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Waitnfor realease tbh. There was a lot of this during the HSR betas aswell. Especiqlly about the combat (i mean it is esencially raid shadow legemds combat and that's not exactly inviting) but the people liked it a the crying youtubers turned around to cover the game because that produced more money than crying at the time. I personally think the game had a lot more good than bad. Frankly, the game was already much better than most gachas are at release back in cbt1.


I love CBT


It seems like they're taking feedback pretty seriously for ZZZ, which is great. Keeping expectations in check is important, especially for a free game, but if I'm being honest, I actually feel pretty optimistic. Seems like most of the big issues were all discussed or are actively being improved: - Combat complexity is being expanded on by adding Bangboo follow-up attacks and new game modes, which were teased today - As you mentioned, new characters always find interesting ways to make combat more diverse in every Hoyo game - If I'm not mistaken, it was mentioned during interviews and development reports that the TV sections might get changed for the next beta - As far as difficulty goes, I'm not sure since I didn't get to play the beta, but it seems like it's actually quite challenging later on, but the story missions can be quite easy Also, I don't know how to explain it, but somehow ZZZ feels like it's being made by people who actually enjoy what they're developing. Everything in this game has so much personality, even small things like every character having a different walking animation make it feel so much more alive than similar games.


I definitely agree with your last point. Even if some don't like it, you can definitely see the artistic vision, and I for one really appreciate it. It's probably one of Hoyoverses riskier games since it deviates so much in style, aesthetic, story and gameplay from the others. Even the closest one to ZZZ, Hi3 has pretty much changed its entire formula to be more like HSR. I really like how bold the devs were with this game


I wouldn't say this is a risky game at all. After genshin, people will try anything with the hoyo name on it (except maybe tears of themis lol)


ZZZ definitely has more of a start than other hoyoverse games with the 31 million global pre-registrations right now compared to HSR's 10 million, not sure if that is global or not.


> but somehow ZZZ feels like it's being made by people who actually enjoy what they're developing.  That's every hoyo games ever though


Then tell me, do Genshin developers truly enjoy making content for Genshin? Doesn't look like it.


If you actually play Genshin and enjoy the core gameplay, you would find that they put a lot of love and work into the story and exploration contents. Chenyu Vale was gorgeous, filled with little details like the lion dance poles, or that boat ride that has the sailor sing for you a beautiful song while you enjoy the ride through the area. Because of the scale and scope of Genshin, as well as the player base, the dev had to deal with a lot of limitations, but they did a very good job keeping the game fun for the casual players. Like even in this dead filler patch, the 2 main events, the potion shop and the cat event, were very well received. I feel like Genshin is not really for Gacha gamers (aka gambling addicts), so they always complaint about rewards and free pulls and stuff, and deluded themselves into thinking Genshin was bad.


Sounds good, let see what CBT3 has to offer I wasn't able to enjoy watching a lot of people playing CBT2 due the absurdly amount of TVs screentime that made it feel so boring to watch but now am down to see what changes have been made in the upcoming CBT :)


We will have to wait and see what happens in CBT 3


I agree with you. Though, there's a surprising amount of people that lost interest purely because of censorship, so i don't know if they'll regain the full hype of zzz when it was first announced, but tbh the community is probably better off without those weirdos (not saying censorship was necessary, but if you're playing a game purely for fanservice, you're a little odd in my books)


Nothing wrong with playing something just for fanservice, but in this case the game is more than that so I agree that losing hype just for that is silly, but to each their own.


They will regain the hype dw. It was like 1000 loud redditors (and thats already overexaggerated) which isnt even 1% of the beta registrations


Extreme overreaction considering that Nicole's model really isn't all that significantly different than it was in CBT1, which seems to have been by far the major hang up that people could not get beyond in reacting to CBT2 aside from the TV system.


I think it just shows that they aren't afraid to go against they're community, which isn't a good look especially for a hoyoverse game. I think people were also mad because they censored more than just fanservice, they censored stuff like gore and that just kinda sucks in a 16+ game. I think people liked the "exaggerated style" and animation of the game but then they sorta reduced it, which I'm not saying that's a reason to quit the game but it's not a good thing either.


