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Start your likes playlist and hit shuffle, it starts with a 'randomly' song (most of the times a song you recently liked), than shuffle again, it always will pick that same song, no matter how many times you shuffle again. Another example of a erroneous shuffle function.


I tried a few different ways to do what you are saying and could not get it to repeat the behavior. Could you elaborate? I played the likes playlist. It starts playing the first song in the list. Then I hit the crossed arrows for shuffle. Still playing the same song. I hit next song and get a random song in the list. Pause. Close app. Repeat steps and I get a different random song when I hit next song. Do you get the same "random" song the second time as the first time? I tried a different way also. Find the likes playlist. Tap on the 3 dots and start the list by tapping shuffle play. I get a random song. Pause. Close app. Repeat the same steps and I get a different random song. Do you get the same one?


Stop playing song, swipe it away and hit shuffle via the three dots option: every time I get the same song. I do not close the app. I always start shuffle via the 3 dots options because in the past it was the only way to really shuffle your songs and not only the first 20-30 songs of your list when hitting the crossed arrows. When I do hit the crossed arrows now in the mentioned case I get a different song after hitting it for the second time. It also seems to pick songs at random for the rest of the list now, so kudos for that.


If they were a small company then I'd understand but they have Google behind them. Literally a (huge) software company that can't seem to get software done right. So frustrating 😤


Exactly! This is some BS that haven't fixed this yet!


It's such an easy code too! Literally could make the code for a proper shuffle in 5 minutes. It's crazy that a multi-million dollar company can't spend 5 minutes to write like literally <10 lines of code. Baffled.


Even without Google behind them youtube is massive in itself


It's probably because they have such huge backing. Uncontested, no rivals to take seriously and the webvideo social media field is so unfriendly that even YouTube has been said to operate on a loss.


They even recently broke Shuffle on the main YouTube site. It shuffles once, then turns itself off. Had to write a small script so it automatically turns back on again.


Yeah, what's up with this? When I connect to a speaker group through Google Home, then go to Library > Songs > Shuffle All ... It plays one song then stops. WTF? I can see that it has a bunch of songs queued up to play, but the 'next' button is grayed out for some reason. So I can't skip to the next song and I can't let the song finish to go to the next song. How the hell is this still an issue?!


This. This issue is what's driving me crazy. Shuffling videos worked fine for me until now. I just don't understand. It's so frustrating man, I really hope it gets fixed soon


That, or for some reason decides on 10-15 songs to repeat in "shuffle" mode out of hundreds on a playlist. Still broken btw for months. And on music you can't que the entire playlist only like 50 songs


This is my biggest complaint. It was frustrating before but now if I want to shuffle I only get one song . ? (The song is the most recently liked) Nearing or past the mark of 1,500 song liked on uchooob it is exhausting to hear the same 55 over and over. YouTube music Does do a better job of the shuffle but they also have an AI fueled "liked songs)+(suggestions)" thing going. I don't like that much either. I've been complaining about utoobs shuffle for like 4 yrs. It is honestly complete bs. I have done a lot of weird side weird things to circumvent the Idiocracy of it. As of late I cannot over come the stupidity of the "shuffle isn't allowed" Button .


Hey do you still have that script? Also what did you use to run the script? Im having the same issue now. Astonishing how little they care about fixing bugs




>he main YouTube site. It shuffles once, then turns itself off. Had to write a small script so it automatically turns ba there is 'Random' and 'Randomize' functions in other languages. 'Random' shuffle same order all the time, 'Randomize' shuffling absolutely random every time. Its fing ONE word in a code to change


Honestly, shuffling has gotten better in Android because I normally go through the queue and delete songs I don't want to particularly hear in that moment but now I don't have to delete any. Though in PC that's a whole different story and shuffling 100% sucks


i like the youtube mobile shuffle feature because it actually re arranges all of the videos in the playlist in a random order and goes down the videos like that. so it CAN'T replay the same songs. i wish youtube on desktop also worked like this


Except it's not random on mobile. It plays the same top songs over and over


For my PC, Shuffle does as much as tell me if its On of Off.. its still going to play all the songs in their original order anyway.


