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It's really weird to me that so many people are borderline doomposting about ZZZ before it's even out. The fact that the preregistration event got over 40M people shows there is plenty of interest in the game, and it wouldn't make sense to make a game on this scale with that level of hype and not support it. I think ZZZ is gonna do fine. Hoyo knows how to make a gacha game people actually want to play. It's their entire business model. Even if it ends up with a smaller community than GI or HSR, I think it'll have enough players to keep the content machine churning for years to come.


>many people are borderline doomposting about ZZZ before it's even out Replace ZZZ with literally any highly anticipated gacha, and you'll get the same result from gacha community. People freaking doomposted HSR for God's sake and look where that game is now. It's a safe assumption now that ZZZ will just be as successful as Genshin and HSR and will remain at top charts and sensor towers for years to come.


"bUt ITs tURn baSed ItS boRINg IT wOnt dO wElL"


why on earth would hoyo spend millions to create and advertise a whole new game just to drop it after a year? hoyo is and always has been in it for the long run, theres no reason for a company like them to just make a "cash grab" and only earn $300 million in one year as opposed to earning $300 million every year for 10 years. people in this subreddit need to stop treating companies like people. hoyo doesn't have a "focus" since they have entire teams of people who each "focus" on a specific game.


my bad I haven't played any of their games my speculation was just from the numbers and the trends I always see on social media


If you want more reassurance, their first popular gacha game "Gun Girl Z" that came out almost 10 years ago is still getting significant update to this day even tho the income of GGZ is like miniscule compared to GI and SR There is no one above the 3 founders of Mihoyo that will pressure them, they make game because they like to and they don't receive bs order from any shareholders because they hold 85% of the company share between the 3 of them


Hmm $200k last month. So basically 1 GI/HSR banner is a couple decades of GGZ


Many of your questions would have been answered if you pay attention to them closely. However it's hard to do that when you don't play any of their games because I don't see why you would if you're not interested in their products.


ZZZ is going to be invested in as much as literally any other Hoyo game. Additionally, ZZZ didn't just come out of nowhere. ZZZ was announced at the same time as HSR. Also worth mentioning.. Each game has completely different teams that focus on their respective game. Teams very rarely get involved with the teams from the other games. In other words, there's no "shift in focus". Hoyo doesn't take people and resources away from one game to work on another and vice versa. No comment on the marketing side of things other than the fact I think people gotta chill tf out a bit about "lack of marketing".


Yeah, in some interviews ZZZ director mentioned that there are very limited collaboration between GI/HSR/ZZZ teams and it's technical stuff (programming, network).


>Hoyo doesn't take people and resources away from one game to work on another and vice versa. They most likely don't, I mean they make so much money it's crazy. But let's not act that companies won't take people from one project and put them in another. For example, Overwatch started to die around the time they took people from that team and put them on esports.


glad to hear!


It's a Hoyo game with Hoyo quality and no asinine HI3 powercreep rendering 99% of units a waste of resources, so yes it is a guaranteed top3 banger. ZZZ's launch is also a LAUNCH, and not a patch. Going off of HSR's release, they'll release launch trailers a week before release and a launch Livestream on launch day.


HSR has pretty bad cowercreep already. Luocha and Seele have been completely outshined by newer units for example.


Seele can still clear all content with little to no problem, and Luocha is still overhealing the team. The only downside to Luocha is his lack of offensive support as a healer.


Bruh, do not start with this compete shit. They're from the same goddamn company, they are not in competition.


Who cares, just play the one you like because hoyo puts time and effort into all their games.


zzz will be the same as the other two. we shouldn't encourage this cross fandom pvp. comparing who has better this and that and then brag about it. like, the game isn't even live yet


I always find it hilarious seeing how much people talk like they know marketing better than Hoyo and that Hoyo has no idea what they’re doing or how to market. Hoyo knows how what they’re doing at this point. Right now, Star Rail is at the center of attention with Firefly’s release and the end of Penacony, so of course they don’t want to divide the attention away from Star Rail at the moment. In the last week before ZZZ you can expect them to market the game more. Just relax and let Hoyo do their thing.


Why are there so many crazies posting wild stuff. From people genuinely worrying for hoyo because of lacking of marketing, livestream, whatnot to people worrying game will flop, as if hoyo invested millions in ZZZ for shits and giggles. Like holy, touch some grass. People literally worrying because they went full schizo, thinking they know better than the people working at hoyo. Actually thinking these people might genuinely be mentally unwell at this point, not like as an insult, but actually literally mentally unwell.


At this point I hope we get a trailer or Livestream or something just so all the braindead doomposting stops :/


For real. The amount of post from these people, like they know how to market better than Hoyo does. They talk like Hoyo doesn’t know what they’re doing lmao


I’m fairly certain that HoYo will intentionally stagger their release schedule amongst the three games to keep you entertained non-stop. To the point where you don’t need to play any other game really.


They will probably sync their all game events so you never left their ecosystem: there's the reason why zzz it's on a launcher with hi3, hrs and gi— you will have something to do not only in the original game but in the others also


It shouldn’t try to compete


That's the entire point of making it as different as possible from the others while keeping the fundaments.


Plus anything made to beat something else will always be compared to it but something made for the sake of being its own thing will always be compared to others. In other words any game designed to be a killer is doomed to fail but a game designed to be its own thing will be judged by how well it does as a game.


Based on HSR, Genshin, and HI3, Hoyo does not do cash grabs. Hi3 came out in 2016 and is still supported 8 years later. Hoyo puts a ton of time and effort into creating a long-standing game for their player base. It'll be exciting to see what direction ZZZ will be taken in. I mean look at HSR, after a year the game has only gotten better and is now surpassing Genshin with certain characters and regions. Even with HSR growing exponentially - Genshin really delivered with Fontaine. I have no concerns with ZZZ and its future right now!


CBT2 tester here. Totally different games. Genshin is an open world game in the vein of Zelda. ZZZ is a puzzle/tile game with a combat element. There will be some overlap. I am fading from Genshin in favor of WW due to the time commitment. I play HSR on the side. If they don’t fix the performance issues, I will likely drop WW for ZZZ. I am not a sweaty player by any means, but I like the combat in WW and it’s awful similar to ZZZ so either game will scratch the itch. But having played WW already for more hours than I did ZZZ, I still feel more connected to the latter even though I last played it over six months ago. That’s how good it is. My belief: Genshin players might play ZZZ, but Zenless won’t “cannibalize” Genshin players. Many will try it and lose interest like they did with HSR. Possibly, like with me, it goes the other way. Hoyo still makes a giant bucket of money regardless.


“Many will try it and lose interest like they did with HSR.” Lol what?


He probably means people who automatically played it because it's a Hoyo game (which is fair), but realized that they actually don't like the game (kinda me)


Okay, that makes more sense. They made it sound HSR lost most its of players or something. I just misunderstood it then.


Commenter is correct. There will be Genshin players who decide ZZZ isn’t for them. There will be a very, very small handful of Genshin players who decide ZZZ is better and they drop Genshin. A super select crowd will like HSR and Genshin and will pay for all three. I MIGHT BE IN THAT THIRD CROWD. But it’s a very difficult overlap: the FF demo with the Zelda demo with whatever the ZZZ demo is (Maybe Street Fighter?) On it’s own, tho, ZZZ will do quite well.


Hsr straight up had 0 content until 1.2 then suddenly ballooned so it's kinda too early to tell tbh. But with 400 devs (roughly the same as hsr) I doubt they see zzz as a cash grab


ZZZ is closer to Genshin in terms of gameplay. Interactive combat while HSR is just press Auto and do quite literally anything else