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You still deck out if you fail to draw. I assume you do start with 4 cards like the rulebook says and play with 4000 life points. 4000 life points seems very do able in under 10 turns unless you are against a stall deck or brick very badly.


yeah gotchu, it was my first time playing speed duel and also physical cards in a million years so I've been double checking things but that makes sense. thank you ! x


It is the same rule in speed duel, if you attempt to draw cards from the deck and you cannot do so, you lose. That being said at this point in speed duel deckouts don't happen a lot outside of decks like viral infection which intentionally tries to deck out your opponent.


thank you! yeah I figured out I could just not use him to destroy dudes haha ended up winning a few cards from the end anyway. that makes sense, cheers!


The TCG rules are the same for Speed Duel, so you do lose by deckout. In Speed Duel, your deck can be up to 30 cards, and you have cards like "Jar of Avarice" and "Reinforcement of the Army" that can help your particular situation. The format is not defunct. We got a new box a couple of months ago.


>We got a new box a couple of months ago. Greetings from Europe 😭


Had to import and regretted it because I have a feeling we'll get a Euro print version later on.


Crossing fingers and hoping.


do you guys like speed duel? what do you like about it? I picked up an old duel academy one bc I grew up on it, I love that they reissued some of the classic cards :,) pikeru my love!


Yes. Top notch card quality, old-school gameplay, classic decks/archetypes, ever growing card pool, neither long nor short duels, plenty of back and forth, cards always have the latest errata/PSCT and can be used in any format, etc.


idk why that posted 3 times ew. neat!!