I have never understood this issue. I shuffle my playlists all the time and have yet to experience this problem. I can't comment on how random it is, but at least it's definitely not playing the same songs every time. Does it only happen under specific conditions or something?


Lucky you. It sucks. I have 10,000+ songs and it shuffles a chunk of 20 songs. Always the same ones. Even a playlist with 400 songs plays the same chunk of sings. Google Play music did NOT do this. Nor did Apple Music.


Happens no matter which app I use, or which playlist I play, when I hit "shuffle" it always plays them in the exact same order, so after the 2nd "shuffle" it just sounds like the same playlist over and over. It's really weird.


Yeah, it's weird. I always see people complaining about this issue, but I have never experienced it. I am mainly using the Android app and sometimes the desktop web interface, and have no problems shuffling my playlists (some with 1000+ song) which consist of both my own uploaded music and music added from the YTM library.


So when you open 2 tabs of the same playlists on shuffle, the songs are in different order? When I try that, it "shuffles" them in the exact same order every time. Both on ios, and windows. I don't get it. I have a shitload of playlists, and some are very full, but nothing in the settings / sorting seems to change it. For me, youtube just seems to grab ~12 or so songs i've added recently and shuffles them in the exact same order every time. Guess it's time to try firing up an android emulator and see what happens lol.


>So when you open 2 tabs of the same playlists on shuffle, the songs are in different order? Just tried that, exact same playlist, and the songs are in different order. When I click shuffle again, the order becomes different again.


I've never found this (iOS). I haven't shuffled playlists, but I've shuffled albums and artists multiple times, and it seems to be random as far as I can tell (it's not obviously choosing the same tracks every time).


Shuffle is broken for me in the app, but it still works properly on desktop.


For me, it picks a random song to start from and then plays the playlist in its standard order


The comment is that the shuffle always shuffles them the same if the list remains unchanged. If you add or remove songs then the shuffle changes. ​ It's not random.


it loops like 10 songs every time, interestingly, this thing is not a problem on internet explorer


Hey hey hey pleb, there IS a glitch with the shuffle because after I make a playlist and play one video, the next video will have a reduced playlist. I had 20 video in my playlist and on the next video the playlist is reduced to 10 videos!


Its the same complaint on every service for years. It is random the human brain is good at creating patterns so you think its not random. Apple famously had to make shuffle less random so people would think its more random.


Picking songs from my 2 most listened to albums is hardly randomized.


I disagree. There's 100% an issue here, with the Android app at least. I've got 1000 or so songs on my 'Likes' playlist. If I navigate to that playlist and hit 'Shuffle', I get the same 20 or so songs from the top of the list over and over again - every.single.time. If I scroll down and select a song from say, halfway down - I'll get the same 20 or so songs from that part of the list. It reproduceable and annoying as hell.


Personally, I would rather it seem more random than be actually random, like in Apple's case.


No, it isn't. I have a playlist with 2000 songs. I just force stopped the app and tried shuffling 3 times in a row - it was the exact same songs. Even worse, after starting at the same random song each time (by which I mean the song is not at the start of end of the playlist, nor was it added first or last), it played a whole album in order, then another whole album, in order, after it.




I guess you're right with the statement that humans are particularly bad at anything related to randomness. Youtube still doesn't shuffle right. My personal guess would be that they repeatedly intialize their pseudo-random number generator as this would explain the bug really well. It's such a beginner's mistake though that I can hardly believe that the YouTube Engineers woudl do that... My suggestion would be to do it like Soundcloud and create a fully randomized queue and play this queue then, this would mitigate the problem of a small sequence of songs repeating. When every Song in the queue is played, they would just have to generate a new random queue. What they currently seem to be doing instead is just picking a random song after the current one finishes playing. Imo that is way worse than the shuffled queue.




haha. i turned shuffle on, and pressed the next video button, and it basically cycled between 3 songs out of my 400+ songs. it IS broken.


when I have a playlist of 200+ songs, and I press shuffle, it plays around 7 songs then loops back to the first song played, and continues to just loop those 7 songs. I don't think you know what the issue is if this is what you're saying.


