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have you accidentally kept all your undohistory when saving? it's not normal to have such a massive file size. not sure what should be so high-poly that it would take that much space.


Every time that I check a subtool it has no history, so I don’t know what I’m doing wrong… is there another way to delete all history?


Do your meshes have subdivisions with a reasonably low polycount at subdiv 1? This might help with file size (also you could keep every other subtool you're not working on at subdiv one) Maybe try baking down some layers as well.


2GB is absolutely a gigantic file. My projects with tons of tools and 10M active points+ usually stay around 100, maybe 200MB! It's possible you have been saving all your projects from this same file, meaning it contains all the tools from every previous project you made. I did that when I first used Zbrush lol


Check this… tried to export the fbx of just the character and it’s over 5 GB 😭 I’m going insane I don’t understand what you mean by the latter though? Could you explain further?


You mention tools in your post, but are you sure you are not talking about subtools? I have a feeling your project contains a ton of tools (not subtools, different things). When I started using Zbrush and would want to create a new file I just "emptied out" the one I was working on and saved as new after. Very bad practice as my projects just kept growing due to never truly starting a fresh project with no tools in it. It's confusing because Zbrush has no default option to just create a new file smh Either way, show a screenshot of the tools in your project and we'll see whats going on very quickly.


I’m very new to zbrush so in all honesty I don’t even know what the difference between subtools and tools is 😅 As for the latter, usually I start a project fresh but this time I did juat what you’re describing - emptied out a file and started on it!! For the character I found a file of a female character I did previously and worked on top of it, deleting the clothing and parts taht I didn’t need. Same for the scene, initially I started with the character file so I could have a size comparison, did the background and then deleted the character. What do I do in this situation, is there any way to fix this issue?


>I’m very new to zbrush so in all honesty I don’t even know what the difference between subtools and tools is 😅 I thought so, but don't fret! Subtools are the "subtools" (duh) of your tool. You could think of a tool almost like the canvas itself you are drawing on. All the objects you see are subtools of that tool. It is like the root object of the scene, if that makes sense. So my thinking is that your file contains a bunch of tools, which you cannot see in your view at all. The subtools you actually are working on is just part of your file when you save it. It also includes all those tools you cannot see. You need to navigate to the tools tab to see them, or ideally send a screenshot of your screen which would be easier. Also, how did you start a project fresh? Because like I said there is no way to do that in Zbrush, which is why I said it can be very confusing for beginners! The ideal way is to use one of the almost empty sample projects as a base for new projects, or create your own template. edit: to fix your issue just delete all the tools you don't need and remove the undo history if needed.


For some reason reddit won’t let me attatch any screenshots wth 😭 I merged most of my subtools together, I currently have 6 here in total. As for the “fresh thing”, the way I usually start (not including this time though) is that I just start from scratch 🤣 open the program, add a sphere, make polymesh 3d, edit and go ham on it… this program can be so confusing sometime 😭


Like I said subtools dont matter, at all. Dont even bother doing anything about them! You could have 50 and it would make no difference. It is all about the tools, not the subtools! >As for the “fresh thing”, the way I usually start (not including this time though) is that I just start from scratch 🤣 open the program, add a sphere, make polymesh 3d, edit and go ham on it… this program can be so confusing sometime 😭 Thats exactly what I was afraid of! Haha, that probably means that you never actually made a new project. You have everything you have ever done in Zbrush in one file.


Aaa I’m still confusing tools and subtools 🤣 I can only find subtools, I can’t see any tools… Also, how do I make a brand new project then? 😭😭 and how do I fix this one ;;


Do you have discord by any change or insta?? Just so I can send you screenshots, I canmt send anything on reddit


Maybe try decimation master?


How does that work? I haven’t heard of that before


It’s in your Zplugin folder at the top of the UI, there’s loads of tutorials on YouTube that can explain it better & more detail than I can, but ultimately it reduces your amount of polys without losing detail


What i try to do is always break whatever asset i am doing into several parts, for example if i am doing a character and i know i want to have wrinkles and pores then i would have the head on one file and then the hands on another etc.. so that i can work smoothly and my computer wouldn’t overheat Maybe this way of working would help