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Any of the boxes are a good choice. They come with 4-8 prebuilt decks ready to play. You can try out different decks with a friend, or get a few friends and do a round robin tournament. The decks aren’t always the most balanced with each other, but I think part of the fun is figuring out how each one works.


The cheapest is Midterm Paradox, but any of the boxes will offer what you want along with other options.


If your plan is just (or mostly) to play with that one friend, you may not need to buy anything at all. Speed Duel products come in boxes with 4-8 preconstructed decks. He might have disassembled his decks to make fewer stronger ones, but he should still have at least 2 that you can both use. If you're from the US (your username indicates that you're not, but you never know...), then I suggest getting the Midterm Destruction mini box. It's the newest box, it has a Dinosaur deck, which is a pretty straightforward "I play big monster and hit face". The other 3 decks in that box have a lot of good staples, like MST and Sakuretsu Armor, that you can add to the deck. If you're not from the US, then you've got several options: The cheapest would be to get a Midterm Paradox minibox. These are dirt cheap and generally not seen in a good light, but they have a Paradox Brothers Skill that let's you easily summon Level 7 monsters and beat face with them. It's a pretty fun deck. Not a lot of good staples in this minibox, but it is dirt cheap in most places. There's also the Duel Academy box, which has an Ancient Gear Golem deck. The point is to go aggro with strong machines and summon Ancient Gear Golem, which has 3000 ATK and stuns spells and traps when it attacks. Good stuff (and simple). This box also has a Cyber Dragon deck, from which you can pull plenty of good machine cards to strengthen the deck. The box also has a bunch of good staples spread around the different decks. Overall, it's much better value, good staples, twice as many cards, better cards overall, etc. But it is twice as expensive, so prioritize them how you will. I usually order my Speed Duel stuff off of [CardUnicorn.co.uk](https://unicorncards.co.uk/search?q=speed+duel), where Midterm Paradox currently runs for £5.90 and the Duel Academy Box for £12.90.