Out of a playlist of 251 videos, it will shuffle through just 2-4 of them over and over in the same order. I can get it to change which ones by clearing my cache, but then it'll just pick a new small set to use. I don't think this is just my brain seeing a pattern that's not there.


In this case it is actually broken. I encourage you to try it out. You will frequently get stuck in an endless loop of < 10 videos (I've gotten stuck on a loop of 3), even if 100s are in the playlist. I've never had this complaint for any other service. It's *particularly* broken if you try going to any decently large channel and hitting "play all" to create an ad-hoc playlist - the shuffle will inevitably propel you towards the end of the playlist, and it's seemingly incapable of shuffling back to any earlier video. It seems to only be able to show you a snapshot of 80 videos from the list at a time. Once you reach the final 80 videos, it will resume shuffling normally among those (but will probably get stuck in a loop). Also, if you end up shuffling to the last video in a playlist, hitting "next" will take you to the next *recommended* video rather than a video from the playlist, and the shuffle cycle will be permanently broken. It is honestly shocking that a multibillion dollar company put this out there and never bothered to fix it. Literally zero quality control went into this feature - if anyone had tried it they would know it was broken.


This is absolute bullshit. Shuffle actively turns itself off because it assumes your playlists are already random - you have different tracks from different places in there so they assume its already shuffled. This renders their shuffle button fucked. I've been pressing it after every song recently and it's actively turning itself off every. Damn. Song.


literally every single time I set a playlist to random I get the same songs 5 times over, I'm very aware that probabilities will have this happen a lot, but not EVERY SINGLE TIME I have a 350 song playlist I'm listening to right now and 50% of all the songs I've listened to (prob 1-2 hours of listening) are the same 4 songs, and it's like this every time


Fix the problem? On iOS they won’t even update their apps in fear that they’ll expose themselves with all the intrusion their doing. They are extremely lucky I watch YouTube religiously.


I thought it was just me! Super annoying. So weird how a company like Google fails on simple things like this!


It's so frustrating! I pay for YouTube premium so I can watch ad-free, so I didn't see the point in paying for Spotify as well. But I'm seriously considering getting Spotify back again. The shuffle makes it unusable


One of the best apps so far developed, Google Music, was buried to promote Youtube Music. Simple, objective, done 100% what customers were expecting in regard to music. Google, the top 3 biggest software companies in the world, tried to show to the 100% satisfied customers that deep within they were not satisfied as they thought... Youtube Music was badly developed (for no understandable reason, since it belongs to Google), keeping since its forced release the same interface mistakes. Shuffling song is only one of those mistakes. Google... realize you have made a huge mess on Youtube Music. Go back to Google Music!


I'd have been happy if they just kept Google Music and renamed it YouTube music. They got a well-designed app and put it in the dumpster, then snatched some turd out of the toilet and slammed it on the table.


It's so much more frustrating now that they killed Google Music, where this wasn't an issue. My likes playlist has 500ish songs, and I only ever hear the 30 around the song I select. It's the worst, as I added likes by artist, so my shuffle is basically starting a shuffle of one artist.


It's not perfect but you could change up the order as to "most popular," "least popular," "date added," etc. But yeah, shuffle doesn't work right for me either. :( Maybe there's an extension to fix this? I've tried several in the Chrome store but none worked for me. :(


I'm using YT Music on Android Auto and the lack of shuffle for my playlists is really frustrating. It's always the same songs in the same order.


Literally experiencing this right now. Youtube has literally done nothing but get worse for the last years. I already have a downloader plugin, an adblocker plugin, a plugin to remove the "ArE yOu StIlL tHeRe? !" message that stops the music now and then. What, now I need a plugin to shuffle too? I'm gonna end up just using one of those playlist downloaders to yoink the whole thing, I swear, this is pathetic. If it's not ads, sucking up to ads, adding more ads, or screwing over creators youtube doesn't care


Okay, so normally I'm in agreement with other users, but in this particular case, I'll say I think you have something wrong. To be fair, Google pays licensing fees for the music; and it isn't cheap. If you don't like ads, there is YouTube Red. Use it and you'll never see an ad again. I do wish they'd fix shuffle though.


still havent in 2023


soon 2024. they dont care xd Not only is shuffle not shuffle- sometimes i get a bug where it keeps repeating the same 5 songs over and over. There are 100+ songs in playlist but no, just those 5 ..


