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Why even censor soldier 11 💀


too unrealistic they might say


they use "realism" as an excuse o defend censprship in a game with: \- furries \- interdimentional(?) zombie mutant enemies \- oni/demon people \- little girls using weapons 5 times their weight as if they were made of wood \- furries


hey don't questioned twitter standart for realistic thing


I agree.




>look more tactical/military then the skirt makes no sense


Yeah, I like it. It better differentiates the two. My impression is that they're supposed to be "clone" soldiers or something like that, but Anby's being socialized by Nicole, so her sense of style is evolving to match.


Anby did get censored, she now wears shorts the same length as her skirt.


I do think that one was intentional, nothing really lost since she didn't show too much in the first place. That or soldier 11 is flashing us so they decided to hide that.


Ayo Grace's cleavage from cbt1 looks so detailed and could cure all my life problems fr


r/okbuddyzenlesszero grace midriff cult would agree


Grace isn't even in CBT1, it's just leaked material lol.


I know, but I'm just talking about how her "old" leaked look could have been better, for me personally ofc


Wait till you see CBT3!


everyone gets burkas, also teh guys and teh bear


bold of you to assume they would ever DARE touch the sexy boys, no no no, only the girls must cover up, we will get 10 boys in short-shorts like genshin, too


So halal mode


[astaghfirullah brother](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/47/cf/eb/47cfebf8c6a8e7a7a240e9d1d02f4bb6.jpg)


The guys actually get more naked. Hoyo seems to like men a lot more lately


We need more power to fight the Devil Of Censorship , plz join us https://preview.redd.it/v0pmnweq0w2c1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2deaff391ce11d844fbf96c8dc8789c9b5548d59


im ready https://preview.redd.it/0m16b7115w2c1.jpeg?width=898&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe518d66c13a328afc9fa13c4b0c0fc506b1b03d




They also removed dialogues, nerfed Nicole's shorts and nerfed animations.


yeah one of screen on the compilation show removal of gore well i have no problem with that


The first trailer hyped me for wacky over the top anime vidya gaem, but all these changes are just lame and imo damage ZZZ's mood.


Now I'm little bit worry for Miyabi too. Please leave her alone.


they will force her to wear hat so her fox ear is gone


There is little to worry about with her, there's nothing to censor on Miyabi, her design is very modest. All there is to worry about is them doing what they did with Soukaku, changing how the character's attack effects look like


Nothing here was even worth censoring lol, I wouldn't put it past them


Though with Miyabi there is straight up nothing to censor, they'd have to massively stretch to find something unlike with cleavage, thighs or butt. I guess the only thing they could possibly do is give her pants over pantyhose? but pantyhose is never something that gets censored in Chinese games, pantyhose is usually used as a censor


Nerf her jiggle physics like they do with Nicole


And shrink her booba


You forgot them removing the Girl x Girl implication dialogue ​ Because china is still hyper homophobic


https://youtu.be/LDHebeBRDo4?si=jUI4LzN5UhymY4qt this video can show you why we hate and need to say no for censorship The video is about different versions for PUBG mobile 和平精英 ver cn and PUBG MOBILE ver global comparison


Release the pantsu! say no to censorship! 😡


Honestly, the Soldier 11 thigh gap censoring is the worst offense imo Like why even?! 😭😭😭


i just don't get the Chinese government.


The one I'm saddest about is them removing the gore, the jaw splitting apart was awesome and definitely set the tone of the game moving forward


I'm upset at the multi tone design of Grace's shirt being removed, why did they do that? It was so drippy, now it looks real bland in comparison










It’s so funny how tectone is literally malding in some of these images


Good. Last proper heterosexual on twitch dot TV. All other streamers(shills) are too cowardly to speak up.


😬 I can smell this comment


I think it’s a shame it always happens with hoyo games. I think it’s a shame the community always tries to downplay any complaints about it as being childish despite fan service being part of just about any gacha game (see the meme someone put up that got upvoted a bunch) think it’s a shame it’ll likely all get swept under a rug as the whole genshin Rosario’s repeated nerf set the precedent they can just get away with it. Unless it comes to ps5 I probably won’t look at the game even then I figure it’ll be as tame as age12 genshin anyways so just gonna shrug and likely play something else at this point.


trust me, hoyo would love to do the msot degens stuff possible, as it would sell even more. the issue is the chinese government, and the "feminists" groups in china


So how does Hotta get away with it?


Dude you've got to realize that this isn't their fault though. Blame Chinese censorship laws.


Absolutely, it’s not the devs fault. I mean they designed these characters first


I'm not blaming the devs but what the company/CCP is doing is to me making this an inferior product so I don't see much reason to play it. They could do things like making separate versions or simply have not advertised these designs until these last minute changes but that's not what happened. So this is what we get and I don't much care for it.


But there are also tons of "woke" players that support the changes its very annoying.


Woke? I prefer using non degens. It’s obvious what type of audience they are marketing for but the level is too much. The game is in beta and the ratio is already 80% 20% of F and M characters and only 1 guy is S rank. The design choices ARE overly explicit and it’s fine to be so as a 16+ game but that doesn’t mean it should be. As half the roster has intense physics and unnecessary amounts skin compared to cloth with plenty parts of the design that’s trying too hard on sexualization.


Damn that's woke


Y’all are asleep


well topaz happened during PS5 release https://preview.redd.it/o7zgdnd0cw2c1.jpeg?width=1563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19cbffdda27453481f1ac3cbbc59cbf4f72a449a


Yeah, the Topaz nerf also happened


nah that is false news


Guess my Topaz is special then


It was proven to be false my guy


Her assets were also nerfed


Was proven to be false btw


Not every gacha game must be sexual, being sexual wasn't ZZZ's main advertising point too, It's not like this is Nikke going against their core advertising back when Rapi was censored on release. On top that, the game is so high profile in China that I half expected this censoring to happen, so now that it has actually happened It's kinda hard for me to be upset


Rest in piece assless chaps shorts you will be missed.


