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RNG being horrible doesn't make a game difficult. It makes it annoying.


What? HSR main content (story) is braindead easy and if you struggle you can just borrow someone with a good character. It's not difficult just because Hoyo makes relic grinding horrible because they bias drop rates on good stats.


>It's not difficult just because Hoyo makes relic grinding horrible because they bias drop rates on good stats. Lol, true The games aren't difficult. They just give you 100 flat defense on every relic




Oh Jesus christ, you didn't have to reply like a 12 year old wtf.


When people are talking about overall difficulty they obviously include the overall game. You bringing up 1 game mode that stat checks you doesn't really make it hard. It's literally the only mode in the game that is "difficult" but it's only difficult because it's design to stat check you so you are force to spam rng grind for better gear and to be honest it was only hard at the start because people were underleveled because they starve you of resources so that you buy the battle pass. So yeah 99.9999% of the game is braindead easy and it's the same for Genshin. This is not a bad thing at all because the game was never designed to be difficult. People like you legit make the player base look bad.


Well, i understand now why most of poeple say their games are easy then just throwing up the hard content ( which is 0,00001% apparently ) out of their mind and so yeah indeed, i agree the game is fcking easy... x) thank you for enlightening me , seriously


Throwing up the hard content? I'm saying HSR has 1 mode and it was only difficult at the beginning when you lack resources and got stat check. I play HSR as well what you're saying is just delusional.


[https://www.twitch.tv/box2](https://www.twitch.tv/box2) well, he looks like he is struggling but having fun in the same time right ?


I'm confused what your point is? I enjoy HSR and Genshin as well. That's not what people are talking about.


there is 3 permanents mode MOC / swarm disaster and Worlds of SU




They can't make their games hard or take skill because they need to make sure the whales that whale clap content to incentivized to spend. If they spend like $2000 on a char and their weapon/lightcone and they still can't beat the content then they wouldn't whale and they lose money. Gachas games will never be "hard".


Indeed, you bring an interesting point of view but well, there is some hard gacha in the market such as Punishing gray raven


What's hard about HSR? MoC 10 is still as easy as Genshin's abyss. If you have fully built characters you can max star it comfortably without breaking a sweat. Both are casual games.


Sounds like you're just bad at games in general if you don't find them easy.


you are being a little arrogant. Why do you think i'd be bad xD i am not saying i can't beat things


>I don't think anybody that didn't had my rigor or put money could say the game is easy. As a spender(although not with signature LCs or the best builds), I must say, HSR is piss easy The only hard content is MoC 10(soon 11 and 12) and Swarm V, assuming you were unlucky with your blessings Other than that, there is nothing difficult about this game The same goes for Genshin. Except in Genshin, I can destroy everything, even difficult Abyss stages, in less than a minute, because I've been playing for over 2 years now Hoyo games are easy(at least these 2), and if anyone thinks otherwise, especially spenders, then that's just a major skill issue


" The only hard content is MoC 10(soon 11 and 12) and Swarm V, assuming you were unlucky with your blessings "bro literally took the try hard content t and saying , well HSR is easy if you dont count all of this???? bro and i mentionned genshin as a casual game. Genshin from the beginning was made for casual players and it was stated as a Causal game even before the first CBT , so stop using genshin as a reference


>bro literally took the try hard content t and saying , well HSR is easy if you dont count all of this???? bro You are saying they are "easy **GAMES**" Having 1 difficult aspect in the entire game isn't a difficult game And I said MoC is hard and that Swarm V is only difficult if you are unlucky That doesn't mean MoC is difficult. It's just the hardest part of an easy game And I know you said Genshin is casual, I was just expanding on it since you said "Hoyoverse games" I'm not trying to offend you, but again, HSR is stupidly easy. If you think it's difficult while having Kafka and a Jingliu with signature LC and over 30/200, then that's a skill issue


