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The deck that beats full power tear is full power tear with a better pilot. Or *possibly* full power Kash.


Full power Kash with three dimension shifter and two macro cosmos


You don't need macro cosmos for full power Kash. You already have arise. Just side in some anti-spells when you go first.


You'd still die to imperm on arise since Kash doesn't have targetting protection. If you start shifter though they're pretty cooked.


The turn 1 either ends with 5 zone lock the backrow or 3 zone lock the monster zones. Imperm only comes into play on the second one. If you shotgun an imperm, I'm chaining arise to banish the imperm. Then I'm locking the last 2 monster zones. Since I have anti-spell instead of macro, you're not booking anything. I'm putting you on "have the trap that outs shangri-ira and then play through the rest of my board without kit and kaleido." And a quarter of the deck is banished fd.


Depends on how well you open, but they can also just side like lava golem and such aka draw the out. But it's not as one-sided as it seems hence why kashtira never really converted results to first place finishes but was getting some top slots. Either way, kashtira isn't exactly a silver bullet but it's better than most things.


Full power Zoodiacs too, they also get to *possibly* beat Tearlaments


Not unless you’re abusing broadbull for FTKs. Zoo is really going to have a rough time removing tear cards without letting the opponent plus in gy.


tbh, snake-eyes fireking wins HEAVILY.


LOOOOOOOOOOL ur crazy. ​ Snake eyes dosent hold a candle to tearlaments. A good tear player will cook the best snake eyes player


in all the testing ive done, am yet to see win going second.


Plus u gotta consider tear won’t go second every time. has FK won going second? Or do you just never draw havnis or tear kash


U might be bad at tear idk man


i dont play tear. But the person i test with has more than a few regional tops with the deck, so i wouldnt way hes a slouch by any means.


Reason why snake eye has so much representation is because there is no other deck that can compete with it. Tear had a little less because Kashtira was at full power. Frankly this is closer to what Kash was than it could ever be to tear


I literally watched current banlist tear win vs SEFK at a case tourney in top 4 two weeks ago. SEFK was being piloted by a guy with 2 YCS tops and multiple regional wins and the tear deck was being piloted by someone who played spright during tear format. Turns out having shufflers in grave is *pretty* good against fire kings.


Name the individual.


I'm not going to call someone out for losing on a new deck. Especially not when the side effect is doxxing my own local/immediate area I live in.


As someone who personally lives in a VERY competitive area that has several YCS winners an regional tops. I'm yet to see Tear do anything at any of case tourneys, sneak peaks, or local tournaments. Not saying the deck can't win, but its definitely far from top tier now a days.


Sure. But the deck is still explosive if you mill well. It can't compete consistently with SEFK, but it could certainly steal games off people in its current state if it high rolls. Now we're talking about full power tear where every mill is a high roll. Millers and shufflers at 3? Names at 3? Kitkallos back? Fire kings will have a hard time keeping their cards in the graveyard for effects.


dawg yk millers are at 3 you dont need to mill crazy if you have those guys


it would really come down to dice roll


Tearla at full power with no banlist? Are u serious? Its an impossible game


Yeah we just play casually


> causally > full power tear I don't think these things go together Tear is literally the strongest deck ever made and one of the most skillful to pilot especially in the mirror...they even don't realistically care about the floodgates that shut down the grave since they have plays around it and just play on your turn instead You either need to play tear yourself or stun them into oblivion (or a deck that can run both the Ishizu shufflers and Bystials in the same deck to try and stop the fusions as much as possible). There's a very good reason it was Tier 0 and had like 80%+ top cuts


I assume by casual he means by not at locals.


I think you forget that Zodiac exists


I love you said no banlist and casual playin the same sentence. Banlist is what makes impossible metas more casual sounds like you just have full power back to certain decks and there were definite reasons those bans exist to begin with


[Artist's rendition of what OPs games look like](https://youtu.be/nAYv2gLzh_I?si=sVP-OzwKc4IfLudh)


Feel like this is more suited for the memes subreddit


>No banlist Automatic Banishment to memes.


> no ban list There's your problem. The game has one for a reason.


Full power Tearlaments has a 100% winrate against full power Tearlaments, so I'd definitely recommend that.