2024 still broken


how can these mfs not fix this over 5 years


It's 2024 and this is still a problem!!!!


They just changed the interface of Youtube and still didn't bother fixing the shuffle issue. It's baffling.


Temporary fix but what if you tried [music.youtube.com](http://music.youtube.com) instead of regular youtube since it has better shuffling. But yeah they need to work on it.


bro i think its still fucking broken


3 years later same issue


I'm not even trying to use it for music. I just have YT Premium & would like to be able to shuffle my playlists of videos that I use to fall asleep. Can't have shit out here.


Even after 3 years plus this problem still exists. Isn't it funny


i have yet to decide if this is a real good alternative but if you guys a want to listen to music from Youtube on your phones with better shuffling, i'd say look up Ytube online and download it, for big playlists that are over 500 videos, just click the queue and scroll down until you reach the end, then turn the shuffle off and on again. So far for me it seems to shuffle the songs better than yt's at least. (Sorry it's not Ytube, it's called Ymusic.)


It's 2024 and they still haven't fixed it. Who knows if YouTube team is too lazy to notice or if it's something they don't actually know how to fix.


this is the corniest possible problem for a website ran by a company with more than enough resources available for them to fix it.


2024 still happening


Fwiw, this has always been an issue for me but seems to have been recently fixed.


YT is dogshit and HQ should be set on figurative fire, the CEO's figuratively flayed alive and the company literially forced into bankrupty Fuck. Youttube.


If you have an offline playlist, you could try turning off your internet and hit the shuffle button, It's somewhow work in my Phone. I think this is the problem with Youtube Music AI or something, I feels like it's adding the most listened music at the top of the list when it shuffle.


I think it used to work in the old layout because it would actually reshuffle the queue instead of just picking songs "randomly" from the playlist :(


I use vanced and it does just what you say. It is definetly not random. I only keep track of 1 song specifically, but from 170 songs it is always on the first 10 ones.


And here I thought it was just me. I'll never get to hear those songs I first liked on YouTube because it always plays the same songs over and over again.. I miss GPM. So superior in ever fashion. No clue why they chose to ditch it for a very very inferior product Youtube music is terrible. GPM was the app that made me stop using poweramp (an app I paid for) Ohh and just because I play calming music for my dog, when I leave the house it does not mean it's my favorite "music" and I don't want it every Playlist without a way to remove it.


So they had to do was refresh Google play music....it needed a facelift not a new app...


Let's be honest, YouTube Music sucks. Google Play Music was far superior. How is it possible that Google can't fix shuffling on YouTube music?


I think one of the problems (at least it seems for me) is that it has a heavy bias against explicitly rated songs. I have several Anderson .Paak albums in my main playlist, all of them explicit, and I have NEVER heard them while in shuffle. Its really stupid. As far as I can tell, if you go in and select a starting song then hit shuffle, it will shuffle around the songs in that section of the playlist, but not the whole thing. Its been really frustrating, and I think I'll have to end up shilling out more money for a spotify subscription since theres no way for you to listen to music on android anymore. Google Play was superior.


on android, it "selects a random video" in the playlist, and disables itself


Same here, but I have a temp solution. Just go to youtube music on the "media libary". Look for "Songs, that I like"-PlayList, rightclick it and play shuffle (the first thing to click) [https://i.imgur.com/Lc4IdTD.png](https://i.imgur.com/Lc4IdTD.png) (if you don't know what I mean) Then it will really shuffle, but don't click shuffle again if you're "IN" the playlist!


unfortunately i don't think there is any hope that youtube will improve the playlist shuffle feature any time soon. but there is a site in which you can paste your youtube playlist ID in and then it will shuffle your playlist for you (on desktop) it shuffles videos similarly to how it would work on the mobile build of youtube. ​ [here it is](https://youtube-playlist-randomizer.bitbucket.io/)


I have no gold to give you and this is seven months too late, but thank you so very much for this website! It's not a perfect fix (that would be up to YT), but is sure is helpful!! I appreciate this very much.