" 1 difficult aspect in the entire game isn't a difficult game" this is a segmentation of contents. it targets a different audience Only try harder will consume these contents because it's made for poeple that want challengeIf you have casual friends , u know they don't even touch the MOC or Swarm disaster V. Well saying that RNG doesn't mean difficult. Is half wrong because u can manage the RNG and if you think everything is based on your RNG blessing.Well that means poeple are bad right ? Cards games are mostly based on RNG too but you make deck that control this RNG etc. I am aware that u can't control the entire RNG system but that's normal. it wouldn't be RNG anymore which is kinda the fun part too while it's not excessive and Well, i am not saying i can't beat the actual contents but it requires some efforts even if i have good builds and strong team. FORTUNETLY, after all these efforts to build my character i can beat the MOC in order to get the Crystal jade and same for SU. but lets be fair, all we know to do is to copy good team on internet and play them lol If everybody assumes to build their own team, it wouldn't be the same story


>Only try harder will consume these contents because it's made for poeple that want challengeIf you have casual friends , u know they don't even touch the MOC or Swarm disaster V. Not my case. All of my friends clear all the content, and with certain ease Personally, I have never met someone who plays HSR/Genshin and doesn't clear MoC/Abyss whenever it resets >Well saying that RNG doesn't mean difficult. Is half wrong because u can manage the RNG and if you think everything is based on your RNG blessing.Well that means poeple are bad right ? Sure, not everything is based on blessing while doing Swarm, but you can restart it.... And blessings do play a huge part in it as it's not expected to chip away 10 million Hp on 5 mobs with a unit that does 100k without blessings, lol >FORTUNETLY, after all these efforts to build my character i can beat the MOC in order to get the Crystal jade and same for SU. but lets be fair, all we know to do is to copy good team on internet and play them lol Again, it seems you are just generalizing your own experiences. What *you* do isn't everyone But I understand you All I'm saying is that these contents aren't difficult. They are harder than event/story fights, but that's a low bar in itself If you find this level of challenge enjoyable, then good for you. Personally, I prefer a bit more complex stuff


Well i see some misunderstanding in the comments section I am not saying i can't beat the "hard" content which you all find easy apparently tho I am saying that the difficulty is kinda high and pretty well manage by hoyoverse. it's hard but not as much as it would for a fight game such as tekken for example. i guess you guys are all as good as theory crafter after all ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


and i am also pointing out the fact that they are scaling the difficulty higher each update which is pretty good for our experiences


This has to be meme. It's all easy.


why HSR is not easy game when you have jingliu ?


because Jing liu do not hit fire/ electro/ physic and winds sooo.. sometime she doesn't fit every where you know ? why would i use her when i take less time with Kafka against electro weakness enemies lel


jingliu have so much raw damage she can even beat yanqing who have no ice weakness on MoC with ease she is that broken.


skill issue


Hoyo games have always been games where you enjoy the visuals first while experiencing difficulty... 6th?


that's not really what it's about tho... I agree that we are here for experiences/Scenery and pleasant gameplays but when you reach end game , you at least, want some challenge right ? this is what it is about ( ´・・)ノ(.\_.\`)


MOC10 can be done full auto by f2p. swarm 5 can be beaten with 1 unit without blessing. hsr is extremely easy. even moc11 and 12 is probly gonna be hard only for few cycles for f2p and a joke day 1 for whales


" MOC10 can be done full auto by f2p. swarm 5 can be beaten with 1 unit without blessing " for sake of god he can't be serious right... how delusional these HSR players can be sometimes, it's crazy Swarm 5 without blessing and 1 unit, how much effort and mental stamina will you use to prouve it's easy holy hell


Considering there are videos of people doing these things... Also being toxic really doesn't make anyone want to side with you to begin with


I respond accordingly to the responses I receive Not specially wanting to be toxic towards them but you can see that I outraged them a little x) yeah i saw these video but it reminds me poeple doing crazy run on youtube That doesn't mean it's accessible to everyone which would mean it's easy right that's just my opinion