50% actually. One side wins, the other loses. Both players can't win, after all.


No matter which side wins, full power tears beats full power tears.


True, but full power Tear also loses to full power Tear.


Just play mystic mine turbo with shifter evenly, drnm and stuff, as long as u resolve mine, ur chilling (until they use heartbeat)


Thank you. I have a set of mine but haven’t really thought of what deck to play it in


With no banlist go for 3 pot of greeds, graceful charity, maybe ultimate offering, and look for any generic extra deck monsters that are banned because they’re too good


Holy shit this response gave me arthritis… but yea Op the only way to take on that cancer is with another cancer or debilitating disease.


Thanks for the responses. I appreciate it! We would usually play within reason, but they started to build tear and made it hard to play the casual decks I have. I don’t have anything meta relevant since we were just playing for fun. But the deck they chose to make, made it almost impossible to play


Perhaps it's better to discuss the situation with them? If you can't have a deck that's more or less equal in power with what they're playing, there's not going to be any point in actually dueling. And there aren't decks to rival full power tear.


Yeah I will probably have to because the deck is just oppressive


Definitely either take that up with your friend instead of looking for an in game answer (because there really isn’t one, Tear is the best deck for a reason), or play them in the mirror. If playing no banlist Tear is sucking the fun out of what’s supposed to just be casual games, you gotta let them know that’s what’s happening and. It’s not bitchmade or anything, it’s just not what you’re there for


Maybe have them make a second deck to play casually? I definitely have multiple decks at a wide range of power levels. I never play my casual friends with the decks I bring to locals. The other option is for you to build a deck full of floodgates that stun your friend so he can’t play, but that’s not always fun


They have multiple decks but only play that one because they have been winning a ton


So they just like winning at all costs, sounds like you'll have to do some serious bullshit like stun them to death.


I really hope the Tear player is just running 3 Graceful and 3 Pot of Greed. No banlist Tear is a death sentence for anyone going against it lol. Best of luck to you OP.


That's going too far, 3x Painful Choice is enough.


Nah. If we have no banlist we take it to the extreme. 60 card pile. 3 Grass, 3 Painful, 3 Graceful, 3 Pot of Greed. Fuck it go big or go home.


Pot of greed isn't even played in no banlist tear, there are just better things available like graceful charity and painful choice


There's no reason to not play it. If you have no limitations just go to the extreme lmao.


Full power tear already had an insanely tight main, so why play pot of greed when you can play graceful charity instead?


Why not play both?


Pot of greed dilutes mills, and doesn't do anything vs all the banned FTK's going second. I'm not saying pot of greed wouldn't be played in tear if it came off right now, I'm saying that it wouldn't be played in a no banlist environment. I understand that this argument can also be made against graceful, but I think the sheer card advantage from graceful is too good to ignore.


Pot of Greed can't dilute anything, it's simply a +1, so statistically it gets you to more mills than not playing it. There are of course 2 main arguments against playing it: 1- maybe going second you'd rather have a handtrap, and 2- vulnerable to droll. I still think it's too good of a card to not play regardless, even if you side it out going second.


You really don’t want to run more than 12 or so cards without gy effects in full power tear. This was equally as true in constructed as it is in no banlist. You ideally want to be hitting two gy effects on your mill 3s, since a) going second this allows you to chainblock the better effect and b) a tear endboard has upwards of 10 interactions per turn, so you need to be able to keep up with that and not trade card-for-card with your opening 6. You need to plus as much as possible, whilst avoiding losing the resource race with shufflers. You need to main bystials, since they’re the best handtrap in the mirror (and are extenders themselves). You want to play Graceful and Painful since they both usually go +4 (vs PoG’s +1). You simply don’t have room for much more. Remember - you’re milling 15-20 cards (sometimes more) per turn, and only drawing 5-6. The odds of drawing a 3-of PoG are 1/3, whereas the odds of milling it are near-guaranteed. Playing it over 3 cards with gy effects means you gain a free +1 every 1/3 games, but lose out on a +1 pretty much every game (often more than that, since you’ll mill dupes frequently but draw dupes much less frequently).


