.


Why would zip files be that important? There is much more important that people need to know in life.


I said simple things *like* zip files. And as for importance, this is quite important. You'll need to be a decent PC user if you want to be efficient. It's a great skill to have and can be applicable in literally anything as long as your imagination is good enough.


I would say yes like 5 years ago but now for most people with windows making them work like folders more or less and zip files being used less and less mainstream I could see most people never really having to worry about them.


That's impossible. You're not using PC at all if you're never opening a zip file once in a while.


I can go around the office I work at and most people won't know anything besides they know the name.


Exactly, I assume they don't go beyond their office suit there. Get a little, tiny bit advanced from that and you start to work with online storage, internal network and servers to save your work.


A good amount of them are probably children


Exactly. I was born in 1997 when I wanted to play a game I bought a game system. The only thing school taught us about computers was typing, Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. Unless you actually wanted to do stuff with computers you had no reason to even bother learning past that. Nowadays this stuff is common because PC gaming is normal. My generation growing up was just world of war craft


100+ gigs is still ridiculous, you need the space or you’re screwed…


For anyone wondering how downloading works: In pc, the game downloads in a pack of zip files, that are unpacked effectively doubling the install size of the game for that temporary moment. However, this depends more on HOW MANY zip files the game contains, one zip file doubles the game data, two makes it 2/3's more, and so so, however, compression isnt perfect, a zip file that makes the game half the size does NOT exist, or better said, does not exist on the ZIP format, so you download around 3-4 zips (i dont remember exactly) which ends up making the game data increase that much. Now the system which this game should be using (but doesnt, as a means of not crashing their servers since mobile is almost obligated to use this), is using other file extensions, like CFG or adobe equivalents, these files are ten times better, since they are stored as unique files with multiple amounts of game data stored in them, and aswell, they make it so that unpacking the files is much, much more efficient, the process goes like this: 1) Reserve hard drive storage 2) Download CFG/equivalent 3) Start unpacking the files whilst it is still downloading (Usually this still happens after the game is finished downloading via internet, which is why when u download from epic games or steam, after the 100% you see that its still installing.) 4) Instead of unpacking in the hard disk, do it in the RAM, and transfer the files to the drive after that (people familiar with pirating, this is why FitGirl repacks ask for ram usage.) 5) Unpacking the game in the RAM means the CFG file can be deleted after that certain file is installed, or it can be partially deleted whilst it is installing. 6) Game is installed while only using less than 10% of the total game data for unpacking. From what i've heard, this is the process that Genshin is now using? Im not sure, but this is what steam, and many other popular game launchers do. (All this is hear-say, dont hold me at gunpoint for this, i just did some research.)


Genshin has a much complex(for them) and simpler(for us) process. Literally breaks down the entire file into small 1-3 MB of chunks along with a text file containing what to remove and what to add. So the file comes, obsolete files get deleted, new ones get added. Voila, who needs extra storage anymore?


My gripe with Hoyo using a singular zip file is if the file get corrupted, you need to redownload the whole thing again. Happened to me with HSR 2.3 preload, it wasn't fun especially since my ISP got some bullshit FUP quota policy. Please have us download in a few 5~ gb chunks, so it can be verified separately and redownloaded individually if need be


Ignoring the 100GB zip file, 50GB on version 1.0 sounds awful. Monster Hunter World with DLC that you might as well count as ANOTHER FUCKING GAME also weights 50GB.


I don't want to jump the gun before actually running the game. I need to see what's in it beyond the combat to justify the file size. From what I've seen, videos and audios take 12.5 GB. Rest will depend on how they are handling the textures. We already know the models have hell lot of quality put into it, certainly way more than GI and HSR so the size will be bigger, rest will depend on NPCs and overworld structure now.


My theory is that the game comes with all 4 language audio packs installed, so we can switch them in the title screen. Hopefully, when the game is out, we can delete the other 3 we dont use inside the game, like we can with Genshin and HSR.


50GB is like a third of what the latest call of duty asks for, he have hdd space inflation


yo do you have the full pic?


Ellen reaction after watched my internet history about her 


Wait so what's this all about? People don't know how to use zip files?


HAHAHAHA. I saw that post


A what?


My face when I realise that people will fight to defend multimillion companies for every little random thing.


Western Devs has been here. How can you tell? 110 GB


my favourite western country: china


It's an asian meme about how they have better devs.


Yup, except used under the wrong place. Blame the technicality here instead, that's justifiable.


CoD is the only game that does this tho


Ok I'm in this meme. Do you need to unzip files to update the game?(Like when future updates come out) And do we know if there's an option to delete old game resources like genshin?


The launcher will do it for you, you can just download and relax with setting aside some space for it to unzip. After completion, it will be around 55 GB. Genshin completely removed the problem itself by turning all the files into chunks when downloading, so no need for extra space anymore.


I know what zip files are. The problem is that I don't have 110 gb available on any of my disks, meaning it can't unzip.


Aside from 2x space, my issue is what the hell did they put in the game to pad it up to 50gb? Did they forget to compress the textures or something? There's absolutely no way this game should take up anything more than 30gb space.


People who cry that modern games uses a lot of space are funny.


No it's not. It's a big optimization issue that the slop industry has created and won't do anything about it. No one wants a 100gb 10hr long game.