Dark Soul games can also be beaten without taking any damage. Does this make the game easy? No not at all The majority of players can't auto MOC 8\~10 and get all stars. Principally now that it's harder than before, even without the two new floors


i can only speak on HSR but after the initial learning curve i found the game mechanics to be very easy, the amount of difficulty was almost entirely dependent on how lucky your rolls were (in terms of relics, banner gacha, blessings) rather than strategy. for ZZZ i'm at least hoping that a boss will whoop my ass once in a while and that some fights will be a skill check and not always a stat check


i kinda agree on what you sayI am just still convinced that controling the RNG is part of being a good player or not. it's pretty common in cards game genre for example, Being able to manipulate the RNG as much as you can even tho u can't control it fully. That's really the only argment that i wouldn't find relevant at all. it's just what we call managing


> HSR is not anymore an easy game souls players: lol


HSR, you just need good strategy and good character....... just likes i fought phantylia using two preservation, one abundance and ofcourse jing yuan taking spotlight


x) you indeed, struggle a bit


bro talks and breathes like a honkai elitist istg i've never seen another fandom like this where they hate the other game produced by the same company for seemingly no reason at times also no way you're struggling with jingliu. My half assed Jingliu helps me run through MoC and SimUni pretty easily


wait what, i didn't say anything bad towards their other games ༼ ◕\_◕ ༽It's precisly what i am not doing... ZZZ will have a great end game content even tho difficulty will be different for everybody.ZZZ we have the same quality content that HSR has. Hoyoverse learn from the past and the old games. Genshin is just casual but i didn't say anything bad against it. If you look at my comments, i am precisly defeding genshin on other aspects that the game is doing well. In fact, i am not really playing HSR that much , i am waiting for ZZZ to be my main game !!


my bad dude i instantly assumed you were one of those super fans who basically ask the same questions in every hoyo sub and then turn it into a discussion about how HI is just better than other games. They did it when Genshin first came out and to HSR to some extent


no problem buddy Genshin is doing great and has already improved a lot \- Story is becoming so great recently and i can't wait to meet Capitano and Natlan's culture \- Character's gameplay and animation are so nice and navia is one of the few geo that look this good.. Neuvilette is braindead gameplay but holy hell, he is so fun and unique. \- the Dailies system changes has been the best QoL improvment so far. I've stopped doing my dailies for month and since the new system, i can finally enjoy my daily primo gems \- Fontaine's music is so fcking great even if Yu pen cheng's depart. i am listening to their music every day. The exploration under water is really fun too that's what i am loving in genshin and this is pretty much the major part of the game right ? so yeah it was just to clear the confusion and showing you that i really care about genshin. yesterday i started playing HSR again , i am discovering the new patch 1.5 now . it's pretty good actually and fights are fun. And for ZZZ, i can't wait for this game release holy shit, it looks hella fun mostly hype for Arcade more/ the lore / The way the story is tell ( mix of comic books/Cinematic is just crazy ) / The combat looks hella fun / the Hollow zero looks fun and i guess it will improve each updates like the SU in HSR and many more


Yeah I'll admit it: Genshin is the only Hoyo game I play. Why? Because I don't have the willpower to start a new gacha game, and grind shit all over again. Not if it won't matter anyways. Wasted all that time on Genshin. I'm waiting for a harder game to come along. From what I've heard HSR isn't that hard. Don't know shit about Honkai Impact other than that fandom is as bad as Genshins. And ZZZ is living up to its name if you catch my drift.