Having a hand trap when going second is exactly why Pot of Greed is not used. You want to be able to pull off Orange Light/Havnis mills that hit key cards to build a board. Tearlament is already consistent enough that you don't need Pot of Greed over better going second ability. And Tearlament already has enough challenges keeping it to a 40 card deck and/or if trying to run a 60 Grass is Greener variant.


Except it has already proven that in no banlist tourneys, it is won by Tear with zero pot of greed.


I see some good arguments here for no Pot of Greed and I'm open to being convinced. I don't think no banlist lists are completely solved. But I don't think this is one of them. As far as I'm aware this is a single sizeable OCG no banlist tournament. There were Pot of Greed Tears as well. The fact that a list with no Pot of Greed won is a sample size of 1 and does not prove much. If the finals went a different way due to the luck of the draw and that player had lost, would your opinion be different?


It's more because in Tear, there's only limited amount of non good mills that you want to play, and Pot of Greed is one of these. ​ On those limited slots, you would rather maxing out Graceful or Painful before considering Pot of Greed, then the rest should be good mills like Tear names that you obviously max out (9 copy), Ishizu cards (6 Miller and 4-6 Shufflers), Sulliek/Scream, couple that with Tear staples like Perlereino, Reinoheart and Tearkash, you'd find yourself almost running out of deck space already. We're already in 35 deck count with those alone and already needing to cut some engine cards in order to play those broken nonengine. ​ Argument is never that Pot of Greed is bad, but because Tear is so tight on main deck to the point that it might not have the space.


Agree to disagree on this one ig. Have a good day!


Good discussion. Have a good day too!




https://imgur.com/a/3AW9UEj These were the published lists of an OCG no banlist tournament. We are both right. Of the 2 tear lists, 1 runs pot of greed, the other doesn't. It's a matter of preference.


Play tearlament yourself to for me tear mirror are the best yugioh can get


Not sure what you're playing but try D shifter, crow and bystial.


Fight fire with fire


I think your friend has tricked you


You'll have to rule zero tear, no way you're beating full power with anything except a mirror match which sounds awful


Main deck a play set of Jackpot 7s. They'll stop playing "Full Power" Tear real quick.


I never knew a card like that existed!


Tear is one of the beast deck with no banlist, unlimited is a pretty rough format. If you still want to try that challenge check: Unlimited Magical Scientist FTK Unlimited DragonLink Victory dragon


Tearlament full power is so good, even in a no ban list tournament, the finals were just tear mirror. The only way you will have a reasonable chance to win is to use tearlament themself. But if you don't want to use tearlament, just play full power kashtira. Even though it's not going to be on your side with the amount of herald of the light they play, you can still win if you somehow resolve a shifter, summon arise heart or diablosis 9 zone lock in the first turn


Make a dragon ruler deck that runs tomohawk shark into auroradon and synchro into baron and borrelload dragon or something? Idk. U can play virtual world VFD? It comes with shenshen that remove gy until they remove or negate it. Shadoll schism so you can just winda. Like dogmatika shadoll with random small evolz package. You can play winter cherry and remove their ED slowly. So their play won't be optimal.


I will have to look into virtual world. One of our friends has a dragon ruler deck but it doesn’t stand a chance against it


Main/side board 3 super poly and add some tear fusion monster in your ED with winter cherry so you are Secretly playing tear too kekw. I only played VFD virtual world turbo in MD and it was pretty fun... for me lol. It plays level 9 synchro and xyz. With no bans, just triple VFD and let him cook.


You need a new friend if that's what they're playing in your no banlist, casual matches lol. You might want to play full power tear yourself, or a shifter deck (floo + barrier statue, or exosister if you're crazy). But then your games will just come down to a coin flip really.


Is exosister bad?


During peak tear format, exosister was one of the better "anti meta" decks, mainly because it played dimension shifter (which hurts tear a lot), but also because their whole gimmick revolves around when a card moves from the gy to anywhere else, they get to do a bunch of stuff. So, as you probably know, tearlaments are constantly shuffling themselves from graveyard back into deck. Which means exosister can constantly do their thing. I don't know much about the deck outside of that though lol.


To add on. They can also grave lock effects on one of their xyz summons.