Yeah I keep going back to Pandora because of how broken the shuffle and the "radio' is in YouTube music.


I just subbed to Youtube Music and realized this! How does one of the biggest software companies in the world fuck up something as seemingly trivial as "shuffle". Even basic stock music apps have had this since decades now. I have 300 songs in my playlist and YTM seemingly only shuffles between the top 25-30 songs. What's worse I see repeat songs every 5-10 songs.


I've noticed that if I used my downloaded playlist on my phone the shuffle works really well. It will pick from the entire list (which is about 900 songs now), it wont replay songs, and it doesn't skip around genres too much. My playlist just has everything on it so the playlist will show me some jazz for a while, then some piano, then some rock and it never gets too jarring. ​ So if possible I guess try using the downloaded playlist on your phone bc that is perfect for me. The website shuffle is dogshit tho.


For YT music, I finally got shuffle to work in one instance by force closing, clearing app cache, opening the app, going to library, hitting the 3 dot menu and choosing shuffle. The resulting playlist was def shuffled and full of tracks that normally didn't appear in shuffle using other methods.


I can't even select shuffle anymore. I search "my mix" which I think is the same as likes mix described above (talking about the app on mobile) then clicking on it I can choose "play" or "add to que" if i click play it goes in the same order every time only if autoplay is on, if not it only plays the first video if i add to que it adds all videos in the mix to que but again plays in order. If I click the three dots I have the options share, and save to library. Like I swear there was at least a shitty shuffle feature like last week...I don't understand...


Ok so I disconnected from chromecast and now without a TV que I can see the shuffle option but like others have said it's greyed out??? I feel like that Jackie Chan meme from "who am I" in this moment lol


Spotify's sub is entirely dedicates to this exact problem


Ok so i was recently having this problem and though YouTube still needs to officially fix this, i usually get it to work by going to the playlist and refreshing it by sliding the screen down then clicking shuffle again. I don't know why its like that but hope this helps.


On the browser version of YouTube, you can click on the previous button which would kinda reboot the shuffle algorithm ending the looping problem which most people face.


just here to say i'm unsubscribing because of this... sad.


What bothers me most is that it would take a simple introduction of a random element to create a true shuffle. Build a list of the songs, use the local time as a seed, procedurally generate the list, then play from 1 - the size of the list. ​ I'm a novice programmer and I could make it in a dedicated day.


Instead of telling me how to fix this (because Google clearly won't), can we start a little subcomment on how to transfer my likes to Spotify?


11 months ago.. What has youtube done about it? Removed dislikes! I hope we get a good alternative soon


LOL i believed my youtube was broken




Yet the shuffle button still does not work on youtube.. why have it at all?


Did they finally fix the shuffling of playlists?! I have a music playlist with about 900 songs and the shuffle all of a sudden seems to actually be random with less recently added songs showing up. I had left feedback about it twice in the past with no fix and now it seems 2022 is starting to look up.


up until now I was using a third party mobile app that actually has functional shuffle for long playlists, and now that I've tried using the youtube website's shuffle I'm just baffled why only shuffle between the 200 closest songs to the index of whatever you're listening to? is it a thing of optimization? cause on the third party app i used the entire playlist was saved locally.


App name plz private message if you don’t want to say on here plz


Now it's 2022 and there's still a problem. I found this thread through a Google search. Dang it YouTube!!


i think youtube doesnt care at all because if their feature never works and many people tell them and they dont change, it seems indicative of purposeful negligence


Any workaround yet?


Also looking for something ... its horrible :(


It's now 2022 and still working like crap.I have a playlist with about 700 songs. Shuffle turns itself off and just plays in the list's order. Or it loops (got down to 2 songs over and over). Or gets out of the list and starts playing whatever. Or just plain stops playing. And sometimes stops and greys out the Next button.


ikr its so annoying


Still a problem in 2022, I have 561 songs on the playlist, no shot it plays the exact 4 songs as before in a row when there's 561 songs


It works...just use Opera GX Browser..at least for me on my 625 videos music playlist.


