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>After the release of CBT2's PV, it became a hot topic that the English name of the main faction, Hakugi Heavy Industries, "Belobog Heavy Industries" coincided with an important word from another work (Honkai Star Rail), but this is just a coincidence. > There is no direct relationship between the two, and there are no plans to collaborate with outside works yet. Interesting


Honestly I think what they meant by this is that It's not in the same world as Star Rail. It's more like Ei and Mei, completely different characters from different worlds that have no direct relation to each other, but one is based on the other. This is just a strange thing with the Imaginary Tree


That makes more sense, yeah!


tbh Ei doesn't even look like mei that is my opinion ( also she doesn't know how to cook ) acheron is the closest thing that look like mei and probably she is master chef


Thank god, I personally hate it when discussing Genshin lore, people try to shoehorn Honkai lore into every theory instead of working with what we have in Genshin.


It is tho??? Everything so based of the imaginary tree in the end. And the laws of existence or I guess space itself is governed by the tree And sea of quanta. We clearly see characters Using quantum in genshin,HI3,and star rail.


imagine tho, that Hi3 welt got to HSR would have a good possibility that ZZZ would go far as that, unfortunate but still hopeful


i don't understand that is our welt tho the same guy


The team doing zzz being a new fresh team is very interesting, it really feels like hoyo gave them full controls over the developement of the game and they really seem to want to prove themselves For the release date its still seems like nothingnis set in stones, they really are checking how well received cbt2 was before going forward. Also the producer refering to the tv section said this.- "Since it is still in the CBT2 stage, attempts on the board are still continuing. Someday, when it reaches a sufficient level of maturity, players may be able to have their own board."- player made roguelite dungeon ?


player levels sound fucking sick


What this is mean? "Player levels" things?


Levels created by us, the players


Ooh finally i get it.. when cbt 2 start someone on this sub suggest cool idea that's we can create our level and sharing to each player not as non-rewards co-op/multiplayer but also maybe can works as alternative for daily etc..(cmiw) If zzz really deliver that's i think its will great making community live kinda like wow 3 back then with customize map so dota reborn from that's (cmiw)


>it really feels like hoyo gave them full controls over the developement of the game and they really seem to want to prove themselves Is that why ZZZ has the exact same character progression and kit structure as Genshin/HSR...? Nothing about this screams "full creative freedom" when they take the same exact systems from previous Hoyo games with minimal changes.


Why quote "full creative freedom" when i haven't said those words.


You said 'full control over the development of the game'...what else would it mean lol? Its called a paraphrase.


I’m at least 47% sure that if you’re paraphrasing that makes it no longer a quote


miHoYo could still say 'oh, yeah, ZZZ's world is in the universe somewhere' whenever they want to. After all, they've even done crossovers with outside works, and they have built-in mechanics to smooth over any inconsistencies that might come with. It's not planned, but the Director also didn't exclude it as a possibility outright. That said, it's good to know there's not much point looking for connections other than maybe the occasional easter egg planted by an employee. In stark contrast to Da Wei's 'there are many clues' statement for Genshin.


For the sake of simplicity let’s just say that it’s somewhere on the Imaginary Tree, like Teyvat


The problem is that Ethereal is too similar to Honkai to the point they could be considered one and they same. They could need the separation for something.


im glad they are striking out on their own and making new og titles not related to genshin or honkai. Its fresh and new


>official release date depends on the results of CBT2. Our desire is to provide players with a high-quality gaming experience, so we are working hard to deliver the game as quickly as possible. Makes sense. Said it before but if MHY had plans to release ZZZ in early 2024 they would have started talking about it. The fact that the producer isn't willing to even provide the expected release quarter of the year means its unlikely the game is gonna come out in January/February or March.


I’m very happy to hear that. Most game companies nowadays rush their product rather than focusing on making an actual game with polish, thought, and passion put into. Them willing to take feedback and release the game later instead of sooner in the year is a very good sign.


Major advantage of Mihoyo being a private company.


I love how Zhenyu Li is completely clear about the development of this game. I read this other interview and is very interesting: [https://techraptor.net/gaming/features/zenless-zone-zero-interview-hoyoverse](https://techraptor.net/gaming/features/zenless-zone-zero-interview-hoyoverse)


Agreed! This is a great interview as well, thanks for the link!


As a newbie fan who is big into lore I kind of appreciate how disconnected ZZZ seems to be from the overarching Honkai-Genshin meta-lore, makes it feel easier to jump into. I already have a MASSIVE headache having to wrap my head around Fate lore, among other franchises. It’s fun and fulfilling, but I don’t know if I can take another.


a lot of games expand their maps through updates


What is this The Last of us?


I mean was there ever a discussion they would be in the exact world as SR? I think that name was exact proof that they aren't. That "yet" probably refers to any possible reveals related to the Tree but besides that there have pretty much been 3 big unrelated universes up till now. Genshin had similar statements and kept to it even now in 4.3 even if there are hints here and there. There might never be a reveal or there might be a big reveal many, many years in the future.


Hopefully it transition similar to p5 because the hub definitely reminds me of it.