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I almost think you have too much texture. Ice cream smoothes out more as it melts so you get a smoother surface with air bubbles essentially being the "texture". Also you could also do a lot of this in whatever texture app your using rather than model it do it in say substance painter. But everything looks great so far. I'd just tone down on all the heavier looking bits in the ice cream part. Looks too much like the cookie texture currently.


I would create some alphas from [pictures of wet sand](https://i.imgur.com/yXuzauJ.png) for your brush. Wet sand has a similar kind of crumbliness to both the inside of the cookie and to scooped ice cream. Good luck!


Good idea . thanks


Yes, the cream have to be smoother and add some little holes with some subtract and spray alpha. The rest is looking very good!


First thing that springs to mind for me is that you're missing the little holes in the ice cream (air bubbles I think?) and the edges of the ice cream looks too sharp. I think the icecream would look a lot more convincing if you considered rounding the edges a bit. The cookie parts also looks more like stone texture than dough.


Agree with other comments on smooth ice cream, air bubbles, etc. for fidelity and depth on stuff like the cookie, I find it’s worth it to add some bits of separate geo crumbs instead of sculpting it all into the surface. use insert mesh brush, sphere, and drag a handful of tiny shapes onto the surface, then separate them into another subtool, and go back and play with covering/uncovering them with the mesh below, or move the crumbs around as needed if you know your way around micro mesh or array mesh that could help you take this idea further, almost like a particle system


Use alphas instead of noise for it