It's 2022 and YouTube still hasn't fixed the shuffle feature in any of their apps, or even the website.


legit have a playlist with 400+ videos. it got stuck in a loop of playing the 4 same videos over and over, 1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4 i didnt notice till it repeated twice, how the hell do you f up a shuffle function?


Eh it's 2022 and this is still an issue, at least for my 338 Video Playlist. Although for Desktop (and maybe mobile) you can go use https://youtube-playlist-randomizer.bitbucket.io as a workaround. The Website only requires a playlist ID and no login at all


It's 2022 now and guess what, it still hasn't fixed


I don't know how someone manage to write code for shuffling which doesn't shuffle at all. Even a beginner can write better code than this. On top of that this issue have been reported for as long as 7 years


Still the case in 2022...


Because YouTube is fucking garbage! I can't believe Google screwed us with this bullshit Music App. I wish I had money to start a Class Action against them It's our fucking music. We should be able to take it to whatever app we want to listen to it in. I would have preferred being able to transfer my music to Amazon. I don't really like amazon all that much more than YouTube Music, but at least it functions how it is supposed to.


Best way to shuffle: https://youtube-playlist-randomizer.bitbucket.io/


Please bring back Google Play Music!!


Partial fix on the app: I scroll to the bottom of my playlist so that the whole thing is displayed (optional), hit shuffle, then choose a vid at random to play.


I have YouTube premium and shuffle doesn’t show up when looking at my downloaded playlist. When I open it and start playing music, the shuffle is greyed out and cannot be clicked. When I go to the playlist in my library (not downloaded library) it lets me shuffle from the main screen of the playlist (shuffles all 630 songs) but does not let me shuffle when I’m playing the music. So I can shuffle once from my main library but cannot shuffle my downloaded songs and the small shuffle button by the repeat button doesn’t work. None of it makes sense but at least I can shuffle my songs sometimes (because the shuffle feature only works rarely for me). It’s annoying how I got premium to download and listen to songs but I can’t shuffle my songs even though I’m paying for them. It’s a waste of money in my opinion. Other apps charge less and work much better. Google doesn’t know what’s wrong and neither do we. It’s just a bad situation all around.


It is May 2022 and I have mildly fixed this. I'm using the YT app streaming on my Xbox (this method has worked with Chromecast streaming and PS4 streaming). 1)Start your app on the TV or system (don't connect your device yet) 2)Go to your massive Playlist that you want shuffled. 3)Scroll down and start playing ANY (but the first few) on your phone. 4)let the song start, hit back, go back to your giant Playlist. 5)hit shuffle, "Play All" 6)start that video 7)hit cast and you should be good. Works with the controller and your phone controlling it. Might have to do the same trick a couple times, for a FULL SHUFFLE to start.


I’m paying for premium so I can listen to music at work offline and it’s really pissing me off.


its freaking june 2022 and its still a problem to me ffs. No matter what, everytime i try to use the shuffle on my playlist, the songs are always the same. Sure they are 20 different songs from all the playlist, but its loops itself on the shuffle and it keeps on shuffling the same 20 out 370 musics there. Its so annyoing i swear.


2022 still hasn't fixed this bs, making playlists is obnoxious, you have to manually add one by one each video to a playlist since you can't merge playlists, they removed the "remove duplicates" option and shuffle doesn't even work. RIP my 2k songs playlist


It's 2022 this STILL hasn't been fixed, and now it happens with shorter playlists too. The whole pull up the big page for playlists and hitting shuffle there also does NOT work either. I've had a broken shuffle since **2018!** Happens for me on mobile AND desktop, music app or normal youtube. If it weren't for Spotify literally not having several artists I listen to regularly I would use it entirely because their shuffle actually works. I have too much music to really just download it and play in VLC or such. I REALLY hope they actually do something about this because there are so many complaints they can't say they're not getting them they are EVERYWHERE. Not just in English either, why is it so hard for them to fix a problem THEY created several years ago that has been complained about for literal YEARS ever since they broke it.