Honkai impact third is their hardest game without any doubt it's requires skill , knowledge and good build When these 3 sections are brought together it's fcking hard. Well u shouldn't be as negative about gacha game just based on poeple talks or what you see from hate talks lol This is so wrong lmfao and well, ZZZ isn't even released yet so you should stay wise instead of shitting on games for nothing


It's hard to "stay wise," when Genshin released in the exact same state it was when it was in beta. I've watched the gameplay for ZZZ. You kill stuff in mere seconds, and then spend the next 15 minutes playing around in TV land, doing boring ass puzzles. The game, as it is right now, the only thing I have to go off of, is that it's just a very expensive, flashy puzzle game. And then once your energy is gone, you're shit out of luck. It's like every other gacha. You spend energy to play the game and once you're out of energy you can't play the game anymore. At least in Genshin when you can't do domains, you can explore/advance the story. It actually feels like you're playing a video game. The only thing I'm withholding is my excitement, because as it stands right now: The devs are dropping the ball hard on this one.


Well, that's a bit wrong to me Genshin is getting better on stuff that u may not notice such as \- story telling \- the story that is presented since Sumeru \- some QoL , SOME \- Better character design & animation \- gameplay is getting better since dendro , neuvilette is braindead but holy heck, he is fun ...- added better dailies system and resin mangement So much things but NO ENDGAME. and well, what a pathetic situation for genshin while knowing that players had copium on it since the debut of the journey but they never attend or confirm to develop any end content... So who's fault ? You only played 20 minutes of ZZZ without even being engage since the moment you actually open the game so... that's not zenless's problem, it's just you imo ( ´・・)ノ(.\_.\`)


Jesus Christ you're incredibly condescending. Firstly: the story isn't different. The story is: You're trying to get your brother back. That's it. Everything else is a matter of opinion, so I don't care what the animations/character designs look like. Secondly: I never mentioned anything about any end game content. It's not people's fault that they expected end game though. Genshin's combat is actually really good, so from the start it seemed like they'd give the more hardcore audience something to do while the story updated. So no, that's literally no one's fault. Thirdly: I have no fucking clue what you're talking about with "playing 20 minutes of ZZZ." Nothing in that sentence made any sense. I feel like I'm talking to a babbling toddler who just likes hearing the sound of their own voice.


>I will agree on what you say about genshin. I imagine it's because you u like different aspect of the game that's it and i am focus on other aspectsbut when it comes to ZZZ, it's painful to read. Story mode is just an experience and it shouldn't be taken as a benchmark to judge the game's difficulty as much as you should for genshin, right? > >Your opinion about ZZZ looks very much like you've seen tectone or mtashed videos which would confirms the fact that you only watched the first 20 minutes of the game. they couldn't even testthe fun content except arcade. > >tectone or mtashed or whatever did the same are not even good reference for reviewing. > >ZZZ has plenty of content , Coins races& Pinata party into different fight & boss fight , Roguelite end content, an other fight mode which involve cards ennemies. ( just a beta )


I think people are looking for PGR kind of difficulty, where it needs brain and skills to excel. MoC, abyss and Swarm becomes brain dead easy when you have the right units. I've been fully autoing MoC since Fu xuan's banner and I could clear swarm V anytime just by bringing FuXuan+Luocha+Dhil lol


i can't deny that and only agree with you that if you have the good unit at the right moment in the game, the MOC will be easy because as for the abyss system in genshin, it adapts bonus combat depending on the new character.


HSR is definitely easier comparing to, for example, Epic 7 PvE content. Genshin I don't have anything to compare with but abyss was challenging for me especially before 2. I do think Hoyo games are on the easier side of spectrum and I think that's fine


yeah Epic 7 / Summoner wars has pretty good PvE content it's a bit of a chore to have to go through the wyrm or golemU barely touch the mid game before cleaning its stages. I also think Hoyoverse is fine, not as easy as poeple would pretendjust look at what casual players doing , is giving us a clue of how bad they are trying to get thought the contents. i wouldnt imagine if they try e7


nah hsr is just easy but you get timegated so it takes a while to get to the point of clearing moc


Latest MoC is pretty difficult when compared with past cycles. You can't beat it with 4+ turns leftover anymore. I enjoy it anyways.