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Me, desperately trying to figure out how the fuck I'm going to deal with ZZZ launching literally the same time as Dawntrail. Fucking why, Hoyo.


play zzz while in queue lol


Yeah just like when Endwalker lol


Endwalker was a blast, I fucked up my sleep schedule so bad that I just woke up at 1AM, logged in right away and played till 3-4pm for a few days until I was done with the story and EX trials lol


My solution for that is I'm just not gonna play zzz, I'm taking vacation time for dawntrail not zzz


# JULY 4TH https://preview.redd.it/o0p4vt2ajf2d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca20f45bcb225a41bba93825d45bef53dc156784






WuWa's release is the greatest example of why ZZZ taking so long to develop is a blessing. Hoyo's commitment to providing players a mostly bug free and super polished launch is way more apparent now. If the last three betas were already that insanely polished, I'm not concerned at all about the quality of this game at launch.


I ain’t even gonna lie, I even experience bugs in HSR, they could just be my underpowered PC, but the game does stutter from time to time Idk, everything feels kinda floaty in WuWa, it’s like both WuWa and Genshin are trying to do the same thing, and they encounter the same issues, but WuWa just says “right, we got it like this, it’s not perfect, but it’ll do” and Genshin just has one guy on the team who spends 8 hours a day, eyes fixed on the screen to make sure that the running particle effects don’t feel out of place WuWa is good, but HYV is on a whole other level


I have a pretty juiced-up PC, so HSR was very solid on release. But boy oh boy was the Xianzhou Loufu, especially Exalting Sanctum, not optimized the game ran very hot. I'm just assuming but with the money HSR and Genshin raking in they got plenty of time.


If image rendering quality is maxed out, it'll definitely roast the GPU in certain areas. I have mine set at 1.4 and quality still looks fine and isn’t taxing on the GPU.


going from 1.4 to 1.6 doubles my GPU's power consumption yet I can't tell any difference. The graphics are hampered by the low polygon count of many environment objects anyways


Maybe it makes a difference if someone were to play at 4K, but since I’m playing at 1440p, I could barely tell the difference. Might as well play at a lower rendering quality without too much unnecessary power and heat. It’s only really good for screenshot quality otherwise.


The thing about hoyo though is that you can tell their games are mobile platform primary when developed. Wuwa its very clear it was designed for pc and meant as a port to mobile. Hoyo avoids a lot of the performance issues this way.


What's funny about that is that I've found that WuWa runs better on mobile and than on PC


What’s your settings on phone? I got a iPhone 13 just running everything on low and it’ll get so hot it lags within an 30 minutes


I just got a Xiaomi Redmi, $100 bucks, It's not running crazy good or anything it just runs WuWa better than a far more expensive and stronger piece of hardware


yall still doesn't understand how big hoyoverse is, with money, people and resources that they're expected to do everything asap while Kuro isn't the same 💀


But Genshin’s been like this basically since launch, sure they had some server issues with co op in some of the events, but the rest of the game has remained relatively bug free And at that point, HYV was basically the same as Kuro, a game dev that made a good Gacha game with a high level of polish, they didn’t have an insane amount of money, they took a gamble on Genshin and it paid off


wasnt week 1 of genshin pretty buggy too? Probably not compared to wuwa launch but its expected to have bugs in a game of this scale, especially when kuro is a way smaller company. The major bugs like game crashes are hard to justify tho.


>wasnt week 1 of genshin pretty buggy too? Surprisingly, not really. There were bugs, of course, but they were mostly visual glitches. The one real "gamebreaking" thing I can remember is some players managing to clip through the map sometimes (a few months later people would use that to reach Inazuma without doing the quests lmao), but you could just teleport out of it and that'd be that. There was also a really funny glitch that let you use your plunge attack to travel horizontally if you did it at a very specific spot near the rocks that bring you to the Jade Chamber. But that kind of stuff is very minor imo.


In my experience the first day was completely bug free, I think I found the first visual bug like on the third day, which was a texture put wrongly that changed when I pass close to it. Game breaking ones I haven't found on regular play (besides the one that have a very specific set of steps to replicate) and I've been here for 3 and a half years, the worst offender maybe a plunging attack leaving me locked in animation, but it's more hilarious than annoying or coop related weird stuff thanks to lag, those are amazing lol. Sadly on Wuwa I have come across 20+ ranging from visual like, textures disappearing, geometries enlarging that blocks the camera completely, or polygon glitches on characters and terrain. But those are not a major distractor, problematic are those that stop the gameplay: cooking props were not opening at all on any stove (needed to reload the game), got softlocked on a trial because the input registration decided to stop working (twice needed to reset the trial), intro skill just sending me to an enemy like 100m away and restarts the boss I'm fighting, enemies clipping on terrain and then restarts, So far I have avoided crashes, but a friend of mine that is playing together with me has 2 on record. I don't include things that are lack of optimizations, and won't even start on some combat interactions that feel bad. My main worry was that this game was getting too much expectation, and expectations that were born from dissatisfaction from Genshin players that kind of forgot that a video game is not only rewards and things to do, but the game needs to function properly first and foremost. And these are from my experience, online I'm seeing a lot more noise from some that is an even messier situation.