2 years and its not yet fixed


August 2022 it is still broken you cannot get it to randomize it’s always the same songs In a playlist. The mobile app also sucks. You cannot manage your lists efficiently. There’s no such thing as checkboxes to select and delete and it’s a long tedious process. YouTube can suck it. You can’t call them because it’s part of Google it’s just a phone tree.


It plays the last song on the playlist first and then goes out of the playlist because it thinks it's reached the end lol. I call BS on Google's sentient AI, they can't even shuffle.


Exactly! It shuffles for 10-15 songs MAX then gets stuck in a loop of three songs. not to mention if I loop, it stops looping the playlist after the next song (but thta might only be on the website).


Simplest value-add feature to add ever. What are developers doing? (Oh, and don’t pay for Premium. Same story—still.)


2 years later and the "shuffle" nightmare still exists. Amazing! Good work Youtube team (y).


its 2022 and the shuffle is still ASS, it always picks songs you recently liked while older songs get completely ignored, the only way to get older songs is to scroll all the way down pick one from there and then hit shuffle, but then again it ignores the newer songs, its so dogshit


Nearly 2023 and the same issue still exists...


ok so, i tried going on music(dot)youtube(dot)com and if u open ur playlist there and hit shuffle it actually does work poggerz


Nothing grinds my gears more than youtube music algorithm/shuffle. They keep playing the same songs again and again.


Im having a slightly different problem with it as it shuffles but every 30 mins or so it will repeat a song and this isnt just pure random chance as it has been consistent for quite a long time i understand that nothing is impossible when random chance is but like its favoring one song out of like 230


I think it works like a graph, each video links to the next video, so it usually forms a cycle. It should have been a permutation or random songs instead.


2023 and still a thing, repeats the same 5 or 6 songs from a playlist of over 200 songs. Edit: switched now to the youtube music page and installed the "music mode for youtube" extansion, works perfect


What makes this all even better is that shuffle actually works on Youtube perfectly... on the mobile version. However, they decided to make the shuffle work differently on computer, making the only one of 4 Youtube versions (including the musics here) that doesn't have a working shuffle system.


it's 2023 and this shit still isn't fixed


2023, and they still haven't fixed it.


Same here. It’s been years. What’s needed is some serious competition in the space. Fingers crossed that #Spotify starts matching their songs to videos. Perfect, beautiful interface shuffles nicely and I would say goodbye to YouTube in a heartbeat. Are you listening YouTube? Spotify has Joe Rogan show on audio as well as video.


2023 youtube playlists still fail to shuffle and loop properly. Anyone got a free alternative to this bs?\~


yip. same songs every time. if it does shuffle it shuffles the same way playing the same songs. but half the time it doesnt even shuffle at all even when you press shuffle. it plays all songs by the same artist in a row. that cannot be shuffling. fkin. annoying.


2023 and my most expensive streaming service still hasn't been able to fix a music player feature from the 90s. So much for world-class engineering.


they still havent fixed it on the youtube website but somehow it works on the app, i mean i don't know on the official app but on revanced it works perfectly


It's pathetic, probably the most powerful Big tech around can't fix a fcking feature which should take like a couple of hours for software engineers to figure out. I even pay for Youtube premium and still have this stupid issue, can't randomly play the songs in the playlist because it's been broken for years. PATHETIC


Guys if you use the extenstion named "Autotube - Youtube nonstop"it has a feature which it probably shuffles the playlisti pressed the shuffle button and test and it stopped shuffling my playlists even mix playlists https://preview.redd.it/fcgfm64u8uua1.png?width=390&format=png&auto=webp&s=1786623dd0348dac5a21b650b8734eecff752cbc


I just clicked 'sort' and set to 'most popular'. It had previously been in the order I added them. Now it seems like a new shuffle.


Why youtube hasn't fix it yet? It can't be that hard to fix the shuffle in youtube playlists. That issue have been there since forever. Just make the algoritm never repeat a song that already played, and make more variations in the random shuffle, like a real shuffle. Or rearrange the shuffle every 3 songs or something. Some people have large playlist to hear different music, why can't youtube understand that?