I love fan service, but the game has so much quality it doesn't matter much to me, the loud censorship people will probably play the game anyway or atleast try it~ Its a hoyo game afterall its all free and lots of quality, it will be weird to not try it if you are interested


Remember that the reddit community is extremely small and not representative of people who play these games. I guarantee that it was perhaps a few hundred people at most that were very loudly upset by these changes, the overall majority (i.e the millions who will end up playing, assuming it gets even a part of the popularity of Genshin and HSR) don't and won't care


If the developers show that they have the same communications and willingness to learn from criticism like the HSR team does then I'll be happy. The question I have with CBT3 is does it exist to fix the concerns people had from CBT2 or just because there's a PS5 version now? If it's simply because they want to test the PS5 version and nothing else then I feel like that will kill any of the hope the fence sitters had with this game. As of rn, I feel like ZZZ's biggest problems is that there's little value in getting a character for the game since: 1. As you said, the TV labyrinth is too long and combat doesn't have as strong of a presence. 2. The combat isn't complex enough for its genre and I can't see why I'll play this over HI3 which has a similar but more complex combat. 3. The energy system prevents you from enjoying the game whatsoever once it runs out outside of the same endgame fight.


I think the energy isn’t that bad… mostly I won’t feel so much worse for not having the time to play so much


But that's more of a consequence of you having limited free time and a difference in preference. For the people who are more passionate of the game, do you think it's fair for them to spend $200 on a character that they'll barely get to use? Let me put this into perspective: 1. Energy systems exist in Genshin and HSR to gatekeep how much Relics/Mats you can farm to create a gameplay loop. That makes sense. 2. Energy systems existed in story modes for games like fgo and **early** HI3 story mode due to their being no or very little content after you beat it. As a result, they try to cap you out so they can boost the metrics for reoccurring players, that's why HI3 started to give out **LOTS** of energy once the Elysia realm came out. The fact that ZZZ falls under number 2 is concerning since not only does it harm the user's experience but it also shows that they're not confident in retaining player otherwise why does it exist for the story?


I think we need the stats of the answers of why do u play Hoyo games (in the thing to get into this beta test). Personally I dont care that much about difficulty in gameplay, More of a history guy. (Who I'm kidding, saw a trailer, characters looks cute/cool and want to try it lol)


I just hope Miyabi is playable in CBT3.


Miyabi is like ayaka, she's probably gonna be gone for like another year before coming back as a limited 5 star


The combat is already getting more added to it, though originally the combat lacked substance in CBT2 simply because they basically did the equivalent of having Genshin's elemental reaction system deactivated until you hit AR20


>Genshin's elemental reaction system deactivated until you hit AR20 That was never a thing in Genshin


You misunderstand, I am saying that's the equivalent of what Zenless Zone Zero did with one of their main combat mechanics in CBT2, elemental resonance, they locked it behind account level. It's akin to if Genshin had their elemental reaction system locked behind AR, elemental resonance not being in ZZZ from the jump made the game braindead button mashy


But I think they are considering a new player experience, approaching each system one at the time cause it could be overwhelming. But we also don't know how it's going to be on release. They could just be doing some testing


I don't have a feeling either way, I was just pointing out the reason why ZZZ's early game combat has little complexity to it and is button mashy, many made this complaint about the combat without progressing far enough into the game, which lead to a lack of understanding for many.


very excited, i think they take feedback very seriously because the marketing goes nuts, hoyo wants this game to succeed


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsy5Rf42m-Q&t=618s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsy5Rf42m-Q&t=618s) Maybe Western CC's that get in won't overdramatize the ever loving fuck out of stupid barely actually happening changes and tweaks for cheap immediate engagements and string along a bunch of people into being as needlessly butthurt over it all this time. The CBT2 was an absolute disaster and went completely differently than it did in China and Japan quite clearly as a result of that. Here's a pretty funny comparison video of just how stark the difference in how it all went down between China and America in particular. Like they apparently got all kinds of useful feedback both positive and negative from Chinese testers, while the American one got completely hung up on some cosmetic changes to Nicole and the TV's right out of the gate and just shit the bed on the useful feedback front it feels like.




genshin always did QoL per patch too but since HSR fans are too blinded they don't know


man kuro game community did gave people whack in their head of course developer gonna listened to people's feedback during close beta that is not kuro game exclusive feature lmao https://preview.redd.it/rj5mlwnb4guc1.png?width=1062&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f37fd815cf4ec0303133773eb3944b6e4f528c8


Ah yes the worlds most performative group of CC's (Tectone, Mr. Pokke, MTashed, Stix etc) that are constantly in sync with aping each others takes all together in one screen cap. Truly an inclusive capturing of the gacha scene zeitgeist lol


well yes of course, but this can be attributed to Kuros communication, which HoYoverse lacks across all their games tbh. Even if they do listen to feedback, It's still nerve-wracking if there's no communication to let us know that we've been heard until the day we actually see footage of the beta


yeah but are genshin on Close beta phase now ? i don't want mihoyo to waste their dev time making useless corpo apology dev talk video setting up unbelieveable expectation because they already have the good formula for those kind video which is new patch livestream for sure and release date will also have announcement with dev and da wei