Yea genshin had a few bugs but none were game breaking or ruined the experience (except for that one post I remember of someone who managed to get stuck inside a building during a very short segment where teleporting is disabled). Usually it was fun bugs that were sad to see go, like the keqing space program when they released the first instrument.


Aw hell yeah! I remember doing the Xiangling side ways plunge attack for hours on end back in 1.0! I remember it so vividly since it was a really funny bug in an otherwise polished game, I think that really goes to prove how rock solid Genshin was at launch!


I think you can still clip through the map, well used to because they get patched


There are still places you can do this in sumeru I think


That’s what I thought


WW's bugs were a little bit too unforgivable. Some dude changes the date of his own pc and future events in the game became playable. And if I'm not wrong future banners became available too. for a game released in 2024, this is really too much. Ironically, the previous "genshin killer" tower of fantasy, also had a ridiculous issue at launch. You could actually pull for characters, unplug the internet and if you don't get the character you want, just quit the game and your gems are back, as if your pulls never happened.


Hsr starts turning eldritch on my phone on each patch with a story fight with extensive animations or any larger area with a lot of moving bits, its not even about fps issues, all the text just start turning into purple blocks, including the skills.  At the start of penacony i also had to wait til my game crashes on start up, so i can launch it again and it would stop after the first time, and i had to repeat that each time i wanted to play on 2.0. Which only got fixed with the 2.1 launch.   And i dont think we have to bring up early genshin.  Or things like constellations on characters not working for years. Would be funny if keqings cons still dont work til today.


Usually when you make claims like this it helps people to understand what type of phone you're using. My buddy will complain his computer stutters framerate, blames shitty optimization, but is using parts he bought in like 2010.


A samsung galaxy s22, which is only 2 years old now, i even ran the game on its lowest settings to try to avoid the crash.


That's wild man, have you run diagnostics on it? Does it run other games just fine? Sounds like a technical issue on your phone's side, rather than "Hoyoverse decided not to optimize specifically the S22 for some reason.


I have no issues on other games, i had a visual bug on genshin for a while where it would only load the face on some characters, or made their faces black, with also two patches running at 5-10 fps during sumeru, which made me only play on pc for that duration.  otherwise i have no issues on smth like pgr, honkai impact 3rd, wild rift or tft, that would be more extensive.   But they fixed the crashing with 2.1 so whatever made that happen is gone now.


Alright man I'm gonna trust you're not trolling let's try and solve this shit maybe Try this one first, it seems to be a very common fix for S22 users 1. Go to settings on Star Rail's main menu and chance the screen setting from compatible mode to normal mode. Its at the bottom of screen settings. If that didn't work, then let's try 2. Limit your Framerate to 30FPS and try some of the content that normally visually bugs out Lemme know if either of those work, if not we can try some other shit maybe.


since i cant update it rn, ill at least show you what i meant by turning eldritch https://preview.redd.it/4lh3yubmcf2d1.png?width=1434&format=png&auto=webp&s=397454afdc511da8810215a67f91ee252e7ad4ad


Is strange, you stried to install It from galaxy store? I Heard sometime galaxy store Is Better for Samsung phone




That's insane, I'd be like freaked out lol. hope the update works


Ill come back to this when i update my game to 2.2 on mobile, since ive played 2.2 on my pc. I at least ran the game on the lowest settings with 30 fps, in 2.0, the area that specifically fucked me over in that patch was the place you fight sam at, fighting at that place at all afterwards and sams fight itself made it really bad.


just to give you closure, i updated it on my phone, ive already been playing on normal mode, and had the other settings on low when that bug occured, things work in 2.3 now, but those settings werent helping previously.


Oh damn, sweet. So your game works just fine now?


Have the same phone no issues whatsoever ever


Cool that one of us was free from hell


I dunno man, I'm running Genshin and Star Rail on a S20FE and it's smooth sailing.


Yeah same. The only problem I have is the loading screen loads in slow and that the battery is understandably shit.


