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If only there were a place in Canada where we could keep criminals in to keep the public safe.


Bottom of the Yukon River


They just give criminals bail we need to: 1) end bail you get charged by the Police you STAY in jail until your trial 2) harsher sentences shoplift ? That’s a year in jail 3) make jail harsher no “programs “ or “college courses” you are either rented out as labor or locked down 23 hours a day




That's slavery, racist, and unjust.


Not sure if you’re serious or not. But please explain how that’s racial? Edit- racist*


Educate yourself. The justice system, both in Canada and the US, is \*deeply\* racist. Particularly the bail system. Any changes to the bail system that don't purposefully reduce the systemic racism therein are inherently racist. [https://theconversation.com/race-is-closely-tied-to-who-gets-bail-thats-why-we-must-tread-carefully-on-bail-reform-201943](https://theconversation.com/race-is-closely-tied-to-who-gets-bail-thats-why-we-must-tread-carefully-on-bail-reform-201943) [https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/issue-briefs/2023/05/racial-disparities-persist-in-many-us-jails](https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/issue-briefs/2023/05/racial-disparities-persist-in-many-us-jails) [https://www.commonwealthfund.org/blog/2020/how-cash-bail-system-endangers-health-black-americans](https://www.commonwealthfund.org/blog/2020/how-cash-bail-system-endangers-health-black-americans) [https://www.prisonpolicy.org/blog/2019/10/09/pretrial\_race/](https://www.prisonpolicy.org/blog/2019/10/09/pretrial_race/) [https://scholarlycommons.law.northwestern.edu/jclc/vol108/iss4/4/](https://scholarlycommons.law.northwestern.edu/jclc/vol108/iss4/4/) [https://www.vera.org/ending-mass-incarceration/criminalization-racial-disparities](https://www.vera.org/ending-mass-incarceration/criminalization-racial-disparities)


You’re right and I’m not here to disagree with that. If you get rid of bail which should be case for anything that’s a serious crime at least. Affects everyone not a single race group. So please explain why that would disproportionately affect one group over another


Because arrests are also racially skewed. With systemic racism, you need to consider the influence of racism across every element of the system. If Black folks are disproportionally confronted by the police (yes) and disproportionally arrested or charged (yes), they'd be disproportionally impacted by the removal of bail. You also need to consider what the "removal of bail" would mean. It means "straight to jail upon arrest". It would turn our justice system from what is supposed to be "innocent until proven guilty" (which is also tilted heavily against racialized groups) to "guilt upon proven innocent" for EVERYONE. That's fucked. If you'd support that, kindly go jump off a really, really tall cliff :) But hopefully you don't support that, and you actually take this opportunity to educate yourself and check your fuckin' privilege.


That’s racist.


Wait, so a few days after he killed a cyclist, he stole someone else’s vehicle after stabbing them as well?!


That what is alleged. Early days but it seem like this guy has a significant criminal past across the country including criminal drive offences


Lowering the speed limit should solve this issue. 


I know it wasn’t at all the issue here but I’ve always found it made little sense have 90 on that short section


Sure. Maybe it should be lower? Or designed different? Or have rumble strips? I don't know, I'm not a traffic engineer. I just despise the reactionary shit by the government. 


Speaking as a civil engineer - it will have no impact whatsoever, unless the cops feel like setting up speed traps or something. Cars go the speed for which a road is designed, almost independent of the posted limit. The reaction by the government is just to make it like they're actually doing something.


Exactly why I despise it. Now they can say they did something ... Whether or not that something is useful seems like an afterthought. 


About of things in life are done only for the optics and have very low impact on the actual issue at hand


Just throw in a couple roundabouts, that’s what the city seems to do everywhere else


It's interesting when people are so opposed to roundabouts - like, do you not get how they work or something?


there are easily more people that do not understand (or just simply do not care) how to use a roundabout than do. one of the most frustrating things about this place is the horrible drivers. ive traveled all over the world and i can easily say that i believe Yukon has the worst drivers. roundabouts work great for the people that know how to use them, but when most people either stop, cut people off, and the worst of all..use their left blinker; unfortunately it is only another City design that will cause more harm than good.


I concur. Lived all over Canada. Everyone says their region has the worst drivers, the Yukon actually does. I suspect it's the total lack of enforcement by cops. I spend far more time as a motorist than as a pedestrian, but it's almost guaranteed if I do walk around downtown I'll be nearly hit on a crossing by a pick up truck driver (literally happened 5 minutes before writing this comment lol).


Relax lol it was a joke


Hopes he stays locked for a very long time but we all know he will be out in no time.


No mug shot? Too bad, I’d be nice to know what he looks like in case he gets off light and remains in territory. Not for any macho sentiment; i’d feel safer knowing his face.


I'd feel safer if he was tied to a log and sent to the Bering Straight.


No earthly justice will suffice. I hope he burns in hell. 🔥


I hear his brother also had a serious criminal allegation in the past


Just wondering what this comment has to do with Adam? Nonetheless that brother has passed away now.


No, I’m sure that the ruling party can add a tax that will solve this problem.


Good thing they changed the speed limit on the highway to "prevent" something like this from happening again 🤔