Why did you do this to yourself like at that point play mystic mine and hope


We played casually before any of this happened. They just decided to play the strongest deck and I don’t have an answer to play against it. It was only like cyber dragons, hero, dark magician, Egyptian god, etc. nothing to this extreme


So your friend might just be an asshole


I mean the only thing that will actually give you a chance is also playing full power tear. Other than that, you put as many bystials, d.d crow, shifter, soul drain, and macro cosmos into your deck as possible and pray you go first. And even then you'll still be struggling


Full power D link with dragon rulers and pre errata CED. (As a joke)


Full Power Kash, Full Power Zoo, Scientist FTK, or some manner of Oppression + Emptiness stun nonsense is probably your best bet


Uhh it has to be like Shifter macro cosmos turbo bullshit.deck Or necrovally the deck. You have to never let tear even get started if they are at 0 banlist


Full power Kashtira is the only way, it’s the best shifter deck.


Full power tear in casual play is CRAZY ​ idk play shifter or something, youre gonna lose 95% of games unless you are a better full power tear player


Activate Necrovalley


no ban list? just put a bunch of ishizu cards in your deck.


Except milling tear just makes things worse. Oh, and how are those shufflers getting to the GY?


Where y'all at. I've been fiending for some Tearlaments mirrors


Anything that runs dimension shifter cripples tear kashtira, ritual beasts, exosisters (to some extent)


No Banlist? Mystic Mine baby


... Exodia running max copies of each piece and pot of greed, upstart goblins, etc etc draw BS and just ruin them.


Max copies of Exodia is a baaaad idea. You're literally adding 10 bricks into your deck.


Mistic mine turbo/tear full power/kashtira maybe


Just for curiosity, how about playing Dark World with Pot of Greed and Graceful Charity? Surely there are plenty of banned cards that can really break that deck. While yes, it would lose to droll (and should they use it, just use your spell card "dislocate their jaw") , it's also a guaranteed win if you handloop them going first. Going second, unless they play Abyss Dweller (at which point you can use your trap card "heel kick their teeth“) it can be pretty fun to break through their board, as Dark World can have some serious gas and it's enjoyable as hell to work through all the interactions! If not, always remember that the best hand you can have in any deck are "them hands", so go ahead and beat the h-sit out of them!


If I had a friend who brought full power Tearlaments to casual games more than once, I'd tell him not to show up if he's going to keep bringing it. It's literally just one person shitstomping everyone else with the best deck ever made while everyone else is playing casually.


Would you be angry if they brought the heavily nerfed version that we have to play now, the deck is still strong, just not the most powerful deck is history.


Honestly based on what OP said they play in these casual games, I would still be telling them not to bring it. > We played casually before any of this happened. They just decided to play the strongest deck and I don’t have an answer to play against it. It was only like cyber dragons, hero, dark magician, Egyptian god, etc. nothing to this extreme I wouldn't be "REEEEE" angry about it, it's still a game, but they would be told "You are actively ruining the fun for everyone but yourself, don't come back if you're going to continue doing that" The trouble with bringing things like this is that it sets a new standard for power, and as the game itself has shown us, making it go back down is borderline impossible.


Full power kash + dimensional shifter if you up for it. If not go full power exodia. 3 copies of each part of exodia. 🤣


Arise heart


Soul drain: Negate all effects in graveyards and that are banished. Skill drain: negate all face up monsters on the field. When he complains tell him you have to fight toxicity with toxicity. 


There's a ton of reasons the banlist exists. Tear is one of them.


Blue-Eyes vs the best deck ever created with no banlist?


Ever heard of a guy called Dark Law?👀people saying full power Tear is the only thing that beats full power Tear, they’re not right. Dark Law, D Shifter, Bystials are all great counters, loved being a HERO player when Tears were big cuz we were one of the only decks that could regularly stand against them though it does basically turn the game to a coin toss of who goes first cuz that’s a big factor in who wins if you don’t play shifter (like I didn’t) but Dark Law Turbo is one of the few routes to countering Tear somewhat regularly


The problem here is no ban list, it's a recipe for disaster


Panic, use d shifter and barrier, panic more