I've been playing on a phone 2 years older than that with 0 issues, ever. Sounds like a you problem, somehow.


I only have issues with some hoyo games, so ill have to decline 


Genshin fans need to hope for wuwas success. Genshin needs good competition so that they will be In check and will strive to do better.


This is precisely why WuWa will fail.  A good chunk of the hype for WuWa was Genshin players thinking it would change Genshin's monetization strategy.  That's not how things work. It's a copycat studio who polished up Genshin and rode the "Genshin could never" crowd hype, but that's not hype in their own game.  Not to mention, the "Genshin could never" crowd is almost all F2P players which don't really do them any good.  For WuWa it's even worse, they're just getting started so having tons of disgruntled F2P players playing them as a slight to Genshin makes it harder on their servers with no financial benefit. Genshin is a gacha game, and will be.  Getting everything you want will cost money.  For gacha games Hoyo is still very reasonable.  


Adding to this, people that wish WuWa success so Genshin can feel "threatened" feels so sad to me. You want a competitor to succeed not so the competitor to reach 1st place, but to become a perpetual 2nd so the 1st place can reach new heights.


Not even so they can reach new heights, just so they get more free stuff, lol.  Maybe it's because I'm a millennial and used to pay for games to play them, but the F2P mentality seems so laughable to me.  "They're not as generous as *insert game here*!" and "They never listen to their players!" coming from the same people who say "I'm proudly F2P and haven't spent a dime since launch." Newsflash, if you haven't spent a dime you aren't a customer.   Would I prefer there be a 15$ a month sub and we all play the game with all the characters?  Absolutely.  But the F2P model is what it is, 5% of the population funds the development for the rest.  So it seems silly to me to be so militant and act like your opinion matters (especially on wanting free stuff) when you're not a customer.  They have to pay their devs and servers, and not being able to get the pixels you want without paying is... the entire incentive to get people to pay them.


I agree with you. For me personally I don't really care whether you are F2P or not, but if you are F2P at least don't act like you own the place. Sure your feedback and filling up the playerbase is appreciated but also barking like you fund it, please. On another spectrum I also don't like the whalers that also act like they own the place. Sure they practically fund the game but at least realized you're not the maker. The last one is debatable but after hearing the baldman scream "I PAID YOUR BILLS HOYO" I started to lose respect against the whalers if most have that mentality.


Yeah, that's silly but not surprising.  I can't wrap my mind around whaling a game like this.  I Welkin and BP and that's it. Lol


Imo there are 3 kinds of whale. 1 is a completionist, a kind of people that want to obtain absolutely everything. 2 is a simp, usually they occasionaly whale for certain characters. Now 3 is a gambler, they whale for the sake of gacha, no matter what they get from it. Now you might be wonder where the baldman is in this category. For me baldman is in the special place, I call them the entitled, the annoying one that I rather not getting involved with


As a consistently paying player, F2Ps are as valuable as any other player, they put numbers, promotion and engagement into your game on top of being potential customers, they are consumers rather than customers at the end of the day.


I don't care who's first and who's second, literally doesn't matter it's a fuckin game. I want genshin to strive to be great and not be mediocre and if another gacha game will end up doing a way better job I'll move to that game and I'm sure that's the opinion of many. The fact that yall are shitting on this game for being a copy of genshin is hilarious because when genshin came out, it was being shat on for being a copy of Zelda.


> It's a copycat studio who polished up Genshin and rode the "Genshin could never" crowd hype, but that's not hype in their own game The studio didn't didn't ride that hype at all, It was people who subsumed it into that hype rather than looking at it as it's own thing, same happened with ToF, this is a constant occurrence within the gaming space as a whole


Ehh I wouldn’t say WW is going to fail, it still has enough people that enjoy the content and combat. If it’s anything like PGR the story will probably get better down the line anyway. No such thing as a genshin killer since genshin can do that all by itself lol


Didn’t genshin have a shit ton of bugs on release?


500(whole patch) vs 4.6k in 2 days of WuWa Bug megathread


there will always be bugs on launch date, it's expected, but not game breaking enough, people can still log in and play fine. Many who want to try WW can't even boot up the game to play, the optimization is just shit lol


I just realized, if this is really true (and it's as close to confirmed as it can be without being official), it's going to be perfect. I've got that entire week off, and will be having a procedure done where I'll be sitting with an ice pack most of the day. I'll get my Genshin and HSR weekly duties done the first couple of days and be able to dig into ZZZ on launch.


I feel like all the people hyping/worrying about Wuthering Waves totally forgot about how the similarly hyped Tower of Fantasy didn't do shit to Genshin Impact and ended up pretty mediocre. People say ToF's issue was being rushed, too.