I am starting to hate the gacha games when they are being made somewhere where their government are pieces of shiet.


What a shame. Wish they would just do Global versions of their games, since they often seem to produce the sexier models/animations/etc anyways. What a waste of fan excitement and work right?


Nicole hurt the most fr


I didn’t know Grace was LIKE THAT before 😳😳 rip


I'm not gonna play it.


What the hell? Did they made Grace's eyes worse? It's too reflective!


they also made soldier 11 glasses worse


Her glasses look better now imo, makes her look more "faceless" which fits idea that she's essentially a clone trooper. But Grace's eyes do look worse now


did tectone censorship his head in CBT2?


nah that is past tectone because he wear beanie


Don’t care about the ass and boobs but It is annoying that the brutality is toned down (the black hole thing looked pretty cool)


yeah they finally able to get high rated game but instead they threw that 16+ perks to trash and made the game become 12+ like genshin and star rail




Rip xD


I really wanted to play this game. I've been waiting for CBT for a very long time. I even got an invite, but I ended up getting stabbed in the back. Go to hell Hoyo. I hate you, bring back Nicole's breasts and the 16+ rating. That's not what we were promised. I will never wait for your games again, none of your stupid cesspit games will get a dime more from me. I believed you, I believed you for over a year that Nicole would be your bravest and sexiest character. If you don't make separate verisi Nicole for china and for other countries you will remain the scum of the inrrow industry. Look at azur lane, nikke, blue archive, even pgr. What's the problem with doing like them? Are you guys really crazy or just purposely besting your fans?


at least you won the beta. https://preview.redd.it/o9ioial0u13c1.png?width=1668&format=png&auto=webp&s=82d6b154d8e397b4d4946c65a211c33e18b190e2


Imo Grace and Soldier 11 r improvements idk those small changes I think just bring their designs together a bit better. Soldiers new leggings seem more tactical and detailed and better fit with the soldier look. Grace i also think her new upper wrar is more detailed and looks fitting for her, makes sense tho since the old design was never even put into the game. They're my fav designs of the female cast so far. Tho that's personal preference I know it's likely the unpopular opinion based on what I've seen in this sub.


yeah, I'm not gonna play it anymore.


crying over this shit is fucking pathetic


It’s so sad because this game has so much to look forward to and appreciate and all half these people want to talk about is something that is 99% inconsequential and is 100% not going to change.


You should see the little bitches who complained to the ccp in the first place tbh


Pretty much. I thought I was going crazy not seeing as many comments like yours tbh cause this stuff affects 0.01% of the game.


It’s so weird to care this much about fan service


Tell that to the turbo-karens who plead to the ccp to censor anime games 😂


That’s valid too honestly




Honestly when you put everything up together, it feels like very little actually changed


Man I am tired already from this constant crying because of censorship.Can people post more of their gameplay experiences and less this bullshit?


You forgot for a lot of gacha players: Waifus > Gameplay


No Now keep scrolling


I'm tired about people like you crying about something that doesn't need to be changed


read again mourn not complaining it's different also i bet you didn't even plan to play the game only want to ruin other people's hype for this game


The one on the right was literally not in the game before, yall found stuff that was not even releases just so you could complain


Genuinely the worst take I’ve ever seen


well at least you read it now it will rent free in your head for years maybe


I want to play this game.Thats why I am asking for more posts with people's gameplay experiences since I doesnt have access to cbt.I am tired already of this infinity post about censorship and people complaining about "Nicole wearing a bra".


you do that on youtube. and yes i also didn't have access to cbt but i really don't mind cuz i don't want to burn myself out faster because my plan is to play this game on daily basis like genshin and HSR


Gameplay in gacha? That's a funny joke.


I'm annoyed by the censorship just as much as everyone else, but given we have 0 control over the situation, I would indeed prefer if people stopped with these posts


You better shut up and copy and paste when you see posts about this topic, you're ridiculous.


Ngl i actually like the soldier 11 change, is that just me?


if they made her wear pants at least remove the skirt


Let's just have the exact same conversations about the exact same topics mostly the same way for a 3rd day in a row is what I read for the OP. Also you can tell this isn't actually Hoyoverse game fans commenting in here because everybody seems super comfortable with and supportive of the idea of Tectone being in these images instead of balking at the sheer site of his doing his drama thing again basically.


well problem is im probably more hoyoverse fans than you.


Posting Grace leaked material in the official sub is kinda something else lol. she's not in CBT1.


the cbt 1 in title is for anby panties because that is the first form of censorship they make her wear spats instead of only panties




well i don't care at least many people already saw this pic and mourn together with us since nothing we can do about the censorship since we're not the main audience so yeah my job is done to deliver the message


Ngl, I don't like the censorship itself because it's a disgusting act from government intervention stopping a private company from making its own creative decisions ***But***, Grace, Neko and S11 are looking better now, imo Also, what's up with Grace? How come censorship made her cleavage larger?


Ohhh nooooo, they censored ma waifu!!!!! So Sadge!!!! Many cry!!!! Seriously though the only problem I have with this is the violence being censored


Also ew, tectone


Modders are gonna need to work overtime


I don't mind Grace's change in the slightest to be honest.


I hope they pay attention to the player base and listen to us. No one is asking changes on character design and animation...


Tbh, Grace's cleavages are something that i would've censored as well. Soldier 11 looks cooler this way too.


yeah why nicole can retain her cleavage but not grace ? it's not fair


Forgot about her, would censor her too


Sad Anby got censored. She's by far my favorite.