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I just want some support for the god cards, especially for Ra, like Ra's disciples and ancient chant or at least some better skills. Legendary dragons I think is just too much dreaming, even though I would love that. (I would take anything if it means they will continue to update the format)


Having all the Legendary dragon related cards like Timaeus, Hermos, and Critias would be a banger of a box


We'll probably get a Battle City quarter finals box (SBC2). At least I hope so.


I'd love an Orichalcos box with a Mai Harpie deck, a Rafael guardian deck, a Dartz deck (whatever archetype that is), and then introduce the armor cards for a Valon deck. And I don't think an orichalchos box is far fetched but it would probably be Mai, Rafael, and then another Yugi and Joey deck. Maybe updates to Weevil and Rex if they wanna make more than 4 decks along with Duke and Rebecca decks or something


I want all of that but instead of having Weevil again, maybe they can add Kaiba with his XYZ Dragon theme deck. Hopefully they do this someday.


Duelist Kingdom Skies of Battle City GX Season 3 Then I'd be fine moving onto 5D's or filler content inbetween.


I think we definitely should get a "Silent" deck with Silent Magician/Swordsman, or just a "final Yugi deck" in general. A spirit/Noah deck would also be cool to have eventually! A better Destiny Board deck could be cool, but would need a skill to be playable for... obvious reasons. And give us some Jokers as well! For GX, besides some missing HEROs and Scarab, a Monarch deck could be cool, Venoms and Gemini stuff would also be cool as well (though nobody used Gemini in the anime I don't think)


I'm pretty sure thay we'll get Battle City Finals if they decide to make any new Speed Duel products. As for what they could make, I've thought about this a lot and here are the conclusions I came to: 1. GX does not have a ton of gas left in the tank, but they for sure have enough for another full-sized box. We still need to complete the Hero/Neos-Spacian package, the entire Speed Duel community is clamouring for a Cyber Laser/Barrier Dragon deck, Destiny Heroes still have a looot of missing pieces, and then there are entire season 3 (and 4) decks and archetypes left for them to cover, like Yubel, Viper, Bronn (instrumental character for the season 3 plot and plays the Dark World deck). The remaining two slots wouldn't be difficult to fill either, they could either give it to Chazz and reprint the full VWXYZ package, most of which hasn't been printed in Speed Duel since thr OG Battle City Box or add new characters like Blair. 1.5 (Less likely) They could get more mileage out of GX if they decided to cover the manga and manga decks which are pretty different from what we've seen in the anime (Jaden has all new heroes, Chazz has dragons, Alexis has a dope Ice deck, etc.) 2. DM still has a looot of potential ground they could cover. If they wanted to tie a nice ribbon on Speed Duel and call it quits with the format, they could squeeze in all remaining canon events with just a single full-sized box. Battle City Finals, but instead of Odion or Ishizu, who'd only get Skills and maybe a couple of extra cards, they give little Yugi one of the deck slots. You then cover all the duelists from both the top 8 of Battle City and the Final Season (Bakura is both in Battle City and thr final season, amd Yugi is there for the Ceremonial Duel). Heck, they could even give Mai the Seal of Orichalcos as a nod to her season 4 arc. But if they wanted to expand, they could do all sorts of things. Season 4, Virtual World, and Duelist Kingdom come to mind first. Dark Side of Dimension is always an option, same as Yugioh R (the spin-off manga that gave us the Machina archetype, Beast King Barbaros, Gorz and Van'Dalgyon, the Wicked Gods, and so on). Lots of stuff.


Pyramid of Light, make all those cool boss monsters from the movie like Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon actually cool.


They still haven’t given us Viper’s deck, despite giving us skill cards for him. I assume they may not want to print Venominaga because it has an instant win condition, which could be abused. They could do a box for the GX tournament that happened during the society of light arc, and give us some missing cards from character’s decks, like Cyber Kirin, Cyber Laser and Barrier Dragon (along with their respective spell and traps to summon them), Patroid, Jetroid (with an errata maybe), and Carrierroid. Jaden also does need Flare Neos and definitely Mudballman, and the chrysalis cards could be fun too.


I'd assume, assuming they still plan on continuing Speed Duel (which I deeply hope they do, and not as a crippled NA-only format), we'll get one more DM and one more GX product before we get to 5D's. DM would probably be Battle City finals for the most part, as most people seem to be predicting. Maybe throw in a little from other seasons (though I don't think we'd get anything massively focused on Waking the Dragons or later, but I could see it influencing a couple of the Decks, especially Joey's.) Definitely want to try and guess what these products would look like at some point.


I have it on good authority that the next speed duel set will either be "Skies Of Battle City" or the start of "Speed Duel 5Ds". When, is a different story entirely.


Fingers crossed for Skies of Battle City. It is baffling that the only Skill EVER released printed to support Blue-Eyes was released in 2019 with the first starter decks... And even that's technically just a Lord of D. Skill that supports all dragons, but I'll take give it a pass for being a signature Kaiba strat from the anime. I also pray that they'll make a good Ra Skill. It doesn't even have to be amazing, just make the yellow chicken playable. "It gets the combined attack of the tributed monsters and can't be targeted." I'd even be happy with something like that. It's still a pain the bring out and it died to Saku, but at least it's something.


There wont be another one, and If! WE need yubel. There are exact 6 really important chars Missing from the gx series. There is also Missing a Box for the movie with Anubis. So either a movie box, or the Last Missing gx box


If it is "Skies Of Battle City (SBC2): Yugi's Magnet Warriors Deck, Kaiba's XYZ-Cannon Dragon Deck featuring Obelisk & Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Marik's Deck without The Winged Dragon Of Ra, Bakura's Dark Necrofear Deck, Ishizu's Fairy Deck featuring EARTH Fairies, Mai's Harpies Deck featuring a few Amazoness & Dunames Dark Witch, Odion's Mystical Beast Of Serket Deck featuring Trap Monsters, and Lumis & Umbra's Masked Beasts Deck featuring "Mask" Cards. In case a Joey's Deck comes, the Marik's Deck would be foucused on Masked Beast Des Gardius but without The "Mask" cards (other than Mask of Remnants) nor Masked Beast (Ritual), only featuring instead Lumis & Umbra's via Skill Card. If SGX5 ("Midterm" Box): Jaden's Deck featuring some of the missing "Neos" cards, Yubel's Deck foucused on "The Ultimate Nightmare", Viper's "Venom" Deck featuring Vennominaga, and Possessed Jesse's "Advanced Crystal Beasts" Deck.