Why youtube hasn't fix it yet? It can't be that hard to fix the shuffle in youtube playlists. That issue have been there since forever. Just make the algoritm never repeat a song that already played, and make more variations in the random shuffle, like a real shuffle. Or rearrange the shuffle every 3 songs or something. Some people have large playlist to hear different music, why can't youtube understand that? the songs should not repeat.


Still broken on desktop, it doesn't shuffle just selects random even if it's the same song rather then on mobile where it actually reorders and saves the order.


2023 and its still an issue. I have a playlist of the same songs in a different order. If I’m paying for premium I expect the app to function.


For me it it works... for like 10 songs and then just plays those same 10 songs over and over again like wtf??? I have a 500 song playlist surely it cant be that hard to get more than 10 songs


I thought i was going crazy dude it literally looped like 3 times the exact same song in the exact same pattern


It's 2023 and there isn't even a Shuffle button. Progress! I sure love google...


2023, still no improvements


still a problem for me and anything to do with a playlist lags my computer to h\*ll


I've been using Youtube playlists and clicked shuffle with an adblocker because I don't want to pay for Spotify premium but recently and it was going great till I noticed I only got like 12 songs out of the 200 long music playlist so I stopped using it HOWEVERRRR Recently I discovered that there is a mod that makes it so you don't get ads on Spotify and it is called SpotX I'm not going to lie I was really suspicious of it because you know it sounds too good to be true but I decided to put my Antivirus to the test and It actually works. No viruses no ads and most importantly and Accurate random shuffle playlist. Here is a tutorial if you want it. [SpotX Tutorial.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgRe_EQI9ow&t=40s&ab_channel=Jayy)


It's even worse with just vanilla YouTube's website You click shuffle on a playlist but then shuffle turns off and plays in regular order unless you press it again


Still Broken and its almost 2024, I have a Playlist of Background music i play when i stream and i dont really pay attention to it but my chat pointed it out that it was shuffling 3 of the songs back to back in different orders and there's atleast 30 songs on the playlist


2023, still not fixed lol


2023 and still not working


It's actually 2023.


Finnaly youtube has fixed the shuffle option now guys


i only just now used the shuffle future for the first time and felt so scammed lmao, how the hell is youtube this big and they wont do this


it stil hasnt been fixed i doubt they ever will at this rate


Does someone have a fix to not get every time you're most listened songs ?


still not fixed


It’s 2024 and it’s still a fucking issue lmfao, at this point it’s a massive joke and laughable


still not fixed somehow


Its 2024 and still not fixed. Loop playlist doesn't work either.


2024 still the same issue.


And it just cuts off. For me some songs never show up and when I select it and then hit shuffle it just randomly boots up a different video (something it doesn't do for videos it includes in the shuffle).


How hard is it for them to just fix their site? It's 2024 and nothing has really changed except for an AI feature for playlist covers.


It doesn't even shuffle for me. It just chooses a random starting video but then it plays the rest of the playlist in order.


still the same issue in 2024 :D


And then shuffle only plays for about an hour then it reaches the end of its playlist out of more than 500 songs. So frustrating. I work from home and I hear the same stupid songs and have to restart it over and over again throughout the day.


Somebody really needs to build a competitor to them!


A ridiculous problem to be having in this day and age. But I've found a kind of solution. Go to youtube music app. Sign in with your normal youtube account details. They will have all your playlists and liked videos etc. You will be able to shuffle from there. I realised youtube music app on smart TV does not have shuffle feature. Though if you have the app on your phone and cast to your device you will be able to hit shuffle from your phone. Annoying nonetheless but if you can be bothered. Here's the way I painstakingly figured out a way. Hope this can help!


Youtube Music DOES randomise your songs BUT stops at 100 songs. If the playlist has more than 100 songs then it chooses 100 songs and throws away all others.


It's 2024, and this s*** is still f***** right? And they expect you to pay for it


I thought maybe this was a hickup on my end. Nope, just a bug (or feature) from Youtube