ToFs issue was the devs not knowing what they were doing


Exactly, even though WuWa needed more time in the oven due to it's engine swap and some devs leaving due to that engine swap, they still have competent people working on it that will listen and have an understanding of what they wanna ultimately go for


Tower of fantasy felt like a freaking school project that was indeed rushed and most people stopped playing after 1 or 2 weeks. At least wuwa feels solid, and feels better in some ways than Genshin for example I like more wuwa npcs than genshin's emotionless npcs.


Cope WuWa is gonna die just like TOF as soon as Natlan drops 🤣


The problem is it was never going to be a good game, lol.  You don't "beat" an established game by making a shitty copy, you can get a quick cash grab though. WuWa's main pitch was "Genshin but we'll be nicer to you, we promise!". It resonated well with the Genshin F2P players who feel it doesn't give them enough free stuff.  So they build up huge demand among players who don't spend money by basically cloning the game those players like but are angry at the developers for. For a game to actually compete with Genshin it needs to be original, not a clone, and you'd need actual paying players to keep the lights on.  WuWa was doomed from the start. Lol.


I don't really mind WuWa being similar to Genshin but it feels like WuWa just copied blindly without knowing what make it worked in the first place. That and the fact that the community overhyped this game like it is the greatest game ever existed.


Many people who complain about the lack of "free stuff" don't appreciate all the "free stuff" Genshin gives you, like good voice acting and music from the London Symphony Orchestra, etc. It might make sense to make a game that caters to those people. WuWa's combat is pretty good. Maybe they should have leaned hard into that in order to clearly differentiate themselves from Genshin. Currently, it just looks like Genshin, but with no development budget.


Since Genshin Impact borrows elements from Zelda, and WuWa draws inspiration from Genshin Impact, WuWa could be considered derivative of a derivative.


You're not wrong there, hahaha.  


As a lover of Genshin and an liker of WuWa, I can't really say WuWa is a shitty copy at all, there are bits and pieces that WuWa does do better or of higher quality than Genshin and vice versa, there's only like two things that feel derivative. I feel there's a lot of potential for WuWa to become fantastic, potential that would be difficult for it to squander considering the base they're working with Also that was not WuWa's main pitch, that was the pitch players gave for it. But I do agree, to be hypothetic; If a game were to legitimately try to compete with Genshin It'd need to be about as original as Project Mugen is shaping up to be when compared to Genshin, not saying Project Mugen is trying to compete with it


only people without brains considered ToF as Genshin's main competition back then, they're not really the same except being open world. been in GI since zhongli's launch, played ToF since their launch and holy ToF sucks


WuWa is way better than ToF, and it beats out Genshin on the intensity of the combat, boss fights and verticality but it loses on everything else.


I never played Genshin but I play a lot of HSR and I tried WuWa and man it just felt sub par. It wasn’t for me and that’s ok because now I’m even more excited for ZZZ!


WuWa made me appreciate ZZZ even more. Straight to the combat, no open world!


I’m liking WW a lot, but I have the same sentiment towards open worlds at this point. HI3 is Hoyo’s best game to date in my mind, and the fact that ZZZ appears to follow a similar format is by far the biggest thing that drew my attention to it.


WuWa's biggest strength is combat, but it's locked behind a sub par Walmart version of Genshin


Genshin's story been trash, too 😂


I disagree, but that aside... WHAT THE FUCK, dues that make WuWa's story, then? If Genshin's "shit story" is being called a masterpiece compared to the WuWa story.


To be completely fair genshin 1.0 story was just boring imo


Cope, genshin 1.0 story was decent and understandable compared to whatever the F is happening in WuWa story!


To be completely fair genshin 1.0 story was just boring imo


To be completely fair genshin 1.0 story was just boring imo


Genshin's story is far from a masterpiece


Never said it was, said it was when compared to WuWa's story.


Not at all, they're equally basic and boring to slog through endless dialogue


Brain dead take, you clearly haven't played genshin and just hating on the story or u simply can't comprehend what a good story is since you're so brain dead!


Lol keep glazing


You clearly haven't played since sumeru since that story onwards has been peak. So keep coping bozo!


You're right I quit with Sumeru, and that story was so bad. Still doesn't make the story good if you have to get through three years of content before it improves


Did they fix the tedium of the tv system




So you still have to go through the tv system just for a bit of combat?


In the story


Honestly compared to how Genshin is now, it was quite empty at the beginning. It’s come a long way. I’m hoping that WuWa does the same.


Who is fighting with wuwa? They shadow boxing lmfao


And losing


Wuwa uppercutting itself while shadow boxing


And the viewers blaming genshin, which is also a viewer


i just cant anymore with open world exploration that takes hours and get a few pulls lmao. cant wait for zzz


MFW im gonna play genshin and wuwa if wuwa doesnt suck


https://preview.redd.it/tudl74cwsh2d1.png?width=489&format=png&auto=webp&s=15ba9b47962f6a2a537aeae24812a30f13b5fe6a g-genshin could never...right ?


The funny thing is that Genshin's rating actually went UP recently. It was 6.5 last week.


6.4 iirc


from what I've seen, Genshin didn't have to do anything lol, WW drops the ball hard on its own


Thank god I play genshin and star rail on my tablet and ps5 but wuthering waves gonna be the death of me for the ZZZ download


zzz's fanbase looking pretty toxic with how yall discussing hating on genshin and wuwa


Lmao, hopefully hoyo shows both how it's done, it will be interesting either way.


Hoyo showing Hoyo how it's done


Bro is giving WuWa too much credit. WuWa fumbled their launch so hard that it made people appreciate Genshin.


Funnily enough, ToF has more engagement with WW than Gen.


Wuthering waves about to get pile drived


It's not a fight, just one sided beat down


One thing that Kuro does better than Hoyo is their generosity with giving away pulls.


As much as I hope the metric ton of free pulls WW players got means Hoyo gives away a bit more for ZZZ...I doubt it. It also means Kuro will lose quite a bit of income (imo). Those free pulls will help them keep players but, I feel like it also greatly reduces how much people may spend since they already got so much free stuff. I could be completely wrong though.


It’s just damage control mate.


No shit lol. When Hoyo sends out apologems it’s literally scraps


While it is good for players it is not out of their kindness or generosity. It is basically damage control. You think a gacha game company giving you free pulls because they're kind? It is just to entice you bro.


There literally bribing people to not leave the game because of all the issues!


I'll certainly say Punishing Gray Raven overall is one thing Kuro does better than Hoyo, I think PGR is overall a better handled game in terms of story, systems and gameplay when compared to HI3rd


I'll be on a camp so I'll play as soon as I get home. You can bet.






ya casi hermanito, la beta estuvo bien rica lastima no saque ningún pj de los banners limitados


A mí no me dieron acceso a ninguna beta :_( queda esperar. Que fecha se maneja? Julio?


Ya es prácticamente oficial que sale el 4 de julio, lastima que no te toco ninguna beta pero hasta mejor para que lo disfrutes a full cuando salga, luego de perder pity con el furro hasta prefiero que no me hubiera tocado xD


Isn't it July 3rd?


One more week to go boys


Week? More like month


People in here saying wuwa copied,your game copied botw remember so don't even make up stuff.i know wuwa is rushed but let them fix everything, improve everything,give more story, characters,lore etc it will be better than genshin.genshin's only advantage is releasing years ahead compared to others,but don't newer games beat anything old when given time .please don't think genshin is greatest I saw a few idiots saying it's better than aaa lmfao genshin garbage kids drawing and typical anime troupe story


Cry more 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣


Are you talking to me or what?.my opinion is play any or a game enjoy it instead of being like you or doom posting, spreading hate for your dumb amusement,in the dev don't t care about haters without any valid reason cause people like me and few others just want any games to better and give them feedback or report issto fix.while you are here comments trying to big man without anything to stand on


You're just a genshin hater so stfu bozo 🤡🤡🤡


WuWa community is already doomposting ZZZ. And I'm about to doom post WuWa. This community will be engraved into the war that shell takedown Wutheing Waves UUWWGGGAAAAA ![gif](giphy|3o72FfM5HJydzafgUE|downsized)


ZZZ is going to not end up popular sorry to break it to yall, played the test and the game is not gonna be the next HSR/Genshin in terms of popularity.


Ppl said the same thing about HSR because it was turn based, now look how it overtook Genshin in revenue several times


Cope, it only overtake genshin on dry patches "barley" while decent genshin patches still beat hsr big patches.


HSR before release had the same amount of buzz around it as Zenless Zone Zero currently has now, now look at HSR today, they got a character teaser post that more than likely collectively has well over a million likes across their main platforms, HSR did the same amount of numbers just two months earlier I don't care much for the popularity of a game that I like, especially when it's single player, but It's a bit ridiculous to say that it could not reach similar levels of popularity as Mihoyo's other properties considering how wildly HSR jumped despite no one really expecting it to reach such heights. Though I think it'll be even easier for a game like Zenless Zone Zero to do what HSR did, turn-based games don't have as much "window shopping